Impeaching Trump for obstructing a non-crime: Civil War

Will Impeaching Trump for obstructing a non-crime trigger a Civil War?

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Obviously you have not read it. They specifically looked for "Coordination" as Collusion is not a crime by statute. Had you actually read the document you would know this and would understand that Vol II was a nothing burger.

Volume II was worse than a Nothing Burger.

Prosecutors, like judges, are not supposed to render opinions.
Maybe this is a subject for another thread. Sanctuary cities, was that ever made a issue put to a vote? This is Still a democracy, isn't it? I have never seen this put on a ballot. Suddenly, we have sanctuary given to people by people I don't recognize. Explain that to me.
Obviously you have not read it. They specifically looked for "Coordination" as Collusion is not a crime by statute. Had you actually read the document you would know this and would understand that Vol II was a nothing burger.

Volume II was worse than a Nothing Burger.

Prosecutors, like judges, are not supposed to render opinions.
So it was a Comey - Vol II

A violation of ethical conduct..
Liberals scare me. The intimidation, the threats liberals deal out. They espouse anti hate,, then they hate everything that isn't liberal. Can you dig it?
If you had actually read it you wouldn't have said "no collusion"

Please cite the Mueller Report that indicates collusion.

Volume I describes the factual results of the Special Counsel's investigation of Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election and its interactions with the Trump Campaign. Section I describes the scope of the investigation. Sections II and III describe the principal ways Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election . Section IV describes links between the government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign. Section V sets forth the Special Counsel's charging decisions.

Section IV starts on page 66. Good luck (page 66 = page 74 in the PDF)

From Section IV:
1. Immediate Post-Election Activity As soon as news broke that Trump had been elected President, Russian government officials and prominent Russian businessmen began trying to make inroads into the new Administration. They appeared not to have preexisting contacts and struggled to connect with senior officials around the President- Elect. As explained below , those efforts entailed both official contact through the Russian Embassy in the United States and outreaches-sanctioned at high levels of the Russian government-through business rather than political contacts.

From Section IV, Volume I:

1. Immediate Post-Election Activity As soon as news broke that Trump had been elected President, Russian government officials and prominent Russian businessmen began trying to make inroads into the new Administration. They appeared not to have preexisting contacts and struggled to connect with senior officials around the President- Elect. As explained below , those efforts entailed both official contact through the Russian Embassy in the United States and outreaches-sanctioned at high levels of the Russian government-through business rather than political contacts.
That does not say "no collusion".

Keep looking.
Collusion is not a crime.... You fucking moron!
Duh fucking shit you drooling idiot! I've been trying to tell you microcephalic morons that for 2 friggin' years!!!

How the hell do you idjits remember to breath without constant reminders?
If you had actually read it you wouldn't have said "no collusion"

Please cite the Mueller Report that indicates collusion.

Volume I describes the factual results of the Special Counsel's investigation of Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election and its interactions with the Trump Campaign. Section I describes the scope of the investigation. Sections II and III describe the principal ways Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election . Section IV describes links between the government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign. Section V sets forth the Special Counsel's charging decisions.

Section IV starts on page 66. Good luck (page 66 = page 74 in the PDF)

From Section IV:
1. Immediate Post-Election Activity As soon as news broke that Trump had been elected President, Russian government officials and prominent Russian businessmen began trying to make inroads into the new Administration. They appeared not to have preexisting contacts and struggled to connect with senior officials around the President- Elect. As explained below , those efforts entailed both official contact through the Russian Embassy in the United States and outreaches-sanctioned at high levels of the Russian government-through business rather than political contacts.

From Section IV, Volume I:

1. Immediate Post-Election Activity As soon as news broke that Trump had been elected President, Russian government officials and prominent Russian businessmen began trying to make inroads into the new Administration. They appeared not to have preexisting contacts and struggled to connect with senior officials around the President- Elect. As explained below , those efforts entailed both official contact through the Russian Embassy in the United States and outreaches-sanctioned at high levels of the Russian government-through business rather than political contacts.
That does not say "no collusion".

Keep looking.
Collusion is not a crime.... You fucking moron!

Let's put him on ignore. He's acting like a child now.


Welcome to ignore.

Lol, I'll call that a win.
Do it Dems.

I have no doubt that impeaching Trump for "obstruction" of a crime he did not commit would start a VERY HOT Civil War.

I'm looking forward to it.

Nothing but blood, prison and public executions of the losing side is going to settle this conflict. You've made that clear by doubling down on the Mueller Report.

You're not going to do anything but whine like the little bitch that you are behind your computer screen.

We've already seen the likes of you pussies when the Bundy gang, and the little ***** from Charlottesville got rounded up and punked.

By all means show that little cherry ass of yours on the street. We'll take your gun, and spank you on national television just like we did with those pansies.

A lot more to being a soldier than having a gun and some surplus gear from cheaper than dirt boy.
After letting Hillary Clinton walk, they can't impeach Trump over debatable obstruction of an investigation into a crime he didn't commit. This will be seen as an extension of the failed coup attempt.

THe Dems don't realize how rapid the revolt would spread either. It wouldn't start with a few distant groups of patriots and growing over months and would practically be an overnight Restoration of the Rule of Law.

You honestly believe that could happen like that again? You watch way too many movies.
Read the report son. This isn't a "non crime".

No collusion.


I read all of Volume I.

Volume II had no citations of law or statues, just opinion.
If you had actually read it you wouldn't have said "no collusion"
I read it and there was absolutely NO COLLUSION... Reading impaired liberals...
You can't be serious.

Another one?

Has not one single one actually read this damn thing?
Obviously you have not read it. They specifically looked for "Coordination" as Collusion is not a crime by statute. Had you actually read the document you would know this and would understand that Vol II was a nothing burger.
Lol, damn you're slow on the uptake.
Even if the democrats somehow manage enough votes in the house for impeachment, there will not be a 2/3 majority vote in the senate to convict. No civil war triggered.

I dont know anymore. Read 14 melon head RINO went full-on Milk-Toast this weekend feigning shame over "terrible" behavior LOL! $22T debt, on vacation, 3 days a week ....... yet they go after Do-something Trump?
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Do it Dems.

I have no doubt that impeaching Trump for "obstruction" of a crime he did not commit would start a VERY HOT Civil War.

I'm looking forward to it.

Nothing but blood, prison and public executions of the losing side is going to settle this conflict. You've made that clear by doubling down on the Mueller Report.

While I admire the hell out of President Trump, I do not believe his impeachment would lead to a hot civil war. In truth, we have been fighting a second and perhaps third civil war since Roe v. Wade some forty-six years ago. Those civil wars have been CULTURAL, not geographical or theatrical domestically. Think very carefully about what a second shooting civil war would look like. Who would the enemy be? The family down the block? The hardware store owner on 10th Street? Problem with having a second shooting civil war is perhaps only one ideological "side" possesses a "real" standing Army, provided division commanding General Officers do not defect. Closest reality or scenario I can personally envision is one where radical Left wing Mayors and Governors amass their police forces and use them as foot soldiers against regular US Military troops deployed to arrest them for rebelling against Washington. As for the common American, who is the common man or woman going to fight against? Their neighbors who watch CNN? Too messy. And that's the hell of it . . . the true hell of it. The poison of the radical Left has become a part of our judicial and legislative and even executive branches. No amount of weed killer, I fear can thoroughly weed them out.
So you're going impeach Trump on twitter posts?

Demonstrating yet again that every reply beginning with "So..." inevitably ends up lying and distorting.

I am not doing anything, dummy. I'm just waiting for all those who have actually read the report (which you clearly have not) to react with the same disgust I cannot get rid of, and draw their own conclusions (which you clearly can not).

Do it Dems.

I have no doubt that impeaching Trump for "obstruction" of a crime he did not commit would start a VERY HOT Civil War.

I'm looking forward to it.

Nothing but blood, prison and public executions of the losing side is going to settle this conflict. You've made that clear by doubling down on the Mueller Report.

You are an idiot of the first order.

Impeaching Trump on obstruction of justice charges is the duty of the House of Representatives. No man is above the law. When Trump fired Domey, when Trump called Leaendoaski to fire a Mueller, when Trump asked McCabb to fire Mueller, when Trump lied constantly about his Russia business dealings, he was committing a crime and that crime is obstruction of justice.

Tell us how Trump, or more precisely your devotion to that huckster buffoon, has special privileges that his subordinates do not. The first article of impeachment against Nixon was...ONSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE!

Then you go on a treasonous rant about blood, prison and public executions just like an Airhoritarian, certainly not an American.

Tell us, tough guy, who are you going to fight in this civil war fantasy of yours? Your neighbor for not voting for Trump? Your neighbor for not slavishly devoting himself to the cult of personality?

Do you think Trump is more important than the rule of law?

Would you have that lying orange sack of monkey shit cut loose from any and all constraints of the constitution? By the way, have you ever heard of the constitution? Can you explain Article I?

Honest to God. Some of these hair brained, hair triggered Trumpians are more dangerous to our system of government than any of the boogeyman they want to demonize.
You are an idiot of the first order.

Impeaching Trump on obstruction of justice charges is the duty of the House of Representatives. No man is above the law.

So why are Obama, Benny Holder, Comey, Lois Lerner, Strzok, and Hillary still free to come and go as they please? What, you thought no one would notice? Derp!
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Remember, "reading comprehension" as taught in America's Marxist "schools" dictates that all text must be construed as to reflect the "correct" party-ordained interpretation.
You are an idiot of the first order.

Impeaching Trump on obstruction of justice charges is the duty of the House of Representatives. No man is above the law.

So why are Obama, Benny Holder, Comey, Lois Lerner, Strzok, and Hillary still free to come and go as they please? What, you thought no one would notice? Derp!
Where are the charges? Where are the investigations? Where are the prosecutors?

Just because Breitbart, Fox and Limbaugh make the accusations doesn't make it either true or prosecutable.

Remember that peskymlaw stuff?
You are an idiot of the first order.

Impeaching Trump on obstruction of justice charges is the duty of the House of Representatives. No man is above the law.

So why are Obama, Benny Holder, Comey, Lois Lerner, Strzok, and Hillary still free to come and go as they please? What, you thought no one would notice? Derp!
Where are the charges? Where are the investigations? Where are the prosecutors?

Just because Breitbart, Fox and Limbaugh make the accusations doesn't make it either true or prosecutable.

Remember that peskymlaw stuff?

Remember when Obama traded 5 terrorist leaders for 1 traitor? I do. He should hang for that.
And, no charges against Trump in the Mueller Report. No collusion. No coordination. No conspiracy. No obstruction. Just because CNN & Maddow make the accusations doesn't make it either true or prosecutable.

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