In 1 minute, california gun owners go from Law abiding citizens to felons, without firing a shot...

They aren't conspiracy theories...... the Germans registered their guns in the 20s and didn't confiscate until the late 1930s......

Do you understand that actual criminals do not have to register their illegal guns...per the Supreme Court ruling Haynes v United States...which means you have to register your gun, while they don't have to....and you think that is just a genius policy....
I dont live in germany and I have had 2 of the guns since 2000. I need you to prove my guns will be confiscated or admit you are touting some wild eyed conspiracy theory. Again you forgot to tell everyone how much advance warning these guys had to register their weapons. Stop dodging the question.
Anywhere guns have been registered, troll, it has always led to confiscation.

Now lie and troll some more.

So why havent my guns been confiscated yet?

There are still too many Americans who will vote out democrats who ban and confiscate guns....but they are all calling for banning and confiscating the mythical, Assault weapons, which they are now forcing people to register...the democrats called for banning and confiscating all semi automatic weapons at their CNN Town hall, their school walkouts and their rallies in D.C. and across the country...... you can't lie about this anymore, they have come out and stated that that is their goal....

Highland park Illinios banned them, Deerfield, Illinois is banning them.....sorry, you are an idiot.

Well your first claim was confiscation of registered guns. Since I proved that wrong now youre turning to assault weapons bans? Do you need some more time to formulate your strategy so you can deflect without me calling you out over being an idiot?

All you have proven is that you are a lying un-American shill.

What law says they are going to later be confiscated?
The law of common sense. What other reason could there be?

There is something sad about what has happened to California. I spent thirty days there in 1959 after returning from Okinawa, and I fell in love with the beautiful, peaceful San Francisco and places like Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and others. Before shipping out in '57 I spent some time at Pendleton and wandered around L.A. on the weekends, which I enjoyed. All in all I really liked California and planned to go back, which I never got around to doing. But now I wouldn't go to California if a golden opportunity presented itself -- and that's a damn shame. I feel a peculiar sense of loss.

California is a ruined place and it was ruined by the excessive presence of the wrong kind of people. The thought that comes to mind when I watch some of the YouTube videos of present-day California is it is best described as a raped state. It is a once beautiful place that has been raped and ruined. And it's the fault of the politicians who made it happen.
Common sense isnt a law you buffoon. Common sense is a collection of ideas a certain group of people that spend time together deem as normal. I dont hang around people that tout conspiracy theories so your common sense is not the same as my common sense.
Still refusing to address my video where the politicians said she would confiscate them. People can see what you do, so please keep on destroying yourselves, Americas survival depends on it!
I addressed your video. She was upset she couldnt get a permanent ban on assault rifles. How does a failure at banning assault weapons turn into confiscation of all weapons like you claimed?

Because of this..

Survey: Majority of Democrats want to ban semi-automatics, half want to ban all guns

Of that number, YouGov found that 73 percent of self-identified Democrats “strongly” favor banning semi-automatic firearms. The survey found that an additional nine percent “somewhat” favor a ban of that sort.

Translation: 82 percent of surveyed Democrats say they favor a ban on semi-automatics, which would include not just rifles like the one used in the Feb. 14 Parkland massacre, which claimed the lives of 17 people, but also most handguns.
My guns are registered and they havent been confiscated. Please show me where they are going to confiscate the guns. I cant depend on your conspiracy theories. Also you didnt answer when these people were told to register their assault weapons. Why are you stalling?

They aren't conspiracy theories...... the Germans registered their guns in the 20s and didn't confiscate until the late 1930s......

Do you understand that actual criminals do not have to register their illegal guns...per the Supreme Court ruling Haynes v United States...which means you have to register your gun, while they don't have to....and you think that is just a genius policy....
I dont live in germany and I have had 2 of the guns since 2000. I need you to prove my guns will be confiscated or admit your are touting some wild eyed conspiracy theory. Again you forgot to tell everyone how much advance warning these guys had to register their weapons. Stop dodging the question.

Britain registered guns, they then confiscated them. Australia, Germany, Canada....registration is only needed if you intend to confiscate guns when you get political power, there is no other reason to do it....
Both parties have had political power and my guns have never been confiscated. I need proof not your opinion. So are you going to tell the board how long these people knew they had to register their weapons or does it mess with your conspiracy theory?

It doesn't matter how much time they had to register you doofus....the point is they have been legal, law abiding citizens, law abiding gun owners who have not used their guns to commit any crimes...have not fired their weapons in the commission of a crime, and now, at 12:00 a.m., they will be felons for failing to submit paperwork....

Meanwhile, the gang members shooting each other do not have to register their illegal guns...and if they are caught with illegal guns they cannot be prosecuted for not registering their illegal guns....

You have to be a moron to think that this makes any sense...
Actually it does matter how much time they had. That was my question. If it didnt matter to me I wouldnt have asked. If they knew before hand they had to register then thats their retarded fault for not doing it. They knew they should have been registered long before today.
They couldn't even get the Canadians to register their firearms. They had to drop the law because nobody was doing it. How in the hell are they going to get Americans to register theirs?
You mean sort of like getting these bikers to stop...

I don't own an assault weapon. No need. I own two revolvers. Both are registered.
They aren't conspiracy theories...... the Germans registered their guns in the 20s and didn't confiscate until the late 1930s......

Do you understand that actual criminals do not have to register their illegal guns...per the Supreme Court ruling Haynes v United States...which means you have to register your gun, while they don't have to....and you think that is just a genius policy....
I dont live in germany and I have had 2 of the guns since 2000. I need you to prove my guns will be confiscated or admit you are touting some wild eyed conspiracy theory. Again you forgot to tell everyone how much advance warning these guys had to register their weapons. Stop dodging the question.
Anywhere guns have been registered, troll, it has always led to confiscation.

Now lie and troll some more.

So why havent my guns been confiscated yet?

There are still too many Americans who will vote out democrats who ban and confiscate guns....but they are all calling for banning and confiscating the mythical, Assault weapons, which they are now forcing people to register...the democrats called for banning and confiscating all semi automatic weapons at their CNN Town hall, their school walkouts and their rallies in D.C. and across the country...... you can't lie about this anymore, they have come out and stated that that is their goal....

Highland park Illinios banned them, Deerfield, Illinois is banning them.....sorry, you are an idiot.

Well your first claim was confiscation of registered guns. Since I proved that wrong now youre turning to assault weapons bans? Do you need some more time to formulate your strategy so you can deflect without me calling you out over being an idiot?

The guns they are forcing you to register..... moron....are assault weapons.... and they want to ban all semi automatic weapons.....
They aren't conspiracy theories...... the Germans registered their guns in the 20s and didn't confiscate until the late 1930s......

Do you understand that actual criminals do not have to register their illegal guns...per the Supreme Court ruling Haynes v United States...which means you have to register your gun, while they don't have to....and you think that is just a genius policy....
I dont live in germany and I have had 2 of the guns since 2000. I need you to prove my guns will be confiscated or admit you are touting some wild eyed conspiracy theory. Again you forgot to tell everyone how much advance warning these guys had to register their weapons. Stop dodging the question.
Anywhere guns have been registered, troll, it has always led to confiscation.

Now lie and troll some more.

So why havent my guns been confiscated yet?

There are still too many Americans who will vote out democrats who ban and confiscate guns....but they are all calling for banning and confiscating the mythical, Assault weapons, which they are now forcing people to register...the democrats called for banning and confiscating all semi automatic weapons at their CNN Town hall, their school walkouts and their rallies in D.C. and across the country...... you can't lie about this anymore, they have come out and stated that that is their goal....

Highland park Illinios banned them, Deerfield, Illinois is banning them.....sorry, you are an idiot.

...and most are not complying.... also if the law is not repealed the SC will kill it. Especially after the dims are wiped out in november.

That Justice isn't on the court yet....till they are on the court and they have repealed all assault weapon bans, all gun bans, all magazine bans, okayed national concealed aint over yet...

What law says they are going to later be confiscated?
The law of common sense. What other reason could there be?

There is something sad about what has happened to California. I spent thirty days there in 1959 after returning from Okinawa, and I fell in love with the beautiful, peaceful San Francisco and places like Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and others. Before shipping out in '57 I spent some time at Pendleton and wandered around L.A. on the weekends, which I enjoyed. All in all I really liked California and planned to go back, which I never got around to doing. But now I wouldn't go to California if a golden opportunity presented itself -- and that's a damn shame. I feel a peculiar sense of loss.

California is a ruined place and it was ruined by the excessive presence of the wrong kind of people. The thought that comes to mind when I watch some of the YouTube videos of present-day California is it is best described as a raped state. It is a once beautiful place that has been raped and ruined. And it's the fault of the politicians who made it happen.
Common sense isnt a law you buffoon. Common sense is a collection of ideas a certain group of people that spend time together deem as normal. I dont hang around people that tout conspiracy theories so your common sense is not the same as my common sense.
Still refusing to address my video where the politicians said she would confiscate them. People can see what you do, so please keep on destroying yourselves, Americas survival depends on it!
I addressed your video. She was upset she couldnt get a permanent ban on assault rifles. How does a failure at banning assault weapons turn into confiscation of all weapons like you claimed?

Because of this..

Survey: Majority of Democrats want to ban semi-automatics, half want to ban all guns

Of that number, YouGov found that 73 percent of self-identified Democrats “strongly” favor banning semi-automatic firearms. The survey found that an additional nine percent “somewhat” favor a ban of that sort.

Translation: 82 percent of surveyed Democrats say they favor a ban on semi-automatics, which would include not just rifles like the one used in the Feb. 14 Parkland massacre, which claimed the lives of 17 people, but also most handguns.
Two things. Not sure how half dems favoring a ban one semi turns into confiscation of all guns?

Do you understand the difference between a ban and confiscation?

What law says they are going to later be confiscated?
The law of common sense. What other reason could there be?

There is something sad about what has happened to California. I spent thirty days there in 1959 after returning from Okinawa, and I fell in love with the beautiful, peaceful San Francisco and places like Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and others. Before shipping out in '57 I spent some time at Pendleton and wandered around L.A. on the weekends, which I enjoyed. All in all I really liked California and planned to go back, which I never got around to doing. But now I wouldn't go to California if a golden opportunity presented itself -- and that's a damn shame. I feel a peculiar sense of loss.

California is a ruined place and it was ruined by the excessive presence of the wrong kind of people. The thought that comes to mind when I watch some of the YouTube videos of present-day California is it is best described as a raped state. It is a once beautiful place that has been raped and ruined. And it's the fault of the politicians who made it happen.
Common sense isnt a law you buffoon. Common sense is a collection of ideas a certain group of people that spend time together deem as normal. I dont hang around people that tout conspiracy theories so your common sense is not the same as my common sense.
Still refusing to address my video where the politicians said she would confiscate them. People can see what you do, so please keep on destroying yourselves, Americas survival depends on it!
I addressed your video. She was upset she couldnt get a permanent ban on assault rifles. How does a failure at banning assault weapons turn into confiscation of all weapons like you claimed?

Because of this..

Survey: Majority of Democrats want to ban semi-automatics, half want to ban all guns

Of that number, YouGov found that 73 percent of self-identified Democrats “strongly” favor banning semi-automatic firearms. The survey found that an additional nine percent “somewhat” favor a ban of that sort.

Translation: 82 percent of surveyed Democrats say they favor a ban on semi-automatics, which would include not just rifles like the one used in the Feb. 14 Parkland massacre, which claimed the lives of 17 people, but also most handguns.
Wonder if they favor a band because they know what they represent and what they promote, so when these things happen for them well guns can't be in the deal right ?
The fact that they want to register the guns.... the only reason to register guns is for later confiscation.....there is no other reason.
My guns are registered and they havent been confiscated. Please show me where they are going to confiscate the guns. I cant depend on your conspiracy theories. Also you didnt answer when these people were told to register their assault weapons. Why are you stalling?

They aren't conspiracy theories...... the Germans registered their guns in the 20s and didn't confiscate until the late 1930s......

Do you understand that actual criminals do not have to register their illegal guns...per the Supreme Court ruling Haynes v United States...which means you have to register your gun, while they don't have to....and you think that is just a genius policy....
I dont live in germany and I have had 2 of the guns since 2000. I need you to prove my guns will be confiscated or admit your are touting some wild eyed conspiracy theory. Again you forgot to tell everyone how much advance warning these guys had to register their weapons. Stop dodging the question.

Britain registered guns, they then confiscated them. Australia, Germany, Canada....registration is only needed if you intend to confiscate guns when you get political power, there is no other reason to do it....
and they have much lower murder rates than the US..many times lower

What is it about the murder rate in Britain that turns you guys into morons?

The British gun crime rate is going up, continually......up 42% just last year in London.....

The British criminals have more guns...after they banned and confiscated them...showing that their gun control laws are not keeping guns out of the hands of criminals....which is the whole point to gun control laws...

They are using their guns for crime....pointing them at their an increasing rate....

They are not..... I repeat, not, pulling the triggers to murder their the gun murder rate has nothing to do with the failure of their gun control is the unwillingness of British criminals with illegal guns to use those illegal guns to commit murder...
The law of common sense. What other reason could there be?

There is something sad about what has happened to California. I spent thirty days there in 1959 after returning from Okinawa, and I fell in love with the beautiful, peaceful San Francisco and places like Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and others. Before shipping out in '57 I spent some time at Pendleton and wandered around L.A. on the weekends, which I enjoyed. All in all I really liked California and planned to go back, which I never got around to doing. But now I wouldn't go to California if a golden opportunity presented itself -- and that's a damn shame. I feel a peculiar sense of loss.

California is a ruined place and it was ruined by the excessive presence of the wrong kind of people. The thought that comes to mind when I watch some of the YouTube videos of present-day California is it is best described as a raped state. It is a once beautiful place that has been raped and ruined. And it's the fault of the politicians who made it happen.
Common sense isnt a law you buffoon. Common sense is a collection of ideas a certain group of people that spend time together deem as normal. I dont hang around people that tout conspiracy theories so your common sense is not the same as my common sense.
Still refusing to address my video where the politicians said she would confiscate them. People can see what you do, so please keep on destroying yourselves, Americas survival depends on it!
I addressed your video. She was upset she couldnt get a permanent ban on assault rifles. How does a failure at banning assault weapons turn into confiscation of all weapons like you claimed?

Because of this..

Survey: Majority of Democrats want to ban semi-automatics, half want to ban all guns

Of that number, YouGov found that 73 percent of self-identified Democrats “strongly” favor banning semi-automatic firearms. The survey found that an additional nine percent “somewhat” favor a ban of that sort.

Translation: 82 percent of surveyed Democrats say they favor a ban on semi-automatics, which would include not just rifles like the one used in the Feb. 14 Parkland massacre, which claimed the lives of 17 people, but also most handguns.
Two things. Not sure how half dems favoring a ban one semi turns into confiscation of all guns?

Do you understand the difference between a ban and confiscation?
It's clear that you don't. If the guns are banned they have to legally be turned in, or CONFISCATED! I despise trash like you, you play like you don't understand and you spew bullshit over and over.
The law of common sense. What other reason could there be?

There is something sad about what has happened to California. I spent thirty days there in 1959 after returning from Okinawa, and I fell in love with the beautiful, peaceful San Francisco and places like Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and others. Before shipping out in '57 I spent some time at Pendleton and wandered around L.A. on the weekends, which I enjoyed. All in all I really liked California and planned to go back, which I never got around to doing. But now I wouldn't go to California if a golden opportunity presented itself -- and that's a damn shame. I feel a peculiar sense of loss.

California is a ruined place and it was ruined by the excessive presence of the wrong kind of people. The thought that comes to mind when I watch some of the YouTube videos of present-day California is it is best described as a raped state. It is a once beautiful place that has been raped and ruined. And it's the fault of the politicians who made it happen.
Common sense isnt a law you buffoon. Common sense is a collection of ideas a certain group of people that spend time together deem as normal. I dont hang around people that tout conspiracy theories so your common sense is not the same as my common sense.
Still refusing to address my video where the politicians said she would confiscate them. People can see what you do, so please keep on destroying yourselves, Americas survival depends on it!
I addressed your video. She was upset she couldnt get a permanent ban on assault rifles. How does a failure at banning assault weapons turn into confiscation of all weapons like you claimed?

Because of this..

Survey: Majority of Democrats want to ban semi-automatics, half want to ban all guns

Of that number, YouGov found that 73 percent of self-identified Democrats “strongly” favor banning semi-automatic firearms. The survey found that an additional nine percent “somewhat” favor a ban of that sort.

Translation: 82 percent of surveyed Democrats say they favor a ban on semi-automatics, which would include not just rifles like the one used in the Feb. 14 Parkland massacre, which claimed the lives of 17 people, but also most handguns.
Two things. Not sure how half dems favoring a ban one semi turns into confiscation of all guns?

Do you understand the difference between a ban and confiscation?

Yes... you can play stupid all day long..... they told us at the CNN Town hall they want to confiscate all semi automatic weapons...they told us at the school walk outs that they want to confiscate all guns..... they told us at the D.C rally by painting it on their fucking signs that they want to repeal the 2nd Amendment.....

Yes.... keep pretending to be an idiot.... you don't have to pretend, you are an idiot.
They aren't conspiracy theories...... the Germans registered their guns in the 20s and didn't confiscate until the late 1930s......

Do you understand that actual criminals do not have to register their illegal guns...per the Supreme Court ruling Haynes v United States...which means you have to register your gun, while they don't have to....and you think that is just a genius policy....
I dont live in germany and I have had 2 of the guns since 2000. I need you to prove my guns will be confiscated or admit you are touting some wild eyed conspiracy theory. Again you forgot to tell everyone how much advance warning these guys had to register their weapons. Stop dodging the question.
Anywhere guns have been registered, troll, it has always led to confiscation.

Now lie and troll some more.

So why havent my guns been confiscated yet?

There are still too many Americans who will vote out democrats who ban and confiscate guns....but they are all calling for banning and confiscating the mythical, Assault weapons, which they are now forcing people to register...the democrats called for banning and confiscating all semi automatic weapons at their CNN Town hall, their school walkouts and their rallies in D.C. and across the country...... you can't lie about this anymore, they have come out and stated that that is their goal....

Highland park Illinios banned them, Deerfield, Illinois is banning them.....sorry, you are an idiot.

Well your first claim was confiscation of registered guns. Since I proved that wrong now youre turning to assault weapons bans? Do you need some more time to formulate your strategy so you can deflect without me calling you out over being an idiot?

You have proven something: you're willingness to harass an opposing opinion into submission. Where have I seen that tactic recently? Unfortunately for you, you're quite unequipped to do so. Sharpen up your scalpels. The OP has proven his concern over mandatory firearm registration in his state. You want to change someone's belief or idea, practice in the mirror.

Burden of proof is on the offender. Open up another can of spam. It's all you have in stock.
The law of common sense. What other reason could there be?

There is something sad about what has happened to California. I spent thirty days there in 1959 after returning from Okinawa, and I fell in love with the beautiful, peaceful San Francisco and places like Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and others. Before shipping out in '57 I spent some time at Pendleton and wandered around L.A. on the weekends, which I enjoyed. All in all I really liked California and planned to go back, which I never got around to doing. But now I wouldn't go to California if a golden opportunity presented itself -- and that's a damn shame. I feel a peculiar sense of loss.

California is a ruined place and it was ruined by the excessive presence of the wrong kind of people. The thought that comes to mind when I watch some of the YouTube videos of present-day California is it is best described as a raped state. It is a once beautiful place that has been raped and ruined. And it's the fault of the politicians who made it happen.
Common sense isnt a law you buffoon. Common sense is a collection of ideas a certain group of people that spend time together deem as normal. I dont hang around people that tout conspiracy theories so your common sense is not the same as my common sense.
Still refusing to address my video where the politicians said she would confiscate them. People can see what you do, so please keep on destroying yourselves, Americas survival depends on it!
I addressed your video. She was upset she couldnt get a permanent ban on assault rifles. How does a failure at banning assault weapons turn into confiscation of all weapons like you claimed?

Because of this..

Survey: Majority of Democrats want to ban semi-automatics, half want to ban all guns

Of that number, YouGov found that 73 percent of self-identified Democrats “strongly” favor banning semi-automatic firearms. The survey found that an additional nine percent “somewhat” favor a ban of that sort.

Translation: 82 percent of surveyed Democrats say they favor a ban on semi-automatics, which would include not just rifles like the one used in the Feb. 14 Parkland massacre, which claimed the lives of 17 people, but also most handguns.
Two things. Not sure how half dems favoring a ban one semi turns into confiscation of all guns?

Do you understand the difference between a ban and confiscation?

Moron.... here..... at the 1:58 minute mark they all cheer banning all semi automatic can't lie anymore.... your idiot allies gave up the game.... you are out in the open now..... the lie is over...

My guns are registered and they havent been confiscated. Please show me where they are going to confiscate the guns. I cant depend on your conspiracy theories. Also you didnt answer when these people were told to register their assault weapons. Why are you stalling?

They aren't conspiracy theories...... the Germans registered their guns in the 20s and didn't confiscate until the late 1930s......

Do you understand that actual criminals do not have to register their illegal guns...per the Supreme Court ruling Haynes v United States...which means you have to register your gun, while they don't have to....and you think that is just a genius policy....
I dont live in germany and I have had 2 of the guns since 2000. I need you to prove my guns will be confiscated or admit your are touting some wild eyed conspiracy theory. Again you forgot to tell everyone how much advance warning these guys had to register their weapons. Stop dodging the question.

Britain registered guns, they then confiscated them. Australia, Germany, Canada....registration is only needed if you intend to confiscategla guns when you get political power, there is no other reason to do it....
and they have much lower murder rates than the US..many times lower
You're kidding right? London alone has surpassed NYC.

London's murder rate now tops New York City's
England's murder rate is not 2, not 3, but 4 times lower than the US
and from your link:
Overall London has so far in 2018 seen fewer killings than New York City: 47 versus 54. Both cities have similarly sized populations of about 9 million
Common sense isnt a law you buffoon. Common sense is a collection of ideas a certain group of people that spend time together deem as normal. I dont hang around people that tout conspiracy theories so your common sense is not the same as my common sense.
Still refusing to address my video where the politicians said she would confiscate them. People can see what you do, so please keep on destroying yourselves, Americas survival depends on it!
I addressed your video. She was upset she couldnt get a permanent ban on assault rifles. How does a failure at banning assault weapons turn into confiscation of all weapons like you claimed?

Because of this..

Survey: Majority of Democrats want to ban semi-automatics, half want to ban all guns

Of that number, YouGov found that 73 percent of self-identified Democrats “strongly” favor banning semi-automatic firearms. The survey found that an additional nine percent “somewhat” favor a ban of that sort.

Translation: 82 percent of surveyed Democrats say they favor a ban on semi-automatics, which would include not just rifles like the one used in the Feb. 14 Parkland massacre, which claimed the lives of 17 people, but also most handguns.
Two things. Not sure how half dems favoring a ban one semi turns into confiscation of all guns?

Do you understand the difference between a ban and confiscation?

Moron.... here..... at the 1:58 minute mark they all cheer banning all semi automatic can't lie anymore.... your idiot allies gave up the game.... you are out in the open now..... the lie is over...

Again you started off talking about confiscation. Did you give up or did you think I was as dumb as you are and I wasnt going to notice that now you are talking about bans?
I haven't seen it mentioned yet, so I will briefly interject here in bring it up. We do have 5th Amendment rights against self incrimination. Haynes vs. US 1968 the court concluded... "We hold that a proper claim of the constitutional privilege against self-incrimination provides a full defense to prosecutions either for failure to register a firearm under sec.5841 or for possession of an unregistered firearm under sec.5851. "
Our OP is much better versed on this issue than myself so I will defer to his wisdom if he chooses to expound on this. Thanks 2aguy for a great thread!
California wants to confiscate guns..... first, they have to get the citizens to register those guns .... which is what the new law does in California...if you do not register your Semi automatic rifle for later confiscation by midnight, you go from law abiding citizen at 11:59 to felon at 12:00 a.m. without ever using your gun to shoot anyone or to commit any crime....

Meanwhile.... the criminals in California continue to use their illegal guns for rape, robbery and murder...

BREAKING: California "Assault Weapons" Registration Site Crashing As Midnight Deadline Nears - The Truth About Guns

f firearms are not registered before the deadline, gun owners could be charged with a felony and receive up to eight years in prison.
Criminals may get to spend time in Jail. That is the Difference.

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