Immigration is Destroying America.

Seeing as how ultra-liberal, immigrant ass-kissers love to point out how European immigrants, centuries ago, wreaked havoc on the North American Indians (often wrongly referred to a "Native American" *), when they brought measles, smallpox, malaria, and influenza, across the Atlantic to the New World, they ought to thereby be all the more on their guard for foreign diseases being brought here now, by 21st century immigrants. This is especially so since many of the diseases from abroad are as bad or worse than those of past centuries (Ex. Ebola, AIDS, SARS, Bird Flu, Chagas' Disease, etc).

Cholera is still very active in the 3rd world (Asia, Africa, and South America) with 131,943 cases in 52 countries, and 2,272 deaths in 2005. It is particulary likely to flare up in times of war, famine, or natural disaster, which 3rd world countries are so prone to. It is also known that the cholera organism can live outside the human body in aquatic environments, making it difficult to eradicate, if/whenever it gets into American borders.

Americans ought to go to immigration centers where vetting is done and monitor the work, to insure that EVERY immigrant is being vetted fully, and no rubberstamping is going on. If they find it, then, people ought to shout out in a loud voice > "Hey! That guy was passed over!".........LOOK OUT!!
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In 1995, the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform recommended curtailing family-based immigration and replacing the “failed and expensive regulatory system [for skill-based immigration] with one that is market-driven.” Along these lines, the Commission recommended that, “it is not in the national interest to admit unskilled workers” because “the U.S. economy is showing difficulty in absorbing disadvantaged workers.” Fifteen years later, U.S. politicians continue to ignore these recommendations, bowing to corporate demands for unskilled labor rather than taking a realistic look at immigration’s effect on poverty and the American worker.

Current calls for “comprehensive immigration reform” are nothing short of a push for a massive amnesty that would give permanent status to millions of illegal aliens who are not needed in the workforce, and it would reward unscrupulous employers who profited from hiring illegal workers, providing them with a legal low-wage workforce that would continue to have a negative impact on native workers.

The border is not secured, and there is much opposition to the mandatory use of E-Verify and interior enforcement. Those who argue against enforcement are not going to decide overnight to support these measures, and politicians have long ago proven that their promise to enforce immigration laws after granting amnesty are not to be believed.

This report contains the following findings:

In 2009, less than 6 percent of legal immigrants were admitted because they possessed skills deemed essential to the U.S. economy.

Studies that find minimal or no negative effects on native workers from low-skill immigration are based upon flawed assumptions and skewed economic models, not upon observations of actual labor market conditions.
There is no such thing as an “immigrant job.” The reality is that immigrants and natives compete for the same jobs and native workers are increasingly at a disadvantage because employers have access to a steady supply of low-wage foreign workers.

Low-skilled immigrants are more likely than their native-born counterparts to live in poverty, lack health insurance, and to utilize welfare programs. Immigrants and their children made up 32 percent of those in the United States without health insurance in 2009.

Research done by the Center for American Progress has found that reducing the illegal alien population in the United States by one-third would raise the income of unskilled workers by $400 a year.

Defenders of illegal immigration often tout the findings of the so-called Perryman Report to argue that illegal aliens are responsible for job creation in the United States; yet, if one accepts the Perryman findings as true, that would mean that only one job is created in the United States for every three illegal workers in the workforce.

It is true that if the illegal alien population decreased the overall number of jobs in the U.S. would be reduced, but there would be many more jobs available to native workers — jobs that paid higher wages and offered better working conditions.
In 2008, the Bush administration contended the money Mexican immigrants sent south can rebuild the Mexican economy, and thus reduce immigration. However, there is no evidence the inflow of money is reducing the outflow of people. Mexico has become addicted to this influx of money which has become their second highest source of income, second only to their oil exports.

In 2006, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) reported that remittances received by Latin American and Caribbean countries had climbed in 2008 to a total of nearly $70 billion. This amount was triple the amount received in 2001. (See chart >>

Remittances provide temporary financial relief at the household level and increase foreign exchange earnings for the receiving country (Mexico), but they also have an equal negative effect on the balance of payments of the sending country (USA). Want to find an important reason for the lackluster US economy ? Look no further. How would a garden be, if every year, more and more nutrients were extracted out of its soil ?

Taylor, J. Edward, Jorge Mora, and Richard Adams. 2005. “Remittances, Inequality, and Poverty: Evidence from Rural Mexico.” Research Program on International Migration and Development. DECRG. Mimeo. World Bank
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Even as the federal government expands its criminal investigation of companies hiring illegal aliens, it has been helping those same workers send money home cheaply. In 2001, Presidents George Bush and Vicente Fox devised programs to reduce the cost of sending remittances abroad, as part of the Partnership for Prosperity Program, an initiative to promote economic development. New remittance programs, such as Directo a Mexico, aim to bring Mexican migrants into the mainstream U.S. financial system, regardless of immigration status.

Directo a Mexico, allows customers without Social Security numbers to wire money through the Federal Reserve System to Mexico's central bank (Banco de Mexico) at little cost. About 27,000 transfers are made through the program each month.2 Banks and other financial institutions eager for Hispanic customers have joined in. Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and Harris Bank, long examples of soul-selling, have launched initiatives to capture a larger share of the Latino immigrant market. U.S. banks have lowered transfer fees, accepted the matricula consular (Mexican consulate-issued ID cards) as identification, acquired stakes in Mexican banks, and established cooperative arrangements to facilitate remittances. If any of these players had an ounce of decency (or American patriotism, they wouldn't even think of sabatoging American workers this way, BUT, they're all in it for one thing > maximizing PROFITS. (and includes not looking around to see whose getting hurt).

U.S. Department of State. “U.S. Mexico Partnership for Prosperity” March 22, 2002

Hennessy-Fiske, Molly. New York Times “Illegal Aliens Have An Amigo: The Fed” February 26, 2007

Orozco. Manuel. Institute for the Study of International Migration ”The Remittance Marketplace: Prices, Policy and Financial Institutions” June 2004
For decades, scientists have been saying that the United States' lakes, rivers and aquifers are going to have a hard time quenching the thirst of a growing population in a warming world. A recent report from NOAA's Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences does not alleviate those fears. It showed that nearly one in 10 watersheds in the U.S. is "stressed," with demand for water exceeding natural supply -- a trend that, researchers say, appears likely to become the new normal.

"By midcentury, we expect to see less reliable surface water supplies in several regions of the United States," said Kristen Averyt, associate director for science at CIRES and one of the authors of the study. “This is likely to create growing challenges for agriculture, electrical suppliers and municipalities, as there may be more demand for water and less to go around.”

And a recent Columbia University Water Center study on water scarcity in the U.S. showed that it's not just climate change that is putting stress on water supply, it's also a surging population. Since 1950, there has been a 99 percent increase in population in the U.S. combined with a 127 percent increase in water usage.

"All cities and all businesses require water, yet in many regions, they need more water than is actually available — and that demand is growing," said Upmanu Lall, director, Columbia Water Center said to Business Insider. "The new study reveals that certain areas face exposure to drought, which will magnify existing problems of water supply and demand."

Far from a complete list of regions that may develop potential water scarcity issues across the nation (just take a look at either CIRES' or Columbia University's maps to see how widespread this issue could be in the U.S.), here are 11 major U.S. cities, listed in order of population, that could be deeply effected by water shortages in the not too distant future:

1. Salt Lake City, Utah

2. Lincoln, Nebraska

3. Cleveland, Ohio

4. Miami, Florida

5. Atlanta, Georgia

6. Washington, D.C.

7. El Paso, Texas

8. San Antonio, Texas

9. San Francisco Bay Area, California

10. Houston, Texas

11. Los Angeles, California

Do you live in any of these 11 cities or their SMSA (Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area) ? If you do, LOOK OUT!!

The entire southern half of California (heavily inundated with immigration population growth) is especially in a precarious situation because of the California delta levee situation. If an earthquake (like the 1989 Loma Prieta quake) were to strike just a little closer to the levees (about 50 miles northeast of San Francisco), it could cause fresh water supply to almost the entire southern half of the state to be shut down for 2-3 years. This would cause an instantaneous, mass evacuation of 20 million people, and would be (other than war) the most truamatic event in US history.

These 11 Cities May Completely Run Out Of Water Sooner Than You Think
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Overcrowding in hospital ERs. It's been a longstanding problem ever since immigrant-friendly Ronald Reagan signed the EMTALA (Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act), in 1986. EMTALA requires ERs to screen, treat, and stabilize patients whether or not they are insured, “documented,” or able to pay. Hospital ERs must have doctors available to them at all times from every department and specialty covered by the hospital. They must have translators.

Signed by Ronald Reagan in 1986, EMTALA defines an “emergency” as any complaint brought to the ER, from hangovers to hangnails, from gunshot wounds to AIDS. Any patient requesting “emergency” care must be treated until ready for discharge, or stabilized for transfer. A woman in labor must remain to deliver her child.

Lack of insurance leads many immigrants to use hospital emergency departments — the most expensive source of health care — as their primary care provider. This leads to overcrowded conditions for citizens who seek emergency care. Nationwide, half of hospital admissions came through emergency departments in 2006, up from 36 percent in 1996.

The hottest ER diagnosis, according to the late medical lawyer Madeleine Cosman, is “permanent disability” — a vaguely defined condition that covers mental, social, and personality disorders. Drug addiction and alcoholism are among the most common “disabilities.” A disability diagnosis makes patients eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), a federally funded cash transfer payment. Once an individual qualifies for SSI, they automatically become eligible for Medicaid, Food Stamps, and housing vouchers. So when some illegals enter the ER, they receive medical care plus what amounts to a long-term financial annuity.

1986 is also the year that Ronald Reagan signed an immigration amnesty: The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA.) The timing is no coincidence. While IRCA increased the number of illegal alien workers available to U.S. businesses, EMTALA shifted their medical insurance costs to non-business payers. Taken together, the two laws constitute a powerful subsidy to illegal alien employers — a subsidy paid for by native workers and taxpayers.
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Because illegal immigrants, unlike those who are legally admitted for permanent residence, undergo no medical screening to assure that they are not bearing contagious diseases, the rapidly swelling population of illegal aliens in our country has also set off a resurgence of contagious diseases that had been totally or nearly eradicated by our public health system.
According to Dr. Laurence Nickey, director of the El Paso heath district “Contagious diseases that are generally considered to have been controlled in the United States are readily evident along the border ... The incidence of tuberculosis in El Paso County is twice that of the U.S. rate. Dr. Nickey also states that leprosy, which is considered by most Americans to be a disease of the Third World, is readily evident along the U.S.-Mexico border and that dysentery is several times the U.S. rate.

A June, 2009 article in the New England Journal of Medicine noted that a majority (57.8%) of all new cases of tuberculosis in the United States in 2007 were diagnosed in foreign-born persons. The TB infection rate among foreign-born persons was 9.8 times as high as that among U.S.-born persons. It should also be kept in mind that among U.S. citizens who contract TB their exposure to the disease may well have come from exposure to a non-U.S. citizen, which might make the infection rate actually considerably higher than the 9.8 times figure.

The pork tapeworm, which thrives in Latin America and Mexico, is showing up along the U.S. border, threatening to ravage victims with symptoms ranging from seizures to death. ... The same [Mexican] underclass has migrated north to find jobs on the border, bringing the parasite and the sickness—cysticercosis—its eggs can cause[.] Cysts that form around the larvae usually lodge in the brain and destroy tissue, causing hallucinations, speech and vision problems, severe headaches, strokes, epileptic seizures, and in rare cases death. LOOK OUT!!

The problem, however, is not confined to the border region, as illegal immigrants have rapidly spread across the country. Typhoid struck Silver Spring, Maryland, in 1992 when an immigrant from the Third World (who had been working in food service in the United States for almost two years) transmitted the bacteria through food at the McDonald’s where she worked. River blindness, malaria, and guinea worm, have all been brought to Virginia by immigration. LOOK OUT!!

Statement on behalf of the American Medical Association to the Committee on Public Works and Transportation, U.S. House of Representatives, May 7, 1991.

Liu, Yecai, et al., “Oveseas Screening for Tuberculosis in U.S.-Bound Immigrants and Refugees,” New England Journal of Medicine, June 4, 2009.

Houston Chronicle, November 3, 1992.

Influx of Exotic Diseases Keep Doctors Hopping,” Fairfax Journal, May 8, 1992.

*** It might be noted that just because the prescribed formula for legal immigration includes vetting of incoming immigrants, this quite often is not the case. As noted by the former head of USCIS recently said the workload of processing immigrants is so large, that often, a great many are just rubber-stamped in without any vetting whatsoever, just to keep from being totally swamped. Thus, some infectious diseases could be coming in with legal immigrants as well as illegal ones. LOOK OUT!!
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A medical examination is mandatory for all refugees coming to the U.S. and all applicants outside the U.S. applying for an immigrant visa. Aliens in the United States who apply for adjustment of their immigration status to that of permanent resident are also required to be medically examined. Aliens applying for nonimmigrant visas (temporary admission) may be required to undergo a medical examination at the discretion of the consular officer overseas or immigration officer at the U.S. port of entry, if there is reason to suspect that an inadmissible health-related condition exists.

Outside the U.S., medical examinations are performed by approximately 400 physicians (panel physicians) selected by DOS consular officials. In the U.S., medical examinations are performed by approximately 3,000 physicians (called civil surgeons) designated by district directors of the USCIS.

Now, with all that in mind, did anyone ever consider what the CO$T of all this medical work is, while the US plummet deeper in to debt and deficit ? And WHY is this cost being paid to bring immigrants into a country that passed its optimum population (30 million) in 1860, and now has more than 10 times that population ?

Oops! How forgetful of me. The answer is VOTES.

Another thing to consider is all the medical care that these immigrants receive when entering the USA, WHILE MILLIONS OF AMERICANS LACK ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE ENTIRELY.

CDC - Medical Examination - Immigrant and Refugee Health
Malaria, Dengue, Hepatitis A-E, Chagas Disease, Tuberculosis, MDR TB, Leprosy, HIV, Guinea Worm, Whooping Cough, Cystiscercosis, Morgellon's,

All these diseases and pathogens, and a plethora of others that are not endemic to the US, are being brought in by unscreened illegal aliens, who then spread them to an unsuspecting population. These diseases will give you something to think about, the next time you are eating at a restaurant with the grunt work being done by immigrants who didn't have medical screening before preparing and handling your food. LOOK OUT!!

Impacts of Illegal Immigration: Diseases
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You and I have had different experiences and opportunities to observe and conclude, apparently. ;-)

Same response... ;-)

It's been my experience (again, that personal difference) and observation that for every decent-paying job, there are a great many applicants competing, and that only the Crap-Jobs (and Crap-paying Jobs) are left lingering for any length of time.

But, as I've said, we've seen different things and reached different conclusions.


In my family (Florida, Georgia, and Texas) the only relatives I've ever had that were out of work in good paying jobs were the ones getting paid unemployment and welfare money to sit home. As soon as the welfare ran out they went back to good paying jobs.

In my immediate family (me, wife, kids, parents, brother and sister, not a single person has ever spent more than a day out of work their entire life.

And if you did find yourself (through no fault of yours) out of work, and all of America not throwing itself at you to hire you somewhere, would you accept that unemployment insurance payment, to pay your bills ? Just wondering.
No. I'd work for myself.

In my family (Florida, Georgia, and Texas) the only relatives I've ever had that were out of work in good paying jobs were the ones getting paid unemployment and welfare money to sit home. As soon as the welfare ran out they went back to good paying jobs.

In my immediate family (me, wife, kids, parents, brother and sister, not a single person has ever spent more than a day out of work their entire life.

And if you did find yourself (through no fault of yours) out of work, and all of America not throwing itself at you to hire you somewhere, would you accept that unemployment insurance payment, to pay your bills ? Just wondering.
No. I'd work for myself.
I've had close family who were forced to make that choice, and who took the help.

It's what happens when (a) your employer closes its doors and (b) your skills are no longer in high demand and (c) you have trouble getting work [salaried, or as an indie] and (d) you burn through your reserves and (e) the bills are stacking up and (f) you've got a family depending on your and (g) you've gotta do something to keep the lights on.

I've also seen, close-up, how hard that is on the ego, and pride, for a family-man, left with no choice.

There was a time when I held views very similar to those you're expressing here.

Watching some of my peeps suffer through this, served to change my perspective.

The help was a Godsend and a lifesaver, and my peeps kept the lights on that way, until they were able to get things straightened out, and become self-sufficient again.

It ain't pretty, but I can see how it can happen, and I'm a lot more tolerant about that now than I was a few years ago or so.

I came close to that myself, once, years ago, as I recall, soon after getting out of the Army, but I got lucky in the last weeks before it came to that, and escaped that for me-and-mine.

Having watched others (close folk) struggle with that in recent times, I'm not as arrogant about that as I once was, and I was glad for the temporary 'safety net' that my peeps were able to land-on, for a few months, while they were getting straightened out.

God save you (and I, and the rest of us) from such a state of affairs, and such a choice.

I don't support giving Welfare -like benefits to Illegal Aliens.

But for our own citizens, when they're down on their luck, and need a helping hand... well... yeah... we should make some decent provision to help at times like that... or so it seems to this observer.
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And if you did find yourself (through no fault of yours) out of work, and all of America not throwing itself at you to hire you somewhere, would you accept that unemployment insurance payment, to pay your bills ? Just wondering.
No. I'd work for myself.
I've had close family who were forced to make that choice, and who took the help.

It's what happens when (a) your employer closes its doors and (b) your skills are no longer in high demand and (c) you have trouble getting work [salaried, or as an indie] and (d) you burn through your reserves and (e) the bills are stacking up and (f) you've got a family depending on your and (g) you've gotta do something to keep the lights on.

I've also seen, close-up, how hard that is on the ego, and pride, for a family-man, left with no choice.

There was a time when I held views very similar to those you're expressing here.

Watching some of my peeps suffer through this, served to change my perspective.

The help was a Godsend and a lifesaver, and my peeps kept the lights on that way, until they were able to get things straightened out, and become self-sufficient again.

It ain't pretty, but I can see how it can happen, and I'm a lot more tolerant about that now than I was a few years ago or so.

I came close to that myself, once, years ago, as I recall, soon after getting out of the Army, but I got lucky in the last weeks before it came to that, and escaped that for me-and-mine.

Having watched others (close folk) struggle with that in recent times, I'm not as arrogant about that as I once was, and I was glad for the temporary 'safety net' that my peeps were able to land-on, for a few months, while they were getting straightened out.

God save you (and I, and the rest of us) from such a state of affairs, and such a choice.

I don't support giving Welfare -like benefits to Illegal Aliens.

But for our own citizens, when they're down on their luck, and need a helping hand... well... yeah... we should make some decent provision to help at times like that... or so it seems to this observer.

What you are talking about is a hand up for a couple months to help get someone back on their feet. What the democrats did was extend the unemployment concept to almost two years at the height of the recession. To many abuse the system waiting till the unemployment runs out to go out and get a job.

But that's not all. The democrats turned off disability & welfare reforms enacted decades back and now we have more people collecting welfare than ever before, more people collecting disability than ever before. From the look of things you'd think half the country is incapable of feeding themselves. That's not a couple month hand-up, that's a life time of hand-outs.
It's sad that even after this many pages of discussion, there still seems to be at least one idiot incapable and/or unwilling to distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants.
It's sad that even after this many pages of discussion, there still seems to be at least one idiot incapable and/or unwilling to distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants.

I thought our Emperor already declared full amnesty for the illegals. What's the difference between legal and illegal immigrants if we don't prosecute the crime?

In my family (Florida, Georgia, and Texas) the only relatives I've ever had that were out of work in good paying jobs were the ones getting paid unemployment and welfare money to sit home. As soon as the welfare ran out they went back to good paying jobs.

In my immediate family (me, wife, kids, parents, brother and sister, not a single person has ever spent more than a day out of work their entire life.

And if you did find yourself (through no fault of yours) out of work, and all of America not throwing itself at you to hire you somewhere, would you accept that unemployment insurance payment, to pay your bills ? Just wondering.
No. I'd work for myself.

Good idea. I once did just that. I started the business on almost zero capital, but I had a good saleable product, and the business picked up fast after the first few sales. It was tough, but it can be done for those who really put their mind to it.

Only thing is, I didn't have to go up against a very bad economy where I was located at the time I was there. In my case, it was a good economy in Silicon Valley in the 1980s, when the computer industry was taking off. But I was describing a situation of a bad economy where owning one's own business would also have its own roadblock, from all the unemployment and lack of disposable income in the community (unless you could sell to some rich Arabs or something)
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It's sad that even after this many pages of discussion, there still seems to be at least one idiot incapable and/or unwilling to distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants.

It's sad that even after this many pages of discussion, there still seems to be at least one idiot incapable and/or unwilling to recognize that for all, or almost all, the items in the Harms of Immigration list THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE (to the American people) between legal and illegal immigrants.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.
Remember when I mentioned how the mentally unstable like to pull lists of shit out their own assholes then constantly refer back to them as if they were a 'source' of any legitimacy at all? Be on the lookout for that kind of behavior and you'll know you're dealing with a real headcase.
I wonder if anyone posting still refuses and/or simply lacks the mental capacity to distinguish between legal and illegal immigration? I would hope that much at least would be worked out by now. No accounting for the truly stupid, I guess.

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