Immigration, legal and not, is not the problem some are making it out to be

The problem was not and is not money. It is actions. The wall was stopped. This told the illegals a hell of a lot. "Show up and collect tax money to pay for your survival."
I completely agree, but this is gonna get you some serious hate mail from the tRumplings.
Stop lying, Bobby BooHoo. I am not defending anything, but am accusing both parties of failing to take care of the problem.
Border crossings were LESS than 1000 a day under Trump. With Biden we are now seeing 10 to 12000 per day. Don't give me the "it's both parties fault" BULLSHIT. The migrants chant 'Biden Biden' like he is their Saviour. This is on YOUR failed party.
There are laws in place. Bribem regime will not enforce.

secondly and a BIG Secondly....there is WAY MORE Than 11.5 that are now in this country illegally. WAY. MORE.
I am all for tightening up on illegal crossings, yes.

But you cant do that unless you control the border. Its a travesty to allow drug cartels operational control, which is basically what they have and are profiting from it. Alowing 10,000 per day to flood our border staff and then be released inside the U.S. because we cant handle the next 10,000 tomorrow, is hardly controling our border. Unless you at least temporarily shut it down, there is NO WAY. you can tighten up anything.
Trump didn’t really have much effect on slowing illegal immigration other than the joy his supporters got over cruel policies.

now where did you get that from. TRump slowed it down Considerably. All his adminstration did was to ENFORCE the law...the same laws that Bribem refuses to enforce which results in the deaths of Americans and illegal children. THese sorry bastards coming across now are raping women and children, abandoning them when the going gets too rough for the coyotes..they bring in death, destruction, deadly drugs and sex trafficking of children and women. WHAT In HELL are you thinking?
Border crossings were LESS than 1000 a day under Trump. With Biden we are now seeing 10 to 12000 per day. Don't give me the "it's both parties fault" BULLSHIT. The migrants chant 'Biden Biden' like he is their Saviour. This is on YOUR failed party.
Sounds like you’re chanting Trump like your Saviour. Trump didn’t do such a great job, he was just a good salesman. By most measures Obama was tougher on tbe border than Trump without the needless cruelty and rhetoric.

now where did you get that from. TRump slowed it down Considerably. All his adminstration did was to ENFORCE the law...the same laws that Bribem refuses to enforce which results in the deaths of Americans and illegal children.

No he really didn’t.

Look at 2019. These are mostly people crossing the border and turning themselves in to claim amnesty. That’s hardly slowing it considerably. And his prior years are little different than Obama.

It isn’t exactly his fault because it is a complex worldwide problem that can’t be truly fixed by a president.


THese sorry bastards coming across now are raping women and children, abandoning them when the going gets too rough for the coyotes..they bring in death, destruction, deadly drugs and sex trafficking of children and women. WHAT In HELL are you thinking?

The vast majority are not doing that to claim that, they aren’t criminals, they are just desperate peop,e. You don’t have to dehumanize them in order to recognize we have to have better border policies and security. The coyotes are another matter entirely. I think a lot more effort needs to into apprehending THEM and involve serious prison sentences.

What in the hell are you thinking?
A lot of illegals came here legally and overstayed their visa. Fentanyl comes in because we don't have the manpower to search every truck that brings in onions etc etc. If you think the border is wide open you never have been to the southern border.
wow ! that claim is so insane ! so our border in secure eh ? never mind ... dont bother to answer ... seek help .

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