Immigration is Destroying America.

"Immigrants were twice as likely to start a new business last year as someone born in the U.S., CNN reports."

Immigrants Twice As Likely To Start Businesses As U.S.-Born Citizens

"Working for a new company? There's a more than one-in-four chance your new boss wasn't born here.
Immigrants created 28% of all new firms last year. They were also twice as likely to start a new business when compared to those born in the United States."

Immigrant entrepreneurs on the rise - May. 7, 2012

So ? What's the point ? When answering the question, be sure to include the % of AMERICANS who got hired to jobs in these alleged immigrant businesses.
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"Immigrants were twice as likely to start a new business last year as someone born in the U.S., CNN reports."

Immigrants Twice As Likely To Start Businesses As U.S.-Born Citizens

"Working for a new company? There's a more than one-in-four chance your new boss wasn't born here.
Immigrants created 28% of all new firms last year. They were also twice as likely to start a new business when compared to those born in the United States."

Immigrant entrepreneurs on the rise - May. 7, 2012

So ? What's the point ? When answering the question, be sure to include the % of AMERICANS who got hired to jobs in these alleged immigrant businesses.

burp... yawn... I'm working for an immigrant. Choke on it ya xenophobe.
"Immigrants were twice as likely to start a new business last year as someone born in the U.S., CNN reports."

Immigrants Twice As Likely To Start Businesses As U.S.-Born Citizens

"Working for a new company? There's a more than one-in-four chance your new boss wasn't born here.
Immigrants created 28% of all new firms last year. They were also twice as likely to start a new business when compared to those born in the United States."

Immigrant entrepreneurs on the rise - May. 7, 2012

So ? What's the point ? When answering the question, be sure to include the % of AMERICANS who got hired to jobs in these alleged immigrant businesses.

burp... yawn... I'm working for an immigrant. Choke on it ya xenophobe.

Nothing to choke on. You're lucky you have a job. Millions of Americans DON'T. And you can stop making a fool out of yourself with the xenophobe talk. It doesn't make any sense.
That's a poor excuse for having nothing more than personal anecdote to support your position, champ.

I didn't know that the Wall Street Journal and other such publications were anecdotal.

I didn't notice a link to either one in the quoted post.

You mean you don't read anything not on the web?
You actually have NEVER read an actual paper or magazine?
Are you 18?
I presume you HAD to read an actual book to graduate college.
"Employers must attest to the Department of Labor that they will pay wages to the H-1B nonimmigrant workers that are at least equal to the actual wage paid by the employer to other workers with similar experience and qualifications for the job in question, or the prevailing wage for the occupation in the area of intended employment – whichever is greater."

"Attest"...Then it MUST be true!
Yes, I would think that Human Resources lackies probably do "Attest" as opposed to getting their asses fired.
Where did you come up with this alternate fairy dust universe?
"Employers must attest to the Department of Labor that they will pay wages to the H-1B nonimmigrant workers that are at least equal to the actual wage paid by the employer to other workers with similar experience and qualifications for the job in question, or the prevailing wage for the occupation in the area of intended employment – whichever is greater."

Do you believe everything you read?

That's a poor excuse for having nothing more than personal anecdote to support your position, champ.

I see you suffer from the inability to decipher sentences that don't conform to your fairy tale website statistics.
I refer to the Wall Street Journal and other financial publications and you turn that into "nothing more than personal anecdote"s.
I know from your grammar and your syntax that you are intelligent; it's your ideology and lack of real life experience that is coloring your view of the real world.
So ? What's the point ? When answering the question, be sure to include the % of AMERICANS who got hired to jobs in these alleged immigrant businesses.

burp... yawn... I'm working for an immigrant. Choke on it ya xenophobe.

Nothing to choke on. You're lucky you have a job. Millions of Americans DON'T. And you can stop making a fool out of yourself with the xenophobe talk. It doesn't make any sense.

Bull carp. No luck to it. Doesn't make sense to you cause you're the xenophobe. Everyone else understands.
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I know all about "Immigrant Entrepreneurship".
They can somehow never find Americans with the "skills" they need so they lobby for more cheap business visas.

And that somehow is by ruling Americans out because of their practice of working for standard American wages (rather than 3rd world wages), and standard American working conditions (rather than 3rd world working conditions)

So, there should be a minimum wage?
Shouldn't people just get paid what the job is worth?
If someone's willing to do a job for $5 an hour, then that's what it's worth.

You are conflating value for devaluing.
American carpenters were worth $15.00/hour prior to $5.00/hour Mexican carpenters, who were allowed in to the US by the millions by both parties under GW.
If you want cheap labor and admit it, that's fine.
If you consider flooding a market to deflate values and don't care about the ramifications, than in the long run you get what you asked for; a nation collapsing under it's own debt.
So, there should be a minimum wage?
Shouldn't people just get paid what the job is worth?
If someone's willing to do a job for $5 an hour, then that's what it's worth.

It's not a matter of what a job is "worth" to an employer. Employers don't get to set the rules for labor in America. If employers can't pay a decent, standard, AMERICAN, living wage to his workers, then he can't afford to be in business, period. In which case, he should do what all the rest of us who also can't afford to own our own business do > GET A JOB.

NO, they should NOT get paid somebody's idea of what a job is worth to them. They should get paid (for 40 hours a week work) what it would take to forge a living for themselves (for a family of 4). The criteria should DECENCY, nothing else.

So, what should the minimum amount be?
If employers don't get to set the rules for labour then there should be a minimum wage set.

There are probably actuaries and/or accountants who figure out these values.
As an example...The Beatles were practically worthless to EMI until their first contract expired in 1967.
"Immigrants were twice as likely to start a new business last year as someone born in the U.S., CNN reports."

Immigrants Twice As Likely To Start Businesses As U.S.-Born Citizens

"Working for a new company? There's a more than one-in-four chance your new boss wasn't born here.
Immigrants created 28% of all new firms last year. They were also twice as likely to start a new business when compared to those born in the United States."

Immigrant entrepreneurs on the rise - May. 7, 2012

Can you make ONE post where you don't mindlessly parrot a web-site?
Is this habit due to the fact that reading web-sites are all the experience you actually have?
I didn't know that the Wall Street Journal and other such publications were anecdotal.

I didn't notice a link to either one in the quoted post.

You mean you don't read anything not on the web?
You actually have NEVER read an actual paper or magazine?
Are you 18?
I presume you HAD to read an actual book to graduate college.

So, you forgot to include the link? Is that it? Or are you just full of shit?'re all kinds of full of shit, aren't ya little guy?
I refer to the Wall Street Journal and other financial publications and you turn that into "nothing more than personal anecdote"s.

Actually, you say this:

...I worked with plenty of visas who were being paid 20K/year for 80K year positions. The banks finance municipal, state and federal political campaigns and you are naive enough to believe some government agency is holding their feet to the fire? My God, you are living in an alternate universe.

and I point out that your post offered nothing more than personal anecdote.

Take some time to digest that before moving on to the inherent contradiction of inquiring in an accusatory manner "Do you believe everything you read?" and supporting your position by referring to something you read (even though you made no such reference in the actual post to which I was responding, but leaving that aside...)... :eusa_whistle:
"Immigrants were twice as likely to start a new business last year as someone born in the U.S., CNN reports."

Immigrants Twice As Likely To Start Businesses As U.S.-Born Citizens

"Working for a new company? There's a more than one-in-four chance your new boss wasn't born here.
Immigrants created 28% of all new firms last year. They were also twice as likely to start a new business when compared to those born in the United States."

Immigrant entrepreneurs on the rise - May. 7, 2012

Can you make ONE post where you don't mindlessly parrot a web-site?
Is this habit due to the fact that reading web-sites are all the experience you actually have?

I'm sorry if providing facts and supporting points makes you uncomfortable. I can understand how that would be difficult for you to accept.
No, Immigration Is NOT Destroying America! America is the land of opportunity for ALL and don't lose sight of the fact that besides Native Americans nearly every person reading this has either parents, grandparents, ancestors, or even themselves who came to this country from another place *one way or another.* Not all have come here legally but all should be welcomed because we are a humanitarian country that extends our hand to others especially those who are from other countries who come here to Work Hard doing the work most Americans would not care to do and who want to become legal citizens. That path and opportunity should be extended to them. In fact, working in the hot, dusty fields picking fruits and vegetables depicts that it would be a cold day in Hell before most Americans would even think of doing that kind of work as well as cleaning dirty houses in the heat for mere chickenfeed. And if those immigrants suddenly refused to do that type of work we would have very serious problems at the food table doing without what they bring to us through their hard sweat and tears.

You Need To Know That Your Views Are Simply Very Racist To Be Succinct and To the Point! And it may interest you to know that most people who have come here and are awaiting citizenship still pay their taxes and work hard for a living and do not believe in mooching and taking hand-outs from others. When they are fortunate enough to have children here, those kids are automatically American Citizens, the way it is supposed to be. Many of them after having grown up, studied hard and learned English well have gone on to become doctors, lawyers, engineers, and teachers, etc. So don't tell me that they are unproductive and bleed the system. They HELP the system through their hard back-breaking work that is seldom acknowledged by cold-hearted Republicans who simply do not want anyone here but those with similar-sounding last names as their own. That's the way it is and the way it has always been most unfortunately and that is why today and in the future Hispanics and Latinos will continue to support the Democratic Party that does not treat them as second-class citizens like the Republicans (who continue to throw them under the bus) but who affords them the dignity that they are rightfully deserving of.

But God is with those people who are less fortunate. And about the rich, that Republicans so fully and gleefully embrace, Jesus had this profound message for them. "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." MATTHEW 19:24 of the KJV of the Holy Bible. And since Republicans tout themselves as being so religious and mighty and believers in what Jesus says, they should fully embrace what He says in this verse and really take it to heart, otherwise, we will continue to see nothing but the hypocrisy of what they show us and what comes out of their mouth.
And that somehow is by ruling Americans out because of their practice of working for standard American wages (rather than 3rd world wages), and standard American working conditions (rather than 3rd world working conditions)

So, there should be a minimum wage?
Shouldn't people just get paid what the job is worth?
If someone's willing to do a job for $5 an hour, then that's what it's worth.

You are conflating value for devaluing.
American carpenters were worth $15.00/hour prior to $5.00/hour Mexican carpenters, who were allowed in to the US by the millions by both parties under GW.
If you want cheap labor and admit it, that's fine.
If you consider flooding a market to deflate values and don't care about the ramifications, than in the long run you get what you asked for; a nation collapsing under it's own debt.

I don't know about conflating, but I'm confused.
I thought the logic went that a job was only worth what it was worth.
One of the arguments against a minimum wage is that it sets an artificial value on an activity.

Burger Flippers should be paid what they're prepared to accept is an oft-cited example.
If they're not prepared to work for $5 and hour then there's someone behind them that will.
They can just keep looking until they get the pay that they think they deserve or go back to school and upskill.

Why should carpenters be any different?
Or are you saying that there should minimum rates of pay?

Right-wingers especially should be all for immigration because it allows appropriate wage rates to be more properly established.
Those that can't compete can just get off their lazy arses and get more qualifications.
burp... yawn... I'm working for an immigrant. Choke on it ya xenophobe.

Nothing to choke on. You're lucky you have a job. Millions of Americans DON'T. And you can stop making a fool out of yourself with the xenophobe talk. It doesn't make any sense.

Bull carp. No luck to it. Doesn't make sense to you cause you're the xenophobe. Everyone else understands.

Yes they do. And what they understand is that you just come in and mouth off, with no substance to back up your words. I challenged you months ago to SHOW one example of where I was bigoted, or racist, or xenphobe, or whatever catch card you're using. You've showed NOTHING. And you never will. We tolerate your foolishness. There's at least one like you in every forum. Ho hum. :rolleyes:

And no luck to it ? Oh you mean a relative got you the job ? Well that would explain it.:D
So, there should be a minimum wage?
Shouldn't people just get paid what the job is worth?
If someone's willing to do a job for $5 an hour, then that's what it's worth.

It's not a matter of what a job is "worth" to an employer. Employers don't get to set the rules for labor in America. If employers can't pay a decent, standard, AMERICAN, living wage to his workers, then he can't afford to be in business, period. In which case, he should do what all the rest of us who also can't afford to own our own business do > GET A JOB.

NO, they should NOT get paid somebody's idea of what a job is worth to them. They should get paid (for 40 hours a week work) what it would take to forge a living for themselves (for a family of 4). The criteria should DECENCY, nothing else.

So, what should the minimum amount be?
If employers don't get to set the rules for labour then there should be a minimum wage set.

It should be whatever is required for a family of 4 to make a reasonably comfortable LIVING. As a minimum, that might be $20/hour. In the 1980s, paid my people about $350/hour (in 2014 dollars), and they only got 15% of a sale.
"Immigrants were twice as likely to start a new business last year as someone born in the U.S., CNN reports."

Immigrants Twice As Likely To Start Businesses As U.S.-Born Citizens

"Working for a new company? There's a more than one-in-four chance your new boss wasn't born here.
Immigrants created 28% of all new firms last year. They were also twice as likely to start a new business when compared to those born in the United States."

Immigrant entrepreneurs on the rise - May. 7, 2012

Can you make ONE post where you don't mindlessly parrot a web-site?
Is this habit due to the fact that reading web-sites are all the experience you actually have?

He thinks it makes him look more authoritative. He does realize it makes him look transparently weak.

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