In 1 minute, california gun owners go from Law abiding citizens to felons, without firing a shot...

Who told you I had an unregistered assault rifle? Bad reading comprehension or just a deflection because you look like a fucking fool? :lol:
Post #10, felon. :)
What about post #10? Where does it say I have an unregistered assault rifle? Assault rifle are for pussies and wannabes unless you are in the military.

In 1 minute, california gun owners go from Law abiding citizens to felons, without firing a shot...
Inn the convo leading up to where you admitted it before you denied it. :)
So you cant find where I said I had an assault rifle and now youre going to play the common idiot I always expose?
In the convo leading up to where you admitted it before you denied it. :)
So why cant you quote me? I thought so. Its fun making you look like an idiot.
Post #10, felon. :)
What about post #10? Where does it say I have an unregistered assault rifle? Assault rifle are for pussies and wannabes unless you are in the military.

In 1 minute, california gun owners go from Law abiding citizens to felons, without firing a shot...
Inn the convo leading up to where you admitted it before you denied it. :)
So you cant find where I said I had an assault rifle and now youre going to play the common idiot I always expose?
In the convo leading up to where you admitted it before you denied it. :)
So why cant you quote me? I thought so. Its fun making you look like an idiot.
I did. Post #10. The convo is registering assault rifles. All of yours are registered except the one from the hood. :)

Only now it becomes a handgun. lol :)
What about post #10? Where does it say I have an unregistered assault rifle? Assault rifle are for pussies and wannabes unless you are in the military.

In 1 minute, california gun owners go from Law abiding citizens to felons, without firing a shot...
Inn the convo leading up to where you admitted it before you denied it. :)
So you cant find where I said I had an assault rifle and now youre going to play the common idiot I always expose?
In the convo leading up to where you admitted it before you denied it. :)
So why cant you quote me? I thought so. Its fun making you look like an idiot.
I did. Post #10. The convo is registering assault rifles. All of yours are registered except the one from the hood. :)

Only now it becomes a handgun. lol :)
The convo is guns not assault rifles. You must have had a terribly ignorant adulthood if you dont know the difference.

When were they told to register the assault weapons? Yesterday? Usually you know at least by the 1rst of the year.

What law says they are going to later be confiscated?

The fact that they want to register the guns.... the only reason to register guns is for later confiscation.....there is no other reason.
My guns are registered and they havent been confiscated. Please show me where they are going to confiscate the guns. I cant depend on your conspiracy theories. Also you didnt answer when these people were told to register their assault weapons. Why are you stalling?
Your guns are registered? lol, you lie.
Inn the convo leading up to where you admitted it before you denied it. :)
So you cant find where I said I had an assault rifle and now youre going to play the common idiot I always expose?
In the convo leading up to where you admitted it before you denied it. :)
So why cant you quote me? I thought so. Its fun making you look like an idiot.
I did. Post #10. The convo is registering assault rifles. All of yours are registered except the one from the hood. :)

Only now it becomes a handgun. lol :)
The convo is guns not assault rifles. You must have had a terribly ignorant adulthood if you dont know the difference.

When were they told to register the assault weapons? Yesterday? Usually you know at least by the 1rst of the year.

What law says they are going to later be confiscated?

The fact that they want to register the guns.... the only reason to register guns is for later confiscation.....there is no other reason.
My guns are registered and they havent been confiscated. Please show me where they are going to confiscate the guns. I cant depend on your conspiracy theories. Also you didnt answer when these people were told to register their assault weapons. Why are you stalling?
Your guns are registered? lol, you lie.
I know the difference between a hoodie and a Jew, too.

There's nothing you can do but you can learn to be you, in time. It's easy. :)
My guns are registered and they havent been confiscated. Please show me where they are going to confiscate the guns. I cant depend on your conspiracy theories. Also you didnt answer when these people were told to register their assault weapons. Why are you stalling?

They aren't conspiracy theories...... the Germans registered their guns in the 20s and didn't confiscate until the late 1930s......

Do you understand that actual criminals do not have to register their illegal guns...per the Supreme Court ruling Haynes v United States...which means you have to register your gun, while they don't have to....and you think that is just a genius policy....
I dont live in germany and I have had 2 of the guns since 2000. I need you to prove my guns will be confiscated or admit your are touting some wild eyed conspiracy theory. Again you forgot to tell everyone how much advance warning these guys had to register their weapons. Stop dodging the question.

Britain registered guns, they then confiscated them. Australia, Germany, Canada....registration is only needed if you intend to confiscate guns when you get political power, there is no other reason to do it....
and they have much lower murder rates than the US..many times lower
You're kidding right? London alone has surpassed NYC.

London's murder rate now tops New York City's

You must be lying. That simply can't be. London has strict gun laws. Without guns, how are they killing each other?

Answer: They're not. It's all fake. London is a little unicorn town. Nothing but candycanes and unicorns. Take away the guns and everyone instantly loves each other.
My guns are registered and they havent been confiscated. Please show me where they are going to confiscate the guns. I cant depend on your conspiracy theories. Also you didnt answer when these people were told to register their assault weapons. Why are you stalling?

They aren't conspiracy theories...... the Germans registered their guns in the 20s and didn't confiscate until the late 1930s......

Do you understand that actual criminals do not have to register their illegal guns...per the Supreme Court ruling Haynes v United States...which means you have to register your gun, while they don't have to....and you think that is just a genius policy....
I dont live in germany and I have had 2 of the guns since 2000. I need you to prove my guns will be confiscated or admit you are touting some wild eyed conspiracy theory. Again you forgot to tell everyone how much advance warning these guys had to register their weapons. Stop dodging the question.
Anywhere guns have been registered, troll, it has always led to confiscation.

Now lie and troll some more.

So why havent my guns been confiscated yet?

There are still too many Americans who will vote out democrats who ban and confiscate guns....but they are all calling for banning and confiscating the mythical, Assault weapons, which they are now forcing people to register...the democrats called for banning and confiscating all semi automatic weapons at their CNN Town hall, their school walkouts and their rallies in D.C. and across the country...... you can't lie about this anymore, they have come out and stated that that is their goal....

Highland park Illinios banned them, Deerfield, Illinois is banning them.....sorry, you are an idiot.

Would love to see a real in depth documentary that shows the shooters leanings or political ideologies found in the investigations. If they are radical righties or radical leftist it will explain things better if could see the patterns involved. My guess is that the extremist shooters are left leaning when it comes to these henious school shootings or political shootings, and the radicalized righties are probably more involved with other types of things in order to get their points across.
They aren't conspiracy theories...... the Germans registered their guns in the 20s and didn't confiscate until the late 1930s......

Do you understand that actual criminals do not have to register their illegal guns...per the Supreme Court ruling Haynes v United States...which means you have to register your gun, while they don't have to....and you think that is just a genius policy....
I dont live in germany and I have had 2 of the guns since 2000. I need you to prove my guns will be confiscated or admit your are touting some wild eyed conspiracy theory. Again you forgot to tell everyone how much advance warning these guys had to register their weapons. Stop dodging the question.

Britain registered guns, they then confiscated them. Australia, Germany, Canada....registration is only needed if you intend to confiscate guns when you get political power, there is no other reason to do it....
and they have much lower murder rates than the US..many times lower
You're kidding right? London alone has surpassed NYC.

London's murder rate now tops New York City's

You must be lying. That simply can't be. London has strict gun laws. Without guns, how are they killing each other?

Answer: They're not. It's all fake. London is a little unicorn town. Nothing but candycanes and unicorns. Take away the guns and everyone instantly loves each other.
A result of no borders maybe ?? Hmmm.
My guns are registered and they havent been confiscated. Please show me where they are going to confiscate the guns. I cant depend on your conspiracy theories. Also you didnt answer when these people were told to register their assault weapons. Why are you stalling?

They aren't conspiracy theories...... the Germans registered their guns in the 20s and didn't confiscate until the late 1930s......

Do you understand that actual criminals do not have to register their illegal guns...per the Supreme Court ruling Haynes v United States...which means you have to register your gun, while they don't have to....and you think that is just a genius policy....

But it is still illegal for those criminals to own the illegal guns. It's not as if Haynes gave people permission to own firearms illegally. :p

actually a felon is not obligated to register a firearm the SC has ruled that it doing so violates their 5th amendment rights

Yes....because registering would be self-incriminating, because the felon owning a gun is a crime. The USSC ruling did not make the felon owning the gun perfectly legal, it just made it so that said felon cannot be charged for not registering as well as illegally owning the gun.

so why write a law that does not target the criminal but rather only the law abiding

I didn't write the law, I'm just pointing out that the USSC ruling did not make it legal for criminals to own guns. ;)
California wants to confiscate guns..... first, they have to get the citizens to register those guns .... which is what the new law does in California...if you do not register your Semi automatic rifle for later confiscation by midnight, you go from law abiding citizen at 11:59 to felon at 12:00 a.m. without ever using your gun to shoot anyone or to commit any crime....

Meanwhile.... the criminals in California continue to use their illegal guns for rape, robbery and murder...

BREAKING: California "Assault Weapons" Registration Site Crashing As Midnight Deadline Nears - The Truth About Guns

f firearms are not registered before the deadline, gun owners could be charged with a felony and receive up to eight years in prison.

Come take them motherfuckers
When were they told to register the assault weapons? Yesterday? Usually you know at least by the 1rst of the year.

What law says they are going to later be confiscated?

The fact that they want to register the guns.... the only reason to register guns is for later confiscation.....there is no other reason.

California has registered guns since 1992. You don't have a choice, when you buy a gun, it is registered.

I'm not sure what this "law" is supposed to be about. But the state is out of control and in for a VERY nasty surprise if they try to enforce any of their shit.
That's the one that negates all your other posts and makes you a felon.
How so? Please cite your proof I am a felon. I need california law not your opinions.

"Owning an unregistered handgun in California is not a crime."
Ah. Your unregistered assault rifle left over from the hood has magically turned into a handgun. Cool.

What about those whose assault rifles were handed down through family? Lock 'em up?
Who told you I had an unregistered assault rifle? Bad reading comprehension or just a deflection because you look like a fucking fool? :lol:
Post #10, felon. :)
What about post #10? Where does it say I have an unregistered assault rifle? Assault rifle are for pussies and wannabes unless you are in the military.

In 1 minute, california gun owners go from Law abiding citizens to felons, without firing a shot...

Yeah but we wannabe pussies who have them, love the shit out of them and think they are a fucking hoot!! Gun to our heads, we prefer them over our wives and girlfriends. You haven't a clue what a 7.62 x 39 round can do, but we do!:hello77:. And we each have enough ammo to sink a small vessel:flirtysmile4:.....and all kinds of neat as shit s th uff to carry lots of it if need be. While progressives are sitting in the Starbucks sipping on their latte, we're heading to the local firestick store for another 1,000rd box of Tullo and when it goes in the car, damn right we feel like fuking heroes!!

80 percent lower billet requires no serial number

there are millions of them out there

These 80%ers are not as easy to finish as you would think.

I have some basic machining skills and it took me six practice lowers before I got one right using a drill press. A mill would have made it much easier.

If you want a untraceable AR lower just go to a gun show and buy one from a private seller. Or get with a buddy and he buys one and you buy one and then switch them around.

Being a gun nut I buy/sell/trade guns all the time. Right now I have more than two dozen ARs. Except for a few I really can't tell you which ones are traceable and which ones aren't. I suspect it is about 50-50.

These 80%ers are not as easy to finish as you would think.

i know i have done a few

so has a few family members

but one should take the time to learn how

and possibly buy the jigs

I really can't tell you which ones are traceable and which ones aren't.

any that a 4473 form that you filled out traces back to you even though the feds so it isnt so
They aren't conspiracy theories...... the Germans registered their guns in the 20s and didn't confiscate until the late 1930s......

Do you understand that actual criminals do not have to register their illegal guns...per the Supreme Court ruling Haynes v United States...which means you have to register your gun, while they don't have to....and you think that is just a genius policy....

But it is still illegal for those criminals to own the illegal guns. It's not as if Haynes gave people permission to own firearms illegally. :p

actually a felon is not obligated to register a firearm the SC has ruled that it doing so violates their 5th amendment rights

Yes....because registering would be self-incriminating, because the felon owning a gun is a crime. The USSC ruling did not make the felon owning the gun perfectly legal, it just made it so that said felon cannot be charged for not registering as well as illegally owning the gun.

so why write a law that does not target the criminal but rather only the law abiding

I didn't write the law, I'm just pointing out that the USSC ruling did not make it legal for criminals to own guns. ;)

i am saying that registration laws only target the law abiding
California wants to confiscate guns..... first, they have to get the citizens to register those guns .... which is what the new law does in California...if you do not register your Semi automatic rifle for later confiscation by midnight, you go from law abiding citizen at 11:59 to felon at 12:00 a.m. without ever using your gun to shoot anyone or to commit any crime....

Meanwhile.... the criminals in California continue to use their illegal guns for rape, robbery and murder...

BREAKING: California "Assault Weapons" Registration Site Crashing As Midnight Deadline Nears - The Truth About Guns

f firearms are not registered before the deadline, gun owners could be charged with a felony and receive up to eight years in prison.

Just ignore the law; let them try and arrest several million people with no criminal records, and flood the courts with 'not guilty' cases and civil cases and the like. Screw the gimps. People either have the balls it takes to resist these slimy vermin or they don't, it's that simple. Left wing scum and assorted black and brown racists want a revolt, take the initiative and go first. We already know Democrats aren't going to abide by that law, so why should anybody else?
The fact that they want to register the guns.... the only reason to register guns is for later confiscation.....there is no other reason.
My guns are registered and they havent been confiscated. Please show me where they are going to confiscate the guns. I cant depend on your conspiracy theories. Also you didnt answer when these people were told to register their assault weapons. Why are you stalling?
They haven't been confiscated YET

There is no need for the government to know if you own guns
So when are they going to be confiscated? How long is this going to take?

I don't pretend to know the future

There is no other reason for the government to want to know if a law abiding citizen owns a gun
Are you sure about that? So if I shoot someone and throw the gun in the river, how will they know its mine if its not registered to me?

Then why not register every other weapon that can be used to commit murder?

I mean if you beat someone to death with a baseball bat and throw it in the river how are the cops going to know it's yours?

Registering guns has nothing to do with the murder rate
any that a 4473 form that you filled out traces back to you even though the feds so it isnt so

My point was that with over 50 firearms I don't really keep a list of which guns I filled out the 4473 to acquire and ones that I traded or bought from private sellers. I bought all my Colt 6920s from a dealer so I know they are traceable but a good portion of the others I simply don't remember (or care).

If it ever gets to the point of confiscation based upon the info from the 4473s then I think there will be a revolution going on and we will be using the firearms for the real purpose the Second Amendment was created for.

I will never give up my firearms. The day they come to take them by force will be a bad day for me but it also will be a bad day for the thugs that come to do the confiscation. They better be on their A game because I will not easily give up my Constitutional rights.
any that a 4473 form that you filled out traces back to you even though the feds so it isnt so

My point was that with over 50 firearms I don't really keep a list of which guns I filled out the 4473 to acquire and ones that I traded or bought from private sellers. I bought all my Colt 6920s from a dealer so I know they are traceable but a good portion of the others I simply don't remember (or care).

If it ever gets to the point of confiscation based upon the info from the 4473s then I think there will be a revolution going on and we will be using the firearms for the real purpose the Second Amendment was created for.

I will never give up my firearms. The day they come to take them by force will be a bad day for me but it also will be a bad day for the thugs that come to do the confiscation. They better be on their A game because I will not easily give up my Constitutional rights.
The real purpose of the second amendment is to murder public officials? Someone`s pulling your chain a little bit with that nonsense.
any that a 4473 form that you filled out traces back to you even though the feds so it isnt so

My point was that with over 50 firearms I don't really keep a list of which guns I filled out the 4473 to acquire and ones that I traded or bought from private sellers. I bought all my Colt 6920s from a dealer so I know they are traceable but a good portion of the others I simply don't remember (or care).

If it ever gets to the point of confiscation based upon the info from the 4473s then I think there will be a revolution going on and we will be using the firearms for the real purpose the Second Amendment was created for.

I will never give up my firearms. The day they come to take them by force will be a bad day for me but it also will be a bad day for the thugs that come to do the confiscation. They better be on their A game because I will not easily give up my Constitutional rights.
The real purpose of the second amendment is to murder public officials? Someone`s pulling your chain a little bit with that nonsense.

Pretty much if the fuckers try to take away our liberty.
Washington didn't defeat the British with his free speech. He shot them...

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