Impose A $20-million Limit On Accumulated Personal Assets!


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
In the interest of preserving the strength and social integrity of the American Nation I propose that in addition to an equitably progressive tax rate a limit of $20,000,000 (twenty-million dollars) be imposed on all personal assets and that any assets in excess of that amount be confiscated by the Internal Revenue Service. This would ensure the continued ability to acquire and retain reasonable personal wealth while eliminating the harmful potential of excessive wealth and the emergence of a financial aristocracy which could operate to undermine the nature of our democratic republic.

In addition to the above, I propose that laws be enacted to finance all federal and state elections with public money and that no candidate or elected official be permitted to accept any form of contribution or gift, whether money or anything of value, from any constituent, political supporter or other person or entity. The only exception being acceptance of ordinary and unexceptional gifts from relatives or close personal friends. Any violation of this proscription shall be subject to severe criminal penalties.
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In the interest of preserving the strength and social integrity of the American Nation I propose that in addition to an equitably progressive tax rate a limit of $20,000,000 (twenty-million dollars) be imposed on all personal assets and that any assets in excess of that amount be confiscated by the Internal Revenue Service. This would ensure the continued ability to acquire and retain reasonable personal wealth while eliminating the potentially harmful potential of excessive wealth and the emergence of a financial aristocracy which could operate to undermine the nature of our democratic republic.

In addition to the above, I propose that laws be enacted to finance all federal and state elections with public money and that no candidate or elected official be permitted to accept any form of contribution or gift, whether money or anything of value, from any constituent, political supporter or other person or entity. The only exception being acceptance of ordinary and unexceptional gifts from relatives or close personal friends. Any violation of this proscription shall be subject to severe criminal penalties.
I've seen some amazingly stupid shit from the OP, but this class warfare garbage from this moronic idiot takes the damn cake.

So, business owners with a company worth over 20 million will have that business confiscated by the government.

All professional sports teams will be confiscated by the government.

And on and on and on.

What a fuckin' anti-american idiot!:cuckoo:
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Hmmmm, I wonder how long it would take before the government collapsed in your system. 10 years? Maybe as much as 15. Then the governement would collapse into revolution. A bunch of morons like the OP would be put against a handy wall and after 20 or more years of abject misery the second revolution would hopefully begin to set things on the correct course again.

You need to read some history bucko.
This is the dumbest idea I've ever heard. Have you considered moving to Cuba or North Korea? You'd fit right in there.
In the interest of preserving the strength and social integrity of the American Nation I propose that in addition to an equitably progressive tax rate a limit of $20,000,000 (twenty-million dollars) be imposed on all personal assets and that any assets in excess of that amount be confiscated by the Internal Revenue Service. This would ensure the continued ability to acquire and retain reasonable personal wealth while eliminating the harmful potential of excessive wealth and the emergence of a financial aristocracy which could operate to undermine the nature of our democratic republic.

In addition to the above, I propose that laws be enacted to finance all federal and state elections with public money and that no candidate or elected official be permitted to accept any form of contribution or gift, whether money or anything of value, from any constituent, political supporter or other person or entity. The only exception being acceptance of ordinary and unexceptional gifts from relatives or close personal friends. Any violation of this proscription shall be subject to severe criminal penalties.

I propose that all brain dead retards be euthanized.

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In the interest of preserving the strength and social integrity of the American Nation I propose that in addition to an equitably progressive tax rate a limit of $20,000,000 (twenty-million dollars) be imposed on all personal assets and that any assets in excess of that amount be confiscated by the Internal Revenue Service. This would ensure the continued ability to acquire and retain reasonable personal wealth while eliminating the harmful potential of excessive wealth and the emergence of a financial aristocracy which could operate to undermine the nature of our democratic republic.

In addition to the above, I propose that laws be enacted to finance all federal and state elections with public money and that no candidate or elected official be permitted to accept any form of contribution or gift, whether money or anything of value, from any constituent, political supporter or other person or entity. The only exception being acceptance of ordinary and unexceptional gifts from relatives or close personal friends. Any violation of this proscription shall be subject to severe criminal penalties.

He trots out this idea every few months. Don't feed the trolls.

In the interest of preserving the strength and social integrity of the American Nation I propose that in addition to an equitably progressive tax rate a limit of $20,000,000 (twenty-million dollars) be imposed on all personal assets and that any assets in excess of that amount be confiscated by the Internal Revenue Service. This would ensure the continued ability to acquire and retain reasonable personal wealth while eliminating the harmful potential of excessive wealth and the emergence of a financial aristocracy which could operate to undermine the nature of our democratic republic.

In addition to the above, I propose that laws be enacted to finance all federal and state elections with public money and that no candidate or elected official be permitted to accept any form of contribution or gift, whether money or anything of value, from any constituent, political supporter or other person or entity. The only exception being acceptance of ordinary and unexceptional gifts from relatives or close personal friends. Any violation of this proscription shall be subject to severe criminal penalties.

I propose that all brain dead retards be euthanized.

You're first on the list, Mike.

What he just suggested is Better than what you want which is kings and queens to rule the world.

I think maybe you would be first in line over the OP in your own little kingdom
In the interest of preserving the strength and social integrity of the American Nation I propose that in addition to an equitably progressive tax rate a limit of $20,000,000 (twenty-million dollars) be imposed on all personal assets and that any assets in excess of that amount be confiscated by the Internal Revenue Service. This would ensure the continued ability to acquire and retain reasonable personal wealth while eliminating the harmful potential of excessive wealth and the emergence of a financial aristocracy which could operate to undermine the nature of our democratic republic.

In addition to the above, I propose that laws be enacted to finance all federal and state elections with public money and that no candidate or elected official be permitted to accept any form of contribution or gift, whether money or anything of value, from any constituent, political supporter or other person or entity. The only exception being acceptance of ordinary and unexceptional gifts from relatives or close personal friends. Any violation of this proscription shall be subject to severe criminal penalties.

this has already been done in other countries why do you want the same old communist failed agenda?
Why do you hate immagrinats coming to America?
In the interest of preserving the strength and social integrity of the American Nation I propose that in addition to an equitably progressive tax rate a limit of $20,000,000 (twenty-million dollars) be imposed on all personal assets and that any assets in excess of that amount be confiscated by the Internal Revenue Service. This would ensure the continued ability to acquire and retain reasonable personal wealth while eliminating the harmful potential of excessive wealth and the emergence of a financial aristocracy which could operate to undermine the nature of our democratic republic.

In addition to the above, I propose that laws be enacted to finance all federal and state elections with public money and that no candidate or elected official be permitted to accept any form of contribution or gift, whether money or anything of value, from any constituent, political supporter or other person or entity. The only exception being acceptance of ordinary and unexceptional gifts from relatives or close personal friends. Any violation of this proscription shall be subject to severe criminal penalties.

I propose that all brain dead retards be euthanized.

You're first on the list, Mike.

What he just suggested is Better than what you want which is kings and queens to rule the world.

I think maybe you would be first in line over the OP in your own little kingdom

Why do democrats want to take the vote away from everybody?
In the interest of preserving the strength and social integrity of the American Nation I propose that in addition to an equitably progressive tax rate a limit of $20,000,000 (twenty-million dollars) be imposed on all personal assets and that any assets in excess of that amount be confiscated by the Internal Revenue Service. This would ensure the continued ability to acquire and retain reasonable personal wealth while eliminating the harmful potential of excessive wealth and the emergence of a financial aristocracy which could operate to undermine the nature of our democratic republic.

In addition to the above, I propose that laws be enacted to finance all federal and state elections with public money and that no candidate or elected official be permitted to accept any form of contribution or gift, whether money or anything of value, from any constituent, political supporter or other person or entity. The only exception being acceptance of ordinary and unexceptional gifts from relatives or close personal friends. Any violation of this proscription shall be subject to severe criminal penalties.

This is, I think, not a real good idea.

This idea would make the supply side deficient while greatly increasing the demand side.

While I am completely on board with a TRULY progressive system of taxation, imposing a limit on what people's net worth is not a good idea.
In the interest of preserving the strength and social integrity of the American Nation I propose that in addition to an equitably progressive tax rate a limit of $20,000,000 (twenty-million dollars) be imposed on all personal assets and that any assets in excess of that amount be confiscated by the Internal Revenue Service. This would ensure the continued ability to acquire and retain reasonable personal wealth while eliminating the potentially harmful potential of excessive wealth and the emergence of a financial aristocracy which could operate to undermine the nature of our democratic republic.

In addition to the above, I propose that laws be enacted to finance all federal and state elections with public money and that no candidate or elected official be permitted to accept any form of contribution or gift, whether money or anything of value, from any constituent, political supporter or other person or entity. The only exception being acceptance of ordinary and unexceptional gifts from relatives or close personal friends. Any violation of this proscription shall be subject to severe criminal penalties.
I've seen some amazingly stupid shit from the OP, but this class warfare garbage from this moronic idiot takes the damn cake.

So, business owners with a company worth over 20 million will have that business confiscated by the government.

All professional sports teams will be confiscated by the government.

And on and on and on.

What a fuckin' anti-american idiot!:cuckoo:

And that's not what's being suggested.

As for "Anti-American", most of the founders warned against the unbridled accumulation of wealth.
In the interest of preserving the strength and social integrity of the American Nation I propose that in addition to an equitably progressive tax rate a limit of $20,000,000 (twenty-million dollars) be imposed on all personal assets and that any assets in excess of that amount be confiscated by the Internal Revenue Service. This would ensure the continued ability to acquire and retain reasonable personal wealth while eliminating the harmful potential of excessive wealth and the emergence of a financial aristocracy which could operate to undermine the nature of our democratic republic.

In addition to the above, I propose that laws be enacted to finance all federal and state elections with public money and that no candidate or elected official be permitted to accept any form of contribution or gift, whether money or anything of value, from any constituent, political supporter or other person or entity. The only exception being acceptance of ordinary and unexceptional gifts from relatives or close personal friends. Any violation of this proscription shall be subject to severe criminal penalties.

This is, I think, not a real good idea.

This idea would make the supply side deficient while greatly increasing the demand side.

While I am completely on board with a TRULY progressive system of taxation, imposing a limit on what people's net worth is not a good idea.

Well it's like taking a meat clever where a scalpel will do. One of the major problems in this country is that most of the bottom supports the very system that makes "the top" very rich..yet the share is extremely skewed upward.

Some like a 10 to 1 rule might be in order..where the top executives in a company can make no more in total compensation the 10 times the average employee.

Or a cap on the maximum compensation in a year..of say five million.

It's good to have salary ranges..because it gives everyone something to strive for..

But this is really gotten excessive.
In the interest of preserving the strength and social integrity of the American Nation I propose that in addition to an equitably progressive tax rate a limit of $20,000,000 (twenty-million dollars) be imposed on all personal assets and that any assets in excess of that amount be confiscated by the Internal Revenue Service. This would ensure the continued ability to acquire and retain reasonable personal wealth while eliminating the harmful potential of excessive wealth and the emergence of a financial aristocracy which could operate to undermine the nature of our democratic republic.

In addition to the above, I propose that laws be enacted to finance all federal and state elections with public money and that no candidate or elected official be permitted to accept any form of contribution or gift, whether money or anything of value, from any constituent, political supporter or other person or entity. The only exception being acceptance of ordinary and unexceptional gifts from relatives or close personal friends. Any violation of this proscription shall be subject to severe criminal penalties.

This is, I think, not a real good idea.

This idea would make the supply side deficient while greatly increasing the demand side.

While I am completely on board with a TRULY progressive system of taxation, imposing a limit on what people's net worth is not a good idea.

Well it's like taking a meat clever where a scalpel will do. One of the major problems in this country is that most of the bottom supports the very system that makes "the top" very rich..yet the share is extremely skewed upward.

Some like a 10 to 1 rule might be in order..where the top executives in a company can make no more in total compensation the 10 times the average employee.

Or a cap on the maximum compensation in a year..of say five million.

It's good to have salary ranges..because it gives everyone something to strive for..

But this is really gotten excessive.

Thats basically the same as a wealth cap, just in a different form, and I don't see something like that ever getting passed.
...I propose that in addition to an equitably progressive tax rate a limit of $20,000,000 (twenty-million dollars) be imposed on all personal assets and that any assets in excess of that amount be confiscated...
That's fair. We could be more fair if we also limited--

--books to 100 pages,

--peoples life spans to a maximum of 80 years,

--sex lives to once per week,

--a maximum person's height at 5 feet 10 inches,

--homes to 2,000 square feet or 5 rooms (whichever is smaller),

--churches to 200 members.​
In the interest of preserving the strength and social integrity of the American Nation I propose that in addition to an equitably progressive tax rate a limit of $20,000,000 (twenty-million dollars) be imposed on all personal assets and that any assets in excess of that amount be confiscated by the Internal Revenue Service. This would ensure the continued ability to acquire and retain reasonable personal wealth while eliminating the harmful potential of excessive wealth and the emergence of a financial aristocracy which could operate to undermine the nature of our democratic republic.

In addition to the above, I propose that laws be enacted to finance all federal and state elections with public money and that no candidate or elected official be permitted to accept any form of contribution or gift, whether money or anything of value, from any constituent, political supporter or other person or entity. The only exception being acceptance of ordinary and unexceptional gifts from relatives or close personal friends. Any violation of this proscription shall be subject to severe criminal penalties.

Gee, Mike...what WOULD the country's billionaires do if any legislative body were to pass such an utterly stupid law? I'll give you a hint, Sparky. Since most of them already have residences in other parts of the world you'd see an exodus of billionaires and their money from the US that would reach biblical proportions. Who would then support the roughly 50% of Americans that don't pay any income tax?

You don't really think any of this stuff you, Mike?
In the interest of preserving the strength and social integrity of the American Nation I propose that in addition to an equitably progressive tax rate a limit of $20,000,000 (twenty-million dollars) be imposed on all personal assets and that any assets in excess of that amount be confiscated by the Internal Revenue Service. This would ensure the continued ability to acquire and retain reasonable personal wealth while eliminating the harmful potential of excessive wealth and the emergence of a financial aristocracy which could operate to undermine the nature of our democratic republic.

In addition to the above, I propose that laws be enacted to finance all federal and state elections with public money and that no candidate or elected official be permitted to accept any form of contribution or gift, whether money or anything of value, from any constituent, political supporter or other person or entity. The only exception being acceptance of ordinary and unexceptional gifts from relatives or close personal friends. Any violation of this proscription shall be subject to severe criminal penalties.

Well, thanks for being honest enough to confirm what the Left's ultimate goal is. Brought some of the rest of the Bolshevik cockroaches out of the woodwork too, I see. I hate to break it to you, but that's not going to happen, except in Leftist dreams; you see, we have a little thing called the constitution, and it won't allow that.
Goodbye to Private Colleges, Specialty Med institutions, Major League Sports, All symphonies and most arts, ect, ect..

Ask John Lennon why he was in NYCity..

"That's one for you --- nineteen for me"
"'Cause I'm the taxman --- yeah"

Even long-haired, dope-smoking, guru chasing, peace loving hippies from the 60s get this...

Congrats for pointing out the EXTREME Socialist threat hiding in the Democratic Party.. At least your honest in your own demented way.. Can't you Clinton Dems leash up these morons before they destroy your party? Quit bitchin' about the Tea Party and clean up your own house..

Saddest part of this is -- the money TAKEN would be in the hands of the Congress of Clowns --- not yours.
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Goodbye to Private Colleges, Specialty Med institutions, Major League Sports, All symphonies and most arts, ect, ect..

Ask John Lennon why he was in NYCity..

"That's one for you --- nineteen for me"
"'Cause I'm the taxman --- yeah"

Even long-haired, dope-smoking, guru chasing, peace loving hippies from the 60s get this...

Congrats for pointing out the EXTREME Socialist threat hiding in the Democratic Party.. At least your honest in your own demented way.. Can't you Clinton Dems leash up these morons before they destroy your party? Quit bitchin' about the Tea Party and clean up your own house..

Saddest part of this is -- the money TAKEN would be in the hands of the Congress of Clowns --- not yours.

try asking Yoko.....

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