Impeach Obama Now!

You go ahead and do that. First, you have to come up with a valid claim instead of all the crazy unfounded accusations. If you had that, he would have already been impeached. Obviously you don't have that.

18 U.S. Code § 875 - Interstate communications

(d)Whoever, with intent to extort from any person, firm, association, or corporation, any money or other thing of value, transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to injure the property or reputation of the addressee or of another or the reputation of a deceased person or any threat to accuse the addressee or any other person of a crime, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.


The general outline is the DOJ and bank regulators are putting the screws to banks and other third-party payment processors to refuse banking services to companies and industries that are deemed to pose a “reputation risk” to the bank. Most controversially, the list of dubious industries is populated by enterprises that are entirely, or at least generally, legal. Tom Blumer’s extremely informative post summarizing what is known to date about Operation Choke Point reproduces the list, which includes things such as ammunition sales, escort services, get-quick-rich schemes, on-line gambling, “racist materials” and payday loans. Quite obviously, some of these things are not like the other; moreover, just because there are some bad apples within a legal industry doesn’t justify effectively destroying a legal industry through secret executive fiat.

Operation Choke Point - The Washington Post


No question of the crime, no question Obama is guilty.

You don't give a fuck, you hold party above all, but then you are a scumbag (it's true - seriously.) Obama is very impeachable for criminal acts. The little fucker belongs in jail.

Then quit whining and do it pussy.
Gotta keep reminding ya....

IF Obama were impeached and removed two things would happen:

1. Joe (Plugs da plagiaristº) would become president and serve at least six years.
2. Obama would flee into exile in some place like Cuba which has no extradition treaty with The U.S.

Leave it alone now and have treason charges ready to file the instant the 2016 results are clear. He'd never flee, abandoning even a single day of his eligibility to flit merrily golf-course-to-golf-course on Air Farce One hence would be subjected to a well-deserved perp walk wearing heavy bracelets hand and foot.
Gotta keep reminding ya....

IF Obama were impeached and removed two things would happen:

1. Joe (Plugs da plagiaristº) would become president and serve at least six years.
2. Obama would flee into exile in some place like Cuba which has no extradition treaty with The U.S.

Leave it alone now and have treason charges ready to file the instant the 2016 results are clear. He'd never flee, abandoning even a single day of his eligibility to flit merrily golf-course-to-golf-course on Air Farce One hence would be subjected to a well-deserved perp walk wearing heavy bracelets hand and foot.

In other words, just admit that all the right wing impeachment whining is crazy, and only something that fox used to stir up the teabaggers. No chance of it actually happening. Pat them on the head and promise their pride will be avenged later, and hope they forget. Teabaggers might fall for that.
You are another stupid uninformed teabagger. The definition is for police body armor.

False, you are lying.

You're lying because Soros programmed you to lie - not that you have a brain capable of formulating a falsehood on your own.

So Soros programmed me to lie and say armor piercing refers to the ability to pierce police body armor? I guess he programed the congress, who passed that particular bill, and Reagan who signed it into law in the same way? Who knew Soros was controlling Reagan?
So Soros programmed me to lie and say armor piercing refers to the ability to pierce police body armor?

You read talking points and memes from hate sites like THinkProgress and KOS, then recite them here. Clearly this particular lie is one that is on today's talking points. Armor piercing is the ability to pierce armor - tanks, bunkers, personnel carriers. The requirements are clear, and copper jacketed ammo like M855 .223 rounds are not part of the restricted types. The constitutionality of restricting any rounds will be tested in the courts - but absent that - this ammunition isn't even contained in the restrictions - despite the lies you are reciting.

I guess he programed the congress, who passed that particular bill, and Reagan who signed it into law in the same way? Who knew Soros was controlling Reagan?

Addressed above.
The Lawless fucker has stepped WAY over the line.

Obviously he cannot get away with this, but by proposing ordering the ban on ammunition, Obama shows a contempt for the Constitution and people of the United States.

{“The Obama administration was unable to ban America’s most popular sporting rifle through the legislative process, so now it’s trying to ban commonly owned and used ammunition through regulation,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action. “The NRA and our tens of millions of supporters across the country will fight to stop President Obama’s latest attack on our Second Amendment freedoms.”

Read more: Obama to ban bullets via executive action lawmakers NRA scurry to stop it - BizPac Review}

Its looking to ban the sale of armor piercing rounds.
Its looking to ban the sale of armor piercing rounds.

They are not armor piercing rounds. Fire one at a tank and they will bounce off.

Per existing federal law, they are armor piercing.

8 U.S.C. 921(a)(17)(B) provides:

(B)The term “armor piercing ammunition” means

(i) a projectile or projectile core which may be used in a handgun and
which is constructed entirely (excluding the presence of traces of other
substances) from one or a combination of tungsten alloys, st
eel, iron,
brass, bronze, beryllium copper or depleted uranium; or
a full jacketed projectile larger than .22 caliber designed and intended
for use in a handgun and whose jacket has a weight of more than 25
percent of the total weight of the projectile.

And that's what the ATF is seeking to ban.

tungsten alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, beryllium copper or depleted uranium;

They are copper jacketed. The BATFE is acting on orders from a rogue dictator attempting to circumvent the United States Constitution.

What are 'copper jacketed'? You clearly didn't know what the fuck you were talking about regarding 'armor piercing', nor had ever never read the ATF report on the topic despite that very report being your entire basis of complaint.

So you'll understand when I demand evidence to back your latest claims, given the general uselessness of your previous ones.

Show us. Don't tell us.
So Soros programmed me to lie and say armor piercing refers to the ability to pierce police body armor?

You read talking points and memes from hate sites like THinkProgress and KOS, then recite them here. Clearly this particular lie is one that is on today's talking points. Armor piercing is the ability to pierce armor - tanks, bunkers, personnel carriers. The requirements are clear, and copper jacketed ammo like M855 .223 rounds are not part of the restricted types. The constitutionality of restricting any rounds will be tested in the courts - but absent that - this ammunition isn't even contained in the restrictions - despite the lies you are reciting.

I guess he programed the congress, who passed that particular bill, and Reagan who signed it into law in the same way? Who knew Soros was controlling Reagan?

Addressed above.

Since the ability to be used in a hand gun is part of the complete definition, the ability to
pierce armored tanks is a silly thought at best.

18 U.S. Code 921 - Definitions LII Legal Information Institute
18 U.S. Code § 921 - Definitions

(A) The term “ammunition” means ammunition or cartridge cases, primers, bullets, or propellent powder designed for use in any firearm.
(B) The term “armor piercing ammunition” means—
(i) a projectile or projectile core which may be used in a handgun and which is constructed entirely (excluding the presence of traces of other substances) from one or a combination of tungsten alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, beryllium copper, or depleted uranium; or
(ii) a full jacketed projectile larger than .22 caliber designed and intended for use in a handgun and whose jacket has a weight of more than 25 percent of the total weight of the projectile.
(C) The term “armor piercing ammunition” does not include shotgun shot required by Federal or State environmental or game regulations for hunting purposes, a frangible projectile designed for target shooting, a projectile which the Attorney General finds is primarily intended to be used for sporting purposes, or any other projectile or projectile core which the Attorney General finds is intended to be used for industrial purposes, including a charge used in an oil and gas well perforating device.
We are left to retarded liberals who mistakenly think obuthole is doing a good job. What a bunch of idiots.

While I disagree with your take on it, you are absolutely right. The liberals are in charge. Of course teabaggers are still be able to slow some things down, and continue to be the obstructionists they always have, but in the long run, the liberals are and will be the ones to determine the direction of the country. It must suck to be you.
nfo libtards determining the direction of the country is the problem, not republican obstruction myth. It would really suck to be a retarded lib like you.

That's MISTER retarded lib to you dummy. Go ahead and whine all you want. The party in charge.....The democratic party.......will just ignore you.
If I remember the republicans took control of congress, who is actually supposed to be in charge retard. Obuthole is a bully who has no idea what the people want or needs. More like missy retard lib, libtard.

If they are supposed to be in charge, why are they running around with their hair on fire trying to stop their own members from shutting down the government?
Obuthole playing them against each other.
Its looking to ban the sale of armor piercing rounds.

They are not armor piercing rounds. Fire one at a tank and they will bounce off.

Ignorance and lies - the foundation of the left.

Obama is violating the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution. Impeach him for intestate extortion for the Operation Choke Point crimes and add his contempt for the Constitution as secondary charges. Obama IS a criminal, he has used the threat of disruption to intimidate businesses from conducting legal transactions with other businesses. He belongs in prison.

You are another stupid uninformed teabagger. The definition is for police body armor.
You are a retarded know nothing commie pig.

this rw-fringer, whine thread is so funny :p
I'm not certain that this means there will be a ban on all " commonly used ammo"

if so, it will not end well for Mr. Obama and his party
There are two things that can end the obama worm's support for islamic terrorists.

One is that he wakes up to find tanks ringing the white house and he's taken into custody.

The other is that Russian forces capture the white house and the obama worm is dragged around the white house the way Hector dragged Achilles.

Go back to Russia, commie.

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