CDZ Imperialism and mass murder or noninterventionism and virtue?

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protectionist, you live in your own dream and I live in mine. Let us leave it at that. I support Operation Wetback, too, but that is where we go our separate ways. The USA is already a memory. The USA is already dead. The USA died 100 years ago and is continuing only on past momentum. I would suggest to you that you read and watch the sources posted in this thread, but I suspect it would not help. You think your enemies are "liberals" which tells me that you will not understand who is destroying you and you will continue buying into the boogiemans in the Muslim world that you were taught to target by Edward Bernay's ilk. The only reason Muslims are the alleged "enemies" is because of Israel. If Israel was not there no one in America would be talking about Muslims. The Muslims would not be fleeing into Europe either. Look up Barbara Lerner Spectre, then look up the Oded Yinon Plan.
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protectionist, you live in your own dream and I live in mine. Let us leave it at that. I support Operation Wetback, too, but that is where we go our separate ways. The USA is already a memory. The USA is already dead. The USA died 100 years ago. I would suggest to you that you read and watch the sources posted in this thread, but I suspect it would not help. You think your enemies are "liberals" which tells me that you will not understand who is destroying you and you will continue buying into the boogiemans in the Muslim world that you were taught to target by Edward Bernay's ilk. The only reason Muslims are the alleged "enemies" is because of Israel. If Israel was not there no one in America would be talking about Muslims. The Muslims would not be fleeing into Europe either. Look up Barbara Lerner Spectre, and the Oded Yinon Plan.
You can be an America-hater and an Israel hater. No problem. So is my sister, You guys are a dime a dozen. And I sense that next to what I know about Muslims in the US and Islamization, you may just be being born.
You may live in a dream world, but I live in a FACT world.
Such as >>

1. 100+ nuclear warheads in a Muslim country with a huge jihadist population, and a fragile govt, not particulary US-frienldy.

2. ISIS having billions in the bank, openly bragging about their capability to acquire nukes, and Obama inviting them in here.

3. Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012

4. Welfare Use by Immigrant and Native Households

5. > News > Mexico -- Remittances are Mexico's biggest source of income, says Fox

6. "The process of settlement [of Islam in the United States] is a "Civilization-Jihadist" process with all that the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood in North America] must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" their miserable house by their hands, and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated, and Allah's religion is made victorious over all religions."

Mohamed Akram, "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America"May 22, 1991, Government Exhibit 003-0085, United States vs. Holy Land Foundation, et al. 7 (21).
protectionist, see you are accepting premises of your enemies. You are using the term "hater", but that term is applied to you as, I presume you are white. That terminology and premise was designed to destroy whites and white ethnic states, but you use the term yourself with its implied negativity and value judgment. You are accepting the premises of the people who are trying to destroy you - and you don't even know who they are. That is why I don't see any benefit of conversing with you, because you don't even know what you are fighting, or who, or how.

It is sad to see white people accept the premises of those who are actively seeking to destroy them.

It is similar to all of the whites who accuse blacks of being racist: those whites should reject the premise that racism is evil, not utilize that language themselves, because the term 'racist' was invented and designed to use as a tool to destroy white ethnic identity and white ethnic nation states (which is a violation of the U.N. Declaration on The Rights of Indigenous Peoples). As soon as you accept the premise of your enemies you have already lost the fight.

Racism is a virtue - without accepting that premise you will always lose. Racism means preservation of one's ethnic identity and using viveka to differentiate between ethnic and tribal groups. Racism doesn't mean killing or hating people who are of a different tribe, it simply means to acknowledge the biological differences and advocate for the natural human right to one's own ethnic identity and the right to preserve that identity, and the right to self-determination and nation states. Just like Israel is an ethnic Jewish state. Whites have the same rights to their own ethnic states.

I consider my criticism to be constructive criticism.
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protectionist, see you are accepting premises of your enemies. You are using the term "hater", but that term is applied to you as, I presume you are white. That terminology and premise was designed to destroy whites and white ethnic states, but you use the term yourself with its implied negativity and value judgment. You are accepting the premises of the people who are trying to destroy you - and you don't even know who they are. That is why I don't see any benefit of conversing with you, because you don't even know what you are fighting, or who, or how.

It is sad to see white people accept the premises of those who are actively seeking to destroy them.

It is similar to all of the whites who accuse blacks of being racist: those whites should reject the premise that racism is evil, not utilize that language themselves, because the term 'racist' was invented and designed to use as a tool to destroy white ethnic identity and white ethnic nation states (which is a violation of the U.N. Declaration on The Rights of Indigenous Peoples). As soon as you accept the premise of your enemies you have already lost the fight.

Racism is a virtue - without accepting that premise you will always lose. Racism means preservation of one's ethnic identity and using viveka to differentiate between ethnic and tribal groups. Racism doesn't mean killing or hating people who are of a different tribe, it simply means to acknowledge the biological differences and advocate for the natural human right to one's own ethnic identity and the right to preserve that identity, and the right to self-determination and nation states. Just like Israel is an ethnic Jewish state. Whites have the same rights to their own ethnic states.

I consider my criticism to be constructive criticism.
You are just babbling nonsense. I know exactly who I'm fighting. I'm fighting the descendants of centuries of lunatic jihad, based on a moronic book of hate (the Koran- which I've read 18 translations of since 1959), the violent jihadists (ISIS, al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Boko Haram, al Shabbab, the Taliban, etc) and the non-violent seditionist jihadists (Muslim Brotherhood front groups (CAIR, MSA, ISNA, etc) and the liberal idiot facilitators of them, like those welcoming Syrian refugees, with ISIS neatly tucked in among them.

I don't know how you jumped to the subject of race, but liberals do that. Everything is racial to you guys. If it matters to you I'm 50% white, 50% Hispanic, and I am fluent in English & Spanish both.
protectionist, you are being misled by Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, and the rest of their ilk. You don't even dare admit that the fight you are having is racial not religious, because you were trained that racism is evil and you bought into that premise which was designed to destroy you, and now you don't dare stand up for the human rights of white people to their own ethnic states. You have already lost your fight because you accepted the wrong premises of the people who manipulate the conservatives and misguide them by pretending to be on your side.

The Muslims would not be entering America if the Immigration Act of 1965 by Emanuel Celler and Jacob Javits, is repealed. Your problems would be solved if Congress would reenact the Immigration Act of 1924 which had quotas. Israel has strict quotas about non-jews immigrating to Israel right at this moment, because Israel is an ethnic Jewish state. Notice that those Muslim refugees are being encouraged to go to every white ethnic nation, but not Israel. By emulating Israel immigration policies, is the only way you will keep Muslims out of America. Israel has the right to exist as an ethnic Jewish state, whites have the right to their own ethnic states, just like every other ethnic group on this planet.

Read 'The 4th Political Theory' by Alexander Dugin. Then read, the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Go start a thread about Muslims, please. Your comments and agenda are off topic. This thread is about American Imperialism.
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How does the U.S. government get their subjects to commit mass murder in their quest for global domination? One part of the tactic is to demonize the "others," such as the demonizing of the Germans in WWI and WWII: see: 'Falsehood in War-Time' by Arthur Ponsonby, or the Tavistock Institute or Edward Bernays. Once the populace has been trained to dehumanize the "enemy" or people who are in the way of global domination, the next stage is to instigate the nation to attack the U.S: See Henry Mogenthau Jr oil embargo of the Japanese prior to Pearl Harbor.

If the nation cannot be instigated to retaliate, then a false-flag attack must be done and blamed on the soon-to-be annihilated nations or groups who are standing in the way of global domination by International Finance, which is headquartered in New York City and London, at the present. See, for example, the PNAC which called for a "new Pearl Harbor type event" to get the populace to support an invasion into the Middle East, according to the dictates of the Oded Yinon Plan and the General Wesley Clark interview in 1991.

There have been false flag attacks by various governments throughout history, but since this thread is about American Imperialism, here are a few false-flag plans or events in recent decades:

Gulf of Tonkin incident
Operation Northwoods

Once the public and Congress are properly brainwashed, into demonizing the "other", by the corporate and state-controlled media, and that nation has been blamed for attacking America, then it is easy to get support to commit mass murder. It is the same principle of the reason they changed the title of Secretary of War to Secretary of Defense when FDR had the position - to pretend imperialism was not the goal and the acts of war were "defensive".

Look up on youtube, two songs:
Everything Under Control by Payday Monsanto
They're Calling Me A Terrorist by Lowkey

"What can I get with 2.3 trillion

(you can get unlimited corporate news)

What can I get with 2.3 trillion

(you can have any mercenaries you choose)

What can I get with 2.3 trillion

(you can steal a couple million souls)

What can I get with 2.3 trillion

(you can get everything under control)" - Everything Under Control by Payday Monsanto
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protectionist, you are being misled by Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, and the rest of their ilk. You don't even dare admit that the fight you are having is racial not religious, because you were trained that racism is evil and you bought into that premise which was designed to destroy you, and now you don't dare stand up for the human rights of white people to their own ethnic states. You have already lost your fight because you accepted the wrong premises of the people who manipulate the conservatives and misguide them by pretending to be on your side.

The Muslims would not be entering America if the Immigration Act of 1965 by Emanuel Celler and Jacob Javits, is repealed. Your problems would be solved if Congress would reenact the Immigration Act of 1924 which had quotas. Israel has strict quotas about non-jews immigrating to Israel right at this moment, because Israel is an ethnic Jewish state. Notice that those Muslim refugees are being encouraged to go to every white ethnic nation, but not Israel. By emulating Israel immigration policies, is the only way you will keep Muslims out of America. Israel has the right to exist as an ethnic Jewish state, whites have the right to their own ethnic states, just like every other ethnic group on this planet.

Read 'The 4th Political Theory' by Alexander Dugin. Then read, the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Go start a thread about Muslims, please. Your comments and agenda are off topic. This thread is about American Imperialism.
protectionist, you are being misled by Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, and the rest of their ilk. You don't even dare admit that the fight you are having is racial not religious, because you were trained that racism is evil and you bought into that premise which was designed to destroy you, and now you don't dare stand up for the human rights of white people to their own ethnic states. You have already lost your fight because you accepted the wrong premises of the people who manipulate the conservatives and misguide them by pretending to be on your side.

The Muslims would not be entering America if the Immigration Act of 1965 by Emanuel Celler and Jacob Javits, is repealed. Your problems would be solved if Congress would reenact the Immigration Act of 1924 which had quotas. Israel has strict quotas about non-jews immigrating to Israel right at this moment, because Israel is an ethnic Jewish state. Notice that those Muslim refugees are being encouraged to go to every white ethnic nation, but not Israel. By emulating Israel immigration policies, is the only way you will keep Muslims out of America. Israel has the right to exist as an ethnic Jewish state, whites have the right to their own ethnic states, just like every other ethnic group on this planet.

Read 'The 4th Political Theory' by Alexander Dugin. Then read, the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Go start a thread about Muslims, please. Your comments and agenda are off topic. This thread is about American Imperialism.

There is no such thing as American imperialism. That is a thing of the PAST that America-haters like you laughably cling to, along with your equally laughable race card (which became obsolete 22 years ago with the OJ Simpson trial). Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, et al of their group are the truth tellers, and the cure for liberal propaganda nonsense, like you spew here. You have nothing to say here, but old, historical material (much of it questionable), while bringing nothing much to the table that is current,

In contrast, I brought the current state of affairs regarding imperialism (which nowadays occurs through remittances and welfare plunder), backed up by the source linage of the Pew Research Center, showing the USA as the # 1 VICTIM of imperialism in the world today, with $123 Billion/year being raked out of the US economy, and re-inserted into the economies of the imperialists (Mexico, China, etc)

Half of your liberal propaganda babbling is so off the charts, I can't even understand what your talking about, but I know it is the same crock that comes from leftist loons all around this country, all of which is a joke. How do I know that your line is BS. I know it because I used to BE a leftist loon like you are now. In fact I was one of you guys for much longer than I ever was a conservative. In the 60s, I protested against the Vietnam War, and against capitalism, and other examples of American imperialism. I campaigned for George McGovern. I voted for Democrats and Green Party candidates for decades right up to Kerry in 2004 and Obama in 2008.

Finally, I saw the light, and realized that the left is not on the side of the American working class, and quite the contrary is destructive of American workers, with its outrageous immigration policies, racist affirmative action discrimination against whites & males, and downright dangerous to all of America, by it's horrible foreign policies, and absurd pandering to every minority group they can find.

Sure, go ahead, bash Israel, kiss the ass of CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and whoever, and whatever else fits in with what your liberal propaganda masters have dumped on you. You can do that all you like, but I've gotten cured of all that, so your problem isn't my problem.
protectionist, a liberal would be horrified by half of what I have written or promoted here, if you don't believe me, show your sister, since you alleged she is liberal, this thread, and ask her for her opinion after she reviews the sources and ideas, if I am promoting liberal ideas.

I agree with you that Muslims do not belong in ethnic white nations. I do not agree with committing mass murder on Muslims, or installing military bases in their lands. However, the Muslims would not be entering ethnic white nations, if someone or some group was not allowing them in. Dig deep and see if you can identify the people who do this, those are your enemies.

My vision is closer to the founders than the conservatives or liberals of today.
protectionist, a liberal would be horrified by half of what I have written or promoted here, if you don't believe me, show your sister, since you alleged she is liberal, this thread, and ask her for her opinion after she reviews the sources and ideas, if I am promoting liberal ideas.

I agree with you that Muslims do not belong in ethnic white nations. I do not agree with committing mass murder on Muslims, or installing military bases in their lands. However, the Muslims would not be entering ethnic white nations, if someone or some group was not allowing them in. Dig deep and see if you can identify the people who do this, those are your enemies.

My vision is closer to the founders than the conservatives or liberals of today.
I didn't say anything about "ethnic white nations" You said that. Islam and its Umma is not a race. It is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which is composed of every race on earth, including whites (ex Chechens). I don't agree with committing mass murder on anybody. That is a Muslim doctrine (straight out of the Koran).

I DO agree with installing military bases ANYWHERE in the world, when it is necessary for US National Security, and that could be anywhere, anybody, anytime. For instance I agree with sending US troops into Pakistan (if this were possible) to seize their 100+ nuclear warheads, and bring them to the United States (or some safe location), for safe storage, away from the hands of the Taliban, al Qaeda, ISIS, et al Muslim lunatics.
Incomplete list of Imperialism and mass murder, and assorted military actions of the U.S.

1775–83 – American Revolutionary War
1776–77 – Second Cherokee War
1776–94 – Cherokee–American wars
1785–95 – Northwest Indian War
1786–87 – Shays' Rebellion: a Western Massachusetts debtor's revolt
1791–94 – Whiskey Rebellion
1798–1800 – Quasi-War
1799–1800 – Fries' Rebellion
1801–05 – First Barbary War
1806 – Action in Spanish Mexico
1806–10 – Action in the Gulf of Mexico
1810 – West Florida (Spanish territory)
1812 – Amelia Island and other parts of east Florida, then under Spain
1812–15 – War of 1812
1813 – West Florida (Spanish territory)
1813–14 – Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia)
1814 – Spanish Florida
1814–25 – Caribbean
1815 – Algiers
1815 – Tripoli
1816 – Spanish Florida
1816–18 – Spanish Florida
1817 – Amelia Island (Spanish territory off Florida)
1818 – Oregon
1820–23 – Africa
1822 – Cuba
Monroe Doctrine
1823 – Cuba
1824 – Cuba
1824 – Puerto Rico (Spanish territory)
1825 – Cuba
1827 – Greece
1831–32 – Falkland Islands
1832 – Attack on Quallah Battoo: Sumatra, Indonesia
1833 – Argentina
1835–36 – Peru
1835–42 – Florida Territory
1838 – The Caroline affair on Navy Island, Canada
1838–39 – Sumatra (Indonesia)
1840 – Fiji Islands
1841 – McKean Island (Drummond Island/Taputenea), Gilbert Islands
1841 – Samoa
1842 – Mexico
1843 – China
1843 – Africa
1844 – Mexico
1846–48 – Mexican–American War
1849 – Smyrna (İzmir, Turkey)
1851 – Ottoman Empire
1851 – Johanna Island
1852–53 – Argentina
1853 – Nicaragua
1853–54 – Japan Commodore Matthew Perry
1853–54 – Ryūkyū and Bonin Islands
1854 – China
1854 – Nicaragua
1855 – China
1855 – Fiji Islands
1855 – Uruguay
1856 – Panama
1856 – China
1857–58 – Utah War
1857 – Nicaragua
1858 – Uruguay
1858 – Fiji Islands
1858–59 – Ottoman Empire
1859 – Paraguay
1859 – Mexico
1859 – China
1860 – Angola, Portuguese West Africa
1860 – Colombia, Bay of Panama
1861–65 – American Civil War
1863 – Japan: July 16, Naval battle of Shimonoseki
1864 – Japan
1865 – Panama
1865–77 – Southern United States – Reconstruction
1866 – Mexico
1866 – China
1867 – Nicaragua
1867 – Formosa (island of Taiwan)
1868 – Japan
1868 – Uruguay
1868 – Colombia
1870 – Battle of Boca Teacapan
1870 – Kingdom of Hawaii
1872 – Korea: Shinmiyangyo
1873 – Colombia (Bay of Panama)
1873–96 – Mexico
1874 – Honolulu Courthouse Riot
1876 – Mexico
1878 – Lincoln County, New Mexico
1882 – Egyptian Expedition
1885 – Panama (Colón)
1888 – Korea
1888 – Haiti
1888–89 – Samoan crisis
1889 – Kingdom of Hawaii
1890 – Argentina
1890 – South Dakota
1891 – Haiti
1891 – Bering Sea
1891 – Itata Incident
1891 – Chile
1892 – Homestead Strike
1892 – Wyoming
1893 – Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom
1894 – Nicaragua
1894–95 – China
1894–96 – Korea
1895 – Colombia
1896 – Nicaragua
1898 – Nicaragua
1898 – Spanish–American War
1898–99 – Samoa
1898–99 – China
1899 – Nicaragua
1899–1913 – Philippine Islands: Philippine–American War
1900 – China
1901 – Colombia (State of Panama)
1902 – Colombia
1902 – Colombia (State of Panama)
1903 – Honduras
1903 – Dominican Republic
1903 – Syria
1903–04 – Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
1903–14 – Panama
Jacob Schiff finances the Japanese.
1904 – Dominican Republic
1904 – Tangier, Morocco
1904 – Panama
1904–05 – Korea
1906–09 – Cuba
1907 – Honduras
1910 – Nicaragua
1911 – Honduras
1911 – China
1912 – Honduras
1912 – Panama
1912 – Cuba
1912 – China
1912 – Turkey
1912–25 – Nicaragua
1912–41 – China
1913 – Mexico
1914 - Ludlow massacre
1914 – Haiti
1914 – Dominican Republic
1914–17 – Mexico: Tampico Affair
1915–34 – Haiti
1916 – China
1916–24 – Dominican Republic
1917 - Jacob Schiff finances the bolsheviks
1917 – China
1917–18 – World War I
'Why Is Your Country At War and What Happens To You After the War' by Charles Lindbergh, is confiscated by authorities and the printing press destroyed.
1917–22 – Cuba
1918–19 – Mexico
1918–20 – Panama
1918–20 – Russian SFSR
1919 – Dalmatia (Croatia)
1919 – Turkey
1919 – Honduras
1920 – China
1920 – Guatemala
1920–22 – Russia (Siberia)
1921 – Panama and Costa Rica
1921 - Battle of Blair Mountain
1922 – Turkey
1922–23 – China
1924 – Honduras
1924 – China
1925 – China
1925 – Honduras
1925 – Panama
1926–33 – Nicaragua
1926 – China
1927 – China
'Propaganda' by Edward Bernays published.
1932 – China
1932 – United States: "Bonus Army"
1933 – Cuba
1933 - Haavara Agreement signed
1934 – China
'War Is A Racket' by Smedley Butler published
1938 - Sudetenland massacres of ethnic Germans
1939 - Danzig massacres
1940 - Henry Morgenthau Jr establishes the oil embargo of the Japanese to push them into war with America, the Japanese retaliate.
1940 – Newfoundland
1940 - Bermuda
1940 - St. Lucia
1940 - Bahamas
1940 - Jamaica
1940 - Antigua
1940 - Trinidad
1940 - British Guiana
1941 – Greenland
1941 – Netherlands (Dutch Guiana)
1941 – Iceland
1941 – Germany
1941–45 – World War II
'The Greatest Story Never Told' by Dennis Wise film footage.
'Hellstorm: the Genocide of Germany' by Thomas Goodrich film footage.
Morgenthau Plan agreed to among allied nations
1945 – China
1945–49 – Occupation of part of Germany
1945–55 – Occupation of part of Austria
1945–52 – Occupation of Japan
1944–46 – Temporary reoccupation of the Philippines
1945–47 – U.S. Marines garrisoned in mainland China
1945–49 – Post-World War II occupation of South Korea
1946 – Trieste, (Italy)
1948 – Jerusalem (British Mandate)
1948 – Berlin: Berlin Airlift
1948–49 – China
1950–53 – Korean War
1950–55 – Formosa (Taiwan)
1953 - Operation Ajax
1954–55 – China
1955–64 – Vietnam
1956 – Egypt
1958 – Lebanon
1959–60 – The Caribbean
1959–75 – Vietnam War
1961 – Cuba
1962 - Operation Northwoods
1962 – Thailand
1962 – Cuba
1962–75 – Laos
Robert McNamara lies about the Gulf of Tonkin incident to get support to bomb Vietnam.
1964 – Congo (Zaïre)
1965 – Invasion of Dominican Republic
1967 – Israel: The USS Liberty incident
1967 – Congo (Zaïre)
1968 – Laos & Cambodia
1970 – Cambodian Campaign
1972 – North Vietnam
1973 – Operation Nickel Grass
1974 – Evacuation from Cyprus
1975 – Evacuation from Vietnam
1975 – Evacuation from Cambodia
1975 – South Vietnam
1975 – Cambodia: Mayaguez incident
1976 – Lebanon
1976 – Korea
1978 – Zaïre (Congo)
1980 – Iran
1980 – Sinai Operation Bright Star
1981 – El Salvador
1981 – Libya
1982 – Sinai
1982 – Lebanon
1982–83 – Lebanon
1983 – Egypt
1983 – Grenada
1983–89 – Honduras
1983 – Chad
1984 – Persian Gulf
1985 – Italy
1986 – Libya
1986 – Libya: Operation El Dorado Canyon
1986 – Bolivia
1987 – Persian Gulf
1987 – Persian Gulf: Operation Nimble Archer
1987–88 – Persian Gulf: Operation Earnest Will
1987–88 – Persian Gulf: Operation Prime Chance
1988 – Persian Gulf: Operation Praying Mantis
1988 – Honduras
1988 – USS Vincennes shoot-down of Iran Air Flight 655.
1988 – Panama
1989 – Libya
1989 – Panama
1989 – Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru
1989 – Philippines
1989–90 – Panama
1990 – Liberia
1990 – Saudi Arabia
1991 – Iraq and Kuwait: Gulf War
1991–96 – Iraq
1991 – Iraq
1991 – Zaire
1992 – Sierra Leone
1992–96 – Bosnia and Herzegovina
1992 – Kuwait
1992–2003 – Iraq: Iraqi no-fly zones
1992–95 – Somalia
1993–95 – Bosnia: Operation Deny Flight
1993 – Macedonia
1994 – Bosnia: Banja Luka incident
1994–95 – Haiti
1994 – Macedonia
'The Creature From Jekyll Island' by G. Edward Griffin is published.
1995 – Bosnia: Operation Deliberate Force
1996 – Liberia
1996 – Central African Republic
1996 – Kuwait
1996 – Bosnia
1997 – Albania
1997 – Congo and Gabon
1997 – Sierra Leone
1997 – Cambodia
1998 – Iraq: Operation Desert Fox
1998 – Guinea-Bissau
1998–99 – Kenya and Tanzania
1998 – Afghanistan and Sudan
1998 – Liberia
1999–2001 – East Timor
1999 – Serbia: Operation Allied Force
2000 – Sierra Leone
2000 – Nigeria
2000 – Yemen
2000 – East Timor
2001 – China Hainan Island
2001–present – War in Afghanistan
2002 – Yemen
2002 – Philippines
2002 – Côte d'Ivoire
2003–2011 – War in Iraq
2003 – Liberia
2003 – Georgia and Djibouti
'Confessions of an Economic Hitman' by John Perkins published.
2004 – Haiti
2004 – Georgia
2004 - Djibouti
2004 - Kenya
2004 - Ethiopia
2004 - Yemen
2004 - Eritrea
2004–present: North-West Pakistan
2005–06 – Pakistan
2006 – Lebanon
2007 - The Mogadishu Encounter
2007 – Somalia: Battle of Ras Kamboni
2008 – South Ossetia, Georgia
2010–present - Yemen
2010–11 – Iraq Operation New Dawn
2011 – Libya
2011 – Pakistan Operation Neptune Spear
2011 – Somalia Drone strikes
2011–present – Uganda
2012 – Jordan
2012 – Turkey
2012 – Chad
2013 – Mali
2013 – Somalia
2013 – Korean crisis
2013 – Somalia
2014–present – Uganda
2014–present - Iraq
2014 - present - Syria
2014 - Yemen
2015 - Iran Strait of Hormuz
2015–present - Cameroon

The nation of America was founded on the policy of non-interventionism, there was some necessity of military intervention such as at Tripoli in 1801 due to piracy. However, the policies radically changed with the Monroe Doctrine and we can see that America is indisputably an Empire or hegemony.

Why do people support mass murder? The founders of America were against what America has become, this is why they established the 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights and believed in non-interventionism and foreign entanglements.

Read, 'The Second Amendment Primer' by Les Adams, to gain insight into the founder's vision.

How many of the nations that have received mass murder from the U.S. government, have bombed America? Why do you support the policies of empire and mass murder? What right do Americans have to commit mass murder on others?

200 million people were mass murdered by governments in the 20th century alone. Why are the people who hate the Natural Human Right of the 2nd amendment, in support of the mass murders of the U.S. government?

Why are the people who support the founders visions as expressed in 'The Second Amendment Primer' by Les Adams, in support of mass murder of others and violating their human rights? The founders of America would be rolling in their graves to see people in America today, loudly expressing the desire to intervene in other nation's and mass murder them. How did the Republican party leadership manipulate the people under their control? Same with the Democrats?

Don't know where you got this list or how you vetted it -- but it's FULL of holes.

Explain to me how the US committed "imperialistic acts or mass murder" in Turkey, Jordan and Chad and Mali in 2012 or the Iran Strait of Hormuz in 2015..
"the Ludlow massacre? Battle of Blair Mountain? You wanna include the Branch Davidians at Waco on this mish mush of Imperialism? The only item you left out was the kitchen sink...
Incomplete list of Imperialism and mass murder, and assorted military actions of the U.S.

1775–83 – American Revolutionary War
1776–77 – Second Cherokee War
1776–94 – Cherokee–American wars
1785–95 – Northwest Indian War
1786–87 – Shays' Rebellion: a Western Massachusetts debtor's revolt
1791–94 – Whiskey Rebellion
1798–1800 – Quasi-War
1799–1800 – Fries' Rebellion
1801–05 – First Barbary War
1806 – Action in Spanish Mexico
1806–10 – Action in the Gulf of Mexico
1810 – West Florida (Spanish territory)
1812 – Amelia Island and other parts of east Florida, then under Spain
1812–15 – War of 1812
1813 – West Florida (Spanish territory)
1813–14 – Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia)
1814 – Spanish Florida
1814–25 – Caribbean
1815 – Algiers
1815 – Tripoli
1816 – Spanish Florida
1816–18 – Spanish Florida
1817 – Amelia Island (Spanish territory off Florida)
1818 – Oregon
1820–23 – Africa
1822 – Cuba
Monroe Doctrine
1823 – Cuba
1824 – Cuba
1824 – Puerto Rico (Spanish territory)
1825 – Cuba
1827 – Greece
1831–32 – Falkland Islands
1832 – Attack on Quallah Battoo: Sumatra, Indonesia
1833 – Argentina
1835–36 – Peru
1835–42 – Florida Territory
1838 – The Caroline affair on Navy Island, Canada
1838–39 – Sumatra (Indonesia)
1840 – Fiji Islands
1841 – McKean Island (Drummond Island/Taputenea), Gilbert Islands
1841 – Samoa
1842 – Mexico
1843 – China
1843 – Africa
1844 – Mexico
1846–48 – Mexican–American War
1849 – Smyrna (İzmir, Turkey)
1851 – Ottoman Empire
1851 – Johanna Island
1852–53 – Argentina
1853 – Nicaragua
1853–54 – Japan Commodore Matthew Perry
1853–54 – Ryūkyū and Bonin Islands
1854 – China
1854 – Nicaragua
1855 – China
1855 – Fiji Islands
1855 – Uruguay
1856 – Panama
1856 – China
1857–58 – Utah War
1857 – Nicaragua
1858 – Uruguay
1858 – Fiji Islands
1858–59 – Ottoman Empire
1859 – Paraguay
1859 – Mexico
1859 – China
1860 – Angola, Portuguese West Africa
1860 – Colombia, Bay of Panama
1861–65 – American Civil War
1863 – Japan: July 16, Naval battle of Shimonoseki
1864 – Japan
1865 – Panama
1865–77 – Southern United States – Reconstruction
1866 – Mexico
1866 – China
1867 – Nicaragua
1867 – Formosa (island of Taiwan)
1868 – Japan
1868 – Uruguay
1868 – Colombia
1870 – Battle of Boca Teacapan
1870 – Kingdom of Hawaii
1872 – Korea: Shinmiyangyo
1873 – Colombia (Bay of Panama)
1873–96 – Mexico
1874 – Honolulu Courthouse Riot
1876 – Mexico
1878 – Lincoln County, New Mexico
1882 – Egyptian Expedition
1885 – Panama (Colón)
1888 – Korea
1888 – Haiti
1888–89 – Samoan crisis
1889 – Kingdom of Hawaii
1890 – Argentina
1890 – South Dakota
1891 – Haiti
1891 – Bering Sea
1891 – Itata Incident
1891 – Chile
1892 – Homestead Strike
1892 – Wyoming
1893 – Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom
1894 – Nicaragua
1894–95 – China
1894–96 – Korea
1895 – Colombia
1896 – Nicaragua
1898 – Nicaragua
1898 – Spanish–American War
1898–99 – Samoa
1898–99 – China
1899 – Nicaragua
1899–1913 – Philippine Islands: Philippine–American War
1900 – China
1901 – Colombia (State of Panama)
1902 – Colombia
1902 – Colombia (State of Panama)
1903 – Honduras
1903 – Dominican Republic
1903 – Syria
1903–04 – Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
1903–14 – Panama
Jacob Schiff finances the Japanese.
1904 – Dominican Republic
1904 – Tangier, Morocco
1904 – Panama
1904–05 – Korea
1906–09 – Cuba
1907 – Honduras
1910 – Nicaragua
1911 – Honduras
1911 – China
1912 – Honduras
1912 – Panama
1912 – Cuba
1912 – China
1912 – Turkey
1912–25 – Nicaragua
1912–41 – China
1913 – Mexico
1914 - Ludlow massacre
1914 – Haiti
1914 – Dominican Republic
1914–17 – Mexico: Tampico Affair
1915–34 – Haiti
1916 – China
1916–24 – Dominican Republic
1917 - Jacob Schiff finances the bolsheviks
1917 – China
1917–18 – World War I
'Why Is Your Country At War and What Happens To You After the War' by Charles Lindbergh, is confiscated by authorities and the printing press destroyed.
1917–22 – Cuba
1918–19 – Mexico
1918–20 – Panama
1918–20 – Russian SFSR
1919 – Dalmatia (Croatia)
1919 – Turkey
1919 – Honduras
1920 – China
1920 – Guatemala
1920–22 – Russia (Siberia)
1921 – Panama and Costa Rica
1921 - Battle of Blair Mountain
1922 – Turkey
1922–23 – China
1924 – Honduras
1924 – China
1925 – China
1925 – Honduras
1925 – Panama
1926–33 – Nicaragua
1926 – China
1927 – China
'Propaganda' by Edward Bernays published.
1932 – China
1932 – United States: "Bonus Army"
1933 – Cuba
1933 - Haavara Agreement signed
1934 – China
'War Is A Racket' by Smedley Butler published
1938 - Sudetenland massacres of ethnic Germans
1939 - Danzig massacres
1940 - Henry Morgenthau Jr establishes the oil embargo of the Japanese to push them into war with America, the Japanese retaliate.
1940 – Newfoundland
1940 - Bermuda
1940 - St. Lucia
1940 - Bahamas
1940 - Jamaica
1940 - Antigua
1940 - Trinidad
1940 - British Guiana
1941 – Greenland
1941 – Netherlands (Dutch Guiana)
1941 – Iceland
1941 – Germany
1941–45 – World War II
'The Greatest Story Never Told' by Dennis Wise film footage.
'Hellstorm: the Genocide of Germany' by Thomas Goodrich film footage.
Morgenthau Plan agreed to among allied nations
1945 – China
1945–49 – Occupation of part of Germany
1945–55 – Occupation of part of Austria
1945–52 – Occupation of Japan
1944–46 – Temporary reoccupation of the Philippines
1945–47 – U.S. Marines garrisoned in mainland China
1945–49 – Post-World War II occupation of South Korea
1946 – Trieste, (Italy)
1948 – Jerusalem (British Mandate)
1948 – Berlin: Berlin Airlift
1948–49 – China
1950–53 – Korean War
1950–55 – Formosa (Taiwan)
1953 - Operation Ajax
1954–55 – China
1955–64 – Vietnam
1956 – Egypt
1958 – Lebanon
1959–60 – The Caribbean
1959–75 – Vietnam War
1961 – Cuba
1962 - Operation Northwoods
1962 – Thailand
1962 – Cuba
1962–75 – Laos
Robert McNamara lies about the Gulf of Tonkin incident to get support to bomb Vietnam.
1964 – Congo (Zaïre)
1965 – Invasion of Dominican Republic
1967 – Israel: The USS Liberty incident
1967 – Congo (Zaïre)
1968 – Laos & Cambodia
1970 – Cambodian Campaign
1972 – North Vietnam
1973 – Operation Nickel Grass
1974 – Evacuation from Cyprus
1975 – Evacuation from Vietnam
1975 – Evacuation from Cambodia
1975 – South Vietnam
1975 – Cambodia: Mayaguez incident
1976 – Lebanon
1976 – Korea
1978 – Zaïre (Congo)
1980 – Iran
1980 – Sinai Operation Bright Star
1981 – El Salvador
1981 – Libya
1982 – Sinai
1982 – Lebanon
1982–83 – Lebanon
1983 – Egypt
1983 – Grenada
1983–89 – Honduras
1983 – Chad
1984 – Persian Gulf
1985 – Italy
1986 – Libya
1986 – Libya: Operation El Dorado Canyon
1986 – Bolivia
1987 – Persian Gulf
1987 – Persian Gulf: Operation Nimble Archer
1987–88 – Persian Gulf: Operation Earnest Will
1987–88 – Persian Gulf: Operation Prime Chance
1988 – Persian Gulf: Operation Praying Mantis
1988 – Honduras
1988 – USS Vincennes shoot-down of Iran Air Flight 655.
1988 – Panama
1989 – Libya
1989 – Panama
1989 – Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru
1989 – Philippines
1989–90 – Panama
1990 – Liberia
1990 – Saudi Arabia
1991 – Iraq and Kuwait: Gulf War
1991–96 – Iraq
1991 – Iraq
1991 – Zaire
1992 – Sierra Leone
1992–96 – Bosnia and Herzegovina
1992 – Kuwait
1992–2003 – Iraq: Iraqi no-fly zones
1992–95 – Somalia
1993–95 – Bosnia: Operation Deny Flight
1993 – Macedonia
1994 – Bosnia: Banja Luka incident
1994–95 – Haiti
1994 – Macedonia
'The Creature From Jekyll Island' by G. Edward Griffin is published.
1995 – Bosnia: Operation Deliberate Force
1996 – Liberia
1996 – Central African Republic
1996 – Kuwait
1996 – Bosnia
1997 – Albania
1997 – Congo and Gabon
1997 – Sierra Leone
1997 – Cambodia
1998 – Iraq: Operation Desert Fox
1998 – Guinea-Bissau
1998–99 – Kenya and Tanzania
1998 – Afghanistan and Sudan
1998 – Liberia
1999–2001 – East Timor
1999 – Serbia: Operation Allied Force
2000 – Sierra Leone
2000 – Nigeria
2000 – Yemen
2000 – East Timor
2001 – China Hainan Island
2001–present – War in Afghanistan
2002 – Yemen
2002 – Philippines
2002 – Côte d'Ivoire
2003–2011 – War in Iraq
2003 – Liberia
2003 – Georgia and Djibouti
'Confessions of an Economic Hitman' by John Perkins published.
2004 – Haiti
2004 – Georgia
2004 - Djibouti
2004 - Kenya
2004 - Ethiopia
2004 - Yemen
2004 - Eritrea
2004–present: North-West Pakistan
2005–06 – Pakistan
2006 – Lebanon
2007 - The Mogadishu Encounter
2007 – Somalia: Battle of Ras Kamboni
2008 – South Ossetia, Georgia
2010–present - Yemen
2010–11 – Iraq Operation New Dawn
2011 – Libya
2011 – Pakistan Operation Neptune Spear
2011 – Somalia Drone strikes
2011–present – Uganda
2012 – Jordan
2012 – Turkey
2012 – Chad
2013 – Mali
2013 – Somalia
2013 – Korean crisis
2013 – Somalia
2014–present – Uganda
2014–present - Iraq
2014 - present - Syria
2014 - Yemen
2015 - Iran Strait of Hormuz
2015–present - Cameroon

The nation of America was founded on the policy of non-interventionism, there was some necessity of military intervention such as at Tripoli in 1801 due to piracy. However, the policies radically changed with the Monroe Doctrine and we can see that America is indisputably an Empire or hegemony.

Why do people support mass murder? The founders of America were against what America has become, this is why they established the 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights and believed in non-interventionism and foreign entanglements.

Read, 'The Second Amendment Primer' by Les Adams, to gain insight into the founder's vision.

How many of the nations that have received mass murder from the U.S. government, have bombed America? Why do you support the policies of empire and mass murder? What right do Americans have to commit mass murder on others?

200 million people were mass murdered by governments in the 20th century alone. Why are the people who hate the Natural Human Right of the 2nd amendment, in support of the mass murders of the U.S. government?

Why are the people who support the founders visions as expressed in 'The Second Amendment Primer' by Les Adams, in support of mass murder of others and violating their human rights? The founders of America would be rolling in their graves to see people in America today, loudly expressing the desire to intervene in other nation's and mass murder them. How did the Republican party leadership manipulate the people under their control? Same with the Democrats?

Don't know where you got this list or how you vetted it -- but it's FULL of holes.

Explain to me how the US committed "imperialistic acts or mass murder" in Turkey, Jordan and Chad and Mali in 2012 or the Iran Strait of Hormuz in 2015..
He's even got the war in Afghanistan 2002-present. Yeah like we're really getting a lot of resources from Afghanistan aren't we ? Boy, look at all the precious metals and oil we're getting from there, huh ?

Then he's got the Iraq war too. There's a country with lots of oil, we spent fortunes in money and lives and didn't get one drop of their oil. Some imperialism.

This thread is a laughingstock. The US hasn't engaged in imperialism for decades, and is currently the # 1 VICTIM of imperialism, losing over $100 Billion/year to the nations who really ARE engaging in imperialism, Mexico, China, India, et al.
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I already addressed this three times, but here it is for the 4th time, this is the first sentence written in the OP:

"Incomplete list of Imperialism and mass murder, and assorted military actions of the U.S."

The list was a list of U.S. military actions from wikipedia, as was mentioned previously, and I added some things. The primary purpose of the list is to show the U.S. meddling in other nation's affairs, and invading their nations and overthrowing their governments, and committing mass murder, or simply performing various military actions in other nations primarily. The term 'and' in the English language, was already explained from a quote on wikipedia on logical conjunction, it doesn't mean every single event in the list was 'Imperialist' or 'mass murder'.

The reason I put the entire (incomplete) list of military actions, was to impress on anyone that the U.S. has been meddling in other nation's affairs, and violating other peoples human rights for a very...........long.............time.

There exist lists of nations the U.S. has bombed in violation of International Law and human rights; there are lists of covert U.S. foreign regime change actions, e.g., governments the CIA has overthrown in violation of International Law and human rights; there are lists of economic sanctions and embargoes the U.S. has perpetrated on other peoples in violation of human rights. I did not include all of those American Imperialist actions, but they ought to all be included.

It is correct that Waco, Ruby Ridge, The Covenant the Sword and the Arm of the Lord, etc., were all human rights violations done by the government against U.S. citizens, among many others, however, I did not include them because, as I already stated it is an incomplete list of military actions done by the U.S. government, and the main focus was on events outside of America.

A couple of people here accused me of "liberal" ideas (implicitly and explicitly), in reality the liberals support mass murder and Imperialism, too. The vote to commit mass murder in Iraq on Oct. 11 2002 had 110 Democrat congressional votes in favor of murdering Iraqi children to continue the PNAC and its predecessor the Oded Yinon Plan and the General Wesley Clark interview from 1991, in which he said he had received orders that the goal is to "destabilize the Middle East".

Hillary Clinton who is often categorized as "liberal", voted in favor of murdering Iraqi children and babies on a mass scale in 2002.

Bernie Sanders is often categorized as "liberal" and he voted in favor of committing mass murder in Yugoslavia in the Kosovo NATO resolution; he voted for appropriations to support both the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, even though he voted against the Iraq war resolution; he voted in favor of a no fly zone in Libya which is a violation of human rights and an Imperialist action against a sovereign state.

Joseph Biden Jr is often categorized as "liberal" and he wrote a resolution authorizing the executive branch to commit mass murder in Yugoslavia on March 23, 1999; he also voted in favor of committing mass murder on Iraqi children and babies; he also wrote the Patriot Act in its original form known as Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995 and this act is often blamed on conservatives, and it is a violation of human rights.

Kosovo resolution (1999 - S.Con.Res. 21)

The Secretary of the Treasury is an executive branch cabinet, and this has been under the authority of "liberals" at the present and yet they have been passing sanction after sanction against other nations, in violation of human rights and as acts of Imperialism which often harm children and have caused them to starve to death, e.g., in Iraq in the 1990s 500000 starved because of sanctions and Madeline Albright who is likely a dual-Israeli citizen, suggested those deaths were worth it.

The U.S. Executive branch at present, is widely considered "liberal" and yet it violated the U.S. Constitution (only Congress has the power to declare war) and International Law, and human rights, by bombing and committing mass murder in Libya in 2011, while the CIA was on the ground arming mercenaries from other nations to overthrow the government of Libya. This was imperialism and it was executed by "liberals" including Hillary Clinton's involvement. Gaddafi had the radical notion that Libyans should benefit from Libyan oil, not foreigners, and the people who control America have been against him ever since.

"On July 21, 1970 the revolutionary council issued a special law to regain wealth stolen from the Libyan people by Italian oppressors (as stated by Gaddafi in a speech a few days later). With this law, Italians who had long lived in Libya were required to leave the country by October 7, 1970. October 7 would be celebrated as the Day of Revenge, a Libyan national holiday. About 20,000 Italians and 37,000 Jews were expelled from the country." From wikipedia 'Day of Revenge'

Day of Revenge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 'liberals' defended the Iraq War at the time, as a "humanitarian intervention", nowadays they claim they are against it, but it is too late for the million-plus murders, including babies and children.

The U.S. government is guilty of war crimes and human rights violations across the planet, and across many, many decades, in the quest to achieve global domination and empire.

Why do so many people in America, whether on the right or left, support mass murder when it is their government committing mass murder and imperialism?
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Why are people accusing me, implicitly and explicitly, of advocating "liberalism", when I quoted the following in post #7:

"That the people have a right to keep and bear arms; that a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defence of a free state; that standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty" (Virginia Convention 27 June 1788).

"That the people have a right to bear arms, for the defence of the State; and, as standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be kept up" (North Carolina constitution 18 December 1776).

"A militia when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves, and render regular troops in great measure unnecesary" ('The Federal Farmer' or Richard Henry Lee).

"Men of republican principles have been jealous of a standing army as dangerous of liberty [...] The standing army of Caesar destroyed the Roman republic. The standing army of Cromwell turned the Long Parliament out of doors" ('The Wealth of Nations' by Adam Smith). Development of the right to bear arms in England.

"The militia, sir, is our ultimate safety. We can have no security without it [...] The great object is, that every man be armed [...] Everyone who is able may have a gun.
Congress, by the power of taxation, by that of raising an army, and by their control over the militia, have the sword in one hand, and the purse in the other. Shall we be safe without either? Congress have an unlimited power over both: they are entirely given up by us. Let him candidly tell me, where and when did freedom exist, when the sword and purse were given up from the people? Unless a miracle in human affairs interposed, no nation ever retained its liberty after the loss of the sword and the purse" (Patrick Henry).

"Mercenary armies [...] have at one time or another subverted the liberties of almost all the Countries they have been raised to defend" (George Washington).

"Arms in the hands of citizens [may] be used at individual discretion [...] in private self-defence" (John Adams).

"What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty" (Elbridge Gerry).

"The militia, who are in fact the effective part of the people at large, will render many troops quite unnecessary. They will form a powerful check upon the regular troops, and will generally be sufficient to overawe them" (Tench Coxe).

"Wherever standing armies are kept up, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction" (St. George Tucker).

"The right of bearing arms - which with us is not limited and restrained by an arbitrary system of game laws as in England; but, is particularly enjoyed by every citizen, and is among his most valuable privileges, since it furnishes the means of resisting as a freeman ought, the inroads of usurpation" (Henry St. George Tucker).

"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of people are armed" (Noah Webster).

"[...] The powers of the sword are in the hands of the yeomanry of America from sixteen to sixty. The militia of these free commonwealths, entitled and accustomed to their arms, when compared to any possible army must be tremendous and irresistible. Who are these militia? Are they not our selves. Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each against his own bosom. Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other birthright of an American [...] [T]he unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people" (Pennsylvania Gazette 20 February 1788 on the proposed Constitution by a Pennsylvanian).

The sources are cited for the original documents quoted here in 'The Second Amendment Primer' by Les Adams, if anyone wants to see them.

The founders of America considered a standing army to be one of the greatest threats to liberty, of one's own nation, as well as of other nations not one's own. America has been misled and misguided far away and off track from the visions of the founders and their fear of standing militaries or mercenaries.

That is the point. The American government would not be committing mass murder all over the world, if there were not standing armies. There are 700 or more, American military bases spread throughout the world. This is an empire.

Is advocating the natural human right to self-defense a 'liberal' position? I thought 'liberals' were against natural human rights including, the 2nd amendment and 4th amendment of the U.S. Constitution; the freedom of association ruling of the Supreme Court in NAACP v. Alabama (1958) when it is applied to white ethnic groups, for example?
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In response to the strange assertions, in denial of all the facts and evidence, that America is no longer Imperialistic: here is the key to understanding the new Imperialism model, which I will have to requote from my previous post #25 in this thread, since the modus operandi at this forum is apparently not reading previous posts prior to posting:

On the new imperialism:
The reason the old type of colonialism or imperialism disappeared is because International Finance wanted to control and regulate and harvest the other nations like large plantations, through unequal currency exchange rates, and creating a structure of debt enslavement to each nation's government, along with the use of sanctions rather than physical coercion to accomplish the same thing: colonialism or imperialism. It is more efficient than physical colonialism and along the same principle of the Hazard Circular of 1862:

"Slavery is likely to be abolished by the war power, and all chattel slavery abolished. This I and my European friends are in favor of, for slavery is but the owning of labor and carries with it the care of the laborers, while the European plan, led on by England, is that capital shall control labor by controlling wages. The great debt that capitalists will see to it is made out of the war must be used as a means to control the volume of money; to accomplish this the bonds must be used as a banking basis. We are now waiting for the Secretary of the Treasury to make this recommendation to Congress. It will not do to allow the greenback, as it is called, to circulate as money any length of time, as we cannot control that. But we can control the bonds, and through them the bank issue" (Hazard Circular of 1862).

However, the 700 or more military bases in other nations, are still physical Imperialism.

For those who are interested in understanding, Read:
'The Creature From Jekyll Island' by Griffin
'Why Is Your Country At War and What Happens to You After the War' by Charles Lindbergh
'The Secrets of the Federal Reserve' by Eustace Mullins
'Confessions of an Economic Hitman' by John Perkins
'A Republic, Not An Empire' by Pat Buchanan
'None Dare Call It Conspiracy' by Gary Allen
'Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq' by Stephen Kinzer
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The reason Americans do not comprehend the enormity of the evil and human rights violations of what their government has done to other nations and peoples in the quest for global domination and Empire, will be shown by analogy:

1. a)"The frog lived down in a well where there was all he had to live. One day, a softshelled turtle came by and told him about the sea. 'The sea? Hah! It's paradise in here. Nothing can be better than this well. Why don't you come down and share my joy?'
The turtle tried, and failed as the mouth of the well was too small. 'Why don't you go see the sea instead? During Yu the Great's reign, there was flooding for nine out of ten years, yet the sea barely grew an inch. During Tang of Shang's reign, droughts were experienced in seven out of eight years, yet the sea hardly shrank. Being unaffected by such disasters is the joy of living in the sea.'
Moral: Some ignorant people know nothing aside from their own world." - From:
Chinese Stories/The frog of the well - Wikibooks, open books for an open world

b) The Sufi and Hindu versions are similar to the Chinese version, in that one cannot talk about the ocean to a frog in the well, because the frog will laugh and not believe a boundless water can exist, since it only knows its own well. The well is the culture, and the ocean means living beyond the boundaries of the paradigms of the culture. This has a multiple level of meaning, however.

c) The Vedanta version is, "The man without viveka is like a frog in the well; just as the frog in the well does not know anything either of good or of bad and so dies in his ignorance in the well itself, in the same way men, vainly born in Brahmanda, do not know either good or bad regarding themselves and are born only to die in ignorance" (Tripura Rahasya).

What this means at a deeper level, goes beyond the discussion, but it is similar to having a narrow view of the world and supporting mass murder of other peoples by one's own government, due to being trapped in the well of one's own upbringing and the paradigms of the culture, in this case, American culture.

2) Sufi and Hindu story: The fish in the ocean are not aware of the existence of the ocean, because it surrounds them completely and so the fish are not aware of either the ocean itself: that it exists, nor are the fish aware of the world outside the ocean. This also has a deeper metaphysical meaning.

3) The film the Matrix, is likely derived from ancient metaphysics, but it can be interpreted as the paradigms of one's own culture, in this case American Imperialistic culture.

In other words, the doctrine of Imperialism is so strongly infused into Americans and completely surrounds them like the ocean, in every form of public dialogue, that regardless of which sides or x-y axis of the political spectrums they are on, they typically never even realize that their government (and propagandists whether on the right or left) are Imperialistic mass murderers. Americans whether right or left, believe their government has the right to destroy any other group of people or nations, whether through outright murder and terrorist actions, or economic sanctions. The American people believe this so blindly that they cannot even comprehend the enormity of what the American government has done, nor can they comprehend that they are in actuality, supporting Empire and mass murder on a global scale, done nowadays under the cloak of 'humanitarianism' which is pure propaganda by the descendants of Edward Bernays.

The assertion was made that certain nations should not be allowed to have nuclear weapons, but if Americans believe in the right to self defense, then how can Americans deny that same right to other peoples or nations? This is hypocrisy and double-standards. Oftentimes conservative dual Israeli citizen propagandists feed this propaganda line to their audience - the conservative audience which believe in the right to self-defense for all people (except ones outside of America). The reason the propagandists do this, is to ensure no other nation can defend themselves from the American Empire. It is the same reason many of the dual-Israeli citizens and liberals, want to ban guns in America. So that the people cannot defend themselves from the government when the government becomes overtly tyrannical.

What America did in the Ukraine in recent years is just another example of American Imperialism, and everyone knows it; the liberals get angry when conservatives support Putin, but the reality is that America had no right to be meddling in Ukraine and installing Yatsenyuk as the Prime Minister - which was revealed by Russia, in the leaked American ambassador telephone conversation. The CIA was in Ukraine at that time and they still are there "advising" the Ukrainian military. The American propagandists program Americans to hate Putin because he kicked out many of the non-Slavic oligarchs who had robbed the Russian people and society during the conversion of the Russian political system with the help of financiers in America, so they train Americans to hate Putin. Listen to Putin's speeches and responses to the Americans on youtube and ask yourself, who is the evil here, Putin or American government officials, and the liars in the American news media who omit important details about Putin and what he actually says. The American news media treatment of Putin is the standard propaganda tactic of demonizing a leader or nation that stands in the way of American Imperialism.
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Why do so many people in America, whether on the right or left, support mass murder when it is their government committing mass murder and imperialism?

Because, unlike you, they are not programmed by the far left to be robots repeating mantras from 50 years ago, and talking about things that don't exist. The fact that you include Afghanistan, shows that you are detached from what is happening. I doubt that you have a slightest clue as to why American troops have been there for 14 years now. You don't know, do you ?
The assertion was made that certain nations should not be allowed to have nuclear weapons, but if Americans believe in the right to self defense, then how can Americans deny that same right to other peoples or nations? This is hypocrisy and double-standards. .

You don't get it. The American people and their elected representitives aren't in the business of administering equality around the world. That would be a nice thing, for sure, but it takes a backseat to the US govt's # 1 priority (ie. NATIONAL SECURITY OF THE USA). If that means us having nuclear weapons and Pakistan or Iran not having them, then we should be doing everything in our power to see to it that they do not have those weapons. National Security is the point of reference that we must operate on, not equality. This is a fundamental point that liberals never seem to be able to get into their thick skulls. You won't have much equality if you're DEAD.
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In response to the strange assertions, in denial of all the facts and evidence, that America is no longer Imperialistic: here is the key to understanding the new Imperialism model, which I will have to requote from my previous post #25 in this thread, since the modus operandi at this forum is apparently not reading previous posts prior to posting:

On the new imperialism:r
THIS is the new imperialism >>>

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012

And if there are 700 US military bases around the world, there probably ought to be 800.

2 hours of videos = ZERO post. Nobody is going to spend even a fraction of that much time watching them. If you have a point, just say it. As for Muslims, I don't take walks in the shoes of people who condone:

1. mass genocide (Koran 8:12, 9"5, 9:123, et al),

2. wife-beating (Koran 4:34),

3. Rape (Koran 4:24, 23: 1-6, 70:29-30, 2;223),

4. Pedophilia (Koran 65:4),

5. Lying/taqiyya (Koran 16:106, 3:28),

6. Slavery (Koran 24:32-33, et al),

7. Torture (Koran 5:33, 8:12, 24:2, + numerous quotes in the Hadith),

8. Animal cruelty (Eid al-Adha),

9. Sex discrimination against women (Koran 2:223, 4:34, 4:11, 2:282, 4:24, 4:3),

10. Various intolerances that conflict with western culture (any religion other than Islam, dogs, alcoholic beverages, pork products, anything depicting pigs (ex. kid's piggy bank)

The following link lists 537 intolerance suras of the Koran >>

Intolerance in the Quran
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