Immigration is Destroying America.

Legal Immigration can continue to be accommodated at present quota-levels for a while still, but we should probably begin to consider throttling that back as well.

Quite the contrary. We have a rapidly declining fertility rate (we fell below replacement level of 2.1 children per woman in 2007, remember?), a shrinking population of younger people supporting a rapidly growing population of older people who are living longer and longer. Even you should be able to do this math.

I have provided statistical evidence supporting these FACTS many, many times on this thread. Unless you are as mentally unstable as what's-his-ass there, you should be able to see the picture by now.
And what YOU do not seem to understand is that - just like the Housing Crash - our population has been growing steadily for centuries, and it, too, requires a 'market correction'.

We do not NEED more people to prop-up the aging Boomers.

The Boomers will die off, over the next 20-30 years, and that will be that.

With any luck, our population will fall, considerably, through simple attrition, to a more manageable and sustainable level.

We don't need 300,000,000 people within our borders.

250,000,000 or 200,000,00 would be just fine.

Even if it takes 50 or 100 years to get there.

Even if it takes a 'market correction' or two, or a tear or two in the safety net, to get there, because of modest imbalance between interim declining birth rates and interim increasing longevity.

The scaling-back of Total Population is the most significant aspect of this discussion.

Immigration is merely one secondary and contributing factor to that broader discussion.

The birth rate is falling?


Let it fall.

Let the chips fall where they may.

Let's have the inevitable 'market correction' and get it the hell over with.

Our grandchildren or great-grandchildren will be the better for it.

Nothing radical.

Simple attrition will do nicely... rather than through war, famine or plague.

Simple attrition will do nicely... so long as we don't do anything foolish on the immigration front.

In pursuit of that higher-order goal, we can also begin to contemplate throttling-back on Legal Immigration, as well as the Illegal stuff.

Let's see where we are in 2020, with the results of the next US Census, and, if the population is larger than it was in 2010, and if that increase cannot rightfully be attributed in the main to aging, then, we need to start pulling back on that Immigration Throttle-Lever.

We simply don't need immigration today, the way we once did.
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We cannot feed or house or employ all of our own.

Of course we "can." We don't because we are not a communist country promising these things to every member of a collective. We provide the opportunity for individuals to earn these things for themselves. In theory at least, we then provide a helping hand to those who sincerely try but fail or are legitimately incapable.
Wake me up when we have managed to level the playing field sufficiently .

You don't want to wake up, you want to live in your communist fantasy-land. Too bad it doesn't (and won't ever) exist.
Wake me up when we have managed to level the playing field sufficiently so that every child gets the chance to attend the same number of years of school, at the same caliber of school, as all of his peers.

Higher education is the key, and we have far, far too many of our children, stopped in their tracks, and foregoing their potential for themselves and their communities and their country, because they cannot afford to go to college.

Children of better-off and well-to-do and rich people go to university.

Children of lower-middle-class and poor people go to factories.

Not exactly a level playing field, is it?.

It's not reality either, is it? NO, it isn't, comrade. There are many, many paths, programs, and means by which a motivated person from the middle or lower economic 'class' can attend university in this country. You are being dishonest in your need to indulge in histrionics.

You seem to want Harrison Bergeron's world. You aren't going to get it.
And, if you believe that there are jobs out there, that pay anything close to a living wage, ...

"Living wage" is an empty term cooked up by liberals which will always only mean one thing: MORE.
Wake me up when we have managed to level the playing field sufficiently so that every child gets the chance to attend the same number of years of school, at the same caliber of school, as all of his peers.

Higher education is the key, and we have far, far too many of our children, stopped in their tracks, and foregoing their potential for themselves and their communities and their country, because they cannot afford to go to college.

Children of better-off and well-to-do and rich people go to university.

Children of lower-middle-class and poor people go to factories.

Not exactly a level playing field, is it?.

It's not reality either, is it? NO, it isn't, comrade. There are many, many paths, programs, and means by which a motivated person from the middle or lower economic 'class' can attend university in this country. You are being dishonest in your need to indulge in histrionics.

You seem to want Harrison Bergeron's world. You aren't going to get it.
I have no useful answers, in this regard.

You pursue a 'land of equal opportunity' approach to our state of affairs.

I give you a reason why things are not as you seem to believe.

Whether the fix is within reach, or realistic, is a separate-but-linked issue.

But until we can level that playing field, be cautious about preaching 'equal opportunity' on the employment front.
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And, if you believe that there are jobs out there, that pay anything close to a living wage, ...

"Living wage" is an empty term cooked up by liberals which will always only mean one thing: MORE.
Then let's you and I define Living Wage, for our purposes here.

Sufficient wages to...

1. house one's self (including one's family)...

2. feed one's self...

3. clothe one's self...

4. transport one's self...

5. educate one's self...

6. obtain medical care for one's self...

7. save for one's old age...

8. keep one's lights on...

9. and, just maybe, enjoy one's self just a wee bit, from time to time.

Perhaps that will serve, as a point of departure.
I am not the one hurling invective at any colleague which disagrees with him...

Don't flatter yourself by imagining you are my "colleague." You have been "hurling invective" at American citizens in general for many pages now on this very thread, so save your hypocrisy.
I am, indeed, your colleague, and the colleague of each-and-every other subscriber to this board system, as are you.

You clearly don't know what the word means.
Of course we "can." We don't because we are not a communist country promising these things to every member of a collective. We provide the opportunity for individuals to earn these things for themselves. In theory at least, we then provide a helping hand to those who sincerely try but fail or are legitimately incapable.
Wake me up when we have managed to level the playing field sufficiently .

You don't want to wake up, you want to live in your communist fantasy-land. Too bad it doesn't (and won't ever) exist.
Nice try, but I have voted for more Republicans in my 'voting career' than I have Democrats.

It's just that, as a Centrist, I see some merit in the aspirations of both sides.
Don't flatter yourself by imagining you are my "colleague." You have been "hurling invective" at American citizens in general for many pages now on this very thread, so save your hypocrisy.
I am, indeed, your colleague, and the colleague of each-and-every other subscriber to this board system, as are you.

You clearly don't know what the word means.
Mindless automatic gainsay will get you nowhere.




You whine about "hurling invective" moments after HURLING INVECTIVE at American citizens. I guess "hypocrisy" is another word you don't understand. Learn English or get out of my country.

Don't worry about the low wage Indian Business Visas soon to flood our borders and render just about every non-Indian unemployed.
I'm sick and tired about hearing how Americans are too stupid and lazy to pump coffee.

Yep, just what we need...more unemployed US citizens.
Wake me up when we have managed to level the playing field sufficiently .

You don't want to wake up, you want to live in your communist fantasy-land. Too bad it doesn't (and won't ever) exist.
Nice try, but I have voted for more Republicans in my 'voting career' than I have Democrats.

It's just that, as a Centrist, I see some merit in the aspirations of both sides.

IOW you are ok with the means as long as the ends are justified?
Wake me up when we have managed to level the playing field sufficiently .

You don't want to wake up, you want to live in your communist fantasy-land. Too bad it doesn't (and won't ever) exist.
Nice try, but I have voted for more Republicans in my 'voting career' than I have Democrats.


I don't give a shit who you voted for. Your comments here make it clear you are dreaming of some communist fantasy-land that is never going to materialize. Sorry Ms. Glampers.

What you should be sick and tired of is whining about unskilled manual-labor jobs going abroad instead of training the workforce of the future.

We have had people (skilled and un-skilled) looking for work so long that they have given up, and their numbers are large enough that they comprise 4 or 5 percent of the total of 11 percent unemployed that we are burdened with.

Companies are screaming for trained high-tech workers in several specialties, and the Feds and various States are beginning to respond with additional funding for various training programs, but those high-end jobs, even when completely filled, will only accommodate a very modest portion of the entire unemployed population.

Good... let those companies continue to scream... and let the Feds continue to plug the gap by coughing-up Training Dollars for our own people, rather than bringing-in hired-help from the outside.

I'd rather let the demand build to nearly unbearable levels, then force the Feds to spend money training our own people, rather than bringing-in immigrants, to do the job that a re-trained American could be doing.
You don't want to wake up, you want to live in your communist fantasy-land. Too bad it doesn't (and won't ever) exist.
Nice try, but I have voted for more Republicans in my 'voting career' than I have Democrats.

It's just that, as a Centrist, I see some merit in the aspirations of both sides.

IOW you are ok with the means as long as the ends are justified?

Not even close.

And, I have been articulating my own middle-ground thoughts on the subject, over the course of the past few posts.

Do you always try to put words into peoples' mouths, when you disagree with them.

Is that how you win?

Or think you win?

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