Immigration is Destroying America.

Good... let those companies continue to scream... and let the Feds continue to plug the gap by coughing-up Training Dollars for our own people, rather than bringing-in hired-help from the outside.

I'd rather let the demand build to nearly unbearable levels, then force the Feds to spend money training our own people, rather than bringing-in immigrants, to do the job that a re-trained American could be doing.

You talk as if "the feds" are reaching into their own pockets to "spend money." You really are a dope.

They go unfilled because there aren't enough Americans qualified to do them. You can't legally pay "peanuts" for these jobs.

Fear of competition is NOT an American trait.
No, but disgust with Lowballing, to the benefit of Big Business, is a decidedly American trait; the sort of thing we see going on here.
We do not NEED more people to prop-up the aging Boomers.

The Boomers will die off, over the next 20-30 years, and that will be that.

If you cannot see how stupid and impractical that statement is, you are even worse than I thought. Tell whoever is beating your head in with the stupid stick that they can stop now. You've had enough.
Good... let those companies continue to scream... and let the Feds continue to plug the gap by coughing-up Training Dollars for our own people, rather than bringing-in hired-help from the outside.

I'd rather let the demand build to nearly unbearable levels, then force the Feds to spend money training our own people, rather than bringing-in immigrants, to do the job that a re-trained American could be doing.

You talk as if "the feds" are reaching into their own pockets to "spend money." You really are a dope.
I'd rather spend money on re-training an American worker than to let him-or-her languish in poverty while I callously go to the outside for my talent.

I'd rather give my fellow citizens a hand-up rather than punch an outsider's meal-ticket.

My own people are far more important to me than outsiders.
We do not NEED more people to prop-up the aging Boomers.

The Boomers will die off, over the next 20-30 years, and that will be that.

If you cannot see how stupid and impractical that statement is, you are even worse than I thought. Tell whoever is beating your head in with the stupid stick that they can stop now. You've had enough.
Why is that stupid and impractical?

What happens if the Boomers die off and we don't replace their numbers?

Use your own words for once, rather than somebody else's speculative stats.
Nice try, but I have voted for more Republicans in my 'voting career' than I have Democrats.

It's just that, as a Centrist, I see some merit in the aspirations of both sides.

IOW you are ok with the means as long as the ends are justified?

Not even close.

And, I have been articulating my own middle-ground thoughts on the subject, over the course of the past few posts.

Do you always try to put words into peoples' mouths, when you disagree with them.

Is that how you win?

Or think you win?

Name one democrat policy that you support and why.
Sufficient wages to...

1. house one's self (including one's family)...

2. feed one's self...

3. clothe one's self...

4. transport one's self...

5. educate one's self...

6. obtain medical care for one's self...

7. save for one's old age...

8. keep one's lights on...

9. and, just maybe, enjoy one's self just a wee bit, from time to time.

Perhaps that will serve, as a point of departure.

"house one's self (including one's family)..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

"feed one's self..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

"clothe one's self..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

"transport one's self..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

" educate one's self..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

" obtain medical care for one's self..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

" save for one's old age..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

" keep one's lights on..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

"" just maybe, enjoy one's self just a wee bit, from time to time" - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

In your communist 'utopia' :rolleyes: no one can have any better (therefore no different in any way...just to be sure) clothes, houses, cars, schools, bank accounts, vacations, or anything else.

Not gonna happen, Ms. Glampers. Not gonna happen.
IOW you are ok with the means as long as the ends are justified?

Not even close.

And, I have been articulating my own middle-ground thoughts on the subject, over the course of the past few posts.

Do you always try to put words into peoples' mouths, when you disagree with them.

Is that how you win?

Or think you win?

Name one democrat policy that you support and why.
Ummmmm... OK...

Job Retraining?

The W(orkforce) I(nvestment) A(ct)?

Because it gets people off their asses, back to school, and back out into the world, to make their own way again?

Passed during the Clinton Administration.

With bipartisan support.

And greatly expanded by the present Administration?

Does that count?
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We do not NEED more people to prop-up the aging Boomers.

The Boomers will die off, over the next 20-30 years, and that will be that.

If you cannot see how stupid and impractical that statement is, you are even worse than I thought. Tell whoever is beating your head in with the stupid stick that they can stop now. You've had enough.
Why is that stupid and impractical?

Because we are not talking about a defined group of people sitting in a room waiting to die for your convenience, idiot. We are talking about population trends, wherein there are more and more elderly living longer and longer supported by fewer and fewer young people working. That equation leads to collapse long before enough people have died to satisfy your blood lust, comrade.

Holy shit, you're stupid.
Sufficient wages to...

1. house one's self (including one's family)...

2. feed one's self...

3. clothe one's self...

4. transport one's self...

5. educate one's self...

6. obtain medical care for one's self...

7. save for one's old age...

8. keep one's lights on...

9. and, just maybe, enjoy one's self just a wee bit, from time to time.

Perhaps that will serve, as a point of departure.

"house one's self (including one's family)..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

"feed one's self..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

"clothe one's self..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

"transport one's self..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

" educate one's self..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

" obtain medical care for one's self..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

" save for one's old age..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

" keep one's lights on..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

"" just maybe, enjoy one's self just a wee bit, from time to time" - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

In your communist 'utopia' :rolleyes: no one can have any better (therefore no different in any way...just to be sure) clothes, houses, cars, schools, bank accounts, vacations, or anything else.

Not gonna happen, Ms. Glampers. Not gonna happen.
I didn't say 'same as everyone else, nor did I imply it, nor was I even thinking that.

That is your hyper-partisanship talking, not me.

Your inability to seriously CONTRIBUTE to a discussion of what constitutes a living wage is ALSO highly indicative of your not-ready-for-prime-time condition.

My condolences.
If you cannot see how stupid and impractical that statement is, you are even worse than I thought. Tell whoever is beating your head in with the stupid stick that they can stop now. You've had enough.
Why is that stupid and impractical?

Because we are not talking about a defined group of people sitting in a room waiting to die for your convenience, idiot. We are talking about population trends, wherein there are more and more elderly living longer and longer supported by fewer and fewer young people working. That equation leads to collapse long before enough people have died to satisfy your blood lust, comrade.

Holy shit, you're stupid.
Calm yourself, lightweight.

As I thought, you have nothing solid to contribute to the discussion, in connection with the ramifications of a reduced population, and examining the pros and cons; merely doom-and-gloom predictions of 'collapse' and senseless blathering about 'blood lust'.

Here's your opportunity to absolutely stun all of us with your brilliance - the entire audience - by divulging your vision of how a return to earlier population levels over the span of a half-century or century or more is going to lead to a 'collapse'.

Also, my little wunderkind, here is your chance to demonstrate how a focus upon reduced population, spanning a century or more, through mere attrition, in any way comprises 'blood lust'.

The floor is yours.

Here is your opportunity to demonstrate your superior intellect.

We're all here waiting to be amazed.
Sufficient wages to...

1. house one's self (including one's family)...

2. feed one's self...

3. clothe one's self...

4. transport one's self...

5. educate one's self...

6. obtain medical care for one's self...

7. save for one's old age...

8. keep one's lights on...

9. and, just maybe, enjoy one's self just a wee bit, from time to time.

Perhaps that will serve, as a point of departure.

"house one's self (including one's family)..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

"feed one's self..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

"clothe one's self..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

"transport one's self..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

" educate one's self..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

" obtain medical care for one's self..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

" save for one's old age..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

" keep one's lights on..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

"" just maybe, enjoy one's self just a wee bit, from time to time" - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

In your communist 'utopia' :rolleyes: no one can have any better (therefore no different in any way...just to be sure) clothes, houses, cars, schools, bank accounts, vacations, or anything else.

Not gonna happen, Ms. Glampers. Not gonna happen.
I didn't say 'same as everyone else, nor did I imply it, nor was I even thinking that.

I don't doubt that you are too stupid to realize the significance of your own position. Guess what? That's what it really means.
As I thought, you have nothing solid to contribute to the discussion...

Here's what I contributed, brainless. Wipe the shit out of your eyes and read carefully:

"we are not talking about a defined group of people sitting in a room waiting to die for your convenience, idiot. We are talking about population trends, wherein there are more and more elderly living longer and longer supported by fewer and fewer young people working. That equation leads to collapse long before enough people have died to satisfy your blood lust, comrade. "

Holy shit, you're stupid.
"house one's self (including one's family)..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

"feed one's self..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

"clothe one's self..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

"transport one's self..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

" educate one's self..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

" obtain medical care for one's self..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

" save for one's old age..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

" keep one's lights on..." - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

"" just maybe, enjoy one's self just a wee bit, from time to time" - exactly the same as everyone else, or else

In your communist 'utopia' :rolleyes: no one can have any better (therefore no different in any way...just to be sure) clothes, houses, cars, schools, bank accounts, vacations, or anything else.

Not gonna happen, Ms. Glampers. Not gonna happen.
I didn't say 'same as everyone else, nor did I imply it, nor was I even thinking that.

I don't doubt that you are too stupid to realize the significance of your own position. Guess what? That's what it really means.
You declaring it thus does not render it thus.

As to being 'stupid', well...

I can, indeed, be as dumb as a box-o-rox, from time to time...

But I'm consoled by the idea that you are a fellow sufferer, and in a more advanced state...
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As I thought, you have nothing solid to contribute to the discussion...

Here's what I contributed, brainless. Wipe the shit out of your eyes and read carefully:

"we are not talking about a defined group of people sitting in a room waiting to die for your convenience, idiot. We are talking about population trends, wherein there are more and more elderly living longer and longer supported by fewer and fewer young people working. That equation leads to collapse long before enough people have died to satisfy your blood lust, comrade. "

Holy shit, you're stupid.
Your outputs here are merely some sort of ill-defined 'collapse' and accusations of 'blood lust'...

There's nothing substantive to grab onto there...

Then again, there's nothing behind those knee-jerk buzz-phrases anyway, is there?
As I thought, you have nothing solid to contribute to the discussion...

Here's what I contributed, brainless. Wipe the shit out of your eyes and read carefully:

"we are not talking about a defined group of people sitting in a room waiting to die for your convenience, idiot. We are talking about population trends, wherein there are more and more elderly living longer and longer supported by fewer and fewer young people working. That equation leads to collapse long before enough people have died to satisfy your blood lust, comrade. "

Holy shit, you're stupid.

There's nothing substantive to grab onto there...

There is FACT, but you want to ignore that just as you have ignored the many, many charts, studies, articles and research proving the population trends to which I refer. Your inability to realize what they mean is where your remarkable capacity for stupidity comes into play.
I don't doubt that you are too stupid to realize the significance of your own position. Guess what? That's what it really means.
You declaring it thus does not render it thus.

I guess it was just a coincidence this time then that I declared it thus and it IS thus.
You declaring my meaning, and what it truly is to any objective observer, are two different things. Your assessment in the matter is incorrect, and childishly repeating that judgment will not change its inaccuracy.
Here's what I contributed, brainless. Wipe the shit out of your eyes and read carefully:

"we are not talking about a defined group of people sitting in a room waiting to die for your convenience, idiot. We are talking about population trends, wherein there are more and more elderly living longer and longer supported by fewer and fewer young people working. That equation leads to collapse long before enough people have died to satisfy your blood lust, comrade. "

Holy shit, you're stupid.

There's nothing substantive to grab onto there...

There is FACT, but you want to ignore that just as you have ignored the many, many charts, studies, articles and research proving the population trends to which I refer. Your inability to realize what they mean is where your remarkable capacity for stupidity comes into play.
There is no 'fact' embedded there.

You raise alarm bells about 'collapse'.

No fact there - merely speculation - and imprecise and undefined speculation at that.

I ignore nothing.

What, pray tell, are the major elements of any such future collapse, attributable to a gradually reduced population?

Itemize them, please.

You need only articulate some of the more significant ones.

The major symptomology of any future collapse?

Just what boogeyman(men) are lurking under our collective bed, ready to spring upon us, if we do not keep growing our population, and prevent it from gradually declining to an earlier level?

Elaborate, please, in a manner that will allow the audience to reflect and comment upon the relative merits of such speculation.

Oh, and, try using your own words, in order to serve-up summary-caliber overviews of such talking points.
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