Immigration is Destroying America.

While there are some laws about layoffs they are not national they are on the state level and the state laws are easily overcome using shell games.

I'm talking about federal laws.

Show me the federal law that stops corporations from laying off high paid workers to replace them with cheaper workers.

H-1B dependent employers who are hiring a non-exempt H-1B employee must declare that they have not and will not displace or lay-off a U.S. worker "in an equivalent job" either within its own workforce or that of another employer (e.g. contractor). The employer may not displace a U.S. worker within its own workforce by hiring an H-1B worker in an equivalent job during a period beginning 90 days before the H-1B petition filing date and lasting 90 days after the filing date.

Furthermore, the H-1B dependent employer is also prohibited from placing the H-1B employee with another employer (e.g. in a contracting position) to perform work, either in whole or in part, if this would also result in displacing a similarly situated U.S. worker.

In reality, employers break these rules all the time and are rarely caught or punished, but it is still the law. When we get a president and attorney general with an ounce of decency, employers violators of these laws are going to find themselves in deep shit.
Solution is simple, the White house has lots of extra rooms for the immigrant children, plus is any of them have any diseases like the TB or Typhoid , the will have the very best medical staff to help them!

I mean there really is no point in screening any one first for illness.

Second part of solution. If bringing in 30 Million people from all over Latin America all at once, who really dont understand American culture really stimulates our economy, then they should all be sent to
Chicago, Detroit and DC. their poor people need the help the most.
I'm talking about federal laws.

Show me the federal law that stops corporations from laying off high paid workers to replace them with cheaper workers.

H-1B dependent employers who are hiring a non-exempt H-1B employee must declare that they have not and will not displace or lay-off a U.S. worker "in an equivalent job" either within its own workforce or that of another employer (e.g. contractor). The employer may not displace a U.S. worker within its own workforce by hiring an H-1B worker in an equivalent job during a period beginning 90 days before the H-1B petition filing date and lasting 90 days after the filing date.

Furthermore, the H-1B dependent employer is also prohibited from placing the H-1B employee with another employer (e.g. in a contracting position) to perform work, either in whole or in part, if this would also result in displacing a similarly situated U.S. worker.

In reality, employers break these rules all the time and are rarely caught or punished, but it is still the law. When we get a president and attorney general with an ounce of decency, employers violators of these laws are going to find themselves in deep shit.

Nonsense, as I just pointed out to be h1b dependent the employer has to have 15% of their full time employees be h1b. Which means they can displace 14.9% of their world wide full time employees in the usa and replace them with h1b visa employees in the usa. IOW they can replace EVERY SING ONE OF THEIR EMPLOYEES IN THE USA IF THEY FIRE ALL BUT 14.9% OF THEIR EMPLOYEES IN THE USA AND REPLACE THE 85.1% OF THEIR EMPLOYEES WITH INDIA AND CHINA ENGINEERS THEN LAY OFF EVERY SINGLE ONE THAT IS LEFT IN THE USA AND REPLACE THEM WITH H1B INDIA AND CHINA ENGINEERS. IOW the law is STUPID. It encourages US companies to move most of their employment offshore so they can take advantage of this stupid 15% rule.
Now we see MSNBC and other (establishment) media outlets say ...oh no no...Cantor's loss wasnt about immigration......see this poll...see....see

This is after Cantors own internal polling showed him up by some 20% I believe. Yes lets look at some fake, doctored poll.

I Saw Rachel Maddow's show do this. On one side of commercial break she talked about the poor polling......on the other she brought out a poll to say it wasnt about immigration...hmm

Also interesting how MSNBC talks about the "Republican Establishment", its just the establishment.....and your part of it.

True reform has got to come and part of the way to do that is to lie to the pollsters. They help the politicians lie to you.....they help the polliticians tailor their tell just the right nuance of a lie to fool their constituents and yet cover their asses when they carry water for the lobbyists.
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Show me the federal law that stops corporations from laying off high paid workers to replace them with cheaper workers.

H-1B dependent employers who are hiring a non-exempt H-1B employee must declare that they have not and will not displace or lay-off a U.S. worker "in an equivalent job" either within its own workforce or that of another employer (e.g. contractor). The employer may not displace a U.S. worker within its own workforce by hiring an H-1B worker in an equivalent job during a period beginning 90 days before the H-1B petition filing date and lasting 90 days after the filing date.

Furthermore, the H-1B dependent employer is also prohibited from placing the H-1B employee with another employer (e.g. in a contracting position) to perform work, either in whole or in part, if this would also result in displacing a similarly situated U.S. worker.

In reality, employers break these rules all the time and are rarely caught or punished, but it is still the law. When we get a president and attorney general with an ounce of decency, employers violators of these laws are going to find themselves in deep shit.

Nonsense, as I just pointed out to be h1b dependent the employer has to have 15% of their full time employees be h1b. Which means they can displace 14.9% of their world wide full time employees in the usa and replace them with h1b visa employees in the usa. IOW they can replace EVERY SING ONE OF THEIR EMPLOYEES IN THE USA IF THEY FIRE ALL BUT 14.9% OF THEIR EMPLOYEES IN THE USA AND REPLACE THE 85.1% OF THEIR EMPLOYEES WITH INDIA AND CHINA ENGINEERS THEN LAY OFF EVERY SINGLE ONE THAT IS LEFT IN THE USA AND REPLACE THEM WITH H1B INDIA AND CHINA ENGINEERS. IOW the law is STUPID. It encourages US companies to move most of their employment offshore so they can take advantage of this stupid 15% rule.

Generally, cheap labor workers in the US are doing jobs that their employers, for one reason or another, can't go offshore with. For one thing it takes a lot of money to move offshore. For many employers, it simply isn't economical. For others, raw materials are available and cheap in the US, but not so in other countries. Neither is basic security. Iraq or Syria anyone ?
Now we see MSNBC and other (establishment) media outlets say ...oh no no...Cantor's loss wasnt about immigration......see this poll...see....see

This is after Cantors own internal polling showed him up by some 20% I believe. Yes lets look at some fake, doctored poll.

I Saw Rachel Maddow's show do this. On one side of commercial break she talked about the poor polling......on the other she brought out a poll to say it wasnt about immigration...hmm

Also interesting how MSNBC talks about the "Republican Establishment", its just the establishment.....and your part of it.

True reform has got to come and part of the way to do that is to lie to the pollsters. They help the politicians lie to you.....they help the polliticians tailor their tell just the right nuance of a lie to fool their constituents and yet cover their asses when they carry water for the lobbyists.

The more Democrats pretend that Cantor's loss wasn't about immigration, the less attention they will pay to it, and the more voters will repeat the same voting activity in th Cantor-Brat election.
Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

You are correct on every count.

I just read it and it's the same bullshit I've been reading since post 9/11.
All Americans are retarded and we need all the geniuses from India even though India is a non-self reliant shithole.
Apparently you don't read Forbes too often or you'd know that.
Immigration strengthens America...It's illegal immigration that is the problem.
Immigration strengthens America...It's illegal immigration that is the problem.

I'm disgusted with Illegal Immigration and Business Visas from India.
The US has virtually eliminated brilliant business visas from every nation and brought in the low-wage, low IQ "Yes, yes" man.
Immigration strengthens America...It's illegal immigration that is the problem.

I'm disgusted with Illegal Immigration and Business Visas from India.

Don't try to equate your personal bigotry and weakness with a real problem like illegal immigration, douche.

I call bullshit on you when 95% of business visas come from one nation that has accomplished NOTHING on it's own.
The most obvious issue is that Indians provide the worst possible customer service as they can barely speak English and can't think out of the box on the simplest support issues.
On the software side, they produce nothing but software with endless bugs.
Why do you think Apple doesn't use India H1-Bs?
Immigration is Destroying America.

Again, it’s the ignorance and hate exhibited by most on the partisan right that poses the greatest threat to America, not immigration.

This thread alone provides abundance evidence of that.

Ignorance? sure ingnorance of who it is coming accross the border for what reason or with what possible disease. If i want to emmigrate to Australia for example I have to jump through hoops and I damn well better have a lot of money or have a valuable skill . And rightly so... it is their country.

Hate? hate of what ? Bullshit because most peopel dont have a problem with immigration,just illegal immigration. What about the rights of those who came here

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