Impeachment unifying Republicans

Not really. They are terrified of tRump.

They all know they are 280 characters or less from being RINOs.
Tards went nuts nation wide when Obama promised to "fundamentally transform America" to socialism and Rush Limbaugh dared to say, "I hope he fails!"

Any Democrat Socialists here hope Trump succeeds?
Pres.Trump was slowly draining the swamp and calling out the RINO"s for being closet liberals.

But the Impeachment Schiff Show has turbocharged the weeding out process and energized Republicans to come in full force for the 2020 elections. ... :thup:
The swamp hasn't drained. While some lesser thinker's tote the party line independents are so smart it's unreal. Easy to see the swamp level has maintained nicely.
Pres.Trump was slowly draining the swamp and calling out the RINO"s for being closet liberals.

But the Impeachment Schiff Show has turbocharged the weeding out process and energized Republicans to come in full force for the 2020 elections. ... :thup:
Don't forget to thank Don Lemon for doing his part
They have sold their souls to Trump

Once he is gone, they can’t go back to being regular republicans
The bogus Impeachment hoax has unified the Republican leadership and base to a level not seen for decades.

Thank you Democrats!! ... :thup:
LET’S ADMIT HE’S NOT BEEN BAD: In Praise of Mitch McConnell.

Also, anyone who is that hated by the left has to be OK.

You have to hand it to the guy, he is a proven master tactician in the Senate, both in and out of power.


Mitch McConnell isn’t the flashiest person on Capitol Hill. To put it mildly.

Chuck Schumer regularly beats McConnell to the TV cameras, and Nancy Pelosi makes grand pronouncements as if the Senate and McConnell don’t exist.

“Cocaine Mitch” has proven master tactician in the Senate, both in and out of power.

McConnell, despite unprecedented obstruction by Democrats in the Senate, shepherded almost 200 federal court nominees to confirmation. Trump is reshaping the federal judiciary for a generation to come, and that was made possible by Mitch McConnell.

Nowhere has McConnell’s tactical skill been more apparent than in the Democrats’ impeachment effort. He let the House do its thing, which is right because he’s not the Speaker of the House. Because of his respect for the institution, he showed Pelosi more respect than she ever showed him. Democrats in the House in their venomous rush to impeach royally screwed up everything.

McConnell stood strong in refusing to negotiate Senate trial procedures with Pelosi and in insisting on the Clinton model for Senate trial procedure. That Clinton procedure allowed the House Managers to fill the TV screens for days, but it also allowed Team Trump to make its case.

And in the end, McConnell kept enough Senate Republicans in line to prevent Adam Schiff and other Democrats from turning the Senate into a circus as they had in the House.

Always composed and acting with decorum, Mitch got the job done.

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