Impeachment is a Political Process: When Enough GOP Politicians Eventually Turn On Trump

Is *Collusion The Necessary Condition For Impeachment?

  • yes

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • no

    Votes: 9 75.0%
  • I'm clueless and I don't understand what *collusion is or how it works

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
Okay, you keep telling yourself that...

So all these guys around Trump are pleading guilty to things, but there was no Collusion. No, really.

Turn off the hate radio and do some reading, buddy.
I've noticed that you keep including the word "hate" in an alarming number of your posts.

Is there something you're not telling the class?
Keep pushing impeachment and the left all but guarantee Trumps reelection in 2020 doubt this look what happened to the Republicans with Bill Clinton in the 90s when they went down that road.

Clinton was popular, Trump isn't.
I've noticed that you keep including the word "hate" in an alarming number of your posts.

Is there something you're not telling the class?

Pointing out the obvious... your whole movement is based on hate...

Because when you throw out all the sucky economic ideas and foolish foriegn policy, all you have left is hatred of people who are different.
I've noticed that you keep including the word "hate" in an alarming number of your posts.

Is there something you're not telling the class?

Pointing out the obvious... your whole movement is based on hate...

Because when you throw out all the sucky economic ideas and foolish foriegn policy, all you have left is hatred of people who are different.
No, I think you are projecting your more-than-obvious hatred, upon those who think differently than you.

The language gives you away, Corky.
Keep pushing impeachment and the left all but guarantee Trumps reelection in 2020 doubt this look what happened to the Republicans with Bill Clinton in the 90s when they went down that road.

Clinton was popular, Trump isn't.
Clinton's popularity was suffering at the time the Republicans impeachment helped him with his popularity and played no small part in his reelection. If the left wants to go down the same road fine go down it and if it does for Trump what it did for Clinton don't say you weren't warned.
Clinton's popularity was suffering at the time the Republicans impeachment helped him with his popularity and played no small part in his reelection.

I think you are a little confused on the timeline here.

Clinton got elected in 1996. Easily.
In 1998, we found out that he got a blow job from an intern. somehow this became a constitutional crisis and they impeached him even though 67% of the country was against it.

Oh, yeah, and Republicans "won" the next three elections after that. So there's that.
Trump is getting rich off of the Presidency, obstructing justice and has not declared campaign funds for bribing pollsters. It's irrelevant to his other misdeeds except in the sense that possible collusion will give him more years in jail, and make him a traitor in the public's mind.
Impeachment is a Political Process: When Enough GOP Politicians Eventually Turn On Trump, *Collusion will not be *the necessary condition for impeachment.

an interesting article has touched on what I, a True Red, White, and Blue Liberal have said long ago to some of my more progressive and leftie friends:

I don’t know what Trump’s Russian hang-up is, but Trump has one. Somehow, he’s compromised. It’s not a necessary condition for impeachment that he be a Russian asset. Cohen’s expected testimony to Congress on Feb. 7 is a more gripping prospect by the day.
Opinion | The Strange Persistent Troubling Russian Hang-Up of Donald Trump

One fact is that the new House member in charge of certain things has gone on the record:

Adam Schiff: Trump is compromised. What else is he hiding and who else knows about it?
Adam Schiff, Opinion contributor Published 4:00 a.m. ET Dec. 4, 2018 | Updated 7:47 a.m. ET Dec. 4, 2018
Now we know Trump, like Flynn, was compromised by the Russians. Was the Moscow deal their only financial leverage over the president, or is there more? Adam Schiff: Trump is compromised. What else is he hiding and who else knows about it?

some of my notes:
Mueller wanted people to lie why did he not make Cohen lie?
Mueller is coming and who cares if Trump is in two more years? Eventually the GOP will turn on him as they have been biding their time

I don’t know what Trump’s Russian hang-up is, but Trump has one. Somehow, he’s compromised. It’s not a necessary condition for impeachment that he be a Russian asset. Cohen’s expected testimony to Congress on Feb. 7 is a more gripping prospect by the day.
Opinion | The Strange Persistent Troubling Russian Hang-Up of Donald Trump

I was running my business while I was campaigning. There was a good chance that I wouldn’t have won, in which case I would have gotten back into the business. And why should I lose lots of opportunities?

Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure | The White House

In “Fire and Fury,” Michael Wolff writes that “Trump refused to spend any time considering, however hypothetically, transition matters, saying it was ‘bad luck’ — but really meaning it was a waste of time.”

Opinion | BuzzFeed’s Controversial Cohen Story Raises Question: Did Trump Want to Be President?


And as a political process, impeachment can remove a president from office absent alleged criminal wrongdoing.

Whether collusion is a crime or not is irrelevant – it is an impeachable offence where the Senate may convict predicated on the fact that collusion with a hostile state is harmful to America and the person committing that harm should no longer be president.
President Pence?

No thanks!
Also correct.

Another aspect where impeachment is a political – not legal – process; where the House is at liberty to not draft articles of impeachment even though evidence of criminal wrongdoing exists.
President Pence?

No thanks!
Pence would not have the diehard base Trump does

and looks like Trump's attempt at a compromise on immigration for his special wall is showing strains of maybe fracturing his base

Trump offered a reasonable compromise, democrats look like unhinged Jihadists
really? What was that? LOL

Trump said he would not compromise on his most precious wall.

DACA, what did Nancy offer?
The reality is Pelosi lead House can impeach Donald John Trump but I stand firm the Senate will never Convict and Remove him from office.

Unless Mueller releases enough evidence there is nothing for you except whines by those like you.

In the end your only chance of removing Trump is in 2020 and let be clear Warren and Clinton will give you four more years of Trump, so do not be stupid this time and run a Moderate against him!
"I stand firm the...Unless Mueller..." your qualified support and your wobbly stand are noted
Impeachment is a Political Process: When Enough GOP Politicians Eventually Turn On Trump, *Collusion will not be *the necessary condition for impeachment.

an interesting article has touched on what I, a True Red, White, and Blue Liberal have said long ago to some of my more progressive and leftie friends:

I don’t know what Trump’s Russian hang-up is, but Trump has one. Somehow, he’s compromised. It’s not a necessary condition for impeachment that he be a Russian asset. Cohen’s expected testimony to Congress on Feb. 7 is a more gripping prospect by the day.
Opinion | The Strange Persistent Troubling Russian Hang-Up of Donald Trump

One fact is that the new House member in charge of certain things has gone on the record:

Adam Schiff: Trump is compromised. What else is he hiding and who else knows about it?
Adam Schiff, Opinion contributor Published 4:00 a.m. ET Dec. 4, 2018 | Updated 7:47 a.m. ET Dec. 4, 2018
Now we know Trump, like Flynn, was compromised by the Russians. Was the Moscow deal their only financial leverage over the president, or is there more? Adam Schiff: Trump is compromised. What else is he hiding and who else knows about it?

some of my notes:
Mueller wanted people to lie why did he not make Cohen lie?
Mueller is coming and who cares if Trump is in two more years? Eventually the GOP will turn on him as they have been biding their time

I don’t know what Trump’s Russian hang-up is, but Trump has one. Somehow, he’s compromised. It’s not a necessary condition for impeachment that he be a Russian asset. Cohen’s expected testimony to Congress on Feb. 7 is a more gripping prospect by the day.
Opinion | The Strange Persistent Troubling Russian Hang-Up of Donald Trump

I was running my business while I was campaigning. There was a good chance that I wouldn’t have won, in which case I would have gotten back into the business. And why should I lose lots of opportunities?

Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure | The White House

In “Fire and Fury,” Michael Wolff writes that “Trump refused to spend any time considering, however hypothetically, transition matters, saying it was ‘bad luck’ — but really meaning it was a waste of time.”

Opinion | BuzzFeed’s Controversial Cohen Story Raises Question: Did Trump Want to Be President?

/——/ TDS - is there a cure?
please, Trump is the only one with a true Derangement Syndrome. It was so far advanced years ago. Trump paid Russian prostitutes to pee on a bed in a hotel room in Moscow, he was told the Obama's slept in.
President Pence?

No thanks!
Pence would not have the diehard base Trump does

and looks like Trump's attempt at a compromise on immigration for his special wall is showing strains of maybe fracturing his base

Trump offered a reasonable compromise, democrats look like unhinged Jihadists
really? What was that? LOL

Trump said he would not compromise on his most precious wall.

DACA, what did Nancy offer?
So you are acknowledging Trump shut the government down over a wall, and now will allow the government to reopen in the Democrats agree to his demands?
How many silly, baseless threads are liberals going to post with no actual evidence that would remotely justify impeachment?

Quoting a left-wing, lying hack like Adam Schiff is not evidence. How many times does Schiff need to be caught lying before you guys will stop using him as a source?

Did you learn nothing from the recent debacle of the phony BuzzFeed story that Trump allegedly told Cohen to lie to Congress about real estate deals in Russia?

Look, anyone who knows anything about how federal investigations work knows that if Mueller had evidence that Trump colluded with Russia, he would have leaked it by now and there would be indictments over that evidence. The fact that neither action has occurred should tell any politically aware person that Mueller has no collusion evidence on Trump.
The reality is Pelosi lead House can impeach Donald John Trump but I stand firm the Senate will never Convict and Remove him from office.

Unless Mueller releases enough evidence there is nothing for you except whines by those like you.

In the end your only chance of removing Trump is in 2020 and let be clear Warren and Clinton will give you four more years of Trump, so do not be stupid this time and run a Moderate against him!
"I stand firm the...Unless Mueller..." your qualified support and your wobbly stand are noted

You do know I hate Trump, right?

The reality is unless you can get the Senate to Convict impeachment is pointless.

2020 is around the corner and your party should focus on beating Trump or is it you believe your side will lose again?
President Pence?

No thanks!
Pence would not have the diehard base Trump does

and looks like Trump's attempt at a compromise on immigration for his special wall is showing strains of maybe fracturing his base

Trump offered a reasonable compromise, democrats look like unhinged Jihadists
really? What was that? LOL

Trump said he would not compromise on his most precious wall.

DACA, what did Nancy offer?
So you are acknowledging Trump shut the government down over a wall, and now will allow the government to reopen in the Democrats agree to his demands?

Yup, what's your point?
Trump wants the wall and offered Nancy her Dreamers. Nancy said no and is not interested in any type of compromise. Trump offered her what she said she wanted. You'll need to be better than this.
Impeachment is a Political Process: When Enough GOP Politicians Eventually Turn On Trump, *Collusion will not be *the necessary condition for impeachment.

an interesting article has touched on what I, a True Red, White, and Blue Liberal have said long ago to some of my more progressive and leftie friends:

I don’t know what Trump’s Russian hang-up is, but Trump has one. Somehow, he’s compromised. It’s not a necessary condition for impeachment that he be a Russian asset. Cohen’s expected testimony to Congress on Feb. 7 is a more gripping prospect by the day.
Opinion | The Strange Persistent Troubling Russian Hang-Up of Donald Trump

One fact is that the new House member in charge of certain things has gone on the record:

Adam Schiff: Trump is compromised. What else is he hiding and who else knows about it?
Adam Schiff, Opinion contributor Published 4:00 a.m. ET Dec. 4, 2018 | Updated 7:47 a.m. ET Dec. 4, 2018
Now we know Trump, like Flynn, was compromised by the Russians. Was the Moscow deal their only financial leverage over the president, or is there more? Adam Schiff: Trump is compromised. What else is he hiding and who else knows about it?

some of my notes:
Mueller wanted people to lie why did he not make Cohen lie?
Mueller is coming and who cares if Trump is in two more years? Eventually the GOP will turn on him as they have been biding their time

I don’t know what Trump’s Russian hang-up is, but Trump has one. Somehow, he’s compromised. It’s not a necessary condition for impeachment that he be a Russian asset. Cohen’s expected testimony to Congress on Feb. 7 is a more gripping prospect by the day.
Opinion | The Strange Persistent Troubling Russian Hang-Up of Donald Trump

I was running my business while I was campaigning. There was a good chance that I wouldn’t have won, in which case I would have gotten back into the business. And why should I lose lots of opportunities?

Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure | The White House

In “Fire and Fury,” Michael Wolff writes that “Trump refused to spend any time considering, however hypothetically, transition matters, saying it was ‘bad luck’ — but really meaning it was a waste of time.”

Opinion | BuzzFeed’s Controversial Cohen Story Raises Question: Did Trump Want to Be President?

/——/ TDS - is there a cure?
please, Trump is the only one with a true Derangement Syndrome. It was so far advanced years ago. Trump paid Russian prostitutes to pee on a bed in a hotel room in Moscow, he was told the Obama's slept in.

Sure, your Russian spies told you that pee story. Is that "collusion"? Or is that bullshit like Cohen went to Prague? The Dossier was a cool $1.1m that Hillary paid for and the only benefit she got was FISA warrants on the Trump campaign that got Popadope 2-weeks and Flynn on a perjury trap.
How many silly, baseless threads are liberals going to post with no actual evidence that would remotely justify impeachment?

Quoting a left-wing, lying hack like Adam Schiff is not evidence. How many times does Schiff need to be caught lying before you guys will stop using him as a source?

Did you learn nothing from the recent debacle of the phony BuzzFeed story that Trump allegedly told Cohen to lie to Congress about real estate deals in Russia?

Look, anyone who knows anything about how federal investigations work knows that if Mueller had evidence that Trump colluded with Russia, he would have leaked it by now and there would be indictments over that evidence. The fact that neither action has occurred should tell any politically aware person that Mueller has no collusion evidence on Trump.
Evidence for impeachment? Prime example of how you people create straw men to argue with, which allows you people to address any inconvenient points made or argued -- "Now we know Trump, like Flynn, was compromised by the Russians." One House leader in a position to bring charges for impeachment.

How clueless can you people be? The thread is about impeachment, not conviction in the Senate. The thread is about what most everyone with two working brain cells knows and admits: impeachment is a political process.

Impeachment explained for Wingnuts/Dummies 101: The House brings charges of impeachment, such as a prosecutor does in a legal proceeding. The Senate is presented with evidence - after an impeachment charge is brought. The Senate then weighs evidence, after an impeachment
President Pence?

No thanks!
Pence would not have the diehard base Trump does

and looks like Trump's attempt at a compromise on immigration for his special wall is showing strains of maybe fracturing his base

Trump offered a reasonable compromise, democrats look like unhinged Jihadists
really? What was that? LOL

Trump said he would not compromise on his most precious wall.

DACA, what did Nancy offer?
DACA is currently in the courts. Trump has nothing to "give" and even if he did...HIS promise to pass DACA is worthless until it's done

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