Immigration is Destroying America.

Is this thread still going? Wow. Protectionist here has yet to explain how lawful immigration is destroying our country. Until he does, take nothing he says with nay seriousness.
Is this thread still going? Wow. Protectionist here has yet to explain how lawful immigration is destroying our country. Until he does, take nothing he says with nay seriousness.

People coming into the country taking jobs, while undercutting Americans' wages, deprives unemployed Americans of those jobs. That was tough, huh ?

Then there's the other 15 items on the Harms of Immigration list (been there since the OP)

Think you could top that post (1801) for absurdity ? I would doubt. :doubt:

The US labor force is about 165 Million workers. Of those there are about 10 million unemployed (many more UNDERemployed). Do the math, 3 divided by 165 = .018.
And 10 is more than 3 times as much as 3. So you want to bring in people from outside the country, to take jobs when there's only 1 job for every 3 Americans as it is ? This means even without the addition of immigrants, we have 2 out of every 3 unemployed Americans going without a job, because of not enough jobs.

You just presented a great argument for stopping and reducing immigration.

Also, note that there's always this tiny # of open jobs. People die, people quit, new businesses open up. But at the same time young high school and college graduates ENTER the workforce, needing jobs, so this tiny % of open jobs is just a part of the ordinary scheme of things, not a stand alone figure that calls for more workers.

ROFL yeah so my wife was underemployed working part time at church cause she had no choice ROFL.... no fool, she was underemployed by choice. Just like all the democrats who live on welfare instead of working, the only Americans not working are the ones that choose to not work.

You throw the word welfare around pretty loosely. Do you know how much "welfare" a person can get without being severely disabled, and without having dependent children ?(which is the overwhelming majority of the population)

And you know NOTHING about the unemployment situation. There are millions of unemployed Americans who DO want to work, and who apply for jobs and are turned down. In recent years, I was one of them. You babble about what you guess. I talk about what I KNOW, from my own personal experience.

Go to the VA hospital sometime, and see who's working there. Don't know what I'm talking about, do you ?
The US labor force is about 165 Million workers. Of those there are about 10 million unemployed (many more UNDERemployed). Do the math, 3 divided by 165 = .018.
And 10 is more than 3 times as much as 3. So you want to bring in people from outside the country, to take jobs when there's only 1 job for every 3 Americans as it is ? This means even without the addition of immigrants, we have 2 out of every 3 unemployed Americans going without a job, because of not enough jobs.

You just presented a great argument for stopping and reducing immigration.

Also, note that there's always this tiny # of open jobs. People die, people quit, new businesses open up. But at the same time young high school and college graduates ENTER the workforce, needing jobs, so this tiny % of open jobs is just a part of the ordinary scheme of things, not a stand alone figure that calls for more workers.

ROFL yeah so my wife was underemployed working part time at church cause she had no choice ROFL.... no fool, she was underemployed by choice. Just like all the democrats who live on welfare instead of working, the only Americans not working are the ones that choose to not work.

You throw the word welfare around pretty loosely. Do you know how much "welfare" a person can get without being severely disabled, and without having dependent children ?(which is the overwhelming majority of the population)

And you know NOTHING about the unemployment situation. There are millions of unemployed Americans who DO want to work, and who apply for jobs and are turned down. In recent years, I was one of them. You babble about what you guess. I talk about what I KNOW, from my own personal experience.

Go to the VA hospital sometime, and see who's working there. Don't know what I'm talking about, do you ?
Why do you think you had to work for someone else?

Make up your mind you were an out of work welfare recipient or a rich business owner that hired high paid contractors. Which is it, you are an immigrant who is destroying this country or you are an immigrant that built this country. Make up your mind nimrod.
Is this thread still going? Wow. Protectionist here has yet to explain how lawful immigration is destroying our country. Until he does, take nothing he says with nay seriousness.

People coming into the country taking jobs, while undercutting Americans' wages, deprives unemployed Americans of those jobs. That was tough, huh ?

Then there's the other 15 items on the Harms of Immigration list (been there since the OP)

Think you could top that post (1801) for absurdity ? I would doubt. :doubt:

What at below $US7 per hour...are they nuts or are you for accepting such a pittance....America Land of the F..( Fcuking Bloody awful wages)
ROFL yeah so my wife was underemployed working part time at church cause she had no choice ROFL.... no fool, she was underemployed by choice. Just like all the democrats who live on welfare instead of working, the only Americans not working are the ones that choose to not work.

You throw the word welfare around pretty loosely. Do you know how much "welfare" a person can get without being severely disabled, and without having dependent children ?(which is the overwhelming majority of the population)

And you know NOTHING about the unemployment situation. There are millions of unemployed Americans who DO want to work, and who apply for jobs and are turned down. In recent years, I was one of them. You babble about what you guess. I talk about what I KNOW, from my own personal experience.

Go to the VA hospital sometime, and see who's working there. Don't know what I'm talking about, do you ?
Why do you think you had to work for someone else?

Make up your mind you were an out of work welfare recipient or a rich business owner that hired high paid contractors. Which is it, you are an immigrant who is destroying this country or you are an immigrant that built this country. Make up your mind nimrod.

Got no idea what the hell you just said. But then, who cares ? :lol:
Is this thread still going? Wow. Protectionist here has yet to explain how lawful immigration is destroying our country. Until he does, take nothing he says with nay seriousness.

People coming into the country taking jobs, while undercutting Americans' wages, deprives unemployed Americans of those jobs. That was tough, huh ?

Then there's the other 15 items on the Harms of Immigration list (been there since the OP)

Think you could top that post (1801) for absurdity ? I would doubt. :doubt:

What at below $US7 per hour...are they nuts or are you for accepting such a pittance....America Land of the F..( Fcuking Bloody awful wages)

There are various wage levels at which foreigners undercut US wages. Some US engineers, previously making $100,000/year, are replaced by foreign engineers now working for half that amount or less.
That was just so fucking stupid on so many levels...

You are truly hopeless.

Explain without using a web-link or an ad hominem.
Presuming you can.
My 30 years of professional experience versus your...what? web-links?

Explain? Explain why professing a blanket hatred, condemnation, and desire to exclude an entire group of people representing 1.2 billion individuals, very nearly all of whom you've never met makes you a bigot even if you claim to love everyone else? If you need that explained to you then you are far more hopeless than I thought. Seriously, we are talking pull the plug and turn out the lights brain dead.

"30 years of professional experience"? 30 years of being an illogical bigot? Does your empty head imagine that to be some sort of justification? Wtf?

Schmuck...Once again...I've worked with dozens of nationalities over a 30 year period and NONE is anywhere near as incompetent, compliant and racist as Indians.
You can post all the diverting bullshit you desire, but NOONE who has so much bad experience with only ONE nationality is a racist.

I lie...there was ONE guy back in 1998 who was really smart, eloquent and nice who hated his team of 35 incompetent, compliant and racist fellow Indians.
He confirmed, WITHOUT my prompting, what assholes most Indian H1-B s are.
"Requirement 4 - You must be paid at least the actual or prevailing wage for your occupation, whichever is higher.
The prevailing wage is determined based on the position in which you will be employed and the geographic location where you will be working (among other factors). The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) maintains a database with applicable current prevailing wage levels based on occupation and work location."

Understanding H-1B Requirements | USCIS

Mr. web-link strikes again.
These requirements are as real as the 35 hour work week.
Are you 18?
Question...Have you ever worked for a Fortune 500 entity in a Production environment?
Just answer the question without diversions.
You can post all the diverting bullshit you desire, but NOONE who has so much bad experience with only ONE nationality is a racist.

Are you honestly this stupid, or have you somehow managed to get this far with absolutely 0 understanding of basic logic? How the fuck do you manage to turn on a computer? I can see why you'd be so frightened of competition, given how absolutely fucking brainless you are. You'd be in danger of being replaced with a lead paperweight.
You can post all the diverting bullshit you desire, but NOONE who has so much bad experience with only ONE nationality is a racist.

Are you honestly this stupid, or have you somehow managed to get this far with absolutely 0 understanding of basic logic? How the fuck do you manage to turn on a computer? I can see why you'd be so frightened of competition, given how absolutely fucking brainless you are. You'd be in danger of being replaced with a lead paperweight.

Ad hominem; just like yesterday.
But you do get a donut point for every time you type the f word.

You shouldn't fret though as the best and brightest around the world have already been replaced by your brethren.
"Requirement 4 - You must be paid at least the actual or prevailing wage for your occupation, whichever is higher.
The prevailing wage is determined based on the position in which you will be employed and the geographic location where you will be working (among other factors). The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) maintains a database with applicable current prevailing wage levels based on occupation and work location."

Understanding H-1B Requirements | USCIS

Mr. web-link strikes again.

In discussing a point of law, I linked to the FACTS of the law, you fucking moron.
You can post all the diverting bullshit you desire, but NOONE who has so much bad experience with only ONE nationality is a racist.

Are you honestly this stupid, or have you somehow managed to get this far with absolutely 0 understanding of basic logic? How the fuck do you manage to turn on a computer? I can see why you'd be so frightened of competition, given how absolutely fucking brainless you are. You'd be in danger of being replaced with a lead paperweight.

Ad hominem; just like yesterday...

The only reasonable response to your utterly illogical comments. See if this gets through the fog: If some other asshole says "I loves eevuruyone, but I just hates them N***ers!" that person is a racist. YOU are a racist no matter how much you insist that you are 'right' to be so. Holy shit, you're fucking stupid.
"Requirement 4 - You must be paid at least the actual or prevailing wage for your occupation, whichever is higher.
The prevailing wage is determined based on the position in which you will be employed and the geographic location where you will be working (among other factors). The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) maintains a database with applicable current prevailing wage levels based on occupation and work location."

Understanding H-1B Requirements | USCIS

Mr. web-link strikes again.

In discussing a point of law, I linked to the FACTS of the law, you fucking moron.

Another f, another donut point{less}.

OK idiot, I asked you if you ever worked for a Fortune 500 entity and experienced REAL LIFE; so far no response because the only life experience you possess is your keyboard at home.
Now I'll be nice and expand that to include ANY company possessing an IT department.
You shouldn't fret though as the best and brightest around the world have already been replaced by your brethren.

Who do you imagine to be my "brethren"? I want to see if you are stupid and shameless enough to put another tattoo across your forehead.
You shouldn't fret though as the best and brightest around the world have already been replaced by your brethren.

Who do you imagine to be my "brethren"? I want to see if you are stupid and shameless enough to put another tattoo across your forehead.

You must LOVE Indians.
I know, you love everyone.

Once again, what's your professional experience?
I asked you if you ever worked for a Fortune 500 entity and experienced REAL LIFE...

So now "real life" only means working for a Fortune 500 company? More of your brilliant logic, braindead?

Real life means no relying on web sites for what ACTUALLY occurs in real life.
It's fascinating that I'm not being attacked by Conservatives who love using H1-Bs because they know I'm telling the truth.

So you admit you have no REAL LIFE experience so you have NOTHING to say except for what some web site feeds your home bound brain.

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