Immigration is Destroying America.

"By the early 20th century, as the United States became an international power, its cultural self-identity became more complex. The United States was becoming more diverse as immigrants streamed into the country, settling especially in America’s growing urban areas. At this time, America's social diversity began to find significant expression in the arts and culture. American writers of German, Irish, Jewish, and Scandinavian ancestry began to find an audience, although some of the cultural elite resisted the works, considering them crude and unrefined.

Many of these writers focused on 20th-century city life and themes, such as poverty, efforts to assimilate into the United States, and family life in the new country. "

Immigration and Diversity - Forces that Shaped American Culture - Culture - USA - North America: music search, harlem renaissance, langston hughes, countee cullen, 1920s musical
"A total of 757,434 people naturalized in 2012, up from 694,193 the year before. The majority of new citizens were born in Mexico, the Philippines, India, the Dominican Republic and China"

US Issues 1 Million Green Cards, Naturalizes 757,000 in 2012

And where are the jobs for these people ? There can't be any, as long as any Americans are still unemployed. And since millions of Americans are unemployed, that means there are NO JOBS AT ALL for any immigrant.

So what will happen to them then ? Welfare ? We can't afford that.

And 757,434 more cars of traffic congestion. 757,434 more polluters. 757,434 more users of scarce oil, gas, fresh water, minerals, etc. 757,434 more senders of remittances to deprive American businesses of sales. 757,434 more users of hospitals, govt services, recreational facilities, etc, etc, etc
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Stupid post.

Really now. Except it's true. My cartoon has more truth to it than 8 pages of your altered history.

If white Europeans didn't come over, invade and take the native Americans by force, then what did happen, Einstein?

Immigration has been going on since neanderthals stood up straight and started walking. Get over it. More importantly, get over yourself.
"By the early 20th century, as the United States became an international power, its cultural self-identity became more complex. The United States was becoming more diverse as immigrants streamed into the country, settling especially in America’s growing urban areas. At this time, America's social diversity began to find significant expression in the arts and culture. American writers of German, Irish, Jewish, and Scandinavian ancestry began to find an audience, although some of the cultural elite resisted the works, considering them crude and unrefined.

Many of these writers focused on 20th-century city life and themes, such as poverty, efforts to assimilate into the United States, and family life in the new country. "

Immigration and Diversity - Forces that Shaped American Culture - Culture - USA - North America: music search, harlem renaissance, langston hughes, countee cullen, 1920s musical

This thread is not a history lesson. Notice the title >> Immigration is DestroyING America (present tense)

1. Immigration fuels our economy

Remittance $$$ lost. ($70 Billion year LOST from the economy).

2. Immigration creates jobs

Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

3. Immigration helps us retain the best global talent

We've got all the best talent we need right here, with our own American citizens.

4. Immigration makes us less globally isolated

We have embassies and consulates all over the world. We have US troops in dozens of countires. If anybody is NOT globally isolated, it's the USA. :D

5. Immigration enhances our multilingualism

Which is a BAD thing. Nothing like getting into a taxicab and the driver doesn't speak English. Or how about the ER nurse from Africa, that I had 3 weeks ago. I told her point blank > "I can't understand a word you're saying."
NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture and language in common.

6. Immigration opens us up to ideas from elsewhere.

This might have been true 100 years ago. Surprise! We've satellite TV, the internet, jet travel, etc. We've already got ideas from elsewhere, and don't need immigrants for that. :D

7. Immigration shapes how the world views America

:lol: These are getting dumber and dumber as they go along. Like we need immigrants to sustain our tourism industry, huh ? Pheeeeeww!! :rolleyes:

This is one of the dumbest links I've seen yet.
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Really now. Except it's true. My cartoon has more truth to it than 8 pages of your altered history.

If white Europeans didn't come over, invade and take the native Americans by force, then what did happen, Einstein?

Immigration has been going on since neanderthals stood up straight and started walking. Get over it. More importantly, get over yourself.

1. My history isn't altered. The one you've been fed, is.

2. I already taught you what happened, in Post # 1669. What's the matter ? Slow learner ?

3. I don't "get over" the protection of my country from vested interest traitors like you, and the invaders that they bring here, for whatever vested interest they have. So which one is yours ? Feel free to pick one (or more) from the list >>

1. Businesses wanting cheap labor to reduce costs & boost profits.

2. Churches wanting parishoners to fill their empty pews.

3. Unions wanting members to replace their declining memberships.

4. Spanish media NEEDING Spanish-only speakers.

5. Ethnocentrist organizations wanting immigrants to multiply their race, for racist reasons (ex. La Raza- "the race")

6. Democrats seek VOTES (and get them).

7. Terrorists come in to enact terrorism (ex. the 9-11 hijackers came in on visas)

8. Anchor baby parents who become LEGALLY entitled to welfare benefits by having the pregnant woman give birth on the American side of the border. And then help themselves to a lifetime of benefits (more immigrants are receiving welfare benefits than native-born Americans).

9. Mexico - remittances$$$ from the USA are their second largest source of income (second only to their oil exports) Mexico also benefits immensely by dumping their poor people on the US, as we then stupidly pay their poverty bill for them. Other countries also benefit from remittances and poverty dumping.

10. Mexico's Reconquista of the American southwest. I take the Mexican govt at it's word when it says that is exactly its plan.
61% of Americans Disapprove of Obama's Handling of Illegal Immigration

According to a poll of 1,003 adults released by CNN last week, 61% of Americans disapprove of President Obama's handling of illegal immigration, and only 35% approve. (CNN/ORC International Poll, June 2, 2014) These results do not exclude non-citizens or non-voters. The poll was conducted by telephone between May 29 and June 1.

In this latest poll, the President's overall approval rating was 43%, well above his 35% approval rating on illegal immigration. (Id.) While he did not receive majority approval for his handling of any of the twelve particular policy areas surveyed, his handling of illegal immigration ranked almost last, with only two issues receiving lower approval ratings. Not only that, but his approval rating on the issue of illegal immigration appears to be falling: this poll showed his lowest approval rating on illegal immigration that CNN reports finding since 2009. (Id.;, Jun. 4, 2014)

The breakdown of the poll shows those describing themselves as Democrats as much more likely to approve of the President's handling of illegal immigration than Republicans or Independents. While only 13% of Republicans and 28% of Independents approved, 60% of Democrats did. (CNN/ORC International Poll, June 2, 2014)

This poll, showing growing disapproval of the President's handling of illegal immigration, comes at a time when President Obama is hoping to pressure Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) to agree to an immigration deal on the President's terms. (See FAIR Legislative Update, Jun. 4, 2014) The President instructed Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson not to further relax deportation policy before the August congressional recess in order to give the Speaker time to bring amnesty legislation to the floor before the midterm elections. (Associated Press, May 27, 2014; Politico, May 27, 2014)

Legislative Update: 6/11/2014
Today’s Immigration Headlines – June 11, 2014


Border Flood Was Perfect Storm for Cantor Race
“NBC’s chief White House corespondent Chuck Todd pointed to a story originally broken Breitbart Texas abut the U.S.-Mexican border being flooded with illegal immigrant children as the main reason behind the “perfect storm” that caused House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) to loss the GOP primary to Tea Party challenger Dave Brat,” Breitbart TV reports. “Todd credited the grassroots anti immigration movement reaction to the story.”

Immigration Issue Front and Center in Cantor Primary
“[Rep. Eric] Cantor’s loss will prompt the reexamination of some other pieces of conventional wisdom: One, that the Tea Party is dead—clearly, at least in one restive precinct, anti-Washington anger is alive and well. And two, that supporting immigration reform doesn’t necessarily hurt Republicans in primaries—Cantor’s supposed support for “amnesty” was Brat’s chief line of attack. Supporters of immigration reform now fear that Republican members of Congress, leery of touching the issue before, now will never be persuaded that it is not politically toxic,” The Atlantic writes.
John Fund – Reading the Tea Leaves in Cantor Defeat
“Eric Cantor’s loss is historic. No sitting House majority leader has lost an election since the office was created in 1899. While Cantor’s loss was a stunning surprise, the warning signals were around for a while,” says John Fund at National Review.
“1. Cantor managed to muddle his message on immigration. His direct-mail pieces claimed he was foursquare against amnesty. But the newspapers covering Washington, D.C., quoted him as saying he was seeking a compromise with President Obama on immigration. Voters resolved the seeming contradiction by deciding to vote out their establishment congressman. Cantor’s loss destroys any chance of a comprehensive immigration bill passing the House this year.”
White House Tries to Spin Cantor Race
“A spokesman for President Obama rushed to assure House Republicans that Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R., Va.) didn’t actually lose because of his gestures toward Democrats on immigration reform,” National Review says.
“‘Cantor’s problem wasn’t his position on immigration reform, it was his lack of a position,’ Obama adviser Dan Pfeiffer tweeted, citing the primary triumph tonight by Senator Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.). ‘Graham wrote and passed a bill and is winning big.’”

Border Surge Caused by Obama’s Policies
There’s a surge on the border. This is a surge far different from George W. Bush’s dispatch of armed might to win the day in Iraq. This is a mass movement of immigrants that threatens to transform the nation,” the Washington Times says.
“Children are walking hundreds of miles across a hostile environment with little more than the clothes on their backs, accompanied by neither a parent nor other responsible adult. The numbers of these children making the treacherous journey are much higher than the Obama administration has acknowledged, according to reporting by our Stephen Dinan. The deputy Border Patrol chief, Ronald Vitiello, said in an internal memo on May 30 that border agents caught 40,000 unaccompanied children last year. They expect to apprehend 90,000 children this year, and 142,000 in 2015.”

Video Shows Chaos as Amnesty Protesters Storm Cantor Campaign HQ
CNN posted a video showing chaos as pro-amnesty protesters crashed the Eric Cantor campaign headquarters yesterday. Note toward the end the woman unfurling a CASA t-shirt over the American flag.

Roger L. Simon – No Amnesty Wave Propelled Brat to Victory
“After 24 years and 12 congressional terms, Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s dreams of being speaker of the House exploded Tuesday in a matter of hours in a stunning defeat by political novice Dave Brat,” says Roger L. Simon at PJmedia.
“Riding a wave of anti-amnesty sentiment, the Randolph-Macon economics professor managed to win even in Richmond neighborhoods historically friendly to Cantor. He was clearly helped by recent reports of massive numbers of illegal aliens, including children, crossing our Southern border as well as a relatively puny turnout. Nevertheless, it was a huge and convincing win for Brat.”
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"The mass exodus of some 1.3 million Swedes to the United States, often young and healthy men and women, during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was due to the economic and social circumstances in Sweden. "Push and pull" factors on both sides of the Atlantic, as well as the establishment of migration links, are other important factors that more precisely determined the scope and course of the migration patterns. A strong population growth in Sweden increased the pressure on a society that was fundamentally agricultural in nature, and moving to North America provided the Swedish emigrants with economic opportunity not available in the homeland. "

"In some cases, as with the Baptists, Methodists, Adventists, and the Salvation Army, separate Swedish-language conferences were organized as part of the American mother institution, whereas still others, such as the Congregationalists, Mormons, and Presbyterians, organized Swedish-language services in the American congregations with some regularity."

"The different organizations catered to the varied needs of its membership, be their religion, sick insurance, or affection for a particular province in Sweden. However, they also eventually transcended these specific functions and came to serve as places where one could meet fellow country-persons, speak the Swedish language, and participate in the various social activities connected with the organization. "

"The Swedish-language press played an important role in this respect, and it has been estimated that between 600 and 1,000 Swedish language newspapers were published in the United States. Some important titles include Hemlandet, Svenska Amerikanaren, Svenska Amerikanska Posten, Nordstjernan, and Svea. The Swedish-American press was the second largest foreign-language press in the United States with a total circulation over 650,000 copies in 1910."

Does this all sound familiar or what?

Swedish Immigration to North America | Augustana College

Really now. Except it's true. My cartoon has more truth to it than 8 pages of your altered history.

If white Europeans didn't come over, invade and take the native Americans by force, then what did happen, Einstein?

Immigration has been going on since neanderthals stood up straight and started walking. Get over it. More importantly, get over yourself.

Don't worry NoTea...He's always running his mouth off..steve
Uh... guys... are you still at-it in here? Sheeeesh! Is anybody else even contributing? How many times can you (both sides) repeat the same things?
After reading a few pages of partisan crap, historical revisions, and blatant lies from the obama-loving resident leftists, I have to make one statement.



Those who support this lunacy are either mentally diseased or blind followers of the kenyan messiah, or both.
After reading a few pages of partisan crap, historical revisions, and blatant lies from the obama-loving resident leftists, I have to make one statement.



Those who support this lunacy are either mentally diseased or blind followers of the kenyan messiah, or both.
Or are looking to bring-in more people from their same ancestral homeland(s), any way they can, in order to gain more political and cultural and economic power and influence...

Or are well-meaning, naive, deluded world-without-borders types, who are far too willing to surrender their hard-won and distinct political and cultural identity, in favor of a more globalist or internationalist outlook...

Something that they can only get away with, if we're stupid enough to let them...
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After reading a few pages of partisan crap, historical revisions, and blatant lies from the obama-loving resident leftists, I have to make one statement.



Those who support this lunacy are either mentally diseased or blind followers of the kenyan messiah, or both.
Or are looking to bring-in more people from their same ancestral homeland(s), any way they can, in order to gain more political and cultural and economic power and influence...

Or are well-meaning, naive, deluded world-without-borders types, who are far too willing to surrender their hard-won and distinct political and cultural identity, in favor of a more globalist or internationalist outlook...

Something that they can only get away with, if we're stupid enough to let them...

The discount of Bilical wisdom like the tower of Babel, Sodom and Gomorrah, et cetera, has blinded the left in its zeal to diss all things Christianity in order to accomplish its mission of eliminating America's good past in order to bring Old World sins into vogue. We seem destined for a needless repetition of history by ignoring what was handed down to us by our elders. :(
Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)
Harms of Immigration
1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action). 2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid). 4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year). 5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare. 6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion. 8. Increased pollution. 9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities. 11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools. 13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion. 15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc) 16. Introduction of foreign diseases

I can agree with most of these I think, tho I think I've read they actually they help in regard to entitlements.

I agree it's a problem with jobs that hits the middle class and poor. All this very cheap labor runs down wages for everyone. Sure many are doing jobs others wouldn't want to do, but many are not. Look at how many are in construction. These used to be good union jobs and now they are cheap labor. With our unemployment rate we do not need immigration right now. I really think the Democrats are getting played on this issue. While wages for the middle class go down, who is taking advantage of this cheap labor? The rich of course.

Absolutely correct I think when you say that the Democrats are getting played on this issue. It is their constituents who are most hurt by immigration but the Democratic leadership is mostly limousine-liberals who dont understand this.

You forgot to mention all the money sent back to mexico. It's second only to oil in the mexican economy. They need to tax the shit out of any money sent back to mexico.

Great Idea I think. A way to control immigration in addition to border controls.

Immigration is Destroying America.
Same thing has been said for 200 years
Maybe you don't know how close you are to the truth. The US passed its optimum population (30 million) relative to resource base, in 1860. That was 154 years ago. That's when immigration should have stopped (for the most part).

I'm curious as to where you got this figure. Also the figure on remittances to Mexico you mentioned in another post.
After reading a few pages of partisan crap, historical revisions, and blatant lies from the obama-loving resident leftists, I have to make one statement.



Those who support this lunacy are either mentally diseased or blind followers of the kenyan messiah, or both.

I haven't seen anyone here supporting illegal immigration. There is just some old crank who is, in his virulently anti-American and mentally unhinged fashion, opposed to legal immigration as well.
"the mass exodus of some 1.3 million swedes to the united states, often young and healthy men and women, during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was due to the economic and social circumstances in sweden. "push and pull" factors on both sides of the atlantic, as well as the establishment of migration links, are other important factors that more precisely determined the scope and course of the migration patterns. A strong population growth in sweden increased the pressure on a society that was fundamentally agricultural in nature, and moving to north america provided the swedish emigrants with economic opportunity not available in the homeland. "

"in some cases, as with the baptists, methodists, adventists, and the salvation army, separate swedish-language conferences were organized as part of the american mother institution, whereas still others, such as the congregationalists, mormons, and presbyterians, organized swedish-language services in the american congregations with some regularity."

"the different organizations catered to the varied needs of its membership, be their religion, sick insurance, or affection for a particular province in sweden. However, they also eventually transcended these specific functions and came to serve as places where one could meet fellow country-persons, speak the swedish language, and participate in the various social activities connected with the organization. "

"the swedish-language press played an important role in this respect, and it has been estimated that between 600 and 1,000 swedish language newspapers were published in the united states. Some important titles include hemlandet, svenska amerikanaren, svenska amerikanska posten, nordstjernan, and svea. The swedish-american press was the second largest foreign-language press in the united states with a total circulation over 650,000 copies in 1910."

does this all sound familiar or what?

swedish immigration to north america | augustana college

off topic!!

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