Immigration is Destroying America.

Is this thread still going? Wow. Protectionist here has yet to explain how lawful immigration is destroying our country. Until he does, take nothing he says with nay seriousness.

People coming into the country taking jobs, while undercutting Americans' wages, deprives unemployed Americans of those jobs. That was tough, huh ?

Then there's the other 15 items on the Harms of Immigration list (been there since the OP)

Think you could top that post (1801) for absurdity ? I would doubt. :doubt:

People who come here legally deserve to be given the rights and benefits of doing it that way. They obeyed the law, and should be rewarded. You on the other hand would rather punish any new face that comes to America for a new life.

I have never met such a xenophobic person in my life. If we ever ran this country, your way, it would be devoid of any cultural, ethnic, or religious diversity, and you and your ancestors may have never set foot or been born here. You are by far the most outrageous human being I have ever conversed with. I mean, you do make Hitler look like a far left liberal by comparison.

Godwin's Law is in effect.

Exactly, without immigration we wouldn't have great American treasures like pizza, tacos, and the boston bombings.

Diversity is our strength and enriches us.
I don't want to sound like broken record record but Americans have been using this phrase since the Irish started coming here.

Actually it started longer ago than that. Nobody has ever wanted anybody to move here. We love this dang country and we don't want it fucked up. I get it.

I don't like countries dropping their orphans in our country. I mean seriously, think logically it doesn't matter what country people come here from, we don't have the ability to care for these kids. there are more coming. Enjoy.
I don't want to sound like broken record record but Americans have been using this phrase since the Irish started coming here.

Actually it started longer ago than that. Nobody has ever wanted anybody to move here. We love this dang country and we don't want it fucked up. I get it.

I don't like countries dropping their orphans in our country. I mean seriously, think logically it doesn't matter what country people come here from, we don't have the ability to care for these kids. there are more coming. Enjoy.

And now, a quarter billion to send those children back:

U.S. to spend millions to curb child immigration crisis -

How much can we get for the Statue of Outdated Liberty?
Some cowards think that admitting to one irrational fear lends credence to their denial of other, equally obvious and irrational ones.

I have never known of anyone who does that, and I doubt that you do either Uncletard, but keep talking your usual horsefeathers, if it somehow make you feel better.
I know someone who does that... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

1. :doubt:

2. :lol:

3. You know perfectly well the relationship between what I said about agoraphobia and the misues of the stem word "phobia, (xenophobia), and your statement about it, is just as PHONY as the people who use the word xenophobia.
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Some people just don't want to face their fears and admit to them, so they act out in odd this thread, for example...
Some people just don't want to face their fears and admit to them, so they act out in odd this thread, for example...

What I find "odd" is that you are interested enough in a thread that has gone this far and this long, and you consistently watch it, keep up with it, and throw in barbs to try to counter its message, yet you refuse to answer the question asked long ago about what is your obvious vested interest in supporting immigration ? (when we have million of Americans unemployed).

My guess is you're an Islamist jihadist, and you want to overthrow the govt, and you don't want restrictions on the number of people legally allowed to enter the US (who could bring Muslim jihad here, and push the fight to destroy America, and set up an Islamist caliphate).
For some reason, I get the feeling that this bears repeating at this time:

There it is, the unmistakable sign of the true internet idiot. To special morons like you anyone who has a problem with illogical, irrational, and yes COWARDLY hatred against any 'group' of any sort must therefore be a member of said group. You have just PROVEN yourself hopelessly stupid. Now I have been 'accused' (gasp!) of being black, Asian, Jewish, Muslim, female, an illegal alien, Indian, and a dozen other things by IDIOTS like you who CANNOT think at all. You just tattooed "Brainless" across your forehead, champ, and it is permanent. Congratulations.

And to add, it seems that the truly unhinged can take the same illogical thought process and add even more layers of irrationality to it until they see any kind of monster, space alien, or childhood boogeyman they need to.

Is there a doctor in the house?
For some reason, I get the feeling that this bears repeating at this time:

There it is, the unmistakable sign of the true internet idiot. To special morons like you anyone who has a problem with illogical, irrational, and yes COWARDLY hatred against any 'group' of any sort must therefore be a member of said group. You have just PROVEN yourself hopelessly stupid. Now I have been 'accused' (gasp!) of being black, Asian, Jewish, Muslim, female, an illegal alien, Indian, and a dozen other things by IDIOTS like you who CANNOT think at all. You just tattooed "Brainless" across your forehead, champ, and it is permanent. Congratulations.

And to add, it seems that the truly unhinged can take the same illogical thought process and add even more layers of irrationality to it until they see any kind of monster, space alien, or childhood boogeyman they need to.

Is there a doctor in the house?

So do we have a genuine temper tantrum MELTDOWN here, of is it just another of Uncletards diversions to escape the question of his vested interest and curious habit of hanging around so long in this thread. Why the rabid attention here, tard ? Why the extra avid interest ?

You're a Muslim Islamist immigrant, and you want to overthrow the govt.

As for the "doctor in the house?", quit stealing my lines, you bandit. :eusa_silenced:
It's sad to see my previous post so obviously and clearly validated. The mental health industry has really dropped the ball.
It's sad to see my previous post so obviously and clearly validated. The mental health industry has really dropped the ball.

Answer the question, Mohammed. What's your angle for hanging around this thread so long ? What's your vested interest ? So far it looks like I'm right.

:drills: :salute: :tank: :Boom2: :alirulz: :terror: :terror: :terror:
This thread has become sadder than those commercials asking for donations to help abandoned animals....
Immigration made America the #1 world power because immigrants wanted to be Americans........

Illegal immigration has ALREADY destroyed America because illegal immigrants are sub-human parasites who just want a free handout for life...........

America is already ruined beyond fixing........... I'm just waiting for the fun the start........
Immigration made America the #1 world power because immigrants wanted to be Americans........

Illegal immigration has ALREADY destroyed America because illegal immigrants are sub-human parasites who just want a free handout for life...........

America is already ruined beyond fixing........... I'm just waiting for the fun the start........

NO, we are not beyond fixing, but another dem term in the WH would do it.
It's because Jesus Christ has an agreement with people, America is just a holding place for white people and blacks who haven't found the problem solver, they came to stick with their own kind.
Nope, we won't make it............ But that doesn't mean I'm not calm.......... America was mostly white, mostly Christian, mostly right of center, and mostly ethical. Over the next 30 years America will become mostly brown and black, mostly Atheist, mostly far left of center, and mostly demanding a free ride because they think they are owed it.......... America will be a banana republic, a toilet for every loser who can get here, fighting each other over scraps because there won't be any money left to meet what they think they are owed......... If America hasn't disarmed other countries won't trust us with nuclear weapons and they will forcefully disarm us or nuke us.......

We had our time, we peaked after WWII, been going downhill (slowly at first) ever since and now we're going downhill really fast...........
There isn't a single Republican candidate that gets poll numbers more than ONE-FOURTH of Hillary........

It's game over.................

The Communist Democrats already won............. The best you can hope for is a Socialist RINO like that fat fool in New Jersey.........

I'm hoping to live long enough for the Civil War to start so I can go out shooting............
...and there has always been some Chicken Little saying something like that since before the ink was dry on the Constitution.

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