Immigration... Whats wrong with the GOP?

Social Security isn't going to be kept afloat by Third World Immigrants making shit wages.

All we will do is buy a little time at the cost of vastly decreasing Social Capital and Cohesion.

And when the crunch comes anyways, we will be less able to with the crisis.
Why is nobody proposing a massive scale jobs initiative?? Build wind and solar farms across the US, transcontinental transportation to make shipping and commerce faster and cheaper, increase and improve our water and agriculture systems, build industry that will increase exports... There are so many things that could create jobs, raise our GDP, bring people out of the shadows, off entitlements, and actually grow/improve our country. This conversation has been focused on all the wrong things
Why is nobody proposing a massive scale jobs initiative?? Build wind and solar farms across the US,

Of course, expensive, unreliable energy is a sure way to boost our economy.
It's like talking to stubborn children... So propose an idea that will boost our economy and improve our country. I'm proposing an discussion of ideas, a change in thinking. The best businesses are those that have the least amount of waste. If illegal immigrants and our unemployed are considered the "waste "then we are better off finding ways to utilize the waste to everybodies advantage rather than spending a ton of time and energy trying to throw it away

THey are not "waste", they are an oversupply of labor that our economy does not generate demand for, and thus reduces price of labor, ie wages.

Your idea of just making jobs with government spending would be flawed and shortsighted, IF we were not already spending deeply into the Red to start with.

As it is, with US already drowning in Red INk, massive new spending would be suicide.
Don't put words in my mouth... I said a combined effort between our government and our private sector. There is nothing wrong with the government investing in jobs and the infrastructure of our country...

We are broke. More than Broke. Deep in debt and losing ground massively ever single second.
You show little understanding of how our nations economics work. Do some homework then you can join the discussion

Weak dodge.
Social Security isn't going to be kept afloat by Third World Immigrants making shit wages.

All we will do is buy a little time at the cost of vastly decreasing Social Capital and Cohesion.
And when the crunch comes anyways, we will be less able to with the crisis.

Do the math.. Even 4 million shit wage illegals paying into SS/Medicare is about $4Bill per year. SS real cash flow has already gone in the red since 2010.. That's ain't kibble. Partly the reason no one wants to acknowledge that the crisis is NOW !!!!

Entitlement spending per year was over 2 trillion dollars in 2010.

Do the math.

Third World Immigrants making shit wages will NOT keep Social Security/Medicaid/Medicare afloat.
Good, you can identify the problem... now onto solutions

Who says there is one?
There are always solutions. Perhaps not perfect of full proof ones, but they exist.

Sure there is. Keep telling yourself that when your Social Security taxes are 70% of your income and the old people are still starving in the streets.
Social Security isn't going to be kept afloat by Third World Immigrants making shit wages.

All we will do is buy a little time at the cost of vastly decreasing Social Capital and Cohesion.

And when the crunch comes anyways, we will be less able to with the crisis.
Why is nobody proposing a massive scale jobs initiative?? Build wind and solar farms across the US, transcontinental transportation to make shipping and commerce faster and cheaper, increase and improve our water and agriculture systems, build industry that will increase exports... There are so many things that could create jobs, raise our GDP, bring people out of the shadows, off entitlements, and actually grow/improve our country. This conversation has been focused on all the wrong things
Why is nobody proposing a massive scale jobs initiative?? Build wind and solar farms across the US,

Of course, expensive, unreliable energy is a sure way to boost our economy.
It's like talking to stubborn children... So propose an idea that will boost our economy and improve our country. I'm proposing an discussion of ideas, a change in thinking. The best businesses are those that have the least amount of waste. If illegal immigrants and our unemployed are considered the "waste "then we are better off finding ways to utilize the waste to everybodies advantage rather than spending a ton of time and energy trying to throw it away

THey are not "waste", they are an oversupply of labor that our economy does not generate demand for, and thus reduces price of labor, ie wages.

Your idea of just making jobs with government spending would be flawed and shortsighted, IF we were not already spending deeply into the Red to start with.

As it is, with US already drowning in Red INk, massive new spending would be suicide.
Don't put words in my mouth... I said a combined effort between our government and our private sector. There is nothing wrong with the government investing in jobs and the infrastructure of our country...

We are broke. More than Broke. Deep in debt and losing ground massively ever single second.
You show little understanding of how our nations economics work. Do some homework then you can join the discussion

Sorry, but you're the one who understands little of how our economy works. The belief that government make-work jobs or government "investment" are beneficial to the economy simply isn't born out by 200 years of our history.
Social Security isn't going to be kept afloat by Third World Immigrants making shit wages.

All we will do is buy a little time at the cost of vastly decreasing Social Capital and Cohesion.
And when the crunch comes anyways, we will be less able to with the crisis.

Do the math.. Even 4 million shit wage illegals paying into SS/Medicare is about $4Bill per year. SS real cash flow has already gone in the red since 2010.. That's ain't kibble. Partly the reason no one wants to acknowledge that the crisis is NOW !!!!

Entitlement spending per year was over 2 trillion dollars in 2010.

Do the math.

Third World Immigrants making shit wages will NOT keep Social Security/Medicaid/Medicare afloat.
Good, you can identify the problem... now onto solutions

Who says there is one?
There are always solutions. Perhaps not perfect of full proof ones, but they exist.

Here's the solution: deport them all.

And, no, there are not always solutions. The poor are still with us. Why hasn't that been solved?
Why is nobody proposing a massive scale jobs initiative?? Build wind and solar farms across the US, transcontinental transportation to make shipping and commerce faster and cheaper, increase and improve our water and agriculture systems, build industry that will increase exports... There are so many things that could create jobs, raise our GDP, bring people out of the shadows, off entitlements, and actually grow/improve our country. This conversation has been focused on all the wrong things
It's like talking to stubborn children... So propose an idea that will boost our economy and improve our country. I'm proposing an discussion of ideas, a change in thinking. The best businesses are those that have the least amount of waste. If illegal immigrants and our unemployed are considered the "waste "then we are better off finding ways to utilize the waste to everybodies advantage rather than spending a ton of time and energy trying to throw it away

THey are not "waste", they are an oversupply of labor that our economy does not generate demand for, and thus reduces price of labor, ie wages.

Your idea of just making jobs with government spending would be flawed and shortsighted, IF we were not already spending deeply into the Red to start with.

As it is, with US already drowning in Red INk, massive new spending would be suicide.
Don't put words in my mouth... I said a combined effort between our government and our private sector. There is nothing wrong with the government investing in jobs and the infrastructure of our country...

We are broke. More than Broke. Deep in debt and losing ground massively ever single second.
You show little understanding of how our nations economics work. Do some homework then you can join the discussion

Weak dodge.
Ok smart guy, explain how we are broke for us simple folk
Do the math.. Even 4 million shit wage illegals paying into SS/Medicare is about $4Bill per year. SS real cash flow has already gone in the red since 2010.. That's ain't kibble. Partly the reason no one wants to acknowledge that the crisis is NOW !!!!

Entitlement spending per year was over 2 trillion dollars in 2010.

Do the math.

Third World Immigrants making shit wages will NOT keep Social Security/Medicaid/Medicare afloat.
Good, you can identify the problem... now onto solutions

Who says there is one?
There are always solutions. Perhaps not perfect of full proof ones, but they exist.

Here's the solution: deport them all.

And, no, there are not always solutions. The poor are still with us. Why hasn't that been solved?
The poor need entitlement reform so the system educates and steers them towards self sufficiency. Most of all we need a job/industry boom in this country.
Deport them is not realistic but keep screaming it if it makes you feel better.
Why is nobody proposing a massive scale jobs initiative?? Build wind and solar farms across the US, transcontinental transportation to make shipping and commerce faster and cheaper, increase and improve our water and agriculture systems, build industry that will increase exports... There are so many things that could create jobs, raise our GDP, bring people out of the shadows, off entitlements, and actually grow/improve our country. This conversation has been focused on all the wrong things
It's like talking to stubborn children... So propose an idea that will boost our economy and improve our country. I'm proposing an discussion of ideas, a change in thinking. The best businesses are those that have the least amount of waste. If illegal immigrants and our unemployed are considered the "waste "then we are better off finding ways to utilize the waste to everybodies advantage rather than spending a ton of time and energy trying to throw it away

THey are not "waste", they are an oversupply of labor that our economy does not generate demand for, and thus reduces price of labor, ie wages.

Your idea of just making jobs with government spending would be flawed and shortsighted, IF we were not already spending deeply into the Red to start with.

As it is, with US already drowning in Red INk, massive new spending would be suicide.
Don't put words in my mouth... I said a combined effort between our government and our private sector. There is nothing wrong with the government investing in jobs and the infrastructure of our country...

We are broke. More than Broke. Deep in debt and losing ground massively ever single second.
You show little understanding of how our nations economics work. Do some homework then you can join the discussion

Sorry, but you're the one who understands little of how our economy works. The belief that government make-work jobs or government "investment" are beneficial to the economy simply isn't born out by 200 years of our history.
I at least understand what the debt represents and know that is isn't our nations credit card bill.

I'm not a big fan of government programs, find them pretty inefficient. I'd much prefer growth of small and medium sized businesses. I'm also not stuck in a partisan bubble. Government programs, stimulus, and investments are very useful and necessary to the foundation and well being of our people. It needs to be done smarter, more efficient and with the cooperation of the private sector.

Your inability to see the other perspective is setting you up to be an angry frustrated old man. Things are never going to go your way
THey are not "waste", they are an oversupply of labor that our economy does not generate demand for, and thus reduces price of labor, ie wages.

Your idea of just making jobs with government spending would be flawed and shortsighted, IF we were not already spending deeply into the Red to start with.

As it is, with US already drowning in Red INk, massive new spending would be suicide.
Don't put words in my mouth... I said a combined effort between our government and our private sector. There is nothing wrong with the government investing in jobs and the infrastructure of our country...

We are broke. More than Broke. Deep in debt and losing ground massively ever single second.
You show little understanding of how our nations economics work. Do some homework then you can join the discussion

Weak dodge.
Ok smart guy, explain how we are broke for us simple folk

We have massive debt that we cannot make the interest payments on without borrowing more money. A death spiral by itself.

AND we have massive unfunded entitlements coming at us that will force ever increasing payouts for the foreseeable future, in addition to the interest problem.
Don't put words in my mouth... I said a combined effort between our government and our private sector. There is nothing wrong with the government investing in jobs and the infrastructure of our country...

We are broke. More than Broke. Deep in debt and losing ground massively ever single second.
You show little understanding of how our nations economics work. Do some homework then you can join the discussion

Weak dodge.
Ok smart guy, explain how we are broke for us simple folk

We have massive debt that we cannot make the interest payments on without borrowing more money. A death spiral by itself.

AND we have massive unfunded entitlements coming at us that will force ever increasing payouts for the foreseeable future, in addition to the interest problem.
The interest is not a problem... Who do you think we are borrowing from?
Pay attention: the problem is our open borders. HTF can we have 11 million (or more) illegals in this country if our borders are secure?

You hit the nail on the head. Secure borders would mean it's extremely difficult for people to enter undetected. Clearly, it's easy as hell to walk right in. And some have done it numerous times. Criminals have been deported and they just turn around and walk right back in. No problem.

I think the number is far higher than 11 million. How can you accurately count the number of people living here under the radar? I think anchor babies should be counted in that number. If someone is here illegally and deliberately plans to have a baby here, the child should be given a birth certificate that states they are a foreigner since the parents illegally sneaked in. Some have claimed up to 12 kids on their tax returns. Some that work and have a tax number can claim and get some big checks back from the tax payers due to the child tax credit. The IRS writes the checks first and maybe asks questions later. One year, an accountant blew the whistle when he had a bunch of clients all claim 10 - 12 children and all used the same address. I think it was John Stossel who had it on his show. He went to the residence and only one guy lived there. No children lived there at all yet dozens of illegal aliens received checks averaging $10,000. Don't try that, citizens, because only special people can get away with that. The rest of us would get caught and end up in big trouble. Same for stealing identities. Citizens go to jail. Illegals often get off with warnings because they claim they didn't know it was actually someone's Social Security number or identity. Well, they knew it wasn't theirs so that alone makes them a criminal.

It's not hard to see why people want to come. We are here to be taken advantage of and they don't even have to appreciate anything or respect our culture. Many have admitted that they don't want to become citizens because they can retire and live comfortably back home after they come here and reap the benefits of being an illegal alien. When they save enough money, usually thanks to ruining someone's credit because they stole their identity, they go back home. Meanwhile, their children get free education and will visit them from time to time.

Of course, the left wants them to be able to vote, as if they haven't sweetened the pot enough already. They give them every reason to sneak in and they make it as easy as possible.
We are broke. More than Broke. Deep in debt and losing ground massively ever single second.
You show little understanding of how our nations economics work. Do some homework then you can join the discussion

Weak dodge.
Ok smart guy, explain how we are broke for us simple folk

We have massive debt that we cannot make the interest payments on without borrowing more money. A death spiral by itself.

AND we have massive unfunded entitlements coming at us that will force ever increasing payouts for the foreseeable future, in addition to the interest problem.
The interest is not a problem... Who do you think we are borrowing from?

Everyone. In what fashion is the interest not a problem?
THey are not "waste", they are an oversupply of labor that our economy does not generate demand for, and thus reduces price of labor, ie wages.

Your idea of just making jobs with government spending would be flawed and shortsighted, IF we were not already spending deeply into the Red to start with.

As it is, with US already drowning in Red INk, massive new spending would be suicide.
Don't put words in my mouth... I said a combined effort between our government and our private sector. There is nothing wrong with the government investing in jobs and the infrastructure of our country...

We are broke. More than Broke. Deep in debt and losing ground massively ever single second.
You show little understanding of how our nations economics work. Do some homework then you can join the discussion

Weak dodge.
Ok smart guy, explain how we are broke for us simple folk

The government owes $19 trillion. It also has over $200 trillion in unfunded liabilities,

Truly sad.
We are broke. More than Broke. Deep in debt and losing ground massively ever single second.
You show little understanding of how our nations economics work. Do some homework then you can join the discussion

Weak dodge.
Ok smart guy, explain how we are broke for us simple folk

We have massive debt that we cannot make the interest payments on without borrowing more money. A death spiral by itself.

AND we have massive unfunded entitlements coming at us that will force ever increasing payouts for the foreseeable future, in addition to the interest problem.
The interest is not a problem... Who do you think we are borrowing from?

Do you really think the government can default on what it owes? You're just one vest geyser of magical thinking, aren't you?
Pay attention: the problem is our open borders. HTF can we have 11 million (or more) illegals in this country if our borders are secure?

You hit the nail on the head. Secure borders would mean it's extremely difficult for people to enter undetected. Clearly, it's easy as hell to walk right in. And some have done it numerous times. Criminals have been deported and they just turn around and walk right back in. No problem.

I think the number is far higher than 11 million. How can you accurately count the number of people living here under the radar? I think anchor babies should be counted in that number. If someone is here illegally and deliberately plans to have a baby here, the child should be given a birth certificate that states they are a foreigner since the parents illegally sneaked in. Some have claimed up to 12 kids on their tax returns. Some that work and have a tax number can claim and get some big checks back from the tax payers due to the child tax credit. The IRS writes the checks first and maybe asks questions later. One year, an accountant blew the whistle when he had a bunch of clients all claim 10 - 12 children and all used the same address. I think it was John Stossel who had it on his show. He went to the residence and only one guy lived there. No children lived there at all yet dozens of illegal aliens received checks averaging $10,000. Don't try that, citizens, because only special people can get away with that. The rest of us would get caught and end up in big trouble. Same for stealing identities. Citizens go to jail. Illegals often get off with warnings because they claim they didn't know it was actually someone's Social Security number or identity. Well, they knew it wasn't theirs so that alone makes them a criminal.

It's not hard to see why people want to come. We are here to be taken advantage of and they don't even have to appreciate anything or respect our culture. Many have admitted that they don't want to become citizens because they can retire and live comfortably back home after they come here and reap the benefits of being an illegal alien. When they save enough money, usually thanks to ruining someone's credit because they stole their identity, they go back home. Meanwhile, their children get free education and will visit them from time to time.

Of course, the left wants them to be able to vote, as if they haven't sweetened the pot enough already. They give them every reason to sneak in and they make it as easy as possible.

Pay attention: the problem is our open borders. HTF can we have 11 million (or more) illegals in this country if our borders are secure?

You hit the nail on the head. Secure borders would mean it's extremely difficult for people to enter undetected. Clearly, it's easy as hell to walk right in. And some have done it numerous times. Criminals have been deported and they just turn around and walk right back in. No problem.

I think the number is far higher than 11 million. How can you accurately count the number of people living here under the radar? I think anchor babies should be counted in that number. If someone is here illegally and deliberately plans to have a baby here, the child should be given a birth certificate that states they are a foreigner since the parents illegally sneaked in. Some have claimed up to 12 kids on their tax returns. Some that work and have a tax number can claim and get some big checks back from the tax payers due to the child tax credit. The IRS writes the checks first and maybe asks questions later. One year, an accountant blew the whistle when he had a bunch of clients all claim 10 - 12 children and all used the same address. I think it was John Stossel who had it on his show. He went to the residence and only one guy lived there. No children lived there at all yet dozens of illegal aliens received checks averaging $10,000. Don't try that, citizens, because only special people can get away with that. The rest of us would get caught and end up in big trouble. Same for stealing identities. Citizens go to jail. Illegals often get off with warnings because they claim they didn't know it was actually someone's Social Security number or identity. Well, they knew it wasn't theirs so that alone makes them a criminal.

It's not hard to see why people want to come. We are here to be taken advantage of and they don't even have to appreciate anything or respect our culture. Many have admitted that they don't want to become citizens because they can retire and live comfortably back home after they come here and reap the benefits of being an illegal alien. When they save enough money, usually thanks to ruining someone's credit because they stole their identity, they go back home. Meanwhile, their children get free education and will visit them from time to time.

Of course, the left wants them to be able to vote, as if they haven't sweetened the pot enough already. They give them every reason to sneak in and they make it as easy as possible.

It's not hard to see why people want to come. We are here to be taken advantage of and they don't even have to appreciate anything or respect our culture

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!!

The illegals (for the most part) have no desire whatsoever, to assimilate into our culture. They are not interested in becoming Americans, and they have absolutely NO respect for the people of the United States OR our "way of life". Think I'm kidding?

Go to ANY grocery store that has Western Union at their service desk on a Friday night. Look at the "clientele" that is sending hundreds of thousands of dollars BACK to Mexico. Now - ask yourself this question: Who the hell benefits from all those American dollars being sent to Mexico? Correct, the Mexican government.

Now ask yourself this question: Why is it, do you suppose, that both Republican and Democrat Presidents have had such a "cozy" relationship with the Mexican government?
You show little understanding of how our nations economics work. Do some homework then you can join the discussion

Weak dodge.
Ok smart guy, explain how we are broke for us simple folk

We have massive debt that we cannot make the interest payments on without borrowing more money. A death spiral by itself.

AND we have massive unfunded entitlements coming at us that will force ever increasing payouts for the foreseeable future, in addition to the interest problem.
The interest is not a problem... Who do you think we are borrowing from?

Everyone. In what fashion is the interest not a problem?
The national debt is simply the sum of cumulative annual deficits. The national debt represents the savings of the domestic private sector + foreign sector. The federal government simply credits the "savings" account of the holder of maturing securities. It's an accounting matter. Not a real debt in any sense of the word. Like I suggested before, do your homework: Here is a start It Is Impossible For The US To Default
You show little understanding of how our nations economics work. Do some homework then you can join the discussion

Weak dodge.
Ok smart guy, explain how we are broke for us simple folk

We have massive debt that we cannot make the interest payments on without borrowing more money. A death spiral by itself.

AND we have massive unfunded entitlements coming at us that will force ever increasing payouts for the foreseeable future, in addition to the interest problem.
The interest is not a problem... Who do you think we are borrowing from?

Do you really think the government can default on what it owes? You're just one vest geyser of magical thinking, aren't you?

Well, Bernie Sanders MUST think that - his "free stuff" that he proposes would add an additional 20 TRILLION dollars.....What the hell...40 Trillion in the hole isn't really THAT much, now is it? :)
Weak dodge.
Ok smart guy, explain how we are broke for us simple folk

We have massive debt that we cannot make the interest payments on without borrowing more money. A death spiral by itself.

AND we have massive unfunded entitlements coming at us that will force ever increasing payouts for the foreseeable future, in addition to the interest problem.
The interest is not a problem... Who do you think we are borrowing from?

Everyone. In what fashion is the interest not a problem?
The national debt is simply the sum of cumulative annual deficits. The national debt represents the savings of the domestic private sector + foreign sector. The federal government simply credits the "savings" account of the holder of maturing securities. It's an accounting matter. Not a real debt in any sense of the word. Like I suggested before, do your homework: Here is a start It Is Impossible For The US To Default

Holy Shit................
Weak dodge.
Ok smart guy, explain how we are broke for us simple folk

We have massive debt that we cannot make the interest payments on without borrowing more money. A death spiral by itself.

AND we have massive unfunded entitlements coming at us that will force ever increasing payouts for the foreseeable future, in addition to the interest problem.
The interest is not a problem... Who do you think we are borrowing from?

Everyone. In what fashion is the interest not a problem?
The national debt is simply the sum of cumulative annual deficits. The national debt represents the savings of the domestic private sector + foreign sector. The federal government simply credits the "savings" account of the holder of maturing securities. It's an accounting matter. Not a real debt in any sense of the word. Like I suggested before, do your homework: Here is a start It Is Impossible For The US To Default

"Not a real debt?"


I wish you could hear me laughing.

I think if you told the holders of government bonds that the federal government didn't intend to pay them off that they would have an entirely different perspective on the matter.
Ok smart guy, explain how we are broke for us simple folk

We have massive debt that we cannot make the interest payments on without borrowing more money. A death spiral by itself.

AND we have massive unfunded entitlements coming at us that will force ever increasing payouts for the foreseeable future, in addition to the interest problem.
The interest is not a problem... Who do you think we are borrowing from?

Everyone. In what fashion is the interest not a problem?
The national debt is simply the sum of cumulative annual deficits. The national debt represents the savings of the domestic private sector + foreign sector. The federal government simply credits the "savings" account of the holder of maturing securities. It's an accounting matter. Not a real debt in any sense of the word. Like I suggested before, do your homework: Here is a start It Is Impossible For The US To Default

Holy Shit................

My reaction exactly.
Weak dodge.
Ok smart guy, explain how we are broke for us simple folk

We have massive debt that we cannot make the interest payments on without borrowing more money. A death spiral by itself.

AND we have massive unfunded entitlements coming at us that will force ever increasing payouts for the foreseeable future, in addition to the interest problem.
The interest is not a problem... Who do you think we are borrowing from?

Everyone. In what fashion is the interest not a problem?
The national debt is simply the sum of cumulative annual deficits. The national debt represents the savings of the domestic private sector + foreign sector. The federal government simply credits the "savings" account of the holder of maturing securities. It's an accounting matter. Not a real debt in any sense of the word. Like I suggested before, do your homework: Here is a start It Is Impossible For The US To Default

Those bonds and securities are held by people and corporations. If that money is not "credited" to them at some point, those entities will experience real world loss of wealth.

With real pain to real people.

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