In 1 minute, california gun owners go from Law abiding citizens to felons, without firing a shot...

Actually it does matter how much time they had. That was my question. If it didnt matter to me I wouldnt have asked. If they knew before hand they had to register then thats their retarded fault for not doing it. They knew they should have been registered long before today.
What about that one gun left over from the hood, felon?
What about it?
That's the one that negates all your other posts and makes you a felon.
How so? Please cite your proof I am a felon. I need california law not your opinions.

"Owning an unregistered handgun in California is not a crime."
Ah. Your unregistered assault rifle left over from the hood has magically turned into a handgun. Cool.

What about those whose assault rifles were handed down through family? Lock 'em up?

Comrade, what exactly is an "assault rifle"?
What about that one gun left over from the hood, felon?
What about it?
That's the one that negates all your other posts and makes you a felon.
How so? Please cite your proof I am a felon. I need california law not your opinions.

"Owning an unregistered handgun in California is not a crime."
Ah. Your unregistered assault rifle left over from the hood has magically turned into a handgun. Cool.

What about those whose assault rifles were handed down through family? Lock 'em up?

Comrade, what exactly is an "assault rifle"?

Assault rifle - Wikipedia
What about it?
That's the one that negates all your other posts and makes you a felon.
How so? Please cite your proof I am a felon. I need california law not your opinions.

"Owning an unregistered handgun in California is not a crime."
Ah. Your unregistered assault rifle left over from the hood has magically turned into a handgun. Cool.

What about those whose assault rifles were handed down through family? Lock 'em up?

Comrade, what exactly is an "assault rifle"?

Assault rifle - Wikipedia
You realize that wiki is not really a reliable source right?
It is a compendium that virtually anyone can contribute to or alter.
any that a 4473 form that you filled out traces back to you even though the feds so it isnt so

My point was that with over 50 firearms I don't really keep a list of which guns I filled out the 4473 to acquire and ones that I traded or bought from private sellers. I bought all my Colt 6920s from a dealer so I know they are traceable but a good portion of the others I simply don't remember (or care).

If it ever gets to the point of confiscation based upon the info from the 4473s then I think there will be a revolution going on and we will be using the firearms for the real purpose the Second Amendment was created for.

I will never give up my firearms. The day they come to take them by force will be a bad day for me but it also will be a bad day for the thugs that come to do the confiscation. They better be on their A game because I will not easily give up my Constitutional rights.

at this point it is only takes a spark

California wants to confiscate guns..... first, they have to get the citizens to register those guns .... which is what the new law does in California...if you do not register your Semi automatic rifle for later confiscation by midnight, you go from law abiding citizen at 11:59 to felon at 12:00 a.m. without ever using your gun to shoot anyone or to commit any crime....

Meanwhile.... the criminals in California continue to use their illegal guns for rape, robbery and murder...

BREAKING: California "Assault Weapons" Registration Site Crashing As Midnight Deadline Nears - The Truth About Guns

f firearms are not registered before the deadline, gun owners could be charged with a felony and receive up to eight years in prison.
Where is the proof that all citizens of the USA in California have become convicted felons?
any that a 4473 form that you filled out traces back to you even though the feds so it isnt so

My point was that with over 50 firearms I don't really keep a list of which guns I filled out the 4473 to acquire and ones that I traded or bought from private sellers. I bought all my Colt 6920s from a dealer so I know they are traceable but a good portion of the others I simply don't remember (or care).

If it ever gets to the point of confiscation based upon the info from the 4473s then I think there will be a revolution going on and we will be using the firearms for the real purpose the Second Amendment was created for.

I will never give up my firearms. The day they come to take them by force will be a bad day for me but it also will be a bad day for the thugs that come to do the confiscation. They better be on their A game because I will not easily give up my Constitutional rights.
The real purpose of the second amendment is to murder public officials? Someone`s pulling your chain a little bit with that nonsense.
"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops."
- Noah Webster
When were they told to register the assault weapons? Yesterday? Usually you know at least by the 1rst of the year.

What law says they are going to later be confiscated?

The fact that they want to register the guns.... the only reason to register guns is for later confiscation.....there is no other reason.
My guns are registered and they havent been confiscated. Please show me where they are going to confiscate the guns. I cant depend on your conspiracy theories. Also you didnt answer when these people were told to register their assault weapons. Why are you stalling?
Your guns are registered? lol, you lie.
According to the left, blacks lack the intelligence to get an identification card, so it would be highly unlikely he could register a weapon.
My guns are registered and they havent been confiscated. Please show me where they are going to confiscate the guns. I cant depend on your conspiracy theories. Also you didnt answer when these people were told to register their assault weapons. Why are you stalling?
They haven't been confiscated YET

There is no need for the government to know if you own guns
So when are they going to be confiscated? How long is this going to take?

I don't pretend to know the future

There is no other reason for the government to want to know if a law abiding citizen owns a gun
Are you sure about that? So if I shoot someone and throw the gun in the river, how will they know its mine if its not registered to me?

Then why not register every other weapon that can be used to commit murder?

I mean if you beat someone to death with a baseball bat and throw it in the river how are the cops going to know it's yours?

Registering guns has nothing to do with the murder rate
I didnt say registering guns has anything to do with the murder rate. I said how would they locate the owner of the gun used in the crime? A baseball bat was not created to shoot people. it was created to play baseball with. Requiring that people to register an instrument created specifically to do harm to a living entity doesnt mean other tools that could possibly be used to harm someone should be registered. This is not an all or nothing deal. It would be incredibly stupid to have people register say a fork or a rock or as you specified a baseball bat. You think government is large now. What do you think would happen if they took your suggestion to register bats?
What about that one gun left over from the hood, felon?
What about it?
That's the one that negates all your other posts and makes you a felon.
How so? Please cite your proof I am a felon. I need california law not your opinions.

"Owning an unregistered handgun in California is not a crime."
Ah. Your unregistered assault rifle left over from the hood has magically turned into a handgun. Cool.

What about those whose assault rifles were handed down through family? Lock 'em up?

Comrade, what exactly is an "assault rifle"?
Anything that can be used to assault somebody. :p
What about it?
That's the one that negates all your other posts and makes you a felon.
How so? Please cite your proof I am a felon. I need california law not your opinions.

"Owning an unregistered handgun in California is not a crime."
Ah. Your unregistered assault rifle left over from the hood has magically turned into a handgun. Cool.

What about those whose assault rifles were handed down through family? Lock 'em up?

Comrade, what exactly is an "assault rifle"?
Anything that can be used to assault somebody. :p
Youre floundering badly every since you claimed I said I had an "assault rifle". :laugh:
That's the one that negates all your other posts and makes you a felon.
How so? Please cite your proof I am a felon. I need california law not your opinions.

"Owning an unregistered handgun in California is not a crime."
Ah. Your unregistered assault rifle left over from the hood has magically turned into a handgun. Cool.

What about those whose assault rifles were handed down through family? Lock 'em up?

Comrade, what exactly is an "assault rifle"?
Anything that can be used to assault somebody. :p
Youre floundering badly every since you claimed I said I had an "assault rifle". :laugh:
Too late, Schlomo. The charade is over. :)
That's the one that negates all your other posts and makes you a felon.
How so? Please cite your proof I am a felon. I need california law not your opinions.

"Owning an unregistered handgun in California is not a crime."
Ah. Your unregistered assault rifle left over from the hood has magically turned into a handgun. Cool.

What about those whose assault rifles were handed down through family? Lock 'em up?

Comrade, what exactly is an "assault rifle"?

Assault rifle - Wikipedia
You realize that wiki is not really a reliable source right?
It is a compendium that virtually anyone can contribute to or alter.

You do realize that everything on wikipedia has to be backed up with sources?

So if they are wrong, prove them wrong. Otherwise, they're right.
How so? Please cite your proof I am a felon. I need california law not your opinions.

"Owning an unregistered handgun in California is not a crime."
Ah. Your unregistered assault rifle left over from the hood has magically turned into a handgun. Cool.

What about those whose assault rifles were handed down through family? Lock 'em up?

Comrade, what exactly is an "assault rifle"?
Anything that can be used to assault somebody. :p
Youre floundering badly every since you claimed I said I had an "assault rifle". :laugh:
Too late, Schlomo. The charade is over. :)
Yes its too late for you. You've been taking L's every time you engage with me. The funny thing is that its always self inflicted.
When were they told to register the assault weapons? Yesterday? Usually you know at least by the 1rst of the year.

What law says they are going to later be confiscated?

The fact that they want to register the guns.... the only reason to register guns is for later confiscation.....there is no other reason.
My guns are registered and they havent been confiscated. Please show me where they are going to confiscate the guns. I cant depend on your conspiracy theories. Also you didnt answer when these people were told to register their assault weapons. Why are you stalling?
Your guns are registered? lol, you lie.
According to the left, blacks lack the intelligence to get an identification card, so it would be highly unlikely he could register a weapon.
A lie as usual.
Ah. Your unregistered assault rifle left over from the hood has magically turned into a handgun. Cool.

What about those whose assault rifles were handed down through family? Lock 'em up?

Comrade, what exactly is an "assault rifle"?
Anything that can be used to assault somebody. :p
Youre floundering badly every since you claimed I said I had an "assault rifle". :laugh:
Too late, Schlomo. The charade is over. :)
Yes its too late for you. You've been taking L's every time you engage with me. The funny thing is that its always self inflicted.
From obamas ass to your mouth.
Ah. Your unregistered assault rifle left over from the hood has magically turned into a handgun. Cool.

What about those whose assault rifles were handed down through family? Lock 'em up?

Comrade, what exactly is an "assault rifle"?
Anything that can be used to assault somebody. :p
Youre floundering badly every since you claimed I said I had an "assault rifle". :laugh:
Too late, Schlomo. The charade is over. :)
Yes its too late for you. You've been taking L's every time you engage with me. The funny thing is that its always self inflicted.
But I know your game and it's a loser from the start. :)
How so? Please cite your proof I am a felon. I need california law not your opinions.

"Owning an unregistered handgun in California is not a crime."
Ah. Your unregistered assault rifle left over from the hood has magically turned into a handgun. Cool.

What about those whose assault rifles were handed down through family? Lock 'em up?

Comrade, what exactly is an "assault rifle"?

Assault rifle - Wikipedia
You realize that wiki is not really a reliable source right?
It is a compendium that virtually anyone can contribute to or alter.

You do realize that everything on wikipedia has to be backed up with sources?

So if they are wrong, prove them wrong. Otherwise, they're right.
Absurd logic.

I say there are martians on Pluto. Unless you can prove me wrong I must be right.

And wiki is only about 75 to 85% accurate. Which means I have an 80% chance of being right. Unless of course you can prove me wrong.
When were they told to register the assault weapons? Yesterday? Usually you know at least by the 1rst of the year.

What law says they are going to later be confiscated?
crazy Cali can do whatever they want, they are the land of pussies After all...

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