Imposing One's View???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Yesterday, there was a thread wherein someone wrote that she was angered by religious folks 'trying to impose their view....'

I've heard that before.

But this morn, I heard the head of Planned Parenthood, asked when life begins, actually announce that "...I don't know that it's really relevant to the conversation...."

This, in a discussion of abortion.

"...I don't know that it's really relevant to the conversation...."

Is that a possible response....outside of a mental institution.....????

So....when I hear some bird-brain complain that they don't want some other view 'imposed' on them....well, that infant....the one whose incipient life really isn't relevant to the discussion....that infant won't be imposing its view.
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Isn't it amazing that everyone who is for abortion has already been born?

50 million babies murdered in this country due to abortion and every single person who is pro abortion is alive and breathing. They should all call their mothers today and thank them for not aborting them.
When the goal is the killing of the unborn and infanticide, she is right. Getting rid of them is the only goal.
I was shocked that she said in the interview - she considered her own children had life after they were born. What does that mean? That the baby kicking inside the womb isn't alive? If it isn't alive how does it kick? How old is a baby when it first kicks in the womb? Does anyone remember?

I don't think she really believes what she is saying on the video. If one of her children had died before birth would she deny she had lost a child?
I was shocked that she said in the interview - she considered her own children had life after they were born. What does that mean? That the baby kicking inside the womb isn't alive? If it isn't alive how does it kick? How old is a baby when it first kicks in the womb? Does anyone remember?

I don't think she really believes what she is saying on the video. If one of her children had died before birth would she deny she had lost a child?

"...she considered her own children had life after they were born."

Yet, I'm certain she voted for President a man who wouldn't favor saving the life of a child born as a result of a botched abortion.

Born alive....yet he was perfectly copacetic with allowing that living child to die sans medical attention.

Can't even use the bogus, false claim "it's part of her body....."

"Gingrich was presumably referencing Obama’s opposition to Illinois’ proposed version of a “born alive” law, intended to require doctors to administer immediate medical care to any infant that survived an intended found holes in Obama’s explanations as to why he did not support the “born alive” legislation..."
Fact Checking the 20th GOP Debate -
Abortion rage threads don't belong in the science folder, so I'll be asking the mods to move it. If you need a hate-fix that badly, get it elsewhere.
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Yesterday, there was a thread wherein someone wrote that she was angered by religious folks 'trying to impose their view....'

I've heard that before.

But this morn, I heard the head of Planned Parenthood, asked when life begins, actually announce that "...I don't know that it's really relevant to the conversation...."

This, in a discussion of abortion.

"...I don't know that it's really relevant to the conversation...."


Is that a possible response....outside of a mental institution.....????

So....when I hear some bird-brain complain that they don't want some other view 'imposed' on them....well, that infant....the one whose incipient life really isn't relevant to the discussion....that infant won't be imposing its view.

first... no one in my thread indicated "anger" that is false (since I assume you're referring to my thread on what non-Christians want Christians to hear.... ) so that disposes of your first incorrect statement.

as to your other... is someone forcing you to have an abortion?

didn't think so.

see how easy that was?
[MENTION=3135]jillian[/MENTION] just sliced

Abortion rage threads don't belong in the science folder, so I'll be asking the mods to move it. If you need a hate-fix that badly, get it elsewhere.

Well actually according to the OP it is a scientific topic - which we should get back to anyhow - to not derail the thread - the question is in the video the woman says that determining when life begins is an irrelevant question that doesn't pertain to the discussion. I beg to differ. It is an important question and necessary for us to arrive at the truth about what abortion is. Taking a human life.

So when does life begin and has science been able to determine whether or not a baby kicking is a sign of life in the womb? What say you all?
as to your other... is someone forcing you to have an abortion?

didn't think so.

see how easy that was?

So, as long as no one is forcing YOU to chop up your neighbor with a meat cleaver it's no problem if someone else does so. Doesn't affect you, right? Doesn't harm society, right? See how easy that was?
[MENTION=3135]jillian[/MENTION] just sliced


When I first saw the sliced ham I thought of Political Chicks threads and how they cut through the nonsense like that picture. I think she has earned her reputation as a master carver. Kudos to her for speaking her mind.

We should ALL feel free to speak our mind on this board. Not just some of us. Of course people won't agree all the time - but dialogue brings many good things and we can always try and treat others the way we want to be treated.

As Mr. H would say.......back to our regularly scheduled program now! :eusa_angel:
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as to your other... is someone forcing you to have an abortion?

didn't think so.

see how easy that was?

So, as long as no one is forcing YOU to chop up your neighbor with a meat cleaver it's no problem if someone else does so. Doesn't affect you, right? Doesn't harm society, right? See how easy that was?

Hasn't harmed society? We are missing 50 million american citizens due to abortion / planned parenthood. What do you mean it hasn't harmed society? Those were our future scientists, doctors, lawyers, military defense, school teachers, police officers, politicians... Gone. We'll never know what they would have accomplished here because someone took that chance away from them.

Still I would like to know if scientists have discovered yet when life begins. Do you know?
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Yesterday, there was a thread wherein someone wrote that she was angered by religious folks 'trying to impose their view....'

I've heard that before.

But this morn, I heard the head of Planned Parenthood, asked when life begins, actually announce that "...I don't know that it's really relevant to the conversation...."

This, in a discussion of abortion.

"...I don't know that it's really relevant to the conversation...."


Is that a possible response....outside of a mental institution.....????

So....when I hear some bird-brain complain that they don't want some other view 'imposed' on them....well, that infant....the one whose incipient life really isn't relevant to the discussion....that infant won't be imposing its view.

first... no one in my thread indicated "anger" that is false (since I assume you're referring to my thread on what non-Christians want Christians to hear.... ) so that disposes of your first incorrect statement.

as to your other... is someone forcing you to have an abortion?

didn't think so.

see how easy that was?

Well, aren't you the nasty one?

The ugly guy has a really good looking picture of that ham there, so let's see if I can have some fun slicing up your post!

1."...that is false .... so that disposes of your first incorrect statement."

Since I never tell a falsehood, you must be incorrect.

2. And, the proof is right in that line: "...since I assume..."

And...when you 'assume,' you often look like an 'ass.'

3. "as to your other... is someone forcing you to have an abortion?"

By extension, you must be saying that if you aren't involved in murder, well, then, why would you be opposed to murder?

That would be a stupid attitude, wouldn't it?

4. And I know you don't suffer from attention deficit disorder, so I wonder why you seem to have missed the point of the OP....that the head of Planned Parenthood, the 'Abortions 'r' Us emporium, claimed that it is of no consequence whether we are discussing a living thing to opposed to the so very vacuous excuse that it isn't a living thing....

"...I don't know that it's really relevant to the conversation...."

A truly stunning statement....isn't it?

So....have you an opinion about Ms. Richards' statement?

Don't be shy.

...see how easy that was?
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as to your other... is someone forcing you to have an abortion?

didn't think so.

see how easy that was?

So, as long as no one is forcing YOU to chop up your neighbor with a meat cleaver it's no problem if someone else does so. Doesn't affect you, right? Doesn't harm society, right? See how easy that was?

Hasn't harmed society? We are missing 50 million american citizens due to abortion / planned parenthood. What do you mean it hasn't harmed society?

Are you on drugs, or is English not your first language?
the question is in the video the woman says that determining when life begins is an irrelevant question that doesn't pertain to the discussion.

If you approach the abortion issue from a personal liberty standpoint, it has no bearing.

So when does life begin

Life began a billion years ago or so. Life has no beginning; it's a continuum. Sperm and egg were clearly alive, so saying life begins at conception is plainly incorrect. Saying an individual life begins at conception is also plainly incorrect, given that the unfertilized egg is alive and individual.

"Life" is basically a red herring that pro-lifers use to deflect from the issue of whether any given "life" is morally significant.

Hasn't harmed society? We are missing 50 million american citizens due to abortion / planned parenthood. What do you mean it hasn't harmed society? Those were our future scientists, doctors, lawyers, military defense, school teachers, police officers, politicians... Gone. We'll never know what they would have accomplished here because someone took that chance away from them.

By that standard, not breeding to the maximum extent is immoral, in that it removes the chance of life from potential people.
Yesterday, there was a thread wherein someone wrote that she was angered by religious folks 'trying to impose their view....'

I've heard that before.

But this morn, I heard the head of Planned Parenthood, asked when life begins, actually announce that "...I don't know that it's really relevant to the conversation...."

This, in a discussion of abortion.

"...I don't know that it's really relevant to the conversation...."

Is that a possible response....outside of a mental institution.....????

So....when I hear some bird-brain complain that they don't want some other view 'imposed' on them....well, that infant....the one whose incipient life really isn't relevant to the discussion....that infant won't be imposing its view.

I must say they never cease to amaze me. Remember this one?

The shocking moment a Florida Planned Parenthood lobbyist defended doctor-assisted INFANTICIDE when babies are born alive after botched abortions

Planned Parenthood rep: Decision about whether to save a baby born alive 'should be between the patient and the health care provider'

Lawmaker: 'I think that at that point, the patient would be the child struggling on a table. Wouldn't you agree?'

Bill text: 'An infant born alive during or immediately after attempted abortion is entitled to the same rights, powers, and privileges as any other child'

In Florida Legislature, Planned Parenthood lobbyist defends doctor-assisted infanticide when babies are born alive after botched abortions | Mail Online
"Personal liberty" for whom?

All people, of course. Everyone's body belongs to themselves, and nobody has the right to use another's body. Under those standards, the personhood status of a fetus is not relevant.

Why would you post that knowing you blatantly contradict yourself?

Because I assumed you could understand differing verb tenses were involved. My bad.
"Personal liberty" for whom?

All people, of course. Everyone's body belongs to themselves, and nobody has the right to use another's body. Under those standards, the personhood status of a fetus is not relevant..

Under exactly those standards (which are not legally accurate, btw) especially the "personhood status" of everyone involved is most relevant.

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