Immigration is Destroying America.

I suggest you take the matter up with those democrats.

Suggestion, from Muslim Islamist immigrants who appear to be jihadist, is not something that Americans should listen to even for a second. The end goal is always the same - to destroy America, abolish the Constitution, and convert it into an Islamic state. So is the stated goal of the North America Muslim Brotherhood.
A faith that actually believes what its Holy Book says? For shame.

It most certainly is for shame. Hardly anything in the world could be more shameful than being a Muslim follower of the Koran (and there's not a damn thing "Holy" about it, nor is Islam a "faith")
Of course anyone who is even slightly educated knows that the term "Native American" refers to those peoples who had populated North and South America prior to large-scale European exploration and eventual settlement.

A person who is not a Native American but was born in the US would be referred to as a "native-born American." Even children in kindergarten are aware of this distinction.

And - of course - anyone born in the US is a United States citizen, so the term "anchor baby" is a gratuitous and inappropriate slur against American citizens by people who do not possess the intelligence to direct their ire at its rightful target.

"Native American" means born in the USA. Just because a few young, scatter-brained ultra-liberals thought they'd like to change the correct term, "American Indian", to "Native American" doesn't make it correct. It is 100% INcorrect, just as the term African-American is also incorrect, to describe black people. I have known 4 guys in my life who immigrated to the US from Africa. They are from Botswana, Tanzania, South Africa, and Rhodesia (now called Zimbabwe).
All are African-Americans. All 4 are White.

The word "native" refers to where one is born. You can't come along and change the American English language, just because you feel like it.
He has issues understanding that in technical terms, he's a squatter. The Native Americans had a terrible immigration policy. They should have slaughtered us as we came ashore.

We Native Americans currently have a terrible immigration policy. That's the TOPIC of the thread, not misnaming American Indians.
Each Thanksgiving, let's remember the Native Americans who showed compassion to the dirt-poor, starving, illegal immigrants who came to this land hoping to make a better life.

Anyone who has a problem with immigration has a problem with America. This is a nation founded by immigrants and built by immigrants. Anyone who has a problem with immigration to the US can fuck off back to a 16th century London slum.

GO FUCK YOURSELF, you Traitor-Moron!!
A testy squatter...

People who were born in the USA (ie. native Americans) are not squatters. Squatters are people who move into a place, not who were there from birth. Try to get this right in the future.
You have already admitted that your purpose here is to attempt - in the most childish and ham-handed of ways - to insult my fellow Americans specifically and exclusively for being born American citizens, as perhaps you yourself were. The difference between you and those American citizens against whom you cast your little barbs is that YOU are deserving of disdain; YOU have earned enmity.

And YOU can go fuck yourself. Do not insult my fellow Americans for being Americans. You lack the intelligence to direct your ire at its rightful target, and you lack the character and understanding to ever be a real American.

I have insulted no one...

Disingenuous douche. You don't even have the sack to stand behind your own words. Again you prove yourself unworthy of being an American.
Thank you for your feedback.

Come back when you wish to debate the point rather than fling-about monkey-poo.

Your responses are devoid of substance and are, quite probably, indicative of some sort of intellectual deficiency.

My use of the label "Anchor Babies" is accurate and acceptable.

I will not be bullied by you nor others into surrendering a powerful and accurate descriptor.

If you find it offensive... you're just going to have to live with the insult.

While I sit on the other wide of the keyboard-pipeline, laughing at your discomfort, and delighting in speculation over the reason why it triggers such a visceral reaction on your part.

Your precious 'Anchor Babies' are the spawn of lying, cheating Illegal Aliens, and they are only citizens because of an unintended loophole in the 14th Amendment which their trespassing, lawbreaking parents were able to take advantage of, wittingly or unwittingly.

If you have substantive reasons to serve-up, with respect to Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Baby offspring, which refutes the ideas that (1) these Aliens were NOT here Illegally at the time of such births, or (2) such Illegals are oftentimes not deported, because of their Anchor Baby offspring, then... by all means, present your case.

Otherwise, the appellation "Anchor Babies" stays.

It is an accurate metaphorical Descriptor, whether you like it or not.

It is also a powerful linguistic weapon in the ongoing propaganda battle against Illegal Aliens and their ability to create more Anchor Babies.

The lying and cheating and trespassing which their parents committed are the true insult, not the appellation 'Anchor Babies'.

As to what constitutes 'American-ism', I've done my time, and earned my stripes, and I'll keep my own counsel in that regard, rather than yours.

Now... go dry-hump somebody else's leg, puppy... yer slowin' down the conversation.
The Native Americans had a terrible immigration policy. They should have slaughtered us as we came ashore.

"Us"? "We"? Just how old are you?

Also, though it shouldn't need repeating:

Of course anyone who is even slightly educated knows that the term "Native American" refers to those peoples who had populated North and South America prior to large-scale European exploration and eventual settlement.

A person who is not a Native American but was born in the US would be referred to as a "native-born American." Even children in kindergarten are aware of this distinction.

And - of course - anyone born in the US is a United States citizen, so the term "anchor baby" is a gratuitous and inappropriate slur against American citizens by people who do not possess the intelligence to direct their ire at its rightful target.
It is also a powerful linguistic weapon ...

It is clear that you don't know anything about linguistics. Your area of expertise seems to be childishly insulting American citizens for small-minded rhetorical purposes. Not much of a skill, champ.
Each Thanksgiving, let's remember the Native Americans who showed compassion to the dirt-poor, starving, illegal immigrants who came to this land hoping to make a better life.

Anyone who has a problem with immigration has a problem with America. This is a nation founded by immigrants and built by immigrants. Anyone who has a problem with immigration to the US can fuck off back to a 16th century London slum.

Eloquently put.
Each Thanksgiving, let's remember the Native Americans who showed compassion to the dirt-poor, starving, illegal immigrants who came to this land hoping to make a better life.

Anyone who has a problem with immigration has a problem with America. This is a nation founded by immigrants and built by immigrants. Anyone who has a problem with immigration to the US can fuck off back to a 16th century London slum.

GO FUCK YOURSELF, you Traitor-Moron!!
A testy squatter...

You are correct in sentiment, but not in reasoning. Being of immigrant descent (as we all are if you go back far enough) does not make one a "squatter" in principle or law. The 'person' (I use the term very loosely) with whom you were interacting is a squatter because he has demonstrated that he does not understand, respect, or accept what it means to be an American in principle. Since we are a nation founded upon principle, this is a very significant measure.
I guess it's time yet again to reiterate that there is a very crucial distinction between legal and illegal immigration. Any rational person knows this, of course. They also know, if they simply look at the facts, that the US is anything but "overcrowded." Finally, anyone with even the slightest measurable brain activity knows that one does not make up their own list of 'conclusions' (pulled from the darkest recesses of the digestive tract) and then expect anyone else to accept them as some sort of legitimate point of reference.
It should be noted that this thread is about immigration and not about bashing any particular religion. I hope certain trolls will stop attempting to divert and derail the thread by going off on tangents about their personal religious bigotry.

And just in case certain individuals have gone off their meds again: No, I am not a Muslim myself. My ancestors emigrated from Ireland only a few generations ago. None of that is really relevant to this discussion, but certain individuals who are clearly losing their struggle with mental illness seem to require the information to forestall any future off-topic idiocy. I am not hopeful that providing this information will be effective, but you can't say I didn't try.
I guess it's time yet again to reiterate that there is a very crucial distinction between legal and illegal immigration. Any rational person knows this, of course. They also know, if they simply look at the facts, that the US is anything but "overcrowded." Finally, anyone with even the slightest measurable brain activity knows that one does not make up their own list of 'conclusions' (pulled from the darkest recesses of the digestive tract) and then expect anyone else to accept them as some sort of legitimate point of reference.
We cannot feed or house or employ all of our own.

That means that we already have more than we can handle.

That means that we are overcrowded.

No need to wait until we're packed into the place like sardines.

We have expanded as far as we can, east-to-west.

We have expanded all that we are going to expand, north-to-south.

We must now make-do with what we have, like everyone else.

That includes refraining from (a) over-breeding or (b) over-intaking, until we're all as miserable as those second- and third-world shitholes where so many of our immigrants hail from.

Illegal Immigration is poisonous to this country, as are its practitioners and byproducts.

Legal Immigration can continue to be accommodated at present quota-levels for a while still, but we should probably begin to consider throttling that back as well.

One hundred years ago, we still needed to (and could) accommodate large numbers of new arrivals.

That is no longer the case.

We have all we need - all the muscle and intellect that we could possibly need.

If we can't find what we need from amongst the 300,000,000+ within our own borders, there's a very good chance that it's not to be had, at any price, from any quarter.

We can always use a handful of Exceptional Folk who might want to come here, but we've just about reached the point where we're "Full-Up" and don't need New Arrivals any longer in the quantities which we once did.

Nothing wrong with that.

Nothing lasts forever.

Including the demand for new immigrants.

We may very well be a nation built on immigration, but that does not bind us nor condemn us to accept large-scale waves of immigrants forevermore, once we've had our fill.

Keep the numbers for Legal Immigration at present levels for a few more years.

Hold a serious and objective National Conversation regarding IF and WHEN and HOW we might want to begin scaling back on Legal Immigration, including what those cut-off threshholds might be, from a holistic, QUality-of-Life and Resource-Conservation perspective.

A conversation in which people of goodwill, from all ends of the opinion-spectrum, get to have their say, and have their opinions treated with respect and full consideration.

And then, if indicated and deemed desirable, pull-back on the throttle, or, at the very least, begin routine monitoring for those agreed-upon thresholds for triggering such a cut-off.

Having doubled our population - from 150,000,000 to 300,000,000 - in a mere half-century - and with the population rate skyrocketing even higher in some parts of the world from which we would be accepting additional immigrants...

Engaging the nation at-large in such matters, in a serious fashion, is the only sensible and responsible thing to do.
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The more you talk about me telling lies, the dumber you look. Hundreds of people in this thread have long ago accepted what I've said about my background, and this has been discussed in dozens of threads. You coming in here now calling it lies, does ONE THING > make you look stupid.

And YOU are a LIBERAL, who supports immigration and multi-culturalism.
ROFL caught in yet another blatant lie and you just keep digging and deflecting. Hundreds of people have accepted that you are a lying racist biggot. I'm sure there might be one person who still thinks you are an independent and not an Eisenhower Republican as previously self-identified and still identified by your avatar. And yes, just because you may be hispanic does not mean you are immune to bigotry and racism against immigrants.

I'm a conservative libertarian. I support legal immigration of qualified candidates. And yes, I support multi-culturalism. In my opinion the valid problems you list are all solvable problems by themselves. Further immigration may put emphasis on the problems in the case of accepting immigrants who are not qualified, but immigration is not the cause of these problems. The problems for the most part are caused by the libtard policies.

Perhaps you should qualify which immigrants you are complaining about. Is it the English or Canadian immigrants who come here on green cards and earn the same as if not more than Americans and pay their taxes?

"Caught' ? Where ? How ? You say things, and offer no basis for them.

Now you say >> "Hundreds of people have accepted that you are a lying racist biggot." But I've challenged you to show ONE example of anything I've said that is racist or bigoted, and you've FAILED to do that. All you do is laughably repeat the words over and over, and now ludicrously claim hundreds of other people think it too.

HA HA HA. I doubt that you have any idea how ridiculous you look. Well, let me know when you think you've come up with that ONE EXAMPLE of me saying something racist or bigoted. I'm still waiting for that. And BTW, so are the hundreds of other people. :lol:

And you also claim that I identified myself as an Eisenhower Republican. Yeah ? where did I do that ? I think I challenged you on that before, and your FLUNKED on that one too. So I'm still waiting for that too. Got a quote ? Got a Post # ? Got a page # ? Got anything ? :lol:

And as a supporter of multiculturalism, you CANNOT be a Conservative. Conservatives are Nationalists. As such, we oppose multiculturalism. We wish to CONSERVE the values and principles, and culture of America. We abide by te definitiion of a NATION > a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture and language in common.
Since you are a multiculturalist, that makes you a LIBERAL, and of the highest degree.

As for immigration itself, sure it is the cause of many of our problems. All listed in the Harms of immigration list. Maybe some of them (like remittances) you are clueless about, but most of these harms are self-explanatory, and even 10 year olds in the 5th grade could understand & explain them easily. And NO, I don't have to qualify which immigrants I'm talking about. Just a quick look at the Harms list shows that ANY immigrants are harmful to America.


See post #754 with the frigging link ya dumb ass, and the copy of your statement.

Conservatives are not racist bigots like you.

Again WTF are you talking about with the remittances thing? Are you really bitching about someone sending their family money? WTF is wrong with you? You think their money is yours? WTF?
I guess it's time yet again to reiterate that there is a very crucial distinction between legal and illegal immigration. Any rational person knows this, of course. They also know, if they simply look at the facts, that the US is anything but "overcrowded." Finally, anyone with even the slightest measurable brain activity knows that one does not make up their own list of 'conclusions' (pulled from the darkest recesses of the digestive tract) and then expect anyone else to accept them as some sort of legitimate point of reference.
We cannot feed or house or employ all of our own.

Of course we "can." We don't because we are not a communist country promising these things to every member of a collective. We provide the opportunity for individuals to earn these things for themselves. In theory at least, we then provide a helping hand to those who sincerely try but fail or are legitimately incapable.
Legal Immigration can continue to be accommodated at present quota-levels for a while still, but we should probably begin to consider throttling that back as well.

Quite the contrary. We have a rapidly declining fertility rate (we fell below replacement level of 2.1 children per woman in 2007, remember?), a shrinking population of younger people supporting a rapidly growing population of older people who are living longer and longer. Even you should be able to do this math.

I have provided statistical evidence supporting these FACTS many, many times on this thread. Unless you are as mentally unstable as what's-his-ass there, you should be able to see the picture by now.
- and with the population rate skyrocketing even higher in some parts of the world from which we would be accepting additional immigrants......

And where, in your imagination, would that be?
A conversation in which people of goodwill....

You have proven on this thread that YOU are not such a person.
I am not the one hurling invective at any colleague which disagrees with him...

Don't flatter yourself by imagining you are my "colleague." You have been "hurling invective" at American citizens in general for many pages now on this very thread, so save your hypocrisy.
I guess it's time yet again to reiterate that there is a very crucial distinction between legal and illegal immigration. Any rational person knows this, of course. They also know, if they simply look at the facts, that the US is anything but "overcrowded." Finally, anyone with even the slightest measurable brain activity knows that one does not make up their own list of 'conclusions' (pulled from the darkest recesses of the digestive tract) and then expect anyone else to accept them as some sort of legitimate point of reference.
We cannot feed or house or employ all of our own.

Of course we "can." We don't because we are not a communist country promising these things to every member of a collective. We provide the opportunity for individuals to earn these things for themselves. In theory at least, we then provide a helping hand to those who sincerely try but fail or are legitimately incapable.
Wake me up when we have managed to level the playing field sufficiently so that every child gets the chance to attend the same number of years of school, at the same caliber of school, as all of his peers.

Higher education is the key, and we have far, far too many of our children, stopped in their tracks, and foregoing their potential for themselves and their communities and their country, because they cannot afford to go to college.

Children of better-off and well-to-do and rich people go to university.

Children of lower-middle-class and poor people go to factories.

Not exactly a level playing field, is it?

Employment and housing and the rest all depend upon that life-changing fork in the road.

It's true, that college is not for everyone, and that there are dolts from all walks of life and all strata and classes of economic and social status, who simply should not be going to college.

But we lose-out on a great meny talented people, who cannot go to school beyond their teen years, simply because their parents did not have the money to send them, and because they did not quality for substantive assistance with tuitition, books, living expenses, etc., that the child of a better-off family more frequently benefits from.

If we cannot educate our people to a higher standard, collectively, then the playing field is not as level as you would like to believe.

Consequently, we see life-long gaps with respect to employment, housing, etc.

And, if you believe that there are jobs out there, that pay anything close to a living wage, just sitting around screaming to be filled, you're delusional, and need to get your ass out in the bush more often.

In my role as a department manager, and a department-level hiring authority, of skilled technology -focused workers, it has been my experience over time - most especially since the MegaCrash of 2007 - that there are far more people seeking jobs than there are jobs.

I am in regular touch with fellow middle-level managers, and both internal and external HR departments, and well-known large-scale recruiting companies, and county- and city-level job-retraining and job-placement agencies, and, I can tell you, my experience on the local (northern Illinois) level, and my reading with respect to the situation nationwide, does not mirror your anecdotal opinions on the subject.

Virtually all large-scale segments of the job market are saturated, and employers and head-hunter agencies continue to be bombarded with dozens and scores and even hundreds of applications for every job posted.

I reject your opinion, pertaining to employment, and the room (or lack of it) that we have, to employ still more from the outside, through continued large-scale immigration.
You have proven on this thread that YOU are not such a person.
I am not the one hurling invective at any colleague which disagrees with him...

Don't flatter yourself by imagining you are my "colleague." You have been "hurling invective" at American citizens in general for many pages now on this very thread, so save your hypocrisy.
I am, indeed, your colleague, and the colleague of each-and-every other subscriber to this board system, as are you.

I have not been hurling invective at anyone, clown, although I've been enjoying myself, pissing you off, my little internet tough guy.



I choose my metaphors and descriptors in complete freedom, and I defend those choices.

I openly confess to them, and rationalize them, and, finding them appropriate, refuse to be bullied into surrendering them or their valuable utility.

I do not impugn you for expressing a different opinion, nor do I become overly excited when some of my own opinions or data or graphs are rejected.

In that regard, I choose not to take that approach with you, mostly because your contributions on this subject are of a generally low quality, as are the conclusions which you draw from your meager data, as are their articulation here.

Generally speaking, you're talent lies in copy-and-paste of other peoples' thoughts - and a strident insistence upon their infallibility - as opposed to collegially articulating and discussing and defending your position, using your own words.

Generally speaking, you're nowhere near as good as you think you are.

As for me, I'm just not that difficult a take-down, and there are a great many people on this board system who can routinely kick my ass, from one side of this board system to another.

It's just that you are not one of them.

At least not based on what you have served-up to date.

But yer a funny, wee little boggit, and you amuse.
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