Immigration Reform and the House GOP


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
This is a very difficult issue for the GOP. They can either vote for a "pathway to citizenship" now, or they can block the upcoming Senate proposal and further anger voters.

If the Baggers block the Senate proposal, they risk losing more seats in 2014, but if they finally support the proposal they risk adding 10,000,000 democratic votes in the future.

I predict the Baggers will continue to block in the House, and will suffer big loses in 2014. They are dogmatic in their views and feel their districts have been effectively Gerrymandered for them to ignore the polls.

What is your prediction for immigration reform when it reaches the House?
It boils down to securing the border first as republicans want or the democrat plan to diddle around with paths to citizenship and kick the can down the road yet again with political posturing and an empty promise of securing the borders.
the Rs need to block it in the Senate or it will help the Ds in the House.
Pathway to citizenship rewards cheaters and criminals... but the left is worried more about pandering for votes from those who they would help in this than doing the right thing
the Rs need to block it in the Senate or it will help the Ds in the House.

Either way it is going to help the Ds. I think it is pretty much a done deal in the Senate. Rubio, as one of the Gang of Eight that have been designing the deal, has to come up with something. Otherwise, his aspirations as a 2016 GOP Presidential candidate are over.

It will go to the House and the Baggers will block it, handing the House to the Ds in 2014.

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