Impeachable offense? Try Bribery

The Constitution is generally vague on what constitutes an impeachable offense
One of the crimes it specifically identifies as impeachable is.....Bribery

The Constitution Says ‘Bribery’ Is Impeachable. What Does That Mean?

In fact, the Founders had a broader conception of bribery than what’s in the criminal code. Their understanding was derived from English law, under which bribery was understood as an officeholder’s abuse of the power of an office to obtain a private benefit rather than for the public interest. This definition not only encompasses Trump’s conduct—it practically defines it.

Impeach Trump for Biden's bribery, extortion, payola and money laundering!!!
Why doesn’t Trump prosecute?

Name one instance where a President prosecuted. Thanks.
Most Presidents have an independent Attorney General
Bill Barr is not
Unprecedented? Really Winger? The truth is American Presidents have put conditions on providing aid to other country's for as long as we've done so! It's only become "bribery" when Donald Trump did it! Your claim is farcical!

Trump did it for PERSONAL GAIN

And THAT ids the problem
/—-/ Now if you only had proof besides some second hand hearsay and wishful thinking,
Directly witnessing an event is not second hand
The Constitution is generally vague on what constitutes an impeachable offense
One of the crimes it specifically identifies as impeachable is.....Bribery

The Constitution Says ‘Bribery’ Is Impeachable. What Does That Mean?

In fact, the Founders had a broader conception of bribery than what’s in the criminal code. Their understanding was derived from English law, under which bribery was understood as an officeholder’s abuse of the power of an office to obtain a private benefit rather than for the public interest. This definition not only encompasses Trump’s conduct—it practically defines it.

Impeach Trump for Biden's bribery, extortion, payola and money laundering!!!
Why doesn’t Trump prosecute?

Name one instance where a President prosecuted. Thanks.
Most Presidents have an independent Attorney General
Bill Barr is not
Eric Holder? Come on man. Stop it.
Fire him in 6 hours or you don't get the billion dollars
- Joe Biden

There you go, finally posting something at least half-true.

Joe Biden (with the backing of DoS, IMF, EU, Ukrainian anti-corruption groups, Inspector's own deputy who quit in protest of the swamp) demanded that this corrupt official be fired if Ukraine wants to keep receiving American aid (aka sound foreign policy)
The Constitution is generally vague on what constitutes an impeachable offense
One of the crimes it specifically identifies as impeachable is.....Bribery

The Constitution Says ‘Bribery’ Is Impeachable. What Does That Mean?

In fact, the Founders had a broader conception of bribery than what’s in the criminal code. Their understanding was derived from English law, under which bribery was understood as an officeholder’s abuse of the power of an office to obtain a private benefit rather than for the public interest. This definition not only encompasses Trump’s conduct—it practically defines it.

Impeach Trump for Biden's bribery, extortion, payola and money laundering!!!
Why doesn’t Trump prosecute?

Name one instance where a President prosecuted. Thanks.
Most Presidents have an independent Attorney General
Bill Barr is not
Eric Holder? Come on man. Stop it.
Where did Holder ever protect the illegal actions of Obama?
Antosha shut the hell up. Just because they disagree with you it doesn’t make them “Trumpsters” you asshole.

Dumbass, Rep. Matt Gaetz is TRUMPSTER#1...DUH?

The Trumpiest Congressman in Trump's Washington

Links to Leftist sources. Antosha, you're an idiot.

Wow how the fuck do you function in life when you can't even do a basic search?

Matt Gaetz is a dedicated Trumpster, thats a fact and you will have to find some sane way to deal with it.



Trumpster is a made up word, Antosha.

Damn man, you are straight retarded.
I am straight. Antosha you suffer from TDS.
Impeach Trump for Biden's bribery, extortion, payola and money laundering!!!
Why doesn’t Trump prosecute?

Name one instance where a President prosecuted. Thanks.
Most Presidents have an independent Attorney General
Bill Barr is not
Eric Holder? Come on man. Stop it.
Where did Holder ever protect the illegal actions of Obama?
You’re kidding right? Google Fast & Furious.
Fire him in 6 hours or you don't get the billion dollars
- Joe Biden

There you go, finally posting something at least half-true.

Joe Biden (with the backing of DoS, IMF, EU, Ukrainian anti-corruption groups, Inspector's own deputy who quit in protest of the swamp) demanded that this corrupt official be fired if Ukraine wants to keep receiving American aid (aka sound foreign policy)
Antosha, your parents escaped Communism why would you want to support it in America?
Fire him in 6 hours or you don't get the billion dollars
- Joe Biden

There you go, finally posting something at least half-true.

Joe Biden (with the backing of DoS, IMF, EU, Ukrainian anti-corruption groups, Inspector's own deputy who quit in protest of the swamp) demanded that this corrupt official be fired if Ukraine wants to keep receiving American aid (aka sound foreign policy)
I'm so glad Biden admitted that being a Politician is the biggest money laundering scheme on the planet
Unprecedented? Really Winger? The truth is American Presidents have put conditions on providing aid to other country's for as long as we've done so! It's only become "bribery" when Donald Trump did it! Your claim is farcical!

Trump did it for PERSONAL GAIN

And THAT ids the problem
/—-/ Now if you only had proof besides some second hand hearsay and wishful thinking,
Directly witnessing an event is not second hand
So you're talking about Trump or the Ukrainian president?
Those two were the only people "directly witnessing an event"
Fire him in 6 hours or you don't get the billion dollars
- Joe Biden

There you go, finally posting something at least half-true.

Joe Biden (with the backing of DoS, IMF, EU, Ukrainian anti-corruption groups, Inspector's own deputy who quit in protest of the swamp) demanded that this corrupt official be fired if Ukraine wants to keep receiving American aid (aka sound foreign policy)
I'm so glad Biden admitted that being a Politician is the biggest money laundering scheme on the planet laundering??...did you just seriously say that?

Unprecedented? Really Winger? The truth is American Presidents have put conditions on providing aid to other country's for as long as we've done so! It's only become "bribery" when Donald Trump did it! Your claim is farcical!

Trump did it for PERSONAL GAIN

And THAT ids the problem

Personal gain? What would that personal gain be? Implicating Joe Biden as a corrupt politician that hooked his kid up for big bucks? Remind me again...isn't Trump's primary directive as President to uphold the law...including making sure that previous Administrations are held accountable for corruption?
Fire him in 6 hours or you don't get the billion dollars
- Joe Biden

There you go, finally posting something at least half-true.

Joe Biden (with the backing of DoS, IMF, EU, Ukrainian anti-corruption groups, Inspector's own deputy who quit in protest of the swamp) demanded that this corrupt official be fired if Ukraine wants to keep receiving American aid (aka sound foreign policy)
I'm so glad Biden admitted that being a Politician is the biggest money laundering scheme on the planet laundering??...did you just seriously say that?

Sure. Since Biden couldn't send his family a check directly from the Treasury, we send taxpayer dollars to the Ukraine, they pay Biden's kid. It's the definition of money laundering
Fire him in 6 hours or you don't get the billion dollars
- Joe Biden

There you go, finally posting something at least half-true.

Joe Biden (with the backing of DoS, IMF, EU, Ukrainian anti-corruption groups, Inspector's own deputy who quit in protest of the swamp) demanded that this corrupt official be fired if Ukraine wants to keep receiving American aid (aka sound foreign policy)
I'm so glad Biden admitted that being a Politician is the biggest money laundering scheme on the planet laundering??...did you just seriously say that?

Sure. Since Biden couldn't send his family a check directly from the Treasury, we send taxpayer dollars to the Ukraine, they pay Biden's kid. It's the definition of money laundering

No dumbass, it is not.

Money laundering is when you take dirty money and channel it through false bussiness to make it seem clean, taxed income. Which has nothing to do with baseless fantasy you are describing as the money was not for private energy companies, it was military aid.
Is bribery against the law if it is done by a President who thinks bribery is needed for national security? Sometimes it may be best for a President like Trump to be above the law.
Why doesn’t Trump prosecute?

Name one instance where a President prosecuted. Thanks.
Most Presidents have an independent Attorney General
Bill Barr is not
Eric Holder? Come on man. Stop it.
Where did Holder ever protect the illegal actions of Obama?
You’re kidding right? Google Fast & Furious.
What about it?
It was a failed attempt to track guns......found not to be illegal
Is bribery against the law if it is done by a President who thinks bribery is needed for national security? Sometimes it may be best for a President like Trump to be above the law.
There is a Yuge difference between national security and personal interest
Personal gain? What would that personal gain be?

Forcing Ukraine to manufacture dirt on his political opponent ...that's personal gain
That is a key point

Trump went in with unfounded conspiracy theories and expected Ukraine to support them whether they were true or not

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