Improving the American Healthcare System


Silver Member
Jun 1, 2013
My personal viewpoint is that the American healthcare system is becoming too expensive.

This represents an economic risk for America due to an increasing elderly population and an increase in government spending.

Healthcare has become the main expense of the government as of year 2013

Although America has the highest healthcare expense as a percentage of the GDP ( both private and public ) it doesn't have the highest life expectancy in the world ( nor the best medical care ).

As a foundation for a constructive debate I would like to use the following article from the Washington Post :

"Disparity in medical billing" by "Wilson Andrews"

( Sory for not puting in a link this is my first post and apparently I am now allowed to post links )
According to the above articles the synergy between insurance companies and hospitals is not working in the best interest of consumers.

Also there is an interesting development in Maryland as it has ( by far ) the lowest healthcare rates in the USA.

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