Impeach obama

Well he should have gone to Congress for debate and authorization but that's not an Impeachable Offense. But what the Hell...IMPEACH the OBOMBA!!! IMPEACH the OBOMBA!!!
Well he should have gone to Congress for debate and authorization but that's not an Impeachable Offense. But what the Hell...IMPEACH the OBOMBA!!! IMPEACH the OBOMBA!!!

ok if this happens look who is in line to be president Biden
Hard to keep count. So now Cons are embracing Nader, Farrakhan and Kucinich.

Yikes. I hope Darrell Issa is listening.
If there was a Republican president in the White House, you can be assured that our conservative friends would do a complete reversal on the Lybian crisis.

We all know by now that they would be denouncing Obama irrespective of what position he took.
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If there was a Republican president in the White House, you can be assured that our conservative friends would do a complete reversal. They would be criticizing Obama no matter what position he took.

You mean kind of like the vast Majority of Libs on this Board. Who screamed at us about Illegal Wars, and not using force unless there is an immediate threat to the US. Are now sitting by giving Obama a pass?
Imagine a Conservative ever calling for a Republican Presidents impeachment?.. HA! Shows that Liberals don't take crap actions regardless of who they're from.
If there was a Republican president in the White House, you can be assured that our conservative friends would do a complete reversal on the Lybian crisis.

We all know by now that they would be denouncing Obama irrespective of what position he took.

They'd be going on and on about Lockerbie. Which is what they SHOULD be doing no matter who is President.
If there was a Republican president in the White House, you can be assured that our conservative friends would do a complete reversal. They would be criticizing Obama no matter what position he took.

You mean kind of like the vast Majority of Libs on this Board. Who screamed at us about Illegal Wars, and not using force unless there is an immediate threat to the US. Are now sitting by giving Obama a pass?
Each crisis should be assessed on its own merits - but conservative political strategy desperately wants to group Iraq and Lybia together.

The difference is demonstrated by the fact that 7 allies (Belgium, Canada, France, Greece, Norway, Qatar, Sweden), who refused to "buy in" to the US invasion of Iraq, are willing to provide military aid in the Lybian crisis.

Coalition of the Willing
Afghanistan, Albania, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Colombia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, the Philippines, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan.

Lybian Coalition
Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Qatar, Romania, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States
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Hard to keep count. So now Cons are embracing Nader, Farrakhan and Kucinich.

Yikes. I hope Darrell Issa is listening.

By "cons", I assume you a referring to the term "neo-cons"?

What's amazing to me is far lefties like the racist Farrakhan and the kook Nader and the progressive Kucinich are being consistent with their political thought while most of so-called liberals are thinking of ways to justify their inconsistency.
Hard to keep count. So now Cons are embracing Nader, Farrakhan and Kucinich.

Yikes. I hope Darrell Issa is listening.

"Embracing" is a word that metrosexuals seem to use a lot when their political panties are in a bunch. The problem, fuzzface, is that the left is abandoning their messiah and I guess he is cutting his spring break a little short. God forbid he should miss the Mayan ruins, but the only thing that would bring the fool back is the fear that he is losing his base.
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And no it's not coming from the Gop or the right. It's coming from the left this time

Impeach President Obama over Libya? Some liberal critics, Ralph Nader, Dennis Kucinich, suggest it

Read more: Impeach President Obama over Libya? Some liberal critics, Ralph Nader, Dennis Kucinich, suggest it

The war is not an impeachable offense. As much as I'd like to think going to war w/o Congress say so is a crime. It is not.

The name of the law or amendment that came about in Nixons time escapes me now. (... powers act) limits the Pres, but it's not been evoked once.
If there was a Republican president in the White House, you can be assured that our conservative friends would do a complete reversal on the Lybian crisis.

We all know by now that they would be denouncing Obama irrespective of what position he took.

They'd be going on and on about Lockerbie. Which is what they SHOULD be doing no matter who is President.

If we were going in to dispense some justice on gaddafi, and were clear that we only wanted him and his accomplices, I'd get cramps and maybe pull something, but I'd have to :2up: obama.

but right now we are killing young men that were not around during the Line of Death crap, who joined for a better life and are only following orders.

Fuck Nader and his crew. He's days late and dead bodies short. This is little more than posturing by people that want to get re-elected.


Code Pinks co-founder said obama is wrong. Does that mean I side with them? Or is this an example of a stopped clock being right twice a day.
If there was a Republican president in the White House, you can be assured that our conservative friends would do a complete reversal on the Lybian crisis.

We all know by now that they would be denouncing Obama irrespective of what position he took.

If a conservative was in the White House the handling of the events in the middle east would had been much different. No conservative would of got authorization from France, UK, Russia and China to take us to war instead of our own Congress.
If there was a Republican president in the White House, you can be assured that our conservative friends would do a complete reversal on the Libyian crisis.

We all know by now that they would be denouncing Obama irrespective of what position he took.

If a conservative was in the White House the handling of the events in the middle east would had been much different. No conservative would of got authorization from France, UK, Russia and China to take us to war instead of our own Congress.
The situation most analgous to Libya came at the end of the 1st Gulf War (1991). After encouraging Iraqi citizens to revolt against Saddam, GHW Bush stood back and watched his military massacre his own people in the south.

If a Democratic president ever did that, the conservatives would demand that he be impeached.
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Imagine a Conservative ever calling for a Republican Presidents impeachment?.. HA! Shows that Liberals don't take crap actions regardless of who they're from.

Yeah I mean we couldn't even get the chance to impeach Bush but of course, instead of focusing on jobs, lets worry about if going to Brazil and if thats impeachable.
Yes, shut government down then impeach Obama..

Sop when you have no ideas or governing skills.

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