Impeach Obama If He Strikes Syria

Not only is the US the only nation in history to maim, murder, and displace millions of civilians on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland, its homeland leads the planet in gun violence

And you still continue to pollute our great nation with your presence, you big fat fucking hypocrite? Grow a pair and have the courage of your convictions for once in your cowardly life. GTFO.

You have a really big mouth. I think it's time that big mouth of yours stops writing checks your ass will never cash while talking down to people who waste their time on your ilk by simply being pragmatic.

That dog is pretty but gay looking too. Says volumes about the owner.
"WASHINGTON -- A U.S.-led attack on Syria without United Nations support would be a war crime regardless of congressional approval, Noam Chomsky, the antiwar activist and author, said in response to President Barack Obama's announcement that he would seek Hill approval.

"'As international support for Obama’s decision to attack Syria has collapsed, along with the credibility of government claims, the administration has fallen back on a standard pretext for war crimes when all else fails: the credibility of the threats of the self-designated policeman of the world,' Chomsky told HuffPost in an email.

"Chomsky recently traveled to the region to learn more about the Syria crisis, and his comments there led some to believe he was open to military intervention if negotiations failed to produce peace. 'I believe you should choose the negotiating track first, and should you fail, then moving to the second option" -- backing the rebels -- "becomes more acceptable,' he said."

Noam Chomsky Weighs In On Syria Strike

I heard an interesting summary of the situation last night: we are going to kill Syrians in order to persuade Syrians not to kill other Syrians.
Iraqis, Libyan, Syrians and Lebanese and Persians were and are all highly susceptible to balkanization:

"The following are important excerpts and passages from former U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book, The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geo-strategic Imperatives.

"Brzezinski also states that both Turkey and Iran, the two most powerful states of the 'Eurasian Balkans,' located on its southern tier, are 'potentially vulnerable to internal ethnic conflicts [balkanization],' and that, 'If either or both of them were to be destabilized, the internal problems of the region would become unmanageable.'10

"It seems that a divided and balkanized Iraq would be the best means of accomplishing this.

"Taking what we know from the White House’s own admissions; there is a belief that 'creative destruction and chaos' in the Middle East are beneficial assets to reshaping the Middle East, creating the 'New Middle East,' and furthering the Anglo-American roadmap in the Middle East and Central Asia:

"In Europe, the Word 'Balkans' conjures up images of ethnic conflicts and great-power regional rivalries.

"Eurasia, too, has its 'Balkans,' but the Eurasian Balkans are much larger, more populated, even more religiously and ethnically heterogenous.

"They are located within that large geographic oblong that demarcates the central zone of global instability (…) that embraces portions of southeastern Europe, Central Asia and parts of South Asia [Pakistan, Kashmir, Western India], the Persian Gulf area, and the Middle East."

Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a ?New Middle East? | Global Research

28 July 2014 will mark the one hundred year anniversary of the beginning of the War to End All Wars. Maybe Obama will provide its conclusion?

This article was truly a great read. Divide and conquer, indeed. :eek:
Nobody would dare impeach or imprison the man who gives them free stuff. Never, ever.
And with Dingy Harry Reid in charge of the Senate? Good luck getting HIM to play.
A year from now I suspect Obama will be laying the ground work for his attempt to "reform" Social Security. Both Clinton and Bush took the same shot during their second terms. Bill was undone by the blue dress, and Dubya drew Lehman Brothers. Regardless of whether the current coward-in-chief is ever removed from office, putting him through the same wringer Clinton went through will prevent Obama from handing SS over to Wall Street or (pursuing regime change in Tehran)?

FWIW, imagine the impeachment spectacle if US voters FLUSHED a hundred Democrats and Republicans from DC during the 2014 mid-terms, replacing them with a mix of Greens, Libertarians, and Tea Party citizen legislators.
Nobody would dare impeach or imprison the man who gives them free stuff. Never, ever.
And with Dingy Harry Reid in charge of the Senate? Good luck getting HIM to play.
A year from now I suspect Obama will be laying the ground work for his attempt to "reform" Social Security. Both Clinton and Bush took the same shot during their second terms. Bill was undone by the blue dress, and Dubya drew Lehman Brothers. Regardless of whether the current coward-in-chief is ever removed from office, putting him through the same wringer Clinton went through will prevent Obama from handing SS over to Wall Street or (pursuing regime change in Tehran)?

FWIW, imagine the impeachment spectacle if US voters FLUSHED a hundred Democrats and Republicans from DC during the 2014 mid-terms, replacing them with a mix of Greens, Libertarians, and Tea Party citizen legislators.
STATESMEN are what's needed. I am SICK to death of BOTH parties that should be sued on their monopoly. (Or Is that Duopoly)? In any case? SCREW BOTH of them and a POX on both their houses.
And with Dingy Harry Reid in charge of the Senate? Good luck getting HIM to play.
A year from now I suspect Obama will be laying the ground work for his attempt to "reform" Social Security. Both Clinton and Bush took the same shot during their second terms. Bill was undone by the blue dress, and Dubya drew Lehman Brothers. Regardless of whether the current coward-in-chief is ever removed from office, putting him through the same wringer Clinton went through will prevent Obama from handing SS over to Wall Street or (pursuing regime change in Tehran)?

FWIW, imagine the impeachment spectacle if US voters FLUSHED a hundred Democrats and Republicans from DC during the 2014 mid-terms, replacing them with a mix of Greens, Libertarians, and Tea Party citizen legislators.
STATESMEN are what's needed. I am SICK to death of BOTH parties that should be sued on their monopoly. (Or Is that Duopoly)? In any case? SCREW BOTH of them and a POX on both their houses.
Voting for any third-party presidential candidate has little practical effect because of that two party stranglehold on US politics. However, if millions of regular voters and the 30% of eligible voters who don't usually get involved with casting their ballots should ever decide to select their congresscritters from third-party candidates instead of Republican OR Democrat, Change would happen and Hope wouldn't be far behind. Internet-based social networking makes it doable; all that's missing is the mass will to use it.
Obama should be impeached if Congress votes against war with 60% in the House and Senate.
Nobody would dare impeach or imprison the man who gives them free stuff. Never, ever.

Very true, it's amazing that W isn't in jail right now.

Yeah, surprisingly enough, Obama should already BE in jail. But there you go talking about Bush again. You should have that checked, B_L, that kind of obsession is unnatural.

One better is BL's response was nothing more than a reactionary attempt to say you were a Bush supporter... Cuz that's all that low life BL has, calling people Bush supporters when he gets caught supporting the very Bush era policies he pretends to hate.
Not only is the US the only nation in history to maim, murder, and displace millions of civilians on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland, its homeland leads the planet in gun violence

And you still continue to pollute our great nation with your presence, you big fat fucking hypocrite? Grow a pair and have the courage of your convictions for once in your cowardly life. GTFO.
"In the speech King was discussing the conversations he had with angry and desperate young black men in the northern ghettos.

"He tried to convince them that nonviolent action, not rifles or Molotov cocktails, would solve their problems and bring social change. "But they asked -- and rightly so -- what about Vietnam?

"'They asked if our own nation wasn't using massive doses of violence to solve its problems, to bring about the changes it wanted,' King said. 'Their questions hit home, and I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government.'

David A. Love: America Is the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World Today
Multiple polls show US citizens opposed to more war for the New Middle East.
If Obama chooses the forces of "creative chaos" over the will of a majority of US voters, he should pay the ultimate political price for his arrogance. (And spend the rest of his life in a 6' by 10' cell)

Oh for chrissake, a military strike is not grounds for impeachment. Go back to high school or at least get your GED.
Where did you go to law school?

"Bruce Fein is the legal scholar who is best known for having drafted articles of impeachment against former President Bill Clinton for perjury after he lied under oath about having sexual relations with an intern.

Fein also drafted articles of impeachment against former President George W. Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney. In 2011, he drew up formal articles of impeachment against President Obama for his use of military action against Libya without congressional authorization.

"Fein was a top Justice Department official under the Reagan administration. He graduated with honors from Harvard Law School in 1972. Fein clerked for a prestigious federal court, and has served in top positions in the Office of Legal Counsel and the Office of Legal Policy. He has served as visiting fellow for constitutional studies at the Heritage Foundation, adjunct scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and guest lecturer at the Brookings Institute.

The growing case for impeachment of Obama
Multiple polls show US citizens opposed to more war for the New Middle East.
If Obama chooses the forces of "creative chaos" over the will of a majority of US voters, he should pay the ultimate political price for his arrogance. (And spend the rest of his life in a 6' by 10' cell)

Oh for chrissake, a military strike is not grounds for impeachment. Go back to high school or at least get your GED.
Where did you go to law school?

"Bruce Fein is the legal scholar who is best known for having drafted articles of impeachment against former President Bill Clinton for perjury after he lied under oath about having sexual relations with an intern.

Fein also drafted articles of impeachment against former President George W. Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney. In 2011, he drew up formal articles of impeachment against President Obama for his use of military action against Libya without congressional authorization.

"Fein was a top Justice Department official under the Reagan administration. He graduated with honors from Harvard Law School in 1972. Fein clerked for a prestigious federal court, and has served in top positions in the Office of Legal Counsel and the Office of Legal Policy. He has served as visiting fellow for constitutional studies at the Heritage Foundation, adjunct scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and guest lecturer at the Brookings Institute.

The growing case for impeachment of Obama

In theory a president could be ‘impeached’ because the sky is blue.

The trick is winning conviction in the Senate.

This is likely why Fein’s “articles of impeachment” went nowhere.
He's the President. He's been given the authority to make these choices. The people gave him the authority.

And that's you.. the people.

He won't spend any time in jail for his choices.

So, you're tripping...again.
Obama's merely the most recent corporate-anointed cog in the NWO

"The term 'New Middle East' was introduced to the world in June 2006 in Tel Aviv by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (who was credited by the Western media for coining the term) in replacement of the older and more imposing term, the 'Greater Middle East.'

"This shift in foreign policy phraseology coincided with the inauguration of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) Oil Terminal in the Eastern Mediterranean.

"The term and conceptualization of the 'New Middle East,' was subsequently heralded by the U.S. Secretary of State and the Israeli Prime Minister at the height of the Anglo-American sponsored Israeli siege of Lebanon.

"Prime Minister Olmert and Secretary Rice had informed the international media that a project for a 'New Middle East' was being launched from Lebanon.

"This announcement was a confirmation of an Anglo-American-Israeli 'military roadmap' in the Middle East.

"This project, which has been in the planning stages for several years, consists in creating an arc of instability, chaos, and violence extending from Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria to Iraq, the Persian Gulf, Iran, and the borders of NATO-garrisoned Afghanistan."

Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a ?New Middle East? | Global Research

Israel's unsuccessful invasion of Lebanon in 2006 temporarily derailed implementation of the New Middle East; we'll see who's trippin' when it finishes.

See above.

It didn't take you long to put Jews/Israel into your equation. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims will die and are dying and here you are attempting to conflate Jews into the issue.

You just can't help your self-hackery.
Jews created the issue in 1948 when they inflicted their nation upon twice as many Arab Palestinians:

"By 1948, there were approximately 1.35 million Arabs and 650,000 Jews living between the Jordan and the Mediterranean, more Arabs than had ever lived in Palestine before, and more Jews than had lived there since Roman times."

MidEast Web - Population of Palestine

Jews evicted over 700,000 Arabs from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts when Israel declared "Independence", and many Arabs found themselves living in refugee camps inside Syria and Lebanon.

For the last 65 years the Jewish state has sheltered under a star-spangled dragon's wing while hundreds of thousands of Arabs have died from Lebanon to Libya due primarily to the creation of a Jewish ethnocracy in Palestine in 1948.

I'm sure you can't wait for "shock and awe" over Tehran.
Oh for chrissake, a military strike is not grounds for impeachment. Go back to high school or at least get your GED.
Where did you go to law school?

"Bruce Fein is the legal scholar who is best known for having drafted articles of impeachment against former President Bill Clinton for perjury after he lied under oath about having sexual relations with an intern.

Fein also drafted articles of impeachment against former President George W. Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney. In 2011, he drew up formal articles of impeachment against President Obama for his use of military action against Libya without congressional authorization.

"Fein was a top Justice Department official under the Reagan administration. He graduated with honors from Harvard Law School in 1972. Fein clerked for a prestigious federal court, and has served in top positions in the Office of Legal Counsel and the Office of Legal Policy. He has served as visiting fellow for constitutional studies at the Heritage Foundation, adjunct scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and guest lecturer at the Brookings Institute.

The growing case for impeachment of Obama

In theory a president could be ‘impeached’ because the sky is blue.

The trick is winning conviction in the Senate.

This is likely why Fein’s “articles of impeachment” went nowhere.
You seem to be on the same page as some of Obama's critics in the House:

"Rep. Bill Flores (R-Texas) said he thinks the House of Representatives would vote to impeach President Barack Obama, BuzzFeed reports.

“'I look at the president, I think he's violated the Constitution,' Flores said at a town hall event on Thursday. 'I think he’s violated the law. I think he’s abused his power but at the end of the day you have to say if the House decides to impeach him, if the House had an impeachment vote it would probably impeach the president.'

"Flores noted that any efforts to impeach the president would likely fail in the Senate, and would also risk Rebublicans losing the speakership.

"'If you try and fail are you willing to put Nancy Pelosi back in the Speakership. I'm not,' Flores said."

Bill Flores: House 'Would Probably' Vote To Impeach Obama

What I'm wondering is whether Obama could survive the same scrutiny Bill Clinton received during his last two years in office?

I don't think Obama would be likely to privatize Social Security or engage in excessive risk taking in the Middle East. (although war is always a useful distraction for corrupt "leaders." I'm convinced he is an arrogant coward who can't be trusted in any significant crises.
Not only is the US the only nation in history to maim, murder, and displace millions of civilians on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland, its homeland leads the planet in gun violence

And you still continue to pollute our great nation with your presence, you big fat fucking hypocrite? Grow a pair and have the courage of your convictions for once in your cowardly life. GTFO.
"In the speech King was discussing the conversations he had with angry and desperate young black men in the northern ghettos.

"He tried to convince them that nonviolent action, not rifles or Molotov cocktails, would solve their problems and bring social change. "But they asked -- and rightly so -- what about Vietnam?

"'They asked if our own nation wasn't using massive doses of violence to solve its problems, to bring about the changes it wanted,' King said. 'Their questions hit home, and I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government.'

David A. Love: America Is the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World Today

You still here? Still lack the courage of your convictions, coward? You're an irrelevant, big-mouthed, unstable hysteric and nothing more. We don't need your ilk taking up space in my country.
Multiple polls show US citizens opposed to more war for the New Middle East.
If Obama chooses the forces of "creative chaos" over the will of a majority of US voters, he should pay the ultimate political price for his arrogance. (And spend the rest of his life in a 6' by 10' cell)

If Congress says "no," then it is not out of bounds to consider impeachment.

But if Congress says "proceed," or if they simply remain silent, then the validity of an impeachment effort is not quite so clear.

Either way, it would be folly to bother to even contemplate YOUR "advice."
Maybe Syria isn't the only impeachment possibility?

"In his conduct of the office of President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has usurped the exclusive power of Congress to initiate war under Article I, section 8, clause 11 of the United States Constitution by unilaterally commencing war against the Republic of Libya on March 19, 2011, declaring that Congress is powerless to constrain his conduct of the war, and claiming authority in the future to commence war unilaterally to advance whatever he ordains is in the national interest.

"By so doing and declaring, Barack Hussein Obama has mocked the rule of law, endangered the very existence of the Republic and the liberties of the people, and perpetrated an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor as hereinafter elaborated."

Articles of Impeachment
Multiple polls show US citizens opposed to more war for the New Middle East.
If Obama chooses the forces of "creative chaos" over the will of a majority of US voters, he should pay the ultimate political price for his arrogance. (And spend the rest of his life in a 6' by 10' cell)

If Congress says "no," then it is not out of bounds to consider impeachment.

But if Congress says "proceed," or if they simply remain silent, then the validity of an impeachment effort is not quite so clear.

Either way, it would be folly to bother to even contemplate YOUR "advice."
Maybe Syria isn't the only impeachment possibility?

"In his conduct of the office of President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has usurped the exclusive power of Congress to initiate war under Article I, section 8, clause 11 of the United States Constitution by unilaterally commencing war against the Republic of Libya on March 19, 2011, declaring that Congress is powerless to constrain his conduct of the war, and claiming authority in the future to commence war unilaterally to advance whatever he ordains is in the national interest.

"By so doing and declaring, Barack Hussein Obama has mocked the rule of law, endangered the very existence of the Republic and the liberties of the people, and perpetrated an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor as hereinafter elaborated."

Articles of Impeachment

This is subjective partisanism, not an actual indictment supported by objective evidence of an actual crime, which is what the Senate would require to convict.

The republican House could go ahead and ‘impeach’ Obama if they wish, but it would backfire as did the impeachment of Clinton.
The Day an American President is thrown into jail?

Will be the day Democracy ends in America.

Bank on that.

This was supposed to be a Republic genius but the masses have learned with the help of the democrats that they can vote their way in to free shit from the treasury and lead useless lives breeding future parasites.

Where is it written that this nation is a republic?
The Day an American President is thrown into jail?

Will be the day Democracy ends in America.

Bank on that.

This was supposed to be a Republic genius but the masses have learned with the help of the democrats that they can vote their way in to free shit from the treasury and lead useless lives breeding future parasites.

Where is it written that this nation is a republic?

Holy shit.

Do you know WHAT a Republic even is?

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