Impeach the President

Impeach President Obama?

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Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
What's the point of job approval polls if no matter how low they go the fucker stays in office?

Impeach the President? Yes/no?
I voted yes. Who will do it though? Neither party will do it. They lack the courage and fortitude to do anything that would include risking their own livelihood and future. It's sad but it is the truth.
What's the point of job approval polls if no matter how low they go the fucker stays in office?

Impeach the President? Yes/no?
After you've 'impeached' him then what – you can't win a conviction in the Senate because having poor job approval ratings isn't a 'crime.'

Obviously the thread premise wasn't thought out very well, typical of most conservatives.
It seems Americans become dumber and more afraid by the day. Bush Cheney helped make ISIS possible, is there such a thing as retroactive impeachment? lol Weird how fear makes many fascist sympathizers? It becomes so easy to see how fear can make the scared give up democracy and listen to the rambling talk of idiots. The Iraq invasion should have taught that lesson, but when fear is new all reality disappears and only the screaming of clowns is heard. And the fearful follow and bow like puppets.

Excellent radio talk on the stupidity of the modern American, mostly on the right or independent. Do Donald Trump's policies flirt with the ideals of fascism? - WMNF

The Islamic State’s trap for Europe

An even more complicated view is below. Take your PC under your bed and read it.

"But the original sources of the extreme violence and social disintegration in North Africa, the Middle East, and South and Central Asia are bad government (autocratic, sectarian, corrupt); marginalized, undereducated, economically deprived publics; and homegrown or imported religious ideas within Islam that turn mass murder into an obligation of the faithful. The first two are common enough around the world. It’s the third that turns ordinary misery into the region’s brand of endless horror." George Packer Obama’s Two Speeches and a Tragedy - The New Yorker
Elections have consequences.

Obama has won two elections because the electorate felt he was the better choice than that provided by the GOP.

So maybe, instead of some fruitless impeachment reality show, the party could work on providing a more attractive message.

I dunno. Just saying.
So maybe, instead of some fruitless impeachment reality show, the party could work on providing a more attractive message.
Elections have consequences.

Obama has won two elections because the electorate felt he was the better choice than that provided by the GOP.

So maybe, instead of some fruitless impeachment reality show, the party could work on providing a more attractive message.

I dunno. Just saying.
Elections results are meaningless when it comes to impeachment.

If it is determined the POTUS committed "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" stated in the Constitution, then impeachment should occur.

In my view, BO should have been impeached when details of his failed Fast and Furious program became known.
Elections have consequences.

Obama has won two elections because the electorate felt he was the better choice than that provided by the GOP.

So maybe, instead of some fruitless impeachment reality show, the party could work on providing a more attractive message.

I dunno. Just saying.
Elections results are meaningless when it comes to impeachment.

If it is determined the POTUS committed "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" stated in the Constitution, then impeachment should occur.

In my view, BO should have been impeached when details of his failed Fast and Furious program became known.

You want to impeach this President for a program the last President used as well?

You got your stupid game on today, dont cha.
Elections have consequences.

Obama has won two elections because the electorate felt he was the better choice than that provided by the GOP.

So maybe, instead of some fruitless impeachment reality show, the party could work on providing a more attractive message.

I dunno. Just saying.
Elections results are meaningless when it comes to impeachment.

If it is determined the POTUS committed "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" stated in the Constitution, then impeachment should occur.

In my view, BO should have been impeached when details of his failed Fast and Furious program became known.

You want to impeach this President for a program the last President used as well?

You got your stupid game on today, dont cha.
I am fine with impeaching W, if he also used F&F as Big Ears did.

Actually, W should have been impeached for failing to close our borders after 9/11...just as the current one should.
Impeaching him would just "martyr" the jackass....but fug it, impeach the big eared disaster. Even Crazy Uncle Joe can't be this bad
Elections have consequences.

Obama has won two elections because the electorate felt he was the better choice than that provided by the GOP.

So maybe, instead of some fruitless impeachment reality show, the party could work on providing a more attractive message.

I dunno. Just saying.
Elections results are meaningless when it comes to impeachment.

If it is determined the POTUS committed "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" stated in the Constitution, then impeachment should occur.

In my view, BO should have been impeached when details of his failed Fast and Furious program became known.

You want to impeach this President for a program the last President used as well?

You got your stupid game on today, dont cha.
Does this mean anything to you?

Obama said that the Fast and Furious program began "under the previous administration." That is not the case; Fast and Furious did begin during the time Obama held office.

Another similar program, called Operation Wide Receiver, did happen during the Bush administration, and a recent inspector general’s report criticized both operations as ineffective and seriously flawed.

But Operation Wide Receiver is not the same thing as the Fast and Furious program. We rate Obama’s statement False.
Barack Obama said 'Fast and Furious' began under the Bush administration
He needs to be charged with high treason, put on trial, and go the way of the rosenbergs. He has been that deliberate. From sending organized rioters that created the blacklivesmatter organizations.

To him aiding and comforting our enemies and deliberately emboldening them. To alienating and dissolving our relationships with our allies. Like Israel, who still does not stone women for being raped, does not throw gays off of roof tops for being gay, and allows anyone to worship in their country as they see fit. No other ME country allows that, and our beloved left who are supposedly on the side of women and hates religion are on the side of the enemies of Israel.

He represents all of these fucking demented American hating traitors. All of these brainwashed monkeys deserve, well I will not say it.

This president has committed so many crimes. Many of which we do not know about. He is the worst president in history. Do not think for a moment that this is a mistake. He has been a contrived construct of the world socialists. His agenda was to bring the country down.

He has dug such a hole, that it is almost impossible for anyone to dig us out. If a republican does win it, the country will implode under their administration as a result of the liberal policies being passed now. They will then have their victory.

He is a pathetic disgrace and the only things worse than him are those who blindly vote for him and his types.

Does that answer the question clearly enough?
Stupid fucking thread.
Impeach the President for WHAT.
Do you think the nutters need a reason? They don't need no stinking reason. Well, actually they do have a reason, and at least muddy was honest enough about it when he said, "for being black".

Racist nutter scum.
What's the point of job approval polls if no matter how low they go the fucker stays in office?

Impeach the President? Yes/no?
seem you feelings about how low the poll go didn't affect you when Bush was at 22% now did it... were we supposed to impeach bush then ??? Oh well I guess we libs fucked up again ... my bad!!!

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