Immigration is Destroying America.

If you're an example of the typical Indian....

As I was saying...

There it is, the unmistakable sign of the true internet idiot. To special morons like you anyone who has a problem with illogical, irrational, and yes COWARDLY hatred against any 'group' of any sort must therefore be a member of said group. You have just PROVEN yourself hopelessly stupid. Now I have been 'accused' (gasp!) of being black, Asian, Jewish, Muslim, female, an illegal alien, Indian, and a dozen other things by IDIOTS like you who CANNOT think at all. You just tattooed "Brainless" across your forehead, champ, and it is permanent. Congratulations.

Just to be sure there is no misunderstanding, the idiot repeats his illogical, bigoted nonsense.


Aw, come one, web-link boy, can't you come up with a web-link?

Sure, they would all link to your idiotic, illogical posts on this thread, you bigoted moron. "Oh, it's ok. I really, really like everyone else and that proves I'm right in hating these people because of where they were born, really." :rolleyes: It doesn't work that way, you brainless buffoon.

As I was saying...

Just to be sure there is no misunderstanding, the idiot repeats his illogical, bigoted nonsense.


Aw, come one, web-link boy, can't you come up with a web-link?

Sure, they would all link to your idiotic, illogical posts on this thread, you bigoted moron. "Oh, it's ok. I really, really like everyone else and that proves I'm right in hating these people because of where they were born, really." :rolleyes: It doesn't work that way, you brainless buffoon.


Sorry, idiot, I can't be a racist if there's only ONE nationality on the planet I object to.
Send in all the Chinese and Germans you want, at least they are enjoyable to work with and don't see everybody else as being lower than a bovine.
Aw, come one, web-link boy, can't you come up with a web-link?

Sure, they would all link to your idiotic, illogical posts on this thread, you bigoted moron. "Oh, it's ok. I really, really like everyone else and that proves I'm right in hating these people because of where they were born, really." :rolleyes: It doesn't work that way, you brainless buffoon.


Sorry, idiot, I can't be a racist if there's only ONE nationality on the planet I object to.
Send in all the Chinese and Germans you want, at least they are enjoyable to work with and don't see everybody else as being lower than a bovine.

That was just so fucking stupid on so many levels...

You are truly hopeless.
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Sure, they would all link to your idiotic, illogical posts on this thread, you bigoted moron. "Oh, it's ok. I really, really like everyone else and that proves I'm right in hating these people because of where they were born, really." :rolleyes: It doesn't work that way, you brainless buffoon.


Sorry, idiot, I can't be a racist if there's only ONE nationality on the planet I object to.
Send in all the Chinese and Germans you want, at least they are enjoyable to work with and don't see everybody else as being lower than a bovine.

That was just so fucking stupid on so many levels...

You are truly hopeless.

Explain without using a web-link or an ad hominem.
Presuming you can.
My 30 years of professional experience versus your...what? web-links?
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You're Indian, aren't you?
If not, you support racism against potential superior business visas from nations other than India.
I don't care about economics when CEOs state that they're shipping in the "Yes, yes" man because they're (shhhh... RACIALLY) SUPERIOR; yep, don't you know every Indian comes out of it's mother's vagina with a PhD?
That's what CEOs say.
You see, CEOs don't have the balls to overtly admit that Indians will work for any shit salary you throw at them...Oh, no, Indians are better than the British, French, Germans, Russians, Japanese, Chinese, etc...
Yep, all the others have been shipped back home and you sit there and smile like a dumb ass.
So who's the racist, asshole?

The problem isnt Indian people if they are comming here legaly but those who are trying to drive wages down it seems, through manipulation of the immigration system whether it be legal or illegal. The buck stopps with our policy makers in washington who are not watching out for us ... allowing these things to happen

Indians are not the problem, per se, but it's downright immoral went extremely talented people from other nations are sent home by scumbag CEOs and the politicians they own.
The argument that's expressed before Congress, however, is NOT one of economics, but of a lack of talent and "the only nation that has that talent is India".
As a customer who uses customer service and software, I find this to be an insult.

Of course, as an investor, I am thrilled.

There is NOT a lack of talent among US workers, as my many links have clearly shown.
You see, CEOs don't have the balls to overtly admit that Indians will work for any shit salary you throw at them...

They can't "work for any shit salary" according to the law, brainless. I have quoted the actual law over and over again on this very thread, you moron.

If you believe that the law isn't being enforced then redirect your ire toward those sworn to uphold it, instead of continuing to make more and more of a fool of yourself like this.

They can work for any wage above the minimum wage. That includes many that could be called a "shit salary". (and they do)
You see, CEOs don't have the balls to overtly admit that Indians will work for any shit salary you throw at them...

They can't "work for any shit salary" according to the law, brainless. I have quoted the actual law over and over again on this very thread, you moron.

If you believe that the law isn't being enforced then redirect your ire toward those sworn to uphold it, instead of continuing to make more and more of a fool of yourself like this.

They can work for any wage above the minimum wage. That includes many that could be called a "shit salary". (and they do)

Do federal wage laws apply on Indian reservations?
They can't "work for any shit salary" according to the law, brainless. I have quoted the actual law over and over again on this very thread, you moron.

If you believe that the law isn't being enforced then redirect your ire toward those sworn to uphold it, instead of continuing to make more and more of a fool of yourself like this.

They can work for any wage above the minimum wage. That includes many that could be called a "shit salary". (and they do)

Do federal wage laws apply on Indian reservations?

Not My Problem.
If you're an example of the typical Indian....

As I was saying...

There it is, the unmistakable sign of the true internet idiot. To special morons like you anyone who has a problem with illogical, irrational, and yes COWARDLY hatred against any 'group' of any sort must therefore be a member of said group. You have just PROVEN yourself hopelessly stupid. Now I have been 'accused' (gasp!) of being black, Asian, Jewish, Muslim, female, an illegal alien, Indian, and a dozen other things by IDIOTS like you who CANNOT think at all. You just tattooed "Brainless" across your forehead, champ, and it is permanent. Congratulations.

Just to be sure there is no misunderstanding, the idiot repeats his illogical, bigoted nonsense.


Aw, come one, web-link boy, can't you come up with a web-link?
Or anything that contradicts what I'm saying?
As I've stated quite EXPLICITLY, I have enjoyed managing, working with and working for EVERY NATIONLITY over a 30 year period EXCEPT for INDIANS.
Indians have NO imagination, speak English rather poorly, and will ONLY hire other Indians as they have been indoctrinated t believe all others are inferior.
Heck, even the MDs I know, and that's a few dozen, can't tolerate their racism.

And I'm sure you know what it means when an Indian says to any non-Indian, "Yes, yes.".
Please do enlighten us as to how that is actually an INSULT.
I know why it's an insult, but they work for such low wages that nobody cares.

I had a guy from India as a professor in graduate school. He got the job through affirmative action. Totally unqualified. Nobody could understand a word he was saying.
Yet another reason to stop immigration. :confused:
Sorry, idiot, I can't be a racist if there's only ONE nationality on the planet I object to.
Send in all the Chinese and Germans you want, at least they are enjoyable to work with and don't see everybody else as being lower than a bovine.

That was just so fucking stupid on so many levels...

You are truly hopeless.

Explain without using a web-link or an ad hominem.
Presuming you can.
My 30 years of professional experience versus your...what? web-links?

Explain? Explain why professing a blanket hatred, condemnation, and desire to exclude an entire group of people representing 1.2 billion individuals, very nearly all of whom you've never met makes you a bigot even if you claim to love everyone else? If you need that explained to you then you are far more hopeless than I thought. Seriously, we are talking pull the plug and turn out the lights brain dead.

"30 years of professional experience"? 30 years of being an illogical bigot? Does your empty head imagine that to be some sort of justification? Wtf?
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"The law establishes certain standards in order to protect similarly employed U.S. workers from being adversely affected by the employment of the nonimmigrant workers, as well as to protect the H-1B nonimmigrant workers. Employers must attest to the Department of Labor that they will pay wages to the H-1B nonimmigrant workers that are at least equal to the actual wage paid by the employer to other workers with similar experience and qualifications for the job in question, or the prevailing wage for the occupation in the area of intended employment – whichever is greater."
"The law establishes certain standards in order to protect similarly employed U.S. workers from being adversely affected by the employment of the nonimmigrant workers, as well as to protect the Employers must attest to the Department of Labor that they will pay wages to the H-1B nonimmigrant workers that are at least equal to the actual wage paid by the employer to other workers with similar experience and qualifications for the job in question, or the prevailing wage for the occupation in the area of intended employment – whichever is greater."

There is no such thing as a "H-1B nonimmigrant workers". Unless you define the H-1B visa as not immigration. In any case, these laws are largely ignored by the Obamans, and employers do as they please. Third time I've pointed this out now.

Refuted repeatedly in the thread.

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"Requirement 4 - You must be paid at least the actual or prevailing wage for your occupation, whichever is higher.
The prevailing wage is determined based on the position in which you will be employed and the geographic location where you will be working (among other factors). The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) maintains a database with applicable current prevailing wage levels based on occupation and work location."

Understanding H-1B Requirements | USCIS

The US labor force is about 165 Million workers. Of those there are about 10 million unemployed (many more UNDERemployed). Do the math, 3 divided by 165 = .018.
And 10 is more than 3 times as much as 3. So you want to bring in people from outside the country, to take jobs when there's only 1 job for every 3 Americans as it is ? This means even without the addition of immigrants, we have 2 out of every 3 unemployed Americans going without a job, because of not enough jobs.

You just presented a great argument for stopping and reducing immigration.

Also, note that there's always this tiny # of open jobs. People die, people quit, new businesses open up. But at the same time young high school and college graduates ENTER the workforce, needing jobs, so this tiny % of open jobs is just a part of the ordinary scheme of things, not a stand alone figure that calls for more workers.
"Requirement 4 - You must be paid at least the actual or prevailing wage for your occupation, whichever is higher.
The prevailing wage is determined based on the position in which you will be employed and the geographic location where you will be working (among other factors). The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) maintains a database with applicable current prevailing wage levels based on occupation and work location."

Understanding H-1B Requirements | USCIS

Nobody cares, particularly the federal govt officials who are supposed to enforce the law.

The US labor force is about 165 Million workers. Of those there are about 10 million unemployed (many more UNDERemployed). Do the math, 3 divided by 165 = .018.
And 10 is more than 3 times as much as 3. So you want to bring in people from outside the country, to take jobs when there's only 1 job for every 3 Americans as it is ? This means even without the addition of immigrants, we have 2 out of every 3 unemployed Americans going without a job, because of not enough jobs.

You just presented a great argument for stopping and reducing immigration.

Also, note that there's always this tiny # of open jobs. People die, people quit, new businesses open up. But at the same time young high school and college graduates ENTER the workforce, needing jobs, so this tiny % of open jobs is just a part of the ordinary scheme of things, not a stand alone figure that calls for more workers.

ROFL yeah so my wife was underemployed working part time at church cause she had no choice ROFL.... no fool, she was underemployed by choice. Just like all the democrats who live on welfare instead of working, the only Americans not working are the ones that choose to not work.

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