Immigration is Destroying America.

You shouldn't fret though as the best and brightest around the world have already been replaced by your brethren.

Who do you imagine to be my "brethren"? I want to see if you are stupid and shameless enough to put another tattoo across your forehead.

You must LOVE Indians.

Exactly the same refrain heard from your fellow racists who respond to criticism of their cowardly hatred with something like "well, you must be one 'o them there N***er lovers!" There are stupid, hateful, spineless pieces of shit like you all over this site. They just usually show up on the Race Relations Forum.
Who do you imagine to be my "brethren"? I want to see if you are stupid and shameless enough to put another tattoo across your forehead.

You must LOVE Indians.

Exactly the same refrain heard from your fellow racists who respond to criticism of their cowardly hatred with something like "well, you must be one 'o them there N***er lovers!" There are stupid, hateful, spineless pieces of shit like you all over this site. They just usually show up on the Race Relations Forum.

Respond to each of the following...
I love working with Chinese...Racist or not racist?
I love working with Mexicans...Racist or not racist?
I love working with African Americans...Racist or not racist?
I love working with The Irish...Racist or not racist?
I love working with Germans...Racist or not racist?
I hate working with Indians...Racist or not racist?
Immigratrion is destroying the GOP..
Once Texas goes Democratic....2016 or2020 at the latest..

the GOP wont win a national election for decades...

....and they can blame Mexicans for all their problems...from the sidelines
So now "real life" only means working for a Fortune 500 company? More of your brilliant logic, braindead?

Real life means no relying on web sites for what ACTUALLY occurs in real life.

Then why did you qualify it as being limited to working for a Fortune 500 company, idiot?

Because there's a much higher probability of having to deal with an internal all Indian H1-B Visa IT shop of incompetents.
Most smaller entities are now off-shoring their IT staff altogether.
Immigratrion is destroying the GOP..
Once Texas goes Democratic....2016 or2020 at the latest..

the GOP wont win a national election for decades...

....and they can blame Mexicans for all their problems...from the sidelines

Are you referring to immigration or illegal immigration?
You must LOVE Indians.

Exactly the same refrain heard from your fellow racists who respond to criticism of their cowardly hatred with something like "well, you must be one 'o them there N***er lovers!" There are stupid, hateful, spineless pieces of shit like you all over this site. They just usually show up on the Race Relations Forum.

Respond to each of the following...
I love working with Chinese...Racist or not racist?
I love working with Mexicans...Racist or not racist?
I love working with African Americans...Racist or not racist?
I love working with The Irish...Racist or not racist?
I love working with Germans...Racist or not racist?
I hate working with Indians...Racist or not racist?

It is truly astonishing that anyone can be so fucking stupid. Yes, the above means you are a FUCKING RACIST. They really overdid it on your lobotomy.
Real life means no relying on web sites for what ACTUALLY occurs in real life.

I have worked more closely with more people from more parts of the world than it is likely you have ever met any kind of people in your entire life. There is no justification for your racism, pussy, no matter how badly you want to convince yourself that there is.
Real life means no relying on web sites for what ACTUALLY occurs in real life.

I have worked more closely with more people from more parts of the world than it is likely you have ever met any kind of people in your entire life. There is no justification for your racism, pussy, no matter how badly you want to convince yourself that there is.

Are you Indian?
Real life means no relying on web sites for what ACTUALLY occurs in real life.

I have worked more closely with more people from more parts of the world than it is likely you have ever met any kind of people in your entire life. There is no justification for your racism, pussy, no matter how badly you want to convince yourself that there is.

Are you Indian?

Don't you ever get tired of shaming yourself this way, idiot?

There it is, the unmistakable sign of the true internet idiot. To special morons like you anyone who has a problem with illogical, irrational, and yes COWARDLY hatred against any 'group' of any sort must therefore be a member of said group. You have just PROVEN yourself hopelessly stupid. Now I have been 'accused' (gasp!) of being black, Asian, Jewish, Muslim, female, an illegal alien, Indian, and a dozen other things by IDIOTS like you who CANNOT think at all. You just tattooed "Brainless" across your forehead, champ, and it is permanent. Congratulations.

No, IDIOT, I am not Indian. Are you a lesbian, albino Swedish conjoined twin? I just loves eevurywon else, but I hates them. But only them, so's I can't be no raciest nur no beegut, so sir.

I know, you love everyone.
I don't HATE anyone based on a race or ethnicity, asshole. I save my sincere disdain for individual fucking losers like you.
Another donut point.
You are so erudite I'm surprised you're not on Wall Street.

I wouldn't bother arguing with Unkotare, Indeependent....I put him on ignore along time ago.....most all his posts are circular reasoning

The far left is doing more to destroy America than any other force out there.

Actually I think its the mushy middle that is destroying America, The sell-out politicians who serve only the lobbyists. We need a variety of viewpoints in Congress from people that actually believe what they say, not those who just spout rhetoric to get votes and then serve only moneyed-interests.
Actually I think its the mushy middle that is destroying America, The sell-out politicians who serve only the lobbyists. We need a variety of viewpoints in Congress from people that actually believe what they say, not those who just spout rhetoric to get votes and then serve only moneyed-interests.

That's why I like Rubio.
Actually I think its the mushy middle that is destroying America, The sell-out politicians who serve only the lobbyists. We need a variety of viewpoints in Congress from people that actually believe what they say, not those who just spout rhetoric to get votes and then serve only moneyed-interests.

That's why I like Rubio.

You would. :rolleyes:
I don't HATE anyone based on a race or ethnicity, asshole. I save my sincere disdain for individual fucking losers like you.
Another donut point.
You are so erudite I'm surprised you're not on Wall Street.

I wouldn't bother arguing with Unkotare, Indeependent....I put him on ignore along time ago.....most all his posts are circular reasoning

The far left is doing more to destroy America than any other force out there.

Actually I think its the mushy middle that is destroying America, The sell-out politicians who serve only the lobbyists. We need a variety of viewpoints in Congress from people that actually believe what they say, not those who just spout rhetoric to get votes and then serve only moneyed-interests.

Good point
Is this thread still going? Wow. Protectionist here has yet to explain how lawful immigration is destroying our country. Until he does, take nothing he says with nay seriousness.

People coming into the country taking jobs, while undercutting Americans' wages, deprives unemployed Americans of those jobs. That was tough, huh ?

Then there's the other 15 items on the Harms of Immigration list (been there since the OP)

Think you could top that post (1801) for absurdity ? I would doubt. :doubt:

People who come here legally deserve to be given the rights and benefits of doing it that way. They obeyed the law, and should be rewarded. You on the other hand would rather punish any new face that comes to America for a new life.

I have never met such a xenophobic person in my life. If we ever ran this country, your way, it would be devoid of any cultural, ethnic, or religious diversity, and you and your ancestors may have never set foot or been born here. You are by far the most outrageous human being I have ever conversed with. I mean, you do make Hitler look like a far left liberal by comparison.

Godwin's Law is in effect.
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Is this thread still going? Wow. Protectionist here has yet to explain how lawful immigration is destroying our country. Until he does, take nothing he says with nay seriousness.

People coming into the country taking jobs, while undercutting Americans' wages, deprives unemployed Americans of those jobs. That was tough, huh ?

Then there's the other 15 items on the Harms of Immigration list (been there since the OP)

Think you could top that post (1801) for absurdity ? I would doubt. :doubt:

People who come here legally deserve to be given the rights and benefits of doing it that way. They obeyed the law, and should be rewarded. You on the other hand would rather punish any new face that comes to America for a new life.

I have never met such a xenophobic person in my life. If we ever ran this country, your way, it would be devoid of any cultural, ethnic, or religious diversity, and you and your ancestors may have never set foot or been born here. You are by far the most outrageous human being I have ever conversed with. I mean, you do make Hitler look like a far left liberal by comparison.

Godwin's Law is in effect.

No question about it. You are a complete imbecile (and a TRAITOR to America as well). I never said that legal immigrants should be punished. That's YOUR thought, not mine.

As for "xenophobic", that's another one of those false words. Phobias are irrational fears of things. There's nothing irrational about a fear of foreigners coming into the US, when that phenomenon is creating the Harms of Immigration that I mentioned in the OP. They are more than just fears. They are HARMS. Like the millions of jobs unemployed Americans are losing. Like the tens of Billions$$$ that America is losing every year due to immigrants' remittances$$$.

You are just conveniently/cowardly using this false word, because you don't have a viable argument to present that contradicts the Harms of Immigration list I posted in the OP. YOU KNOW they are true, so instead of confronting them, you hide behind the stupid, outdated race card, which everyone knows is a joke. It's not even logical since both illegal and legal immigrants come in all colors, races, nationalities, etc.

"If we ever ran this country, your way" we'd have cab drivers unable to understand passengers telling them where to go. We'd have security guards unable to call 911, while someone is bleeding to death, or having a heart attack. We'd have Muslims who go around thinking it's OK to beat their wives, have sex with pre-pubescent kids, and own slaves. Hey, you know what ? We Do have all those things (and many more like them). Thanks to your idiotic ideas about diversity.

EARTH TO TK: The whole reason why NATIONS exist is to avoid just these type of negativities, and make everyone able to function. Nations are built on the basis of cultural homogeneity, not diversity. And the main cultural facet they are built on is everyone speaking the same ONE language. Ever notice how many nations' names are the same as their language (England/English, Germany/German, Italy/Italian. Greece/Greek, Japan/Japanese, China/Chinese)

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture and language in common. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

I guess that's one of the things they skirt around on MSNBC which you probably watch, while avoiding a more comprehensive, balanced approach to reality, like we get on Fox News, which you probably don't watch, which is why you have such a mindless, deficient perspective.

PS - as one of the millions of Americans who suffers from a REAL phobia (agoraphobia) I find your disingenuous use of the term "phobia", quite offensive. You need to clean up your act.

Lastly, comparing me (a protectionist) to a mass murderer like Adolph Hitler, shows that you are just a raving, goofball, whose ludicrous posts are just as well being skipped over.
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Some cowards think that admitting to one irrational fear lends credence to their denial of other, equally obvious and irrational ones.
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