Impeachment of Trump

lol@the right ..remember all the years yall called for the impeachment of obama
yep. here it is as a reminder:

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

now - if you giggle and compare the 2 - i'm going to go ahead and risk it and think you believe the "impeach obama" was stupid. ergo, it doesn't take a huge leap of logic to think that the impeach trump, if you compare it, is also stupid.

ergo - we know it's stupid yet we do it anyway cause - hey...payback.

we stop kids from doing it yet we as adults find reasons to justify it.

oh baby baby it's a wild world.
lol@the right ..remember all the years yall called for the impeachment of obama
No I don't. Please show me where a sitting, mainstream Republican politician of any stature called for the impeachment of Obama.

Also, we didn't have the mainstream media calling for Obama's impeachment 24/7 like we've had with Trump.
lol@the right ..remember all the years yall called for the impeachment of obama
No I don't. Please show me where a sitting, mainstream Republican politician of any stature called for the impeachment of Obama.

Also, we didn't have the mainstream media calling for Obama's impeachment 24/7 like we've had with Trump.
On July 8, 2014, the former Governor of Alaska and 2008 Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin publicly called for Obama's impeachment for "purposeful dereliction of duty".[25] In a full statement, she said: "It’s time to impeach; and on behalf of American workers and legal immigrants of all backgrounds, we should vehemently oppose any politician on the left or right who would hesitate in voting for articles of impeachment."[26][27]

The convention of the South Dakota Republican Party voted in a 196-176 resolution to call for the impeachment of Obama based on his action to release five detainees from Guantanamo Bay in order to free Bowe Bergdahl from his Taliban captors.[21][22] Former Congressmember Allen West also expressed the view that the prisoner exchange that brought the release of Bowe Bergdahl was grounds for impeachment.[23] John Dean,
now you can argue "top reps" and all and i can't go too hard against that mindset. but again - my main point in most of these conversations is that when 1 side does something stupid, the other side will pull a "hold my beer" and that's what the dems are doing - kicking it up. as for the media - field day for them. getting hits like the 1 vape pipe at a pot party.

the right however did have this:
A number of prominent Republicans rejected calls for impeachment, including House Speaker John Boehner, Sen. John McCain and Rep. Blake Farenthold. McCain said impeachment would be a distraction from the 2014 election, and that if "we regain control of the United States Senate we can be far more effective than an effort to impeach the president, which has no chance of succeeding." Farenthold said that impeachment would be "an exercise in futility."[28]

and i don't see a lot of the lefts top people say "stop it".

overall however, both sides are just being 7 years old.
On July 8, 2014, the former Governor of Alaska and 2008 Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin publicly called for Obama's impeachment for "purposeful dereliction of duty".[25] In a full statement, she said: "It’s time to impeach; and on behalf of American workers and legal immigrants of all backgrounds, we should vehemently oppose any politician on the left or right who would hesitate in voting for articles of impeachment."[26][27]
So, Palin was a SITTING Republican politician? Really?
On July 8, 2014, the former Governor of Alaska and 2008 Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin publicly called for Obama's impeachment for "purposeful dereliction of duty".[25] In a full statement, she said: "It’s time to impeach; and on behalf of American workers and legal immigrants of all backgrounds, we should vehemently oppose any politician on the left or right who would hesitate in voting for articles of impeachment."[26][27]
So, Palin was a SITTING Republican politician? Really?
i edited my post to add more to it.

i don't think there is a direct comparison no. but i do think we had a strong mindset that it *should* be done and the whole birther thing was part of all that stupidity and *that* was supported by major people in the (R) Party. now if they say he wasn't born in america, why would they be saying that?

the main point is we keep getting more and more stupid cause we don't check ourselves and expect the other side to "stop".
lol@the right ..remember all the years yall called for the impeachment of obama

No, I don't. I remember all the years the left kept repeating that meme though.

Once you get a lie in your brain, it never leaves despite the dearth of facts behind it.

Bodecea had to put a statement by me about the dangers that believing something because you want to is a bad idea because she lost a wager to me where she bet Republicans would impeach Obama. There was never even discussion of it.

Props to her though she honored the bet. Unlike Seawytch who lost a similar bet to me and reneged on it
iceberg said:
In Other Words:

Here's The Ominous Cloud:
CNN found in July 2014 that 57% of Republicans supported efforts while about two thirds of adult Americans in general disagreed.[4]

"A CNN Poll...." !!

Dem rep rips Pelosi for undermining Trump impeachment push

some major names on the (D) side saying cut it out but as happens when things escalate yes, the liberals took it to new levels, this game the (R)s started.

so where do we go from here? continue to be mad over idiots being idiots or stop being idiots and figure out how to work together again?
If you know what you're trying to say (which I doubt) can you say it more directly so we all understand? And get the golden value of your words.:71:

He's saying that the anti-Trumpers and the left will never stop criticizing Trump, and Trump should never be impeached.

I'm not sure why that was worthy of a thread, but that's how I read it
iceberg said:
the liberals took it to new levels, this game the (R)s started.
A Couple Of Cranks Doesn't Constitute 'R's

But You're Right About Libs Though
They Do Love Their Histrionics
And Any Excuse Is Good Enough For Them To Fly Out Of Their Cage
iceberg said:
the liberals took it to new levels, this game the (R)s started.
A Couple Of Cranks Doesn't Constitute 'R's

But You're Right About Libs Though
They Do Love Their Histrionics
And Any Excuse Is Good Enough For Them To Fly Out Of Their Cage
well the point is i don't think the (R)s did enough to say SHUT UP. the talk was out there and it set a tone for the left to use when they lost their next election. it just came sooner than they thought it would so they had to take what little they had and turn it into everything.
Iirc, 2/3rd's vote is required, which isn't a probability

If he is ever impeached by the House, it should be for a strong enough reason, that the senators on both sides will be compelled to impeach him.
Happened to Clinton, Senate overturned and aquitted him C4All

but i digress

methinks our system is so far gone , nothing matters anymore

Happened to Clinton, Senate overturned and aquitted him C4All

but i digress

methinks our system is so far gone , nothing matters anymore

yea, when the only thing that matters is not letting the other side be right, we've seriously lost our way.
The day the left and anti trumpers stop criticizing President Trump should also be the day the real impeachment process should begin.
Just saying.

Judge Kavanaugh was saying that a President could be impeached for lying to the public.

Just saying.
lol@the right ..remember all the years yall called for the impeachment of obama
Obama spent 8 years, as recorded factually, historically:

Financing, supplying, supporting, arming, training, defending, protecting, and even dragging the US into 2 Un-Constitutional, Unapproved wars to help terrorists like ISIS, Hezbollah, and Al Qaeda - yeah, THAT Al Qaeda, the group that slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01....

Aiding, abetting, and even arming criminals like Mexican Drug cartels, Hezbollah Drug operations, ISIS Black Market Oil Ops that funded 50% of its terrorist activities, Human Traffickers, violent illegals, and criminal Americans who, like him, violated US immigration law by providing protection to criminal illegals preying on US citizens by providing Sanctuary Cities for them...

Violating both the U.S. Constitution (edicts like his own personal 'Dreamer' 'law' after he admitted he did not have the Constitutional authority to do so, engaging in his own personal treaty with the enemy of the US, a deal in which he gave Iran anything they wanted, to include attempting to give them access to the US Banking system while being such a coward he refused to even ASK that the return of US hostages be part of the deal, Un-Constitutional 'Recess Appointments...) and Rule of Law (Held in Contempt for violating Judge's orders at least twice, refusing to comply / enforce US laws, engaging in Human Trafficking, etc...)...

Victimized US citizens by illegally spying on Americans, reporters, US SENATORS, USSC JUSTICES, opposing political party nominees and their team, and even a US President (Watergate on steroids)...weaponized the IRS and used it against Americans he called his 'enemies' who legally opposed his re-election...

The exposed / existing evidence of both criminal and treasonous against former President Obama was / is enough to have any President Impeached a half dozen times over; yet un-American, party-1st liberal extremists defended him / continue to defend him as some type of hero / 'god'. Their pension for treasonous criminals grew even more when they fully embraced a proven FELON who could not win their party's primary on her own, who was proven to have broken the law thousands of times, compromised national security, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, bought the DNC, violated both election law and campaign finance law, and illegally colluded with / paid foreign spies and Russians in an attempt to affect the outcome of the 2016 election...and, just like her effort to win her party's nomination, FAILED to do so.

..but YES, we remember all the LEGITIMATE calls for Barak Obama's Impeachment for proven crimes, abuse of both Constitution and Law, and his continuous aiding and abetting this nation's enemies...which caused / facilitated the deaths of quite a few Americans.
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J.E.D said:
B) the US intelligence community overwhelmingly agrees that Russia interfered in 2016 US presidential election.
How ??
How Could Any Foreign Power Swing Our Election ??

Let's Hear Your Rocky Horror Of It All
You’ll have to ask the US intelligence community on the details. But, it’s pretty well documented that Russians working inside the US and overseas setting up fake groups, staged rallies, and spread misinformation on Hillary Clinton. I’ll take the analysis of the US intelligence community over Donald’s.
J.E.D said:
You’ll have to ask the US intelligence community on the details.
That Was Two Years Ago
And Their Investigation On ELECTION Collusion
Is A Nothing Burger

So I'm Asking Your Inventive Mind
How Can A Foreign Power Effectively Rig Our Election ??
Your Speculation Is As Good As Anyone Elses

But, it’s pretty well documented that Russians working inside the US and overseas set up fake groups, staged rallies, and spread misinformation on Hillary Clinton.
Your 'Well Documented'
That No One Has Ever Heard Of Before
Is Referenced From Where
The Advocate ??

What I've Seen
Points Back To The Clinton Campaign And Her Minions
You’ll have to ask the US intelligence community on the details. But, it’s pretty well documented that Russians working inside the US and overseas set up fake groups, staged rallies, and spread misinformation on Hillary Clinton. I’ll the analysis of the US intelligence community over Donald.

1. "...spread misinformation on Hillary Clinton" - Sorry, you're going to have to be more specific and provide links/evidence. Generalities is all we have heard from the left, short on details and fact.

2. Evidence shows the Russians engaged in a military style campaign to spread misinformation and cause chaos, NOT for any 1 specific candidate. Snowflakes are just too damn p[artisan ... and ignorant ... to see / admit it. The Russians spread misinformation about HILLARY? Foreign spies and Russians sold Hillary a document filled with Russian propaganda on Trump that was never verified, information that consisted of unverified - according to Steele - 2nd and 3rd-hand account accounts from the Russians. ** The use of this foreign-provided information in a US election, btw, is a CRIME, an Election Law crime perpetrated by Hillary Clinton. Trump-hating Snowflakes are extremely quick to completely ignore ALKL of this, though, because they are desperate to cling onto anything that will take down Trump - even fake information obtained by foreign spies and Russians that was illegally used by their beloved Felon candidate.

3. As part of their military-style misinformation and chaos-inducing operation the Russians used social media into easily conning highly emotional Trump-Hating Leftists into organizing for them and even marching for them. This was not done to 'help Donald Trump. This is what is called 'psychological warfare' - using techniques to manipulate the enemy and get them to do whatever you want...which they did.

Evidence also shows that the Russians paid WILLING Leftist extremist groups - that included Antifa, Black Lives matters, and the Black Fist - to spread hostile racial division and VIOLENCE across the country. Again, this was not to help Trump - it was to spread discord, to spread racial violence, and to destroy unity within the country. These groups did not just get 'DUPED' 0 they WILLINGLY took the money to do so. The Russians, however, were not doing anything that Hillary's own campaign had already done, as it was proven her campaign was paying several radical groups money to send violent Trump-Haters out, even to Trump Rallies, to beat and bloody Trump supporters.
-- The same woman who abandoned 4 Americans to needlessly die at the hands of terrorists was also paying thugs to beat and bloody Americans citizens...while claiming she only wanted the best for the US and wanted to be their President. WTF?

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