Impeachment of Trump

Wouldn't There Have To Be Something More Substancial
Than Wki-Leaks And Bogus Dossiers
To Invalidate Our Elections ??
A) the dossier is not bogus

B) the US intelligence community overwhelmingly agrees that Russia interfered in 2016 US presidential election.
Not only is the dossier bogus but there are several of them just in case another one would work better.
sparky said:
Iirc, 2/3rd's vote is required, which isn't a probability
Impeachment, As We Have Seen
Ain't Didley-Squat
You Need A Conviction

And Then The Supreme Court Will Get Involved

The Chance Of A President Being Tossed Out Of Office
Is About....

The Chance Of A President Being Tossed Out Of Office
Is About....



What did Nixon do on Aug 9, 1974?

Impeachment by the House and a conviction by the Senate aren't necessarily needed to get a crooked lying bastard out of the WH! All that's needed is overwhelming proof getting to the public to stifle the constant flow of propaganda from Trump and his useful idiots who are complicit in the attempt to destroy our Nation with the aide of foreign agencies. So standby for that proof in the coming months! The Liar-in-Chief will be going down!
Not only is the dossier bogus but there are several of them just in case another one would work better.

Ding, ding, ding.

Clinton supporters gave the FBI a SECOND (2nd) 'Trump Dossier', but it was SO INSANELY UNBELIEVABLE that the FBI rejected it.

The Federal Bureau of investigation perused multiple Clinton/DNC Candidate-provided propaganda reports designed to be used by the FBI to help prevent the GOP candidate from winning a US Presidential election and settled on one, which they used to illegally acquire warrants to spy on the GOP candidate and his team during an election...while voicing their hatred for that candidate and promising 'We will STOP him'...


What did Nixon do on Aug 9, 1974?

Funny you should mention Nixon. Nixon just covered up spying.

It has been proven Obama and his criminal Cabinet / Directors of multiple agencies Conspired together prevent the GOP nominee from winning the election, consisting in large part of the FBI using an un-verified report from foreign spies and Russians to 1) abuse the FISA court system and illegally acquire warrants to spy on the GOP candidate and his team during an election (Watergate on STEROIDS) and 2) argue and successfully convince Congress to appoint a Special Counsel, again based on a bogus document the DNC candidate got from the foreign spies and Russians she colluded with / paid!

What's even more ironic is how the DNC candidate, Hillary Clinton, cut her political teeth / partly got started in politics by being part of Watergate, providing a known-false brief which made an attempt to deny Nixon of his right to Counsel.
ThoughtCrimes said:

What did Nixon do on Aug 9, 1974?
He Resigned
Saving The Country From The BULLSHIT
Of The Neverending Proceedings
On All Of The ONLY Three Networks At The Time

The Resignation Also Gave Cover For The Democrat Congress
To Cut South Viet Nam Off At The Balls
In Violation Of Our PEACE TREATY With The North
ThoughtCrimes said:

What did Nixon do on Aug 9, 1974?
He Resigned
Saving The Country From The BULLSHIT
Of The Neverending Proceedings
On All Of The ONLY Three Networks At The Time

The Resignation Also Gave Cover For The Democrat Congress
To Cut South Viet Nam Off At The Balls
In Violation Of Our PEACE TREATY With The North
He Resigned
Saving The Country From The BULLSHIT
Of The Neverending Proceedings
Damn right he resigned...that was the point I tried to drive through your thick skull!! Resignation was preferable to Nixon over the disgrace of being tossed out and kicked to the curb with impeachment & conviction! He resigned because he was forced to release the tapes that proved his complicity in the Watergate affair and the administrations cover-up at his direction. Anyone trying to carry water for Nixon over the last 44 years is a bloody fool!
The Resignation Also Gave Cover For The Democrat Congress
To Cut South Viet Nam Off At The Balls
In Violation Of Our PEACE TREATY With The North
You left out a few details there for that bit to even be UNDERSTOOD or considered relevant. Always remember that some folks know bullshit when it's smeared and can detect a fraud trying to blow smoke up another's arse!!
ThoughtCrimes said:
Damn right he resigned...that was the point I tried to drive through your thick skull!!
No, No, No...
That's Not What You Were Doing At All
You Were Just Blasting Off Your Loud Mouth
Like YOU Had Something To Be Vicariously Proud Of
With-Out Knowing Jack-Shit

And Still Doing Right Now
Last edited:
ThoughtCrimes said:
Damn right he resigned...that was the point I tried to drive through your thick skull!!
No, No, No...
That's Not What You Were Doing At All
You Were Just Blasting Off Your Loud Mouth
Like YOU Had Something To Be Proud Of

And Still Doing Right Now
This exchange began with my reply to this supercilious and uniformed comment;
The Chance Of A President Being Tossed Out Of Office
Is About....

You were wrong, which should have been clear based on the well established historical record that Nixon was forced to resign and he took that path rather than be disgraced by the humiliating impeachment, trial and conviction as I pointed out, but you payed no heed and have embarrassed your dumb ass several times now!

You've yet to respond to the substance of my initial ON TOPIC reply and you very likely won't, being unable to acquiesce to the factual basis of my response. Some folks are just wired that way; a clear lack of the desirable traits of honesty. Deflection is a low-life's way out of the uncomfortable position they've placed themselves in.

I'll give you the last word so you can display, once more, your basic character flaws and how bereft of common decency you are as displayed. Must truly suck to be you and live in your skin, Sport!
Wouldn't There Have To Be Something More Substancial
Than Wki-Leaks And Bogus Dossiers
To Invalidate Our Elections ??
A) the dossier is not bogus

B) the US intelligence community overwhelmingly agrees that Russia interfered in 2016 US presidential election.
this is about trumps impeachement

so far there is no connection.
It's about his impeachment and when it should begin. When the left stops whining and start agreeing with him.
The day the left and anti trumpers stop criticizing President Trump should also be the day the real impeachment process should begin.
Just saying.
well if he actually did work with Russia to win, then he should be gone.
but since he didn't want to win, it's unlikely.

well, that's weird. Why would someone that didn't want to win, ask another country to help him win?

Imagine how effective he'd be if he really wanted the job. Fuck you're foolish.
Mac1958 said:
We should just have a permanent, ongoing Presidential Impeachment Committee going, to keep all the crazies happy.
Until Trump Passes The Baton To Pence In 2024

Then What Will They Do
Impeach Pence.
Another one that caught my point
And when the left starts agreeing with pence it will be the time to start impeachment of pence.
The day the left and anti trumpers stop criticizing President Trump should also be the day the real impeachment process should begin.
Just saying.
He won’t be forcibly removed from office. I’m just hoping he has a stroke or something to make him bed-ridden for the rest of his life sometime in the next year.

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