IMPORTANT: canadians to invite 10K potential terrorists to North America

canadians to invite 10K potential terrorists to North America

Seriously...these canadian assholes are inviting 10,0000 potential terrorists to live in North America. WTF is the matter with these assholes. WTF is the matter with Americans that they are not up in arms about this. The canadian border to the US is extremely porous. canadian intelligence is piss poor and there is already a problem with terrorists being recruited and grown in canada. So now, they are bringing 10K potential terrorists to North America. Are you serious.
If they're not up in arms about Obama giving weapons to al Qaeda, I don't see them getting up in arms about muslims moving to Canada. Besides that, you should be more concerned about Mexico. Not only do muslim terroriss enter the country from the southern border, the Mexicans themselves (the illegals) are doing more damage economically than muslims have done violently.

The authorities say that the threat is more dangerous from the North than the South. Yeah, illegal immigration is bad...but I would rather have Mexicans than terrorists any day.

Canadian Border Bigger Terror Threat Than Mexican Border, Says Border Patrol Chief | CNS News

U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency has apprehended more suspected terrorists on the nation’s northern border than along its southern counterpart, CBP Commissioner Alan Bersin said Tuesday.

“In terms of the terrorist threat, it’s commonly accepted that the more significant threat” comes from the U.S.-Canada border, Bersin told a hearing of the Senate Judiciary subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees, and Border Security.

Illegal Immigrants Coming in Through Canada

Suicide bomber killed in Iraq part of wider jihadi base in Calgary - Canada - CBC News
I won't argue, you may very well be right, but it doesn't really matter which border they're getting through, the reason they're able to get in is because we don't secure our borders. If we did, we wouldn't have to worry about either one. They could both keep their terrorist friends and drug dealers in their own country, it wouldn't be our problem. It's only our problem now because we let it be.
Awww...Pogo ran away. I guess he doesn't want to answer the question because he knows I am right. How pathetic is that?
He's only here to inflame, he can't be taken seriously anyway. You'll never get an honest discussion out of him.
Awww...Pogo ran away. I guess he doesn't want to answer the question because he knows I am right. How pathetic is that?
He's only here to inflame, he can't be taken seriously anyway. You'll never get an honest discussion out of him.

Honest discussion...all I did was ask if it is smart to invite 10K refugees to North America from a terrorist nation? He won't answer because I am is a stupid thing to do and Americans should be outraged about this.
That's alright...these Syrian refugees will do a little more than tip you stupid canucks. Being canada, you guys will be praising Allah in 2 years. I guess that is a good thing...Uncle Sam will wake up and be forced to retake the land that is rightfully ours.
I ask again...Do you think it is wise to bring 10K refugees from a terrorist state to North America. Everyone seems to want to attack the messenger and ignore this REAL issue.
That attitude is what is going to bring another terror attack to the states. Having inept neighbors will be the downfall of America. This is all the reason Uncle Sam needs to take over canada...that attitude is going to cause Americans to die.
Seriously, Nutz, you're being paranoid. Just chill. There are already far more than 10k Muslims in Canada and even in the US now. FAR more. A terrorist attack is inevitably going to happen at some point in the future, and it'll either be a foreign extremist or a domestic one or groups thereof. So just relax, and maybe avoid obvious targets.
Seriously, Nutz, you're being paranoid. Just chill. There are already far more than 10k Muslims in Canada and even in the US now. FAR more. A terrorist attack is inevitably going to happen at some point in the future, and it'll either be a foreign extremist or a domestic one or groups thereof. So just relax, and maybe avoid obvious targets.

The difference, canada is importing extremism when we don't want or need it in North America. It is just stupid to invite 10K potential terrorist on North American land. This move is an insult to America and all we have done for the canucks.
Seriously, Nutz, you're being paranoid. Just chill. There are already far more than 10k Muslims in Canada and even in the US now. FAR more. A terrorist attack is inevitably going to happen at some point in the future, and it'll either be a foreign extremist or a domestic one or groups thereof. So just relax, and maybe avoid obvious targets.

The difference, canada is importing extremism when we don't want or need it in North America. It is just stupid to invite 10K potential terrorist on North American land. This move is an insult to America and all we have done for the canucks.
Canadians are like young liberals in the U.S. in the 60's and 70's. They think if they embrace those who hate us, those who hate us won't hate us anymore. Boy, are THEY gonna get an education???
That attitude is what is going to bring another terror attack to the states. Having inept neighbors will be the downfall of America. This is all the reason Uncle Sam needs to take over canada...that attitude is going to cause Americans to die.


I used to think you were serious.

You're hilarious.

I applaud your deft trolling.


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