Impeach Obama?

It's like 5,000 lemmings who all just collectively jump off the cliff, stark raving mad.

"Impeach!!" "Impeach!!"
It's like 5,000 lemmings who all just collectively jump off the cliff, stark raving mad.

"Impeach!!" "Impeach!!"

Defending the indefensible is nothing to be proud of son. It's shameful. Your 'Supreme Leader' is a criminal.
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Carry on.

I enjoy watching a RWCJ now and then.

The occasional break from participating in a LWCJ?

You also don't seem to be comprehending the thread, everyone is agreeing ... not ... to impeach Obama ...

No, the OP just started out that way, but in between, many nutbags sure let us know what they really think!!!

True story.


Gee, you all sound like we did when Bush No.1 was eating his words on "Read my lips, no new taxes" and couldn't get a second term and his doofus son was going down the toilet in Iraq:

Bush's Final Approval Rating: 22 Percent

Bush's Final Approval Rating: 22 Percent - CBS News

Hold on to your methane, you're need it later.

Which means 78% of the country was to the left of Bush. LOL.

There is a core 30% who support both parties. When a President goes below that, it means they are getting disapproval from their own base. W's low approval was primarily because he was a fiscal tax and spend liberal. He also got some disapproval over Iraq because he didn't counter the Democratic lies enough which let them go on their America bashing campaign unchecked. W wasn't liked by the left, but he took his lumps from the rights. It's a fundamentally different thing than all you kool-aid drinkers on the left who would support Obama if he went on a shooting rampage in a shopping mall.
It's clear to anyone with common sense and integrity, Obama did use the IRS to attack his political rivals. He should be Impeached for it. He is not above the law. Even the most loyal Obamabots should see that.

Why in the hell would he need to do that for? He WON, dumbass. You've got him confused with that sorry ass loser Republican down in Mississippi, Chris McDaniel.
It's clear to anyone with common sense and integrity, Obama did use the IRS to attack his political rivals. He should be Impeached for it. He is not above the law. Even the most loyal Obamabots should see that.

Why in the hell would he need to do that for? He WON, dumbass. You've got him confused with that sorry ass loser Republican down in Mississippi, Chris McDaniel.

Why in the hell would he need to do that for?



It's clear to anyone with common sense and integrity, Obama did use the IRS to attack his political rivals. He should be Impeached for it. He is not above the law. Even the most loyal Obamabots should see that.

Why in the hell would he need to do that for? He WON, dumbass. You've got him confused with that sorry ass loser Republican down in Mississippi, Chris McDaniel.

Your 'Supreme Leader' is a criminal. He has abused his power. He should be Impeached.
The OP of course is representative of the cowardice common among those on the partisan right, where if 'impeachment' is truly warranted, the House should indeed form a committee to review and draft articles of impeachment and move ahead with the process regardless the negative political fallout for republicans.

But for most conservatives 'impeachment' isn't about the perceived 'crimes' of the president – which of course don't exist – or a desire to pursue 'impeachment' in good faith; rather, this represents yet another inane, pointless, and partisan attack on the president by petulant rightists upset only about losing two presidential elections in a row.
Obama saved us from another Great Depression with the stimulus, rebuilt GM, brought unemployment down to 6.1%, passed healthcare reform and Wall Street banking reform, saw the stock market soar and housing rebound, got bin Laden, got Ghaddafi, secured WMDs from Syria, got the Iranians to give up their nukes, passed START, accelerated the end of the war in Afghanistan, freed gays in the military, created 10 million private sector jobs, 50 months of economic growth, increased Americans net worth by $20 trillion dollars . . .

ALL without any help from the Republican Party.
It's clear to anyone with common sense and integrity, Obama did use the IRS to attack his political rivals. He should be Impeached for it. He is not above the law. Even the most loyal Obamabots should see that.

Why in the hell would he need to do that for? He WON, dumbass. You've got him confused with that sorry ass loser Republican down in Mississippi, Chris McDaniel.

Your 'Supreme Leader' is a criminal. He has abused his power. He should be Impeached.

Impeachment is a political process that deals with abuses of power.

If you have legitimate criminal charges you should be able to file them with the relevant authorities and they are bound by their duty to investigate them and file the appropriate charges in a court of law.

To explain the difference we can look at what happened to VP Agnew who was criminally charged with extortion, tax fraud, bribery, and conspiracy. He was forced to resign and ultimately cut a plea deal. Nixon was facing impeachment for abuse of power in the Watergate scandal. He had used his office to thwart the investigation and that is what prompted the impeachment. Yes, there were other charges but the knowledge of the Watergate break in and then his deliberate actions to cover it up were what resulted in the impeachment.

So if your allegations hold any credibility you should be able to present the evidence of criminal wrong doing to the authorities and they will then proceed to investigate. Right now, however, you don't have anything credible.
Why in the hell would he need to do that for? He WON, dumbass. You've got him confused with that sorry ass loser Republican down in Mississippi, Chris McDaniel.

Your 'Supreme Leader' is a criminal. He has abused his power. He should be Impeached.

Impeachment is a political process that deals with abuses of power.

If you have legitimate criminal charges you should be able to file them with the relevant authorities and they are bound by their duty to investigate them and file the appropriate charges in a court of law.

To explain the difference we can look at what happened to VP Agnew who was criminally charged with extortion, tax fraud, bribery, and conspiracy. He was forced to resign and ultimately cut a plea deal. Nixon was facing impeachment for abuse of power in the Watergate scandal. He had used his office to thwart the investigation and that is what prompted the impeachment. Yes, there were other charges but the knowledge of the Watergate break in and then his deliberate actions to cover it up were what resulted in the impeachment.

So if your allegations hold any credibility you should be able to present the evidence of criminal wrong doing to the authorities and they will then proceed to investigate. Right now, however, you don't have anything credible.


And it's understood that the House is at liberty to impeach the president because the sky is blue, the problem lies in the Senate, where without any evidence, credible or otherwise, winning a conviction would be impossible, rendering 'impeachment' proceedings pointless and partisan.
The OP of course is representative of the cowardice common among those on the partisan right, where if 'impeachment' is truly warranted, the House should indeed form a committee to review and draft articles of impeachment and move ahead with the process regardless the negative political fallout for republicans.


You don't know what partisan means, that's hysterical. Dude, you're on the internet, you should Google words you don't know before making yourself look like an idiot.

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