Impeach Obama If He Strikes Syria

The Day an American President is thrown into jail?

Will be the day Democracy ends in America.

Bank on that.

This was supposed to be a Republic genius but the masses have learned with the help of the democrats that they can vote their way in to free shit from the treasury and lead useless lives breeding future parasites.

Where is it written that this nation is a republic?

[ame=]Picard's Epic Double Facepalm - YouTube[/ame]
This was supposed to be a Republic genius but the masses have learned with the help of the democrats that they can vote their way in to free shit from the treasury and lead useless lives breeding future parasites.

Where is it written that this nation is a republic?

Holy shit.

Do you know WHAT a Republic even is?

There is more than one definition of Republic, but I asked where is it written, meaning the Constitution or Court case that says the United States is a republic?
The Day an American President is thrown into jail?

Will be the day Democracy ends in America.

Bank on that.

This was supposed to be a Republic genius but the masses have learned with the help of the democrats that they can vote their way in to free shit from the treasury and lead useless lives breeding future parasites.

Where is it written that this nation is a republic?

"And to the REPUBLIC for which she stands"

Does that ring a bell?

I am not entirely sure that what he did in Libya qualifies as an impeachable offense. I am firmly in the maybe camp.

But what he suggests he might do against Assad's military sites, even if Congress officially denies him the authority to engage the military in Syria, would be clear cut.
Where is it written that this nation is a republic?

Holy shit.

Do you know WHAT a Republic even is?

There is more than one definition of Republic, but I asked where is it written, meaning the Constitution or Court case that says the United States is a republic?

If you knew what a Republic is and if you knew what form of government was very intentionally and carefully constructed under our Constitution, then you would not have asked such a vapid question.
This was supposed to be a Republic genius but the masses have learned with the help of the democrats that they can vote their way in to free shit from the treasury and lead useless lives breeding future parasites.

Where is it written that this nation is a republic?

"And to the REPUBLIC for which she stands"

Does that ring a bell?


Meaningless, where in the Constitution does it say the United States is a Republic, or where in the Constitution or Court case does it define a republic?
Where is it written that this nation is a republic?

"And to the REPUBLIC for which she stands"

Does that ring a bell?


Meaningless, where in the Constitution does it say the United States is a Republic, or where in the Constitution or Court case does it define a republic?

And where is it written in Declaration of Independence and or our Constitution that it's a democracy?

If Jefferson were still alive he'd beat the crap out of 'regent' and walk away with a very, very disappointed look on his face.
The Day an American President is thrown into jail?

Will be the day Democracy ends in America.

Bank on that.

The effect it would have is that of encouraging successive Presidents to not take too much for granted.

I think it would be a good thing to lock up a few high-level politicians and let the rest know this is a democracy, not a monarchy.
Where is it written that this nation is a republic?

"And to the REPUBLIC for which she stands"

Does that ring a bell?


Meaningless, where in the Constitution does it say the United States is a Republic, or where in the Constitution or Court case does it define a republic?


It must be remembered that the National Government too is republican in essence and in theory.

Once the National Government was formed under our Constitution, the same republican principles continued to guide its operation and practice.

The federal character of congressional elections flows from the political reality that our National Government is republican in form and that national citizenship has privileges and immunities protected from state abridgement by the force of the Constitution itself.

U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton, 514 U.S. 779 (1995).
There are scores of other examples, of course.
The Day an American President is thrown into jail?

Will be the day Democracy ends in America.

Bank on that.

America is not now and has never been a "Democracy."

If it ever happens that an impeached and convicted U.S. President gets sent to prison, we should HOPE that it's because of actual high crimes (a justified and warranted impeachment, Senate trial and conviction), In such a sad case, to put such a felon behind bars would uphold the precept that we are a nation of LAWS, not men.
The Day an American President is thrown into jail?

Will be the day Democracy ends in America.

Bank on that.

The effect it would have is that of encouraging successive Presidents to not take too much for granted.

I think it would be a good thing to lock up a few high-level politicians and let the rest know this is a democracy, not a monarchy.

Not if it were done absent due process, or in the context of subjective partisanism, or in a manner offensive to the Constitution.

‘Buyer’s regret’ is not grounds for impeachment and conviction in the Senate.
If Congress says "no," then it is not out of bounds to consider impeachment.

But if Congress says "proceed," or if they simply remain silent, then the validity of an impeachment effort is not quite so clear.

Either way, it would be folly to bother to even contemplate YOUR "advice."
Maybe Syria isn't the only impeachment possibility?

"In his conduct of the office of President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has usurped the exclusive power of Congress to initiate war under Article I, section 8, clause 11 of the United States Constitution by unilaterally commencing war against the Republic of Libya on March 19, 2011, declaring that Congress is powerless to constrain his conduct of the war, and claiming authority in the future to commence war unilaterally to advance whatever he ordains is in the national interest.

"By so doing and declaring, Barack Hussein Obama has mocked the rule of law, endangered the very existence of the Republic and the liberties of the people, and perpetrated an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor as hereinafter elaborated."

Articles of Impeachment

This is subjective partisanism, not an actual indictment supported by objective evidence of an actual crime, which is what the Senate would require to convict.

The republican House could go ahead and ‘impeach’ Obama if they wish, but it would backfire as did the impeachment of Clinton.
Some believe Clinton's impeachment prevented him from "reforming" Social Security.
The collapse of Lehman Brothers may have prevented Bush from making a similar attempt.
Obama seems better positioned than either Bubba or Dubya to significantly alter the New Deal's social contract, and impeachment might also backfire on those who seek Wall Street solutions to Social Security's problems.

Jeez, here we go again.

I wish we could go at least a few weeks without impeachment talk.

He has the authority to make this terrible decision. I still hope he doesn't (and I doubt that he would if Congress says "no", but who knows), but enough already.


Good post; correct on all points.
The Day an American President is thrown into jail?

Will be the day Democracy ends in America.

Bank on that.

The effect it would have is that of encouraging successive Presidents to not take too much for granted.

I think it would be a good thing to lock up a few high-level politicians and let the rest know this is a democracy, not a monarchy.
Remember the S & L Scandal?

"Because S&L deposits were insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC), depositors continued to put money into these risky institutions. A complex web of these factors and others, combined with widespread corruption, led to the insolvency of the FSLIC, the government bailout of the thrifts to the tune of $124 billion in taxpayer dollars and the liquidation of 747 insolvent S&Ls by the U.S. government's Resolution Trust Corporation. One of the largest S&L failures was that of Lincoln Savings & Loan, part of the Keating Five scandal which exposed the political corruption that was part of the S&L Crisis."

Hundreds of bankers went to prison for a looting that was orders of magnitude smaller than the one that brought Obama to the White House.

We need to fill our prison with the richest 1% of criminal starting with Wall Street and the White House, starting in November 2014.
Some believe Clinton's impeachment prevented him from "reforming" Social Security.
The collapse of Lehman Brothers may have prevented Bush from making a similar attempt..

No it didn't. President Bush tried but was completely shut down by Congress and the media.
If Jefferson were still alive he'd beat the crap out of 'regent' and walk away with a very, very disappointed look on his face.

I don't think you know much of Jefferson. Jefferson was more for the books, and research. And speaking of research have you found any reference in the Constitution naming this nation a republic? If so, have you found any Constitutional or Court Court decision defining republic?

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