Immigration is Destroying America.

"Immigrants were twice as likely to start a new business last year as someone born in the U.S., CNN reports."

Immigrants Twice As Likely To Start Businesses As U.S.-Born Citizens

"Working for a new company? There's a more than one-in-four chance your new boss wasn't born here.
Immigrants created 28% of all new firms last year. They were also twice as likely to start a new business when compared to those born in the United States."

Immigrant entrepreneurs on the rise - May. 7, 2012

Can you make ONE post where you don't mindlessly parrot a web-site?
Is this habit due to the fact that reading web-sites are all the experience you actually have?

I'm sorry if providing facts and supporting points makes you uncomfortable. I can understand how that would be difficult for you to accept.

Until such time that you provide some facts and supporting points (rather than lobbyist babbling), this will remain inapplicable here.
Hey, look at that:

"Immigrant-owned businesses employ one in 10 U.S. workers in private companies and contribute more than $775 billion of revenue to the U.S. economy, according to the Partnership for a New American Economy."

Immigrant-Owned U.S. Companies Said to Generate $775 Billion - Bloomberg

MORE BIASED LOBBY talk. When will this ever end ? I suppose if I asked my friend whose kid is batting .208 in the little league, he'll probably say he's a very good hitter. Sheeeesh!!

Here's what Partnership for a New American Economy says about themselves - their goals >>

1. "Increase opportunities for immigrants to enter the United States workforce — and for foreign students to stay in the United States to work"

2. "Establish a path to legal status for the undocumented currently living in the United States"
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Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

These people would agree with you but they are all dead now. Some from old age, but many from the invasion of illegal aliens:


Look! Here they are trying to be friendly and get along with the illegal aliens whom they now accept as immigrants:


But that didn't last long because sooner than later the immigrants just took over the land and destroyed everything in their path!


Finally, the immigrants drove them off to small little areas called "reservations" where many starved and died along the way:


So yes, immigration is a very, very harmful. THE END
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No, Immigration Is NOT Destroying America! America is the land of opportunity for ALL and don't lose sight of the fact that besides Native Americans nearly every person reading this has either parents, grandparents, ancestors, or even themselves who came to this country from another place *one way or another.* Not all have come here legally but all should be welcomed because we are a humanitarian country that extends our hand to others especially those who are from other countries who come here to Work Hard doing the work most Americans would not care to do and who want to become legal citizens. That path and opportunity should be extended to them. In fact, working in the hot, dusty fields picking fruits and vegetables depicts that it would be a cold day in Hell before most Americans would even think of doing that kind of work as well as cleaning dirty houses in the heat for mere chickenfeed. And if those immigrants suddenly refused to do that type of work we would have very serious problems at the food table doing without what they bring to us through their hard sweat and tears.

You Need To Know That Your Views Are Simply Very Racist To Be Succinct and To the Point! And it may interest you to know that most people who have come here and are awaiting citizenship still pay their taxes and work hard for a living and do not believe in mooching and taking hand-outs from others. When they are fortunate enough to have children here, those kids are automatically American Citizens, the way it is supposed to be. Many of them after having grown up, studied hard and learned English well have gone on to become doctors, lawyers, engineers, and teachers, etc. So don't tell me that they are unproductive and bleed the system. They HELP the system through their hard back-breaking work that is seldom acknowledged by cold-hearted Republicans who simply do not want anyone here but those with similar-sounding last names as their own. That's the way it is and the way it has always been most unfortunately and that is why today and in the future Hispanics and Latinos will continue to support the Democratic Party that does not treat them as second-class citizens like the Republicans (who continue to throw them under the bus) but who affords them the dignity that they are rightfully deserving of.

But God is with those people who are less fortunate. And about the rich, that Republicans so fully and gleefully embrace, Jesus had this profound message for them. "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." MATTHEW 19:24 of the KJV of the Holy Bible. And since Republicans tout themselves as being so religious and mighty and believers in what Jesus says, they should fully embrace what He says in this verse and really take it to heart, otherwise, we will continue to see nothing but the hypocrisy of what they show us and what comes out of their mouth.

Lots of words. And all of which have been refuted dozens of times in this thread and many others, for years. You bring nothing new here, but since you are so naive, I will educate you in all the weakness of your outdated, foolish arguments with as many holes in it as a piece of swiss cheese.

1. America is NOT the land of opportunity or the land of anything for ALL, and our IMMIGRATION LAW says so.

2. My mother was an immigrant from Denmark and my paternal grandparents came here from Central America. So what ? We're talking about what is or isn't harmful right now, and my and anyone's ancestors may have contributed to that harm, as much as any other immigrant.

3. If we are "COUNTRY", then we need to care for ourselves first and foremost, which we do by means of our immigration law (which is actually far too lenient)

4. If we are humanitarian, then we need to be concerned about the millions of AMERICANS who are going unemployed, while cheap labor foreigners, (hired by unscruplous, traitorous employers), steal their jobs, and cause the many HArms of immigration I listed in the OP.

5. Working in fields is a piece of cake compared to the much tougher, dirtier, and more dangerous jobs that Americans routinely do (ex. coal miners, firefighters, troops in Afghanistan)

6. In a study of 450 occupations which immigrants commonly work in, almost all had a majority of Americans working in them (try reading the thread before you come in making a fool out of yourself)

7. The race card will get you nowhere. Immigrants come in ALL races and nationalities,
and their immigration is harmful to Americans no matter what race they are.

8. Paying taxes is one of the things listed on my Harms of Immigration list. Immigrants pay LESS taxes than Americans, due to the lower wages they work for. Thus, they cause a decrease in the treasury.

9. Immigrants most certainly DO "believe in mooching and taking hand-outs from others", as studies show that they receive more welfare $$ in America, than native-born Americans do. And many of them use documentation fraud and the anchor baby racket (arriving here in their 8th month of pregnancy) to deliberately get these benefits.

10. NO, it is NOT supposed to be that immigrants' kids are automatically American Citizens. The author of the 14th Amendment (Jacob Howard) specifically pointed that out when drafting the Amendment.

11. Immigrants becoming doctors, lawyers, engineers, and teachers, as well as any other occupation swipes jobs away from Americans, which is one of the primary reasons why so many Americans are unemployed.

12. Immigrants absolutely DO "bleed the system" both by sucking most of its welfare $$ + sending $70 Billion/year out of the US economy to their home countries in remittances$$.

13. The #1 Republican who has the highest report card rating (98%) from NumbersUSA, in opposition to immigration, is Ted Cruz, who has a "similar-sounding last name" to the massive hordes coming here from Mexico and other Latin American countries.

14. Hispanics (of which I am one) mostly support the Democratic Party because it sucks up to them, like it does to all minority groups, selling out the American people (especially the unemployed) for VOTES.

15. If Jesus were here today, he would reprimand Democrats and RINO Republicans for abandoning the American worker, and allowing the many HARMS of Immigration to be perpetrated upon the American people.

Congratulations for being CONSISTENT in your post. EVERYTHING you said was WRONG.


Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.
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Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

These people would agree with you but they are all dead now. Some from old age, but many from the invasion of illegal aliens:


Look! Here they are trying to be friendly and get along with the illegal aliens whom they now accept as immigrants:


But that didn't last long because sooner than later the immigrants just took over the land and destroyed everything in their path!


Finally, the immigrants drove them off to small little areas called "reservations" where many starved and died along the way:


So yes, immigration is a very, very harmful. THE END

You are correct and those who thirst for cheap slave labor have NOT learned from history.
No, Immigration Is NOT Destroying America! America is the land of opportunity for ALL and don't lose sight of the fact that besides Native Americans nearly every person reading this has either parents, grandparents, ancestors, or even themselves who came to this country from another place *one way or another.* Not all have come here legally but all should be welcomed because we are a humanitarian country that extends our hand to others especially those who are from other countries who come here to Work Hard doing the work most Americans would not care to do and who want to become legal citizens. That path and opportunity should be extended to them. In fact, working in the hot, dusty fields picking fruits and vegetables depicts that it would be a cold day in Hell before most Americans would even think of doing that kind of work as well as cleaning dirty houses in the heat for mere chickenfeed. And if those immigrants suddenly refused to do that type of work we would have very serious problems at the food table doing without what they bring to us through their hard sweat and tears.

You Need To Know That Your Views Are Simply Very Racist To Be Succinct and To the Point! And it may interest you to know that most people who have come here and are awaiting citizenship still pay their taxes and work hard for a living and do not believe in mooching and taking hand-outs from others. When they are fortunate enough to have children here, those kids are automatically American Citizens, the way it is supposed to be. Many of them after having grown up, studied hard and learned English well have gone on to become doctors, lawyers, engineers, and teachers, etc. So don't tell me that they are unproductive and bleed the system. They HELP the system through their hard back-breaking work that is seldom acknowledged by cold-hearted Republicans who simply do not want anyone here but those with similar-sounding last names as their own. That's the way it is and the way it has always been most unfortunately and that is why today and in the future Hispanics and Latinos will continue to support the Democratic Party that does not treat them as second-class citizens like the Republicans (who continue to throw them under the bus) but who affords them the dignity that they are rightfully deserving of.

But God is with those people who are less fortunate. And about the rich, that Republicans so fully and gleefully embrace, Jesus had this profound message for them. "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." MATTHEW 19:24 of the KJV of the Holy Bible. And since Republicans tout themselves as being so religious and mighty and believers in what Jesus says, they should fully embrace what He says in this verse and really take it to heart, otherwise, we will continue to see nothing but the hypocrisy of what they show us and what comes out of their mouth.

Lots of words. And all of which have been refuted dozens of times in this thread and many others, for years. You bring nothing new here, but since you are so naive, I will educate you in all the weakness of your outdated, foolish arguments with as many holes in it as a piece of swiss cheese.

1. America is NOT the land of opportunity or the land of anything for ALL, and our IMMIGRATION LAW says so.

2. My mother was an immigrant from Denmark and my paternal grandparents came here from Central America. So what ? We're talking about what is or isn't harmful right now, and my and anyone's ancestors may have contributed to that harm, as much as any other immigrant.

3. If we are "COUNTRY", then we need to care for ourselves first and foremost, which we do by means of our immigration law (which is actually far too lenient)

4. If we are humanitarian, then we need to be concerned about the millions of AMERICANS who are going unemployed, while cheap labor foreigners, (hired by unscruplous, traitorous employers), steal their jobs, and cause the many HArms of immigration I listed in the OP.

5. Working in fields is a piece of cake compared o the much tougher, dirtier, and more dangerous jobs that Americans do (ex. coal miners, firefighters, troops in Afghanistan)

6. In a study of 450 occupations which immigrants commonly work in, almost all had a majority of Americans working in them (try reading the thread before you come in making a fool out of yourself)

7. The race card will get you nowhere. Immigrants come in ALL races and nationalities,
and their immigration is harmful to Americans no matter what race they are.

8. Paying taxes is one of the things listed on my Harms of Immigration list. Immigrants pay LESS taxes than Americans, due to the lower wages they work for. Thus, they cause a decrease in the treasury.

9. Immigrants most certainly DO "believe in mooching and taking hand-outs from others", as studies show that they receive more welfare $$ in America, than native-born Americans do. And many of them use documentation fraud and the anchor baby racket (arriving here in their 8th month of pregnancy) to deliberately get these benefits.

10. NO, it is NOT supposed to be that immigrants' kids are automatically American Citizens. The author of the 14th Amendment (Jacob Howard) specifically pointed that out when drafting the Amendment.

11. Immigrants becoming doctors, lawyers, engineers, and teachers, as well as any other occupation swipes jobs away from Americans, which is one of the primary reasons why so many Americans are unemployed.

12. Immigrants absolutely DO "bleed the system" both by sucking most of its welfare $$ + sending $70 Billion/year out of the US economy to their home countries in remittances$$.

13. The #1 Republican who has the highest report card rating (98%) from NumbersUSA, in opposition to immigration, is Ted Cruz, who has a "similar-sounding last name" to the massive hordes coming here from Mexico and other Latin American countries.

14. Hispanics (of which I am one) mostly support the Democratic Party because it sucks up to them, like it does to all minority groups, selling out the American people (especially the unemployed) for VOTES.

15. If Jesus were here today, he would reprimand Democrats and RINO Republicans for abandoning the American worker, and allowing the many HARMS of Immigration to be perpetrated upon the American people.

Congratulations for being CONSISTENT in your post. EVERYTHING you said was WRONG.

Gee, too bad your kind of thinking hasn't been around since 1620. Mitt Romney would be just some kid running around the streets of Mexico City. Ronald Reagan would have just been another out-of-work actor in Ireland and Eisenhower would have spent his days yodeling in Bavaria.

And just because you post your text in red doesn't make it right.

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You are correct and those who thirst for cheap slave labor have NOT learned from history.

When the first illegal aliens from Europe arrived, they didn't even give the American natives jobs at fast food restaurants or hand them a leaf blower. They just killed them.
No, Immigration Is NOT Destroying America! America is the land of opportunity for ALL and don't lose sight of the fact that besides Native Americans nearly every person reading this has either parents, grandparents, ancestors, or even themselves who came to this country from another place *one way or another.* Not all have come here legally but all should be welcomed because we are a humanitarian country that extends our hand to others especially those who are from other countries who come here to Work Hard doing the work most Americans would not care to do and who want to become legal citizens. That path and opportunity should be extended to them. In fact, working in the hot, dusty fields picking fruits and vegetables depicts that it would be a cold day in Hell before most Americans would even think of doing that kind of work as well as cleaning dirty houses in the heat for mere chickenfeed. And if those immigrants suddenly refused to do that type of work we would have very serious problems at the food table doing without what they bring to us through their hard sweat and tears.

You Need To Know That Your Views Are Simply Very Racist To Be Succinct and To the Point! And it may interest you to know that most people who have come here and are awaiting citizenship still pay their taxes and work hard for a living and do not believe in mooching and taking hand-outs from others. When they are fortunate enough to have children here, those kids are automatically American Citizens, the way it is supposed to be. Many of them after having grown up, studied hard and learned English well have gone on to become doctors, lawyers, engineers, and teachers, etc. So don't tell me that they are unproductive and bleed the system. They HELP the system through their hard back-breaking work that is seldom acknowledged by cold-hearted Republicans who simply do not want anyone here but those with similar-sounding last names as their own. That's the way it is and the way it has always been most unfortunately and that is why today and in the future Hispanics and Latinos will continue to support the Democratic Party that does not treat them as second-class citizens like the Republicans (who continue to throw them under the bus) but who affords them the dignity that they are rightfully deserving of.

But God is with those people who are less fortunate. And about the rich, that Republicans so fully and gleefully embrace, Jesus had this profound message for them. "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." MATTHEW 19:24 of the KJV of the Holy Bible. And since Republicans tout themselves as being so religious and mighty and believers in what Jesus says, they should fully embrace what He says in this verse and really take it to heart, otherwise, we will continue to see nothing but the hypocrisy of what they show us and what comes out of their mouth.

Lots of words. And all of which have been refuted dozens of times in this thread and many others, for years. You bring nothing new here, but since you are so naive, I will educate you in all the weakness of your outdated, foolish arguments with as many holes in it as a piece of swiss cheese.

1. America is NOT the land of opportunity or the land of anything for ALL, and our IMMIGRATION LAW says so.

2. My mother was an immigrant from Denmark and my paternal grandparents came here from Central America. So what ? We're talking about what is or isn't harmful right now, and my and anyone's ancestors may have contributed to that harm, as much as any other immigrant.

3. If we are "COUNTRY", then we need to care for ourselves first and foremost, which we do by means of our immigration law (which is actually far too lenient)

4. If we are humanitarian, then we need to be concerned about the millions of AMERICANS who are going unemployed, while cheap labor foreigners, (hired by unscruplous, traitorous employers), steal their jobs, and cause the many HArms of immigration I listed in the OP.

5. Working in fields is a piece of cake compared o the much tougher, dirtier, and more dangerous jobs that Americans do (ex. coal miners, firefighters, troops in Afghanistan)

6. In a study of 450 occupations which immigrants commonly work in, almost all had a majority of Americans working in them (try reading the thread before you come in making a fool out of yourself)

7. The race card will get you nowhere. Immigrants come in ALL races and nationalities,
and their immigration is harmful to Americans no matter what race they are.

8. Paying taxes is one of the things listed on my Harms of Immigration list. Immigrants pay LESS taxes than Americans, due to the lower wages they work for. Thus, they cause a decrease in the treasury.

9. Immigrants most certainly DO "believe in mooching and taking hand-outs from others", as studies show that they receive more welfare $$ in America, than native-born Americans do. And many of them use documentation fraud and the anchor baby racket (arriving here in their 8th month of pregnancy) to deliberately get these benefits.

10. NO, it is NOT supposed to be that immigrants' kids are automatically American Citizens. The author of the 14th Amendment (Jacob Howard) specifically pointed that out when drafting the Amendment.

11. Immigrants becoming doctors, lawyers, engineers, and teachers, as well as any other occupation swipes jobs away from Americans, which is one of the primary reasons why so many Americans are unemployed.

12. Immigrants absolutely DO "bleed the system" both by sucking most of its welfare $$ + sending $70 Billion/year out of the US economy to their home countries in remittances$$.

13. The #1 Republican who has the highest report card rating (98%) from NumbersUSA, in opposition to immigration, is Ted Cruz, who has a "similar-sounding last name" to the massive hordes coming here from Mexico and other Latin American countries.

14. Hispanics (of which I am one) mostly support the Democratic Party because it sucks up to them, like it does to all minority groups, selling out the American people (especially the unemployed) for VOTES.

15. If Jesus were here today, he would reprimand Democrats and RINO Republicans for abandoning the American worker, and allowing the many HARMS of Immigration to be perpetrated upon the American people.

Congratulations for being CONSISTENT in your post. EVERYTHING you said was WRONG.

Gee, too bad your kind of thinking hasn't been around since 1620. Mitt Romney would be just some kid running around the streets of Mexico City. Ronald Reagan would have just been another out-of-work actor in Ireland and Eisenhower would have spent his days yodeling in Bavaria.

And just because you post your text in red doesn't make it right.

What I post in red, is done simply to show a quotation from the quote box. My post doesn't need color to make it right. It is correct simply because it is.

According to most (if not all) US geographers (of which I happen to be one) US immigration (with a few exceptions) technically, should have ceased in 1860, when the US passed its optimum population (relative to resource base) of 30 million. And if the people you mentioned would not have been here, Oh well, someone else would have.
And how nice it would be if Ronald Reagan had not been here. Maybe today the Republican party would not be the psuedo-Conservative Reaganists they are today.
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You are correct and those who thirst for cheap slave labor have NOT learned from history.

When the first illegal aliens from Europe arrived, they didn't even give the American natives jobs at fast food restaurants or hand them a leaf blower. They just killed them.

You seem to be unaware that the European/American Indian contact was generally quite peaceful, with a lot of cross-education, trading, and even inter-marriage. Actually very few American Indians made contact with European immigrants, and most lived many miles away from them, and never laid eyes on one in their entire lives.

The reason why so much talk has gone on about ill-treatment of American Indians is due, in large part, to the dime-store novel industry, which sold their Books (comic books form) to Easteners. It was quickly apparent to the dime novelers that Easteners were not interested in the peaceful stories of European/Indian contacts, and the ones that sold were those about the fighting and war (the bloodier the better).

Consequently, these stories (Trail of Tears, Wounded Knee, Custer's Last Stand, etc)
become 99% of the news that reached the East from the West. And also became the standard train of thought for all regarding European/American Indian contact. And it remains so today.

You might also note, that American Indians killed others of other tribes for hundreds of years before any of them ever saw or heard of a White man. Inter-tribal warfare was just as prolific in North America as it was in Europe, or anywhere else, and most Indians who died in contact with Europeans did so as a result of disease, which was unintentionally passed to them.
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You are correct and those who thirst for cheap slave labor have NOT learned from history.

When the first illegal aliens from Europe arrived, they didn't even give the American natives jobs at fast food restaurants or hand them a leaf blower. They just killed them.

You seem to be unaware that the European/American Indian contact was generally quite peaceful, with a lot of cross-education, trading, and even inter-marriage. Actually very few American Indians made contact with European immigrants, and most lived many miles away from them, and never laid eyes on one in their entire lives.

The reason why so much talk has gone on about ill-treatment of American Indians is due, in large part, to the dime-store novel industry, which sold their Books (comic books form) to Easteners. It was quickly apparent to the dime novelers that Easteners were not interested in the peaceful stories of European/Indian contacts, and the ones that sold were those about the fighting and war (the bloodier the better).

Consequently, these stories (Trail of Tears, Wounded Knee, Custer's Last Stand, etc)
become 99% of the news that reached the East from the West. And also became the standard train of thought for all regarding European/American Indian contact. And it remains so today.

You might also note, that American Indians killed others of other tribes for hundreds of years before any of them ever saw or heard of a White man. Inter-tribal warfare was just as prolific in North America as it was in Europe, or anywhere else, and most Indians who died in contact with Europeans did so as a result of disease, which was unintentionally passed to them.

You seem to have gotten your history education from some public school where they also told you that putting your head between your knees would protect you from radioactive fall out.

I'm sure that the Indian wars in the west made up 99% of the news. Most mass killings DO get a lot of media attention, in case you haven't noticed.

And it doesn't matter that American Indians killed each other for hundreds of years because Europeans did, too. But unlike white Europeans, they didn't go on a rampage killing people in the name of Christ. So like your other points, it's meaningless to your argument.

But....American Indians didn't launch their boats from the Atlantic coast and drop anchor in Chelsea Harbor, hop up on the docks and proclaim London theirs, now did they?

Oh and that part about dying from disease....The Europeans infected the natives with smallpox, measles, malaria, yellow fever, influenza, and chicken pox. Is that what you were talking about?
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When the first illegal aliens from Europe arrived, they didn't even give the American natives jobs at fast food restaurants or hand them a leaf blower. They just killed them.

You seem to be unaware that the European/American Indian contact was generally quite peaceful, with a lot of cross-education, trading, and even inter-marriage. Actually very few American Indians made contact with European immigrants, and most lived many miles away from them, and never laid eyes on one in their entire lives.

The reason why so much talk has gone on about ill-treatment of American Indians is due, in large part, to the dime-store novel industry, which sold their Books (comic books form) to Easteners. It was quickly apparent to the dime novelers that Easteners were not interested in the peaceful stories of European/Indian contacts, and the ones that sold were those about the fighting and war (the bloodier the better).

Consequently, these stories (Trail of Tears, Wounded Knee, Custer's Last Stand, etc)
become 99% of the news that reached the East from the West. And also became the standard train of thought for all regarding European/American Indian contact. And it remains so today.

You might also note, that American Indians killed others of other tribes for hundreds of years before any of them ever saw or heard of a White man. Inter-tribal warfare was just as prolific in North America as it was in Europe, or anywhere else, and most Indians who died in contact with Europeans did so as a result of disease, which was unintentionally passed to them.

You seem to have gotten your history education from some public school where they also told you that putting your head between your knees would protect you from radioactive fall out.

I'm sure that the Indian wars in the west made up 99% of the news. Most mass killings DO get a lot of media attention, in case you haven't noticed.

And it doesn't matter that American Indians killed each other for hundreds of years because Europeans did, too. But unlike white Europeans, they didn't go on a rampage killing people in the name of Christ. So like your other points, it's meaningless to your argument.

But....American Indians didn't launch their boats from the Atlantic coast and drop anchor in Chelsea Harbor, hop up on the docks and proclaim London theirs, now did they?

Oh and that part about dying from disease....The Europeans infected the natives with smallpox, measles, malaria, yellow fever, influenza, and chicken pox. Is that what you were talking about?

Sounds like you don't have much disagreement with what I've said, except maybe you weird "rampage killing people in the name of Christ" thing. If that was a reference to the Crusades, you're even more in the dark that you first appeared to be.

And nothing I said is meaningless. Indians killing other Indians shows they were just as violent as anyone else. Maybe you just don't want to accept that ?

And why do you ask " in case you haven't noticed", ? when mass killings getting a lot of media attention is what I just explained to YOU.
HUGE VICTORY FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Immigration/Amnesty forces suffer massive defeat.

In Virginia's 7th Congressional District, Eric Cantor (House Majority Leader), a top supporter of Amnesty for illegal aliens was defeated in the VA Republican primary, by Tea Party candidate Dave Brat, a political novice with little money, but a strong position against illegal immigration.

Much of the campaign centered on immigration, where critics on both sides have recently taken aim at Cantor. Brat has accused the House majority leader of being a top cheerleader for "amnesty" for immigrants in the U.S. illegally.
Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases
wrong !! undocumented immigrants are destroying America .
Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases
wrong !! undocumented immigrants are destroying America .

Wrong! ALL immigrants are destroying America. Do those who say only illegal ones are destroying America think that legal ones don't take jobs away from Americans ? Or depress wages ? Or consume scarce resources ? Or add to pollution, traffic congestion, etc ?

PS - the correct word is ILLEGAL ALIENS. To call an illegal alien an "undocumented immigrant" is about the equivalent of calling a bank robber an "informal withdrawl agent" :D
Here is the public statement about the Cantor loss, Brat victory, from Roy Beck head of NumbersUSA >>

"The wage-earning voters of Rep. Cantor's district apparently felt abandoned by his immigration positions that virtually ignored their anxiety about stagnant wages and high unemployment and that projected primary concern for unlawful foreign visitors and employers seeking more foreign workers.

"Prof. Brat's insistence that immigration policies should focus on the needs of American workers and taxpayers provided a sharp contrast to the corporate-driven vision of the top echelon of the Republican Party that Rep. Cantor exemplified.

"Prof. Brat pledged to seek all 12 of NumbersUSA's legislative priorities, which essentially are the recommendations of the bi-partisan U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform to cut legal immigration by half and to turn off the magnets for illegal immigration."
"The United States has a long history of welcoming immigrants from all parts of the world. During the last decade, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) welcomed more than 6.6 million naturalized citizens into the fabric of our nation. In fiscal year 2013 through May, approximately 503,104 individuals have been naturalized."

Naturalization Fact Sheet | USCIS
"The United States has a long history of welcoming immigrants from all parts of the world. During the last decade, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) welcomed more than 6.6 million naturalized citizens into the fabric of our nation. In fiscal year 2013 through May, approximately 503,104 individuals have been naturalized."

Naturalization Fact Sheet | USCIS

And all of it >> adding to the Harms of Immigration >>

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

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