Impeachment is a Political Process: When Enough GOP Politicians Eventually Turn On Trump

Is *Collusion The Necessary Condition For Impeachment?

  • yes

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • no

    Votes: 9 75.0%
  • I'm clueless and I don't understand what *collusion is or how it works

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
Impeachment is a Political Process: When Enough GOP Politicians Eventually Turn On Trump, *Collusion will not be *the necessary condition for impeachment.

an interesting article has touched on what I, a True Red, White, and Blue Liberal have said long ago to some of my more progressive and leftie friends:

I donā€™t know what Trumpā€™s Russian hang-up is, but Trump has one. Somehow, heā€™s compromised. Itā€™s not a necessary condition for impeachment that he be a Russian asset. Cohenā€™s expected testimony to Congress on Feb. 7 is a more gripping prospect by the day.
Opinion | The Strange Persistent Troubling Russian Hang-Up of Donald Trump

One fact is that the new House member in charge of certain things has gone on the record:

Adam Schiff: Trump is compromised. What else is he hiding and who else knows about it?
Adam Schiff, Opinion contributor Published 4:00 a.m. ET Dec. 4, 2018 | Updated 7:47 a.m. ET Dec. 4, 2018
Now we know Trump, like Flynn, was compromised by the Russians. Was the Moscow deal their only financial leverage over the president, or is there more? Adam Schiff: Trump is compromised. What else is he hiding and who else knows about it?

some of my notes:
Mueller wanted people to lie why did he not make Cohen lie?
Mueller is coming and who cares if Trump is in two more years? Eventually the GOP will turn on him as they have been biding their time

I donā€™t know what Trumpā€™s Russian hang-up is, but Trump has one. Somehow, heā€™s compromised. Itā€™s not a necessary condition for impeachment that he be a Russian asset. Cohenā€™s expected testimony to Congress on Feb. 7 is a more gripping prospect by the day.
Opinion | The Strange Persistent Troubling Russian Hang-Up of Donald Trump

I was running my business while I was campaigning. There was a good chance that I wouldnā€™t have won, in which case I would have gotten back into the business. And why should I lose lots of opportunities?

Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure | The White House

In ā€œFire and Fury,ā€ Michael Wolff writes that ā€œTrump refused to spend any time considering, however hypothetically, transition matters, saying it was ā€˜bad luckā€™ ā€” but really meaning it was a waste of time.ā€

Opinion | BuzzFeedā€™s Controversial Cohen Story Raises Question: Did Trump Want to Be President?


Allow me to ask: Concerning what issue(s) exactly do you suggest Trump be impeached? Serious question.
I believe issues with Trump's handling of business and personal gains at the expense of America might be issues - but it would be silly of me to lay the grounds for impeachment before the Mueller report is out. As it stands now no Democratic leader has brought forth a bill to impeach. Being the average citizen, I do not yet know all the facts, and neither do you.

but impeachment is a political process, and I could make up my own reasons on issues to lead an impeachment charge. But that would be another discussion or thread

Thanks for the reply.
My idea is to wait & see what Mueller's investigation comes up with; also Mueller has handed multiple facets of info off to other entities so, there may be other investigations besides Mueller's that determine wrong doing. All remains to be seen.

Me? I'm patient in regard to all of this; why?
The US may be in the process of being in uncharted political waters. What do I mean by that?
We may, for the first time, have a POTUS campaign in which American citizens conspired with a foreign government adversary/enemy to subvert a POTUS election.
If there becomes evidence to back this up then we are uncharted political waters.

Just imagine if a POTUS campaign conspired with an adversarial/enemy government to subvert a US POTUS election; that would be a first as far as I know.
If that were to be the case, there is NO Constitutional remedy for such a scenario; NONE.
If the above scenario actually occurred then the entire ticket would be suspect so, the potential for any 'impeachment' of a POTUS in such a scenario would NOT remedy the situation.
If this were the case, the entire ticket POTUS & Vice POTUS would be tainted.
The ONLY form of remedy for that scenario would be to VOID the election; period.
BUT that is NOT a Constitutional remedy.

So, here is where I am at on the issue:
Allow Mueller to complete his work.
If & only if there is substantiated evidence that the Trump campaign did conspire with Russian government assets to subvert the election, then we KNOW at that time that 'impeachment' as a Constitutional remedy is NO LONGER an option.
Completely VOIDING the election would be the ONLY option, even though not a Constitutional option.
What then?
Then we are a republic no longer; period.
Let the war begin.

You lose me and any true sense of reality in politics (let alone in law) when you reach for Voiding an election, or as some have mentioned:Annulling an election.

your: "Completely VOIDING the election would be the ONLY option, even though not a Constitutional option!" is a conclusion reached only if somebody buys your faulty premises. Which I do not. I believe this conclusion of yours sort of belies your claims to be objective and only interested in truth

but thank you for the comments. and I could debate you elsewhere on this, if you desire it
You do know I hate Trump, right?

The reality is unless you can get the Senate to Convict impeachment is pointless.

2020 is around the corner and your party should focus on beating Trump or is it you believe your side will lose again?
The reality is impeachment as a political process, has been used by one side knowing a conviction in the Senate might not come about.

My party? You do know I am not a Democrat, right?But evidence shows (data) that you and I if we are independent and lean towards one party, are more likely to side with that party than many members of that party? Yep. I looked at it (the data) and laughed at myself, and most likely at you.

The idea of impeachment of Trump is not about an impeachment will cost Trump a reelection. It is a principle to put on the public record how terribly disgusting an individual the an is.

Trump can be impeached like I said by the House but will never be Convicted and Removed by the Senate, so what is the point doing this except thinking it will gain votes for the Democrats in 2020.

Now the more slow witted voter might fall for this but alas even though I seem slow witted I know better.

As in 2016 Trump only has to win the Electoral College and need a stooge like Stein and Sanders to fracture the left again to win.

The fact is Democrats might be playing right into Trump hands and they do not even realize it.


Remember Trump is the King of Tabloid Scandals and has lived this all his life, so they are playing on his field while him and others pull the strings.

So unless Mueller produces something that can Convict Trump I see this impeachment discussion like it was with Bush and pointless.

Democrats would be wise to focus on 2020 and defeat him and if not he could win again...
Sure, your Russian spies told you that pee story. Is that "collusion"? Or is that bullshit like Cohen went to Prague? The Dossier was a cool $1.1m that Hillary paid for and the only benefit she got was FISA warrants on the Trump campaign that got Popadope 2-weeks and Flynn on a perjury trap.
The pee story is as credible. or even more so than the birther shit Trump pushed.
I've never said, nor has any leading Democrat claimed that 'collusion is a crime'
What would be criminal, is what and with whom a person has colluded. The why isn't even a crime, but is cause and opportunity

Its not the pee story, its using foreigners during an election. The dems hired Russians and paid them $1.1m to help them win an election. Is that a "conspiracy"? Especially since the FBI & DOJ used it to illegally spy on the Trump campaign.
If collusion is not a crime, which it isn't, then why is the FBI investigating Trump for it? Its Strzok's "insurance policy".
The entire Mueller investigation is invalid since the basis for it is invalid. There was no evidence for the FBI to investigate Trump, it was simple political payback for firing Comey.
you're cazy

your posts about Dems and Russians is proof

Not sure what cazy means? Find time to watch these videos. So when the coup starts to unravel you'll understand whats happening:

Judicial Watch 15-minutes
Dan Bongino 28-minutes
Impeachment is a Political Process: When Enough GOP Politicians Eventually Turn On Trump, *Collusion will not be *the necessary condition for impeachment.

an interesting article has touched on what I, a True Red, White, and Blue Liberal have said long ago to some of my more progressive and leftie friends:

I donā€™t know what Trumpā€™s Russian hang-up is, but Trump has one. Somehow, heā€™s compromised. Itā€™s not a necessary condition for impeachment that he be a Russian asset. Cohenā€™s expected testimony to Congress on Feb. 7 is a more gripping prospect by the day.
Opinion | The Strange Persistent Troubling Russian Hang-Up of Donald Trump

One fact is that the new House member in charge of certain things has gone on the record:

Adam Schiff: Trump is compromised. What else is he hiding and who else knows about it?
Adam Schiff, Opinion contributor Published 4:00 a.m. ET Dec. 4, 2018 | Updated 7:47 a.m. ET Dec. 4, 2018
Now we know Trump, like Flynn, was compromised by the Russians. Was the Moscow deal their only financial leverage over the president, or is there more? Adam Schiff: Trump is compromised. What else is he hiding and who else knows about it?

some of my notes:
Mueller wanted people to lie why did he not make Cohen lie?
Mueller is coming and who cares if Trump is in two more years? Eventually the GOP will turn on him as they have been biding their time

I donā€™t know what Trumpā€™s Russian hang-up is, but Trump has one. Somehow, heā€™s compromised. Itā€™s not a necessary condition for impeachment that he be a Russian asset. Cohenā€™s expected testimony to Congress on Feb. 7 is a more gripping prospect by the day.
Opinion | The Strange Persistent Troubling Russian Hang-Up of Donald Trump

I was running my business while I was campaigning. There was a good chance that I wouldnā€™t have won, in which case I would have gotten back into the business. And why should I lose lots of opportunities?

Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure | The White House

In ā€œFire and Fury,ā€ Michael Wolff writes that ā€œTrump refused to spend any time considering, however hypothetically, transition matters, saying it was ā€˜bad luckā€™ ā€” but really meaning it was a waste of time.ā€

Opinion | BuzzFeedā€™s Controversial Cohen Story Raises Question: Did Trump Want to Be President?

/ā€”ā€”/ TDS - is there a cure?

Yes, but it takes 6 years to take effect!
You do know I hate Trump, right?

The reality is unless you can get the Senate to Convict impeachment is pointless.

2020 is around the corner and your party should focus on beating Trump or is it you believe your side will lose again?
The reality is impeachment as a political process, has been used by one side knowing a conviction in the Senate might not come about.

My party? You do know I am not a Democrat, right?But evidence shows (data) that you and I if we are independent and lean towards one party, are more likely to side with that party than many members of that party? Yep. I looked at it (the data) and laughed at myself, and most likely at you.

The idea of impeachment of Trump is not about an impeachment will cost Trump a reelection. It is a principle to put on the public record how terribly disgusting an individual the an is.
1) Trump can be impeached like I said by the House but will never be Convicted and Removed by the Senate, so what is the point doing this except thinking it will gain votes for the Democrats in 2020.

Now the more slow witted voter might fall for this but alas even though I seem slow witted I know better.

2) As in 2016 Trump only has to win the Electoral College and need a stooge like Stein and Sanders to fracture the left again to win.

3) The fact is Democrats might be playing right into Trump hands and they do not even realize it.


Remember Trump is the King of Tabloid Scandals and has lived this all his life, so they are playing on his field while him and others pull the strings.

So unless Mueller produces something that can Convict Trump I see this impeachment discussion like it was with Bush and pointless.

Democrats would be wise to focus on 2020 and defeat him and if not he could win again...
1) Why are you ignoring what you quoted?

The idea of impeachment of Trump is not about an impeachment will cost Trump a reelection. It is a principle to put on the public record how terribly disgusting an individual the an is.

2) Trump only win the ec vote, because literally in only a handful of states he won by a few hundred thousand votes? He has only to lose a small percentage of supporters of particular demographics in those particular states, to come up seriously short of winning the ec vote. And we all know Trump will not gain new cult followers as he plays to his base and keep alienating everyone else. And Hillary will not be on the ballot (look here- uh oh! )

3) Bullshit. Trump isn't that strategic. He's more of a tactician, and not so great at that as he presents himself to be. Appearances are like eyewitness testimony ...

I was running my business while I was campaigning. There was a good chance that I wouldnā€™t have won, in which case I would have gotten back into the business. And why should I lose lots of opportunities?

Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure | The White House

Trump wasn't even sure he would or could win. And Muller does not have to produce something to what you say: convict
Sure, your Russian spies told you that pee story. Is that "collusion"? Or is that bullshit like Cohen went to Prague? The Dossier was a cool $1.1m that Hillary paid for and the only benefit she got was FISA warrants on the Trump campaign that got Popadope 2-weeks and Flynn on a perjury trap.
The pee story is as credible. or even more so than the birther shit Trump pushed.
I've never said, nor has any leading Democrat claimed that 'collusion is a crime'
What would be criminal, is what and with whom a person has colluded. The why isn't even a crime, but is cause and opportunity

Its not the pee story, its using foreigners during an election. The dems hired Russians and paid them $1.1m to help them win an election. Is that a "conspiracy"? Especially since the FBI & DOJ used it to illegally spy on the Trump campaign.
If collusion is not a crime, which it isn't, then why is the FBI investigating Trump for it? Its Strzok's "insurance policy".
The entire Mueller investigation is invalid since the basis for it is invalid. There was no evidence for the FBI to investigate Trump, it was simple political payback for firing Comey.
you're cazy

your posts about Dems and Russians is proof

Not sure what cazy means? Find time to watch these videos. So when the coup starts to unravel you'll understand whats happening:

Judicial Watch 15-minutes
Dan Bongino 28-minutes

You do know I hate Trump, right?

The reality is unless you can get the Senate to Convict impeachment is pointless.

2020 is around the corner and your party should focus on beating Trump or is it you believe your side will lose again?
The reality is impeachment as a political process, has been used by one side knowing a conviction in the Senate might not come about.

My party? You do know I am not a Democrat, right?But evidence shows (data) that you and I if we are independent and lean towards one party, are more likely to side with that party than many members of that party? Yep. I looked at it (the data) and laughed at myself, and most likely at you.

The idea of impeachment of Trump is not about an impeachment will cost Trump a reelection. It is a principle to put on the public record how terribly disgusting an individual the an is.
1) Trump can be impeached like I said by the House but will never be Convicted and Removed by the Senate, so what is the point doing this except thinking it will gain votes for the Democrats in 2020.

Now the more slow witted voter might fall for this but alas even though I seem slow witted I know better.

2) As in 2016 Trump only has to win the Electoral College and need a stooge like Stein and Sanders to fracture the left again to win.

3) The fact is Democrats might be playing right into Trump hands and they do not even realize it.


Remember Trump is the King of Tabloid Scandals and has lived this all his life, so they are playing on his field while him and others pull the strings.

So unless Mueller produces something that can Convict Trump I see this impeachment discussion like it was with Bush and pointless.

Democrats would be wise to focus on 2020 and defeat him and if not he could win again...
1) Why are you ignoring what you quoted?

The idea of impeachment of Trump is not about an impeachment will cost Trump a reelection. It is a principle to put on the public record how terribly disgusting an individual the an is.

2) Trump only win the ec vote, because literally in only a handful of states he won by a few hundred thousand votes? He has only to lose a small percentage of supporters of particular demographics in those particular states, to come up seriously short of winning the ec vote. And we all know Trump will not gain new cult followers as he plays to his base and keep alienating everyone else. And Hillary will not be on the ballot (look here- uh oh! )

3) Bullshit. Trump isn't that strategic. He's more of a tactician, and not so great at that as he presents himself to be. Appearances are like eyewitness testimony ...

I was running my business while I was campaigning. There was a good chance that I wouldnā€™t have won, in which case I would have gotten back into the business. And why should I lose lots of opportunities?

Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure | The White House

Trump wasn't even sure he would or could win. And Muller does not have to produce something to what you say: convict
/ā€”ā€”/ ā€œTrump wasn't even sure he would or could win.ā€
And Hildabeast thought sheā€™d win hands down. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Impeachment is a Political Process: When Enough GOP Politicians Eventually Turn On Trump, *Collusion will not be *the necessary condition for impeachment.

an interesting article has touched on what I, a True Red, White, and Blue Liberal have said long ago to some of my more progressive and leftie friends:

I donā€™t know what Trumpā€™s Russian hang-up is, but Trump has one. Somehow, heā€™s compromised. Itā€™s not a necessary condition for impeachment that he be a Russian asset. Cohenā€™s expected testimony to Congress on Feb. 7 is a more gripping prospect by the day.
Opinion | The Strange Persistent Troubling Russian Hang-Up of Donald Trump

One fact is that the new House member in charge of certain things has gone on the record:

Adam Schiff: Trump is compromised. What else is he hiding and who else knows about it?
Adam Schiff, Opinion contributor Published 4:00 a.m. ET Dec. 4, 2018 | Updated 7:47 a.m. ET Dec. 4, 2018
Now we know Trump, like Flynn, was compromised by the Russians. Was the Moscow deal their only financial leverage over the president, or is there more? Adam Schiff: Trump is compromised. What else is he hiding and who else knows about it?

some of my notes:
Mueller wanted people to lie why did he not make Cohen lie?
Mueller is coming and who cares if Trump is in two more years? Eventually the GOP will turn on him as they have been biding their time

I donā€™t know what Trumpā€™s Russian hang-up is, but Trump has one. Somehow, heā€™s compromised. Itā€™s not a necessary condition for impeachment that he be a Russian asset. Cohenā€™s expected testimony to Congress on Feb. 7 is a more gripping prospect by the day.
Opinion | The Strange Persistent Troubling Russian Hang-Up of Donald Trump

I was running my business while I was campaigning. There was a good chance that I wouldnā€™t have won, in which case I would have gotten back into the business. And why should I lose lots of opportunities?

Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure | The White House

In ā€œFire and Fury,ā€ Michael Wolff writes that ā€œTrump refused to spend any time considering, however hypothetically, transition matters, saying it was ā€˜bad luckā€™ ā€” but really meaning it was a waste of time.ā€

Opinion | BuzzFeedā€™s Controversial Cohen Story Raises Question: Did Trump Want to Be President?


Allow me to ask: Concerning what issue(s) exactly do you suggest Trump be impeached? Serious question.
I believe issues with Trump's handling of business and personal gains at the expense of America might be issues - but it would be silly of me to lay the grounds for impeachment before the Mueller report is out. As it stands now no Democratic leader has brought forth a bill to impeach. Being the average citizen, I do not yet know all the facts, and neither do you.

but impeachment is a political process, and I could make up my own reasons on issues to lead an impeachment charge. But that would be another discussion or thread

Thanks for the reply.
My idea is to wait & see what Mueller's investigation comes up with; also Mueller has handed multiple facets of info off to other entities so, there may be other investigations besides Mueller's that determine wrong doing. All remains to be seen.

Me? I'm patient in regard to all of this; why?
The US may be in the process of being in uncharted political waters. What do I mean by that?
We may, for the first time, have a POTUS campaign in which American citizens conspired with a foreign government adversary/enemy to subvert a POTUS election.
If there becomes evidence to back this up then we are uncharted political waters.

Just imagine if a POTUS campaign conspired with an adversarial/enemy government to subvert a US POTUS election; that would be a first as far as I know.
If that were to be the case, there is NO Constitutional remedy for such a scenario; NONE.
If the above scenario actually occurred then the entire ticket would be suspect so, the potential for any 'impeachment' of a POTUS in such a scenario would NOT remedy the situation.
If this were the case, the entire ticket POTUS & Vice POTUS would be tainted.
The ONLY form of remedy for that scenario would be to VOID the election; period.
BUT that is NOT a Constitutional remedy.

So, here is where I am at on the issue:
Allow Mueller to complete his work.
If & only if there is substantiated evidence that the Trump campaign did conspire with Russian government assets to subvert the election, then we KNOW at that time that 'impeachment' as a Constitutional remedy is NO LONGER an option.
Completely VOIDING the election would be the ONLY option, even though not a Constitutional option.
What then?
Then we are a republic no longer; period.
Let the war begin.

You lose me and any true sense of reality in politics (let alone in law) when you reach for Voiding an election, or as some have mentioned:Annulling an election.

your: "Completely VOIDING the election would be the ONLY option, even though not a Constitutional option!" is a conclusion reached only if somebody buys your faulty premises. Which I do not. I believe this conclusion of yours sort of belies your claims to be objective and only interested in truth

but thank you for the comments. and I could debate you elsewhere on this, if you desire it

My premise is completely logical & I laid it out, in complete detail.

Impeachment is the ONLY real Constitutional mechanism for such a scenario.

If the entire campaign is suspect, then how is replacing the POTUS from the winning campaign/ticket with the VP from the same campaign/ticket going to offer a valid POTUS?

It could NOT, because the entire campaign/ticket is suspect aka illegitimate.

It is not rocket science; it is common sense.
Keep pushing impeachment and the left all but guarantee Trumps reelection in 2020 doubt this look what happened to the Republicans with Bill Clinton in the 90s when they went down that road.

Clinton was popular, Trump isn't.
Clinton's popularity was suffering at the time the Republicans impeachment helped him with his popularity and played no small part in his reelection. If the left wants to go down the same road fine go down it and if it does for Trump what it did for Clinton don't say you weren't warned.

Clinton was impeached in his 2nd term.
You do know I hate Trump, right?

The reality is unless you can get the Senate to Convict impeachment is pointless.

2020 is around the corner and your party should focus on beating Trump or is it you believe your side will lose again?
The reality is impeachment as a political process, has been used by one side knowing a conviction in the Senate might not come about.

My party? You do know I am not a Democrat, right?But evidence shows (data) that you and I if we are independent and lean towards one party, are more likely to side with that party than many members of that party? Yep. I looked at it (the data) and laughed at myself, and most likely at you.

The idea of impeachment of Trump is not about an impeachment will cost Trump a reelection. It is a principle to put on the public record how terribly disgusting an individual the an is.
1) Trump can be impeached like I said by the House but will never be Convicted and Removed by the Senate, so what is the point doing this except thinking it will gain votes for the Democrats in 2020.

Now the more slow witted voter might fall for this but alas even though I seem slow witted I know better.

2) As in 2016 Trump only has to win the Electoral College and need a stooge like Stein and Sanders to fracture the left again to win.

3) The fact is Democrats might be playing right into Trump hands and they do not even realize it.


Remember Trump is the King of Tabloid Scandals and has lived this all his life, so they are playing on his field while him and others pull the strings.

So unless Mueller produces something that can Convict Trump I see this impeachment discussion like it was with Bush and pointless.

Democrats would be wise to focus on 2020 and defeat him and if not he could win again...
1) Why are you ignoring what you quoted?

The idea of impeachment of Trump is not about an impeachment will cost Trump a reelection. It is a principle to put on the public record how terribly disgusting an individual the an is.

2) Trump only win the ec vote, because literally in only a handful of states he won by a few hundred thousand votes? He has only to lose a small percentage of supporters of particular demographics in those particular states, to come up seriously short of winning the ec vote. And we all know Trump will not gain new cult followers as he plays to his base and keep alienating everyone else. And Hillary will not be on the ballot (look here- uh oh! )

3) Bullshit. Trump isn't that strategic. He's more of a tactician, and not so great at that as he presents himself to be. Appearances are like eyewitness testimony ...

I was running my business while I was campaigning. There was a good chance that I wouldnā€™t have won, in which case I would have gotten back into the business. And why should I lose lots of opportunities?

Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure | The White House

Trump wasn't even sure he would or could win. And Muller does not have to produce something to what you say: convict

What is truly awful about Donald John Trump?

Did he lie to Congress about a blow job and bombed Iraq on the eve of his impeachment?

Did he start a war in a country that never attacked us?

Did he use Drones in other countries without the permission of that country to kill terrorists?

Oh, he says stupid shit, so let impeach.

Had Clinton not thought she had the election in the bag and had Comey not did what he did, well Hillary might be President.

So what does impeaching Trump in the House really accomplish if the Senate will not convict and remove?

It is on record Democrats hate him?

That is clear as can be, so why waste time and resources unless you can remove him?
Keep pushing impeachment and the left all but guarantee Trumps reelection in 2020 doubt this look what happened to the Republicans with Bill Clinton in the 90s when they went down that road.

Clinton was popular, Trump isn't.
Clinton's popularity was suffering at the time the Republicans impeachment helped him with his popularity and played no small part in his reelection. If the left wants to go down the same road fine go down it and if it does for Trump what it did for Clinton don't say you weren't warned.

Clinton was impeached in his 2nd term.

Impeachment is a Political Process: When Enough GOP Politicians Eventually Turn On Trump, *Collusion will not be *the necessary condition for impeachment.

an interesting article has touched on what I, a True Red, White, and Blue Liberal have said long ago to some of my more progressive and leftie friends:

I donā€™t know what Trumpā€™s Russian hang-up is, but Trump has one. Somehow, heā€™s compromised. Itā€™s not a necessary condition for impeachment that he be a Russian asset. Cohenā€™s expected testimony to Congress on Feb. 7 is a more gripping prospect by the day.
Opinion | The Strange Persistent Troubling Russian Hang-Up of Donald Trump

One fact is that the new House member in charge of certain things has gone on the record:

Adam Schiff: Trump is compromised. What else is he hiding and who else knows about it?
Adam Schiff, Opinion contributor Published 4:00 a.m. ET Dec. 4, 2018 | Updated 7:47 a.m. ET Dec. 4, 2018
Now we know Trump, like Flynn, was compromised by the Russians. Was the Moscow deal their only financial leverage over the president, or is there more? Adam Schiff: Trump is compromised. What else is he hiding and who else knows about it?

some of my notes:


Allow me to ask: Concerning what issue(s) exactly do you suggest Trump be impeached? Serious question.
I believe issues with Trump's handling of business and personal gains at the expense of America might be issues - but it would be silly of me to lay the grounds for impeachment before the Mueller report is out. As it stands now no Democratic leader has brought forth a bill to impeach. Being the average citizen, I do not yet know all the facts, and neither do you.

but impeachment is a political process, and I could make up my own reasons on issues to lead an impeachment charge. But that would be another discussion or thread

Thanks for the reply.
My idea is to wait & see what Mueller's investigation comes up with; also Mueller has handed multiple facets of info off to other entities so, there may be other investigations besides Mueller's that determine wrong doing. All remains to be seen.

Me? I'm patient in regard to all of this; why?
The US may be in the process of being in uncharted political waters. What do I mean by that?
We may, for the first time, have a POTUS campaign in which American citizens conspired with a foreign government adversary/enemy to subvert a POTUS election.
If there becomes evidence to back this up then we are uncharted political waters.

Just imagine if a POTUS campaign conspired with an adversarial/enemy government to subvert a US POTUS election; that would be a first as far as I know.
If that were to be the case, there is NO Constitutional remedy for such a scenario; NONE.
If the above scenario actually occurred then the entire ticket would be suspect so, the potential for any 'impeachment' of a POTUS in such a scenario would NOT remedy the situation.
If this were the case, the entire ticket POTUS & Vice POTUS would be tainted.
The ONLY form of remedy for that scenario would be to VOID the election; period.
BUT that is NOT a Constitutional remedy.

So, here is where I am at on the issue:
Allow Mueller to complete his work.
If & only if there is substantiated evidence that the Trump campaign did conspire with Russian government assets to subvert the election, then we KNOW at that time that 'impeachment' as a Constitutional remedy is NO LONGER an option.
Completely VOIDING the election would be the ONLY option, even though not a Constitutional option.
What then?
Then we are a republic no longer; period.
Let the war begin.

You lose me and any true sense of reality in politics (let alone in law) when you reach for Voiding an election, or as some have mentioned:Annulling an election.

your: "Completely VOIDING the election would be the ONLY option, even though not a Constitutional option!" is a conclusion reached only if somebody buys your faulty premises. Which I do not. I believe this conclusion of yours sort of belies your claims to be objective and only interested in truth

but thank you for the comments. and I could debate you elsewhere on this, if you desire it

My premise is completely logical & I laid it out, in complete detail.

Impeachment is the ONLY real Constitutional mechanism for such a scenario.

If the entire campaign is suspect, then how is replacing the POTUS from the winning campaign/ticket with the VP from the same campaign/ticket going to offer a valid POTUS?

It could NOT, because the entire campaign/ticket is suspect aka illegitimate.

It is not rocket science; it is common sense.

Clinton will never be President even of you could remove Trump.
Sure, your Russian spies told you that pee story. Is that "collusion"? Or is that bullshit like Cohen went to Prague? The Dossier was a cool $1.1m that Hillary paid for and the only benefit she got was FISA warrants on the Trump campaign that got Popadope 2-weeks and Flynn on a perjury trap.
The pee story is as credible. or even more so than the birther shit Trump pushed.
I've never said, nor has any leading Democrat claimed that 'collusion is a crime'
What would be criminal, is what and with whom a person has colluded. The why isn't even a crime, but is cause and opportunity

Its not the pee story, its using foreigners during an election. The dems hired Russians and paid them $1.1m to help them win an election. Is that a "conspiracy"? Especially since the FBI & DOJ used it to illegally spy on the Trump campaign.
If collusion is not a crime, which it isn't, then why is the FBI investigating Trump for it? Its Strzok's "insurance policy".
The entire Mueller investigation is invalid since the basis for it is invalid. There was no evidence for the FBI to investigate Trump, it was simple political payback for firing Comey.
you're cazy

your posts about Dems and Russians is proof

Not sure what cazy means? Find time to watch these videos. So when the coup starts to unravel you'll understand whats happening:

Judicial Watch 15-minutes
Dan Bongino 28-minutes


There are a lot of "government out of control" implications in those videos, they make perfect sense to me, especially after hearing the text messages between Strzok & Page. Lets hope everything comes out in the diaper wash.
Allow me to ask: Concerning what issue(s) exactly do you suggest Trump be impeached? Serious question.
I believe issues with Trump's handling of business and personal gains at the expense of America might be issues - but it would be silly of me to lay the grounds for impeachment before the Mueller report is out. As it stands now no Democratic leader has brought forth a bill to impeach. Being the average citizen, I do not yet know all the facts, and neither do you.

but impeachment is a political process, and I could make up my own reasons on issues to lead an impeachment charge. But that would be another discussion or thread

Thanks for the reply.
My idea is to wait & see what Mueller's investigation comes up with; also Mueller has handed multiple facets of info off to other entities so, there may be other investigations besides Mueller's that determine wrong doing. All remains to be seen.

Me? I'm patient in regard to all of this; why?
The US may be in the process of being in uncharted political waters. What do I mean by that?
We may, for the first time, have a POTUS campaign in which American citizens conspired with a foreign government adversary/enemy to subvert a POTUS election.
If there becomes evidence to back this up then we are uncharted political waters.

Just imagine if a POTUS campaign conspired with an adversarial/enemy government to subvert a US POTUS election; that would be a first as far as I know.
If that were to be the case, there is NO Constitutional remedy for such a scenario; NONE.
If the above scenario actually occurred then the entire ticket would be suspect so, the potential for any 'impeachment' of a POTUS in such a scenario would NOT remedy the situation.
If this were the case, the entire ticket POTUS & Vice POTUS would be tainted.
The ONLY form of remedy for that scenario would be to VOID the election; period.
BUT that is NOT a Constitutional remedy.

So, here is where I am at on the issue:
Allow Mueller to complete his work.
If & only if there is substantiated evidence that the Trump campaign did conspire with Russian government assets to subvert the election, then we KNOW at that time that 'impeachment' as a Constitutional remedy is NO LONGER an option.
Completely VOIDING the election would be the ONLY option, even though not a Constitutional option.
What then?
Then we are a republic no longer; period.
Let the war begin.

You lose me and any true sense of reality in politics (let alone in law) when you reach for Voiding an election, or as some have mentioned:Annulling an election.

your: "Completely VOIDING the election would be the ONLY option, even though not a Constitutional option!" is a conclusion reached only if somebody buys your faulty premises. Which I do not. I believe this conclusion of yours sort of belies your claims to be objective and only interested in truth

but thank you for the comments. and I could debate you elsewhere on this, if you desire it

My premise is completely logical & I laid it out, in complete detail.

Impeachment is the ONLY real Constitutional mechanism for such a scenario.

If the entire campaign is suspect, then how is replacing the POTUS from the winning campaign/ticket with the VP from the same campaign/ticket going to offer a valid POTUS?

It could NOT, because the entire campaign/ticket is suspect aka illegitimate.

It is not rocket science; it is common sense.

Clinton will never be President even of you could remove Trump.

I did NOT mention Trump, NOR Clinton.

The thread is NOT about Trump, NOR Clinton.

The thread is for adults to discuss a topic & to try & learn something.

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