In 1948, Arabs threatened Palestinians with violence if they didn't leave Israel before the attack

It seems that you do not understand simple basic things.

What Arabs are you talking about?

Arabs is not a religious group, it is a linguistic group.

Most Arabs are Muslims, but many of them are Christians or Jews.

Yes, there was mass conversion of Arabs to Judaism in the Middle ages, and before most Arabs became Muslims, many of them were Christians.

Himyarite Kingdom - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As we see, Khazars were not the only pagans that converted to Judaism, a lot of different tribes (Arabs, Berbers, Khazars, Slavs and even some Germanic tribes) converted in the Middle Ages to Judaism.

And many oriental Jews still identify themselves as Arabs of Mosaic faith. Their native language is Arabic, and they have the same culture, as Arabs.

Yes, agree with that. Arabs are just a linguistic group, not a nation or people.

But stupid Zionists constantly talk about "them Arabs", as if they were one single people. They talk about the "Arab land", and that is idiotic.

Nevertheless, it is obvious that the difference between different pagan tribes, that converted to Judaism, is even bigger than the difference between different groups of Arabs, be these Arabs Muslims, Christians or Jews.

Only crazy people can believe that African, Asiatic and European Jews are the same people or are closely related to each others.

You do not have to do any genetic tests, you have just to look at them.




There is much truth in what you said. These Jews eat Arabic-style foods, listen to that style music, and speak Arabic or Farsi. Nevertheless, they don't refer to themselves as Arab Jews but rather as Mizrahi (Eastern) or Sephardic Jews. We (Ashkenazi Jews) also share the same holidays, religion and traditions with them, for the most part. I don't believe that Jews are a race, but rather a People that share the same faith.

Sephardic are Jews expelled from the Iberian peninsula. Arab Jews indeed called themselves Arab Jews. You might find this interesting.

"I am an Arab Jew. Or, more specifically, an Iraqi Israeli woman living, writing and teaching in the U.S. Most members of my family were born and raised in Baghdad, and now live in Iraq, Israel, the U.S., England, and Holland. When my grandmother first encountered Israeli society in the '50s, she was convinced that the people who looked, spoke and ate so differently--the European Jews--were actually European Christians. Jewishness for her generation was inextricably associated with Middle Easterness. My grandmother, who still lives in Israel and still communicates largely in Arabic, had to be taught to speak of "us" as Jews and "them" as Arabs. For Middle Easterners, the operating distinction had always been "Muslim," "Jew," and "Christian," not Arab versus Jew. The assumption was that "Arabness" referred to a common shared culture and language, albeit with religious differences. "

Reflections By An Arab Jew - Ella Shohat

More bullshit from the ignorant fool:

Historical Profiles of Jews from Arab Countries - JIMENA


The first Jews arrived in Iraq in the 6th century BCE after being exiled to Babylonia by Nebuchadnezzar. By 220 CE Iraq had become the center of Jewish scholarship and development and remained that way for the next 500 years. When the Arabs conquered the region in 638, Islam became the official religion and Arabic the official language. In 720, Jews experienced persecution forbidding them to build synagogues, which caused some to flee.

During the period from 1058-1900, Iraq was conquered, in succession, by the Turkish, the Mongols, the Turkish and then the Persians. During this period Jews were often treated as “dhimmis” and were subjected to poll taxes and other discriminatory laws. At this time the Jewish population ranged between 40,000-80,000.

The British Mandate of Iraq began in 1918 and the Jews played a central role by helping to develop the judicial system and postal service. In addition, Jews held positions in Parliament, which led to some resentment by non-Jewish Iraqi citizens.

However, the situation changed drastically when Iraq gained its independence from the British and Rasheed Ali became Prime Minister. In 1932, Ali welcomed Nazi propagandists into Iraq which led to hatred against Iraqi Jews. Jews faced discrimination, harsh laws and quotas for employment which were set to exclude Jews from government positions. On June 1-2, 1941 the Farhood, “violent dispossession,” broke out killing nearly 300 Jews, injuring more than 2,000 and leaving $3 million in damaged property. During the next 10 years, Jews endured random outbreaks of rioting and violence. More than 15,000 Jews fled Iraq from 1941-1951.

In 1948, Iraq participated in a war against Israel. With 130,000 Jews living in Iraq at the time, Zionism was added to the Iraqi criminal code, punishable by death. As a result, 1,500 Jews were imprisoned, tortured and stripped of their property. Between the years 1949-1951, Jews were given permission to leave Iraq under the condition that they renounced their citizenship. 104,000 Jews were evacuated in Operation Ezra and Nechemia. Another 20,000 Jews were smuggled out through Iran.

Emigration was banned in 1952 with 6,000 Jews remaining in Iraq. Jews continued to experience severe persecution, arbitrary arrests, and economic isolation. In 1969, 9 Jewish men were publicly hanged in Baghdad and Basra after the government discovered an alleged “spy ring.” Following these events, Jews no longer felt safe in Iraq and in the 1970’s Jews were allowed to quietly leave the country.

Today less than 10 Jews remain in Iraq.

If the site provides "advocacy kits on application", it's nothing but another Zionist Hasbara site.

So? It's a website set up by Middle Eastern Jews to preserve their history, you asshole. Is that all you managed to come up with after reviewing it?

You're showing your desperation now.

Nothing there to review, just the standard Zionist Hasbara, seen it all before and it has nothing to do with your OP.
There is much truth in what you said. These Jews eat Arabic-style foods, listen to that style music, and speak Arabic or Farsi. Nevertheless, they don't refer to themselves as Arab Jews but rather as Mizrahi (Eastern) or Sephardic Jews. We (Ashkenazi Jews) also share the same holidays, religion and traditions with them, for the most part. I don't believe that Jews are a race, but rather a People that share the same faith.

Sephardic are Jews expelled from the Iberian peninsula. Arab Jews indeed called themselves Arab Jews. You might find this interesting.

"I am an Arab Jew. Or, more specifically, an Iraqi Israeli woman living, writing and teaching in the U.S. Most members of my family were born and raised in Baghdad, and now live in Iraq, Israel, the U.S., England, and Holland. When my grandmother first encountered Israeli society in the '50s, she was convinced that the people who looked, spoke and ate so differently--the European Jews--were actually European Christians. Jewishness for her generation was inextricably associated with Middle Easterness. My grandmother, who still lives in Israel and still communicates largely in Arabic, had to be taught to speak of "us" as Jews and "them" as Arabs. For Middle Easterners, the operating distinction had always been "Muslim," "Jew," and "Christian," not Arab versus Jew. The assumption was that "Arabness" referred to a common shared culture and language, albeit with religious differences. "

Reflections By An Arab Jew - Ella Shohat

More bullshit from the ignorant fool:

Historical Profiles of Jews from Arab Countries - JIMENA


The first Jews arrived in Iraq in the 6th century BCE after being exiled to Babylonia by Nebuchadnezzar. By 220 CE Iraq had become the center of Jewish scholarship and development and remained that way for the next 500 years. When the Arabs conquered the region in 638, Islam became the official religion and Arabic the official language. In 720, Jews experienced persecution forbidding them to build synagogues, which caused some to flee.

During the period from 1058-1900, Iraq was conquered, in succession, by the Turkish, the Mongols, the Turkish and then the Persians. During this period Jews were often treated as “dhimmis” and were subjected to poll taxes and other discriminatory laws. At this time the Jewish population ranged between 40,000-80,000.

The British Mandate of Iraq began in 1918 and the Jews played a central role by helping to develop the judicial system and postal service. In addition, Jews held positions in Parliament, which led to some resentment by non-Jewish Iraqi citizens.

However, the situation changed drastically when Iraq gained its independence from the British and Rasheed Ali became Prime Minister. In 1932, Ali welcomed Nazi propagandists into Iraq which led to hatred against Iraqi Jews. Jews faced discrimination, harsh laws and quotas for employment which were set to exclude Jews from government positions. On June 1-2, 1941 the Farhood, “violent dispossession,” broke out killing nearly 300 Jews, injuring more than 2,000 and leaving $3 million in damaged property. During the next 10 years, Jews endured random outbreaks of rioting and violence. More than 15,000 Jews fled Iraq from 1941-1951.

In 1948, Iraq participated in a war against Israel. With 130,000 Jews living in Iraq at the time, Zionism was added to the Iraqi criminal code, punishable by death. As a result, 1,500 Jews were imprisoned, tortured and stripped of their property. Between the years 1949-1951, Jews were given permission to leave Iraq under the condition that they renounced their citizenship. 104,000 Jews were evacuated in Operation Ezra and Nechemia. Another 20,000 Jews were smuggled out through Iran.

Emigration was banned in 1952 with 6,000 Jews remaining in Iraq. Jews continued to experience severe persecution, arbitrary arrests, and economic isolation. In 1969, 9 Jewish men were publicly hanged in Baghdad and Basra after the government discovered an alleged “spy ring.” Following these events, Jews no longer felt safe in Iraq and in the 1970’s Jews were allowed to quietly leave the country.

Today less than 10 Jews remain in Iraq.

If the site provides "advocacy kits on application", it's nothing but another Zionist Hasbara site.

So? It's a website set up by Middle Eastern Jews to preserve their history, you asshole. Is that all you managed to come up with after reviewing it?

You're showing your desperation now.

Nothing there to review, just the standard Zionist Hasbara, seen it all before and it has nothing to do with your OP.

still talking with your cheeks full?
Well Ruddy, you posted quite a few links to Zionist propaganda sites, but was the Arab Jew woman's site false, in your opinion?

It isn't a Zionist or a propaganda site, you antisemitic lying piece of shit, it's a site created by Middle Eastern Jews who wish to preserve their culture and history:

JIMENA s Mission and History

JIMENA’s Mission Statement:

JIMENA aims to achieve universal recognition for the heritage and history of the 850,000 indigenous Jewish refugees from the Middle East and North Africa. Our programs aim to ensure that the accurate history of Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews is incorporated into mainstream Jewish and Middle Eastern narratives in order to create balance in attitudes, narratives, and discourse about Middle Eastern refugees and the modern Jewish experience.

In the early 20th century, under the heavy weight of Anti-Jewish governments and policy, nearly one million Jews from the Middle East and North Africa had their property confiscated, basic human rights stripped, and were systematically persecuted and victimized. Ultimately these Jews were forced to flee their homes and surrender their nationalities, becoming the “Forgotten Refugees” of the Middle East and North Africa. UN Resolution 242 asserted that Jews fleeing Arab countries were ‘bona fide’ refugees, yet the international community, the media and North American educational systems have continuously ignored their plight and their losses.

Revisionist history of the Middle East conveniently excludes the fact that over half of Israel’s Jewish population live there not because European atrocities during World War II, but because of Anti-Jewish Arab governments who dispossessed and displaced their native Jewish populations following the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. Adopted narratives of the Arab-Israeli conflict fail to address the fact that Israel was the largest refugee camp in the Middle East, providing safe haven to some 650,000 dispossessed Middle Eastern and North African Jewish refugees whose ancestors had a continuous presence in the region for over 3,000 years.

Incorporating the Sephardic and Mizrahi experience into mainstream North American Jewish life, enriches Jewish communities, strengthens cultural continuity with Israel, bridges gaps between Jewish and Middle Eastern communities and emphasizes Jewish entrenchment in the Middle East.

Organizational History:
In 2001, as the world was reeling from the September 11th World Trade Center terror attacks in New York, a group of former Jewish refugees from the Middle East and North Africa decided it was time to share their personal stories of religious oppression, displacement, material loss and fractured identities. Jews from Arab countries had lived continuously in the Middle East and North Africa for over 3,000 years, yet revisionist history of the region excluded their modern story of dispossession and plight. JIMENA’s co-founders wanted to empower students and adult audiences with a deeper, personal understanding of the conflicts and cultural nuances in the region.

Since JIMENA’s formation, we have launched numerous campaigns and projects to ensure that the history of Jewish refugees from Arab countries is well documented and included in discourse involving Middle Eastern refugees. Members of JIMENA’s Speakers Bureau have shared their personal stories with the UN Human Rights Council, US Congressional Human Rights Caucus, European and Italian Parliaments, Israeli Knesset, British House of Lords, over 80 Universities in North America and hundreds of organizations. As the only organization in North America focused on educating and advocating on behalf of Jewish refugees from Arab countries, the Israeli government has requested that JIMENA continue to play a key leadership role in international initiatives to advance this issue.

Each month, the JIMENA website receives close to 200,000 hits from around the world attesting to international interest in the issue of Jewish refugees from Arab countries. We have led a number of effective Jewish refugee advocacy training seminars, educating students and adults on how to incorporate the issue of Jewish refugees into a broader discussion of how the Middle East has developed today. Since our formation, we have become a leader of the Jewish multicultural movement and have successfully created cultural continuity between Jewish communities in Israel and the United States. We have produced hundreds of cultural events, introducing and engaging with a diversity of audiences in the ancient and beautiful traditions of Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews.

Nope, this is standard Zionist Hasbara.

Wrong as usual. Anybody that looks at that site can see what it is, a website created by Middle Eastern Jews to document their experiences and history. Muslim animals committed ethnic cleansing on the Jews of Middle East, and they are still doing it as we can clearly see.

Here's another site,

"Anybody that looks at that site can see what it is, a website created by native Middle Eastern Palestinians to document their experiences and history. Zionists committed ethnic cleansing on the native population of Palestine, and they are still doing it as we can clearly see." :)
Those that commit ethnic cleansing and genocide on people because of their race and religion are.
Well Ruddy, you posted quite a few links to Zionist propaganda sites, but was the Arab Jew woman's site false, in your opinion?

It isn't a Zionist or a propaganda site, you antisemitic lying piece of shit, it's a site created by Middle Eastern Jews who wish to preserve their culture and history:

JIMENA s Mission and History

JIMENA’s Mission Statement:

JIMENA aims to achieve universal recognition for the heritage and history of the 850,000 indigenous Jewish refugees from the Middle East and North Africa. Our programs aim to ensure that the accurate history of Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews is incorporated into mainstream Jewish and Middle Eastern narratives in order to create balance in attitudes, narratives, and discourse about Middle Eastern refugees and the modern Jewish experience.

In the early 20th century, under the heavy weight of Anti-Jewish governments and policy, nearly one million Jews from the Middle East and North Africa had their property confiscated, basic human rights stripped, and were systematically persecuted and victimized. Ultimately these Jews were forced to flee their homes and surrender their nationalities, becoming the “Forgotten Refugees” of the Middle East and North Africa. UN Resolution 242 asserted that Jews fleeing Arab countries were ‘bona fide’ refugees, yet the international community, the media and North American educational systems have continuously ignored their plight and their losses.

Revisionist history of the Middle East conveniently excludes the fact that over half of Israel’s Jewish population live there not because European atrocities during World War II, but because of Anti-Jewish Arab governments who dispossessed and displaced their native Jewish populations following the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. Adopted narratives of the Arab-Israeli conflict fail to address the fact that Israel was the largest refugee camp in the Middle East, providing safe haven to some 650,000 dispossessed Middle Eastern and North African Jewish refugees whose ancestors had a continuous presence in the region for over 3,000 years.

Incorporating the Sephardic and Mizrahi experience into mainstream North American Jewish life, enriches Jewish communities, strengthens cultural continuity with Israel, bridges gaps between Jewish and Middle Eastern communities and emphasizes Jewish entrenchment in the Middle East.

Organizational History:
In 2001, as the world was reeling from the September 11th World Trade Center terror attacks in New York, a group of former Jewish refugees from the Middle East and North Africa decided it was time to share their personal stories of religious oppression, displacement, material loss and fractured identities. Jews from Arab countries had lived continuously in the Middle East and North Africa for over 3,000 years, yet revisionist history of the region excluded their modern story of dispossession and plight. JIMENA’s co-founders wanted to empower students and adult audiences with a deeper, personal understanding of the conflicts and cultural nuances in the region.

Since JIMENA’s formation, we have launched numerous campaigns and projects to ensure that the history of Jewish refugees from Arab countries is well documented and included in discourse involving Middle Eastern refugees. Members of JIMENA’s Speakers Bureau have shared their personal stories with the UN Human Rights Council, US Congressional Human Rights Caucus, European and Italian Parliaments, Israeli Knesset, British House of Lords, over 80 Universities in North America and hundreds of organizations. As the only organization in North America focused on educating and advocating on behalf of Jewish refugees from Arab countries, the Israeli government has requested that JIMENA continue to play a key leadership role in international initiatives to advance this issue.

Each month, the JIMENA website receives close to 200,000 hits from around the world attesting to international interest in the issue of Jewish refugees from Arab countries. We have led a number of effective Jewish refugee advocacy training seminars, educating students and adults on how to incorporate the issue of Jewish refugees into a broader discussion of how the Middle East has developed today. Since our formation, we have become a leader of the Jewish multicultural movement and have successfully created cultural continuity between Jewish communities in Israel and the United States. We have produced hundreds of cultural events, introducing and engaging with a diversity of audiences in the ancient and beautiful traditions of Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews.

Nope, this is standard Zionist Hasbara.

Wrong as usual. Anybody that looks at that site can see what it is, a website created by Middle Eastern Jews to document their experiences and history. Muslim animals committed ethnic cleansing on the Jews of Middle East, and they are still doing it as we can clearly see.

Here's another site,

"Anybody that looks at that site can see what it is, a website created by native Middle Eastern Palestinians to document their experiences and history. Zionists committed ethnic cleansing on the native population of Palestine, and they are still doing it as we can clearly see." :)

Got to nothing to do with Sepharidic and Mizrahi Jews. You're just an ignorant idiot who refuses to accept the history of the middle eastern Jews.
There is much truth in what you said. These Jews eat Arabic-style foods, listen to that style music, and speak Arabic or Farsi. Nevertheless, they don't refer to themselves as Arab Jews but rather as Mizrahi (Eastern) or Sephardic Jews. We (Ashkenazi Jews) also share the same holidays, religion and traditions with them, for the most part. I don't believe that Jews are a race, but rather a People that share the same faith.

Sephardic are Jews expelled from the Iberian peninsula. Arab Jews indeed called themselves Arab Jews. You might find this interesting.

"I am an Arab Jew. Or, more specifically, an Iraqi Israeli woman living, writing and teaching in the U.S. Most members of my family were born and raised in Baghdad, and now live in Iraq, Israel, the U.S., England, and Holland. When my grandmother first encountered Israeli society in the '50s, she was convinced that the people who looked, spoke and ate so differently--the European Jews--were actually European Christians. Jewishness for her generation was inextricably associated with Middle Easterness. My grandmother, who still lives in Israel and still communicates largely in Arabic, had to be taught to speak of "us" as Jews and "them" as Arabs. For Middle Easterners, the operating distinction had always been "Muslim," "Jew," and "Christian," not Arab versus Jew. The assumption was that "Arabness" referred to a common shared culture and language, albeit with religious differences. "

Reflections By An Arab Jew - Ella Shohat

More bullshit from the ignorant fool:

Historical Profiles of Jews from Arab Countries - JIMENA


The first Jews arrived in Iraq in the 6th century BCE after being exiled to Babylonia by Nebuchadnezzar. By 220 CE Iraq had become the center of Jewish scholarship and development and remained that way for the next 500 years. When the Arabs conquered the region in 638, Islam became the official religion and Arabic the official language. In 720, Jews experienced persecution forbidding them to build synagogues, which caused some to flee.

During the period from 1058-1900, Iraq was conquered, in succession, by the Turkish, the Mongols, the Turkish and then the Persians. During this period Jews were often treated as “dhimmis” and were subjected to poll taxes and other discriminatory laws. At this time the Jewish population ranged between 40,000-80,000.

The British Mandate of Iraq began in 1918 and the Jews played a central role by helping to develop the judicial system and postal service. In addition, Jews held positions in Parliament, which led to some resentment by non-Jewish Iraqi citizens.

However, the situation changed drastically when Iraq gained its independence from the British and Rasheed Ali became Prime Minister. In 1932, Ali welcomed Nazi propagandists into Iraq which led to hatred against Iraqi Jews. Jews faced discrimination, harsh laws and quotas for employment which were set to exclude Jews from government positions. On June 1-2, 1941 the Farhood, “violent dispossession,” broke out killing nearly 300 Jews, injuring more than 2,000 and leaving $3 million in damaged property. During the next 10 years, Jews endured random outbreaks of rioting and violence. More than 15,000 Jews fled Iraq from 1941-1951.

In 1948, Iraq participated in a war against Israel. With 130,000 Jews living in Iraq at the time, Zionism was added to the Iraqi criminal code, punishable by death. As a result, 1,500 Jews were imprisoned, tortured and stripped of their property. Between the years 1949-1951, Jews were given permission to leave Iraq under the condition that they renounced their citizenship. 104,000 Jews were evacuated in Operation Ezra and Nechemia. Another 20,000 Jews were smuggled out through Iran.

Emigration was banned in 1952 with 6,000 Jews remaining in Iraq. Jews continued to experience severe persecution, arbitrary arrests, and economic isolation. In 1969, 9 Jewish men were publicly hanged in Baghdad and Basra after the government discovered an alleged “spy ring.” Following these events, Jews no longer felt safe in Iraq and in the 1970’s Jews were allowed to quietly leave the country.

Today less than 10 Jews remain in Iraq.

If the site provides "advocacy kits on application", it's nothing but another Zionist Hasbara site.

So? It's a website set up by Middle Eastern Jews to preserve their history, you asshole. Is that all you managed to come up with after reviewing it?

You're showing your desperation now.

Nothing there to review, just the standard Zionist Hasbara, seen it all before and it has nothing to do with your OP.

Just as your standard is islamonazi propaganda and LIES
Well Ruddy, you posted quite a few links to Zionist propaganda sites, but was the Arab Jew woman's site false, in your opinion?

It isn't a Zionist or a propaganda site, you antisemitic lying piece of shit, it's a site created by Middle Eastern Jews who wish to preserve their culture and history:

JIMENA s Mission and History

JIMENA’s Mission Statement:

JIMENA aims to achieve universal recognition for the heritage and history of the 850,000 indigenous Jewish refugees from the Middle East and North Africa. Our programs aim to ensure that the accurate history of Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews is incorporated into mainstream Jewish and Middle Eastern narratives in order to create balance in attitudes, narratives, and discourse about Middle Eastern refugees and the modern Jewish experience.

In the early 20th century, under the heavy weight of Anti-Jewish governments and policy, nearly one million Jews from the Middle East and North Africa had their property confiscated, basic human rights stripped, and were systematically persecuted and victimized. Ultimately these Jews were forced to flee their homes and surrender their nationalities, becoming the “Forgotten Refugees” of the Middle East and North Africa. UN Resolution 242 asserted that Jews fleeing Arab countries were ‘bona fide’ refugees, yet the international community, the media and North American educational systems have continuously ignored their plight and their losses.

Revisionist history of the Middle East conveniently excludes the fact that over half of Israel’s Jewish population live there not because European atrocities during World War II, but because of Anti-Jewish Arab governments who dispossessed and displaced their native Jewish populations following the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. Adopted narratives of the Arab-Israeli conflict fail to address the fact that Israel was the largest refugee camp in the Middle East, providing safe haven to some 650,000 dispossessed Middle Eastern and North African Jewish refugees whose ancestors had a continuous presence in the region for over 3,000 years.

Incorporating the Sephardic and Mizrahi experience into mainstream North American Jewish life, enriches Jewish communities, strengthens cultural continuity with Israel, bridges gaps between Jewish and Middle Eastern communities and emphasizes Jewish entrenchment in the Middle East.

Organizational History:
In 2001, as the world was reeling from the September 11th World Trade Center terror attacks in New York, a group of former Jewish refugees from the Middle East and North Africa decided it was time to share their personal stories of religious oppression, displacement, material loss and fractured identities. Jews from Arab countries had lived continuously in the Middle East and North Africa for over 3,000 years, yet revisionist history of the region excluded their modern story of dispossession and plight. JIMENA’s co-founders wanted to empower students and adult audiences with a deeper, personal understanding of the conflicts and cultural nuances in the region.

Since JIMENA’s formation, we have launched numerous campaigns and projects to ensure that the history of Jewish refugees from Arab countries is well documented and included in discourse involving Middle Eastern refugees. Members of JIMENA’s Speakers Bureau have shared their personal stories with the UN Human Rights Council, US Congressional Human Rights Caucus, European and Italian Parliaments, Israeli Knesset, British House of Lords, over 80 Universities in North America and hundreds of organizations. As the only organization in North America focused on educating and advocating on behalf of Jewish refugees from Arab countries, the Israeli government has requested that JIMENA continue to play a key leadership role in international initiatives to advance this issue.

Each month, the JIMENA website receives close to 200,000 hits from around the world attesting to international interest in the issue of Jewish refugees from Arab countries. We have led a number of effective Jewish refugee advocacy training seminars, educating students and adults on how to incorporate the issue of Jewish refugees into a broader discussion of how the Middle East has developed today. Since our formation, we have become a leader of the Jewish multicultural movement and have successfully created cultural continuity between Jewish communities in Israel and the United States. We have produced hundreds of cultural events, introducing and engaging with a diversity of audiences in the ancient and beautiful traditions of Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews.

Nope, this is standard Zionist Hasbara.

Wrong as usual. Anybody that looks at that site can see what it is, a website created by Middle Eastern Jews to document their experiences and history. Muslim animals committed ethnic cleansing on the Jews of Middle East, and they are still doing it as we can clearly see.

Here's another site,

"Anybody that looks at that site can see what it is, a website created by native Middle Eastern Palestinians to document their experiences and history. Zionists committed ethnic cleansing on the native population of Palestine, and they are still doing it as we can clearly see." :)

Just islamonazi propaganda and fabrications that have no basis in reality
At this point, I take sanctuary in my remaining hypothesis, uniquely parsimonious and happily irrefutable. The Jews are God’s chosen people.

The idiotic conclusion of a religious fanatic.

Neither Ethiopian Jews, nor the Arab Jews or other oriental Semitic Jews have a high IQ. Their IQ is similar to the IQ of other Semites, be they Muslims or Christians.
But in Israel even the white Jews have an IQ which is below the IQ of Europeans.

The IQ of white non-Semitic Jews in the West was a bit higher than the IQ of average Europeans, because Jews did not do farming. They lived in big cities and had the opportunity to get an education. You cannot compare the IQ of the Jewish elite with the IQ of a Christian farmer, that would be comparing apples with oranges.

But this was precisely what the researchers did in the past!

In other words, the high IQ of the white assimilated Jewish elite (who were not Jews any more, because they abandoned Jewish traditions) was due to their privileged position in European countries, they lived in cities, they did not have to do farming, they had more students, because they were wealthy and could afford that, etc.

But today the IQ of Jews in the USA and other western countries is rapidly deteriorating, because the Orthodox Jews (speak the real Jews) have a higher fertility, and these Jews do not care about education.

On the other hand, white Christians who do not live in cities today have a better opportunity to get a good education.

So the IQ of white Christians is rising, and the IQ of Jews is falling.

You can read more about it in this article:

In a previous article “Race, IQ & Wealth,” I had suggested that the IQs of ethnic groups appear to be far more malleable than many people would acknowledge, and may be particularly influenced by factors of urbanization, education, and affluence.66 Given that Jews have always been America’s most heavily urbanized population and became the most affluent during the decades in question, these factors may account for a substantial portion of their huge IQ rise during most of the twentieth century. But with modern electronic technology recently narrowing the gaps in social environment and educational opportunities between America’s rural and urban worlds, we might expect a portion of this difference to gradually dissipate. American Jews are certainly a high-ability population, but the innate advantage they have over other high-ability white populations is probably far smaller than is widely believed.

This conclusion is supported by the General Social Survey (GSS), an online dataset of tens of thousands of American survey responses from the last forty years which includes the Wordsum vocabulary test, a very useful IQ proxy correlating at 0.71. Converted into the corresponding IQ scores, the Wordsum-IQ of Jews is indeed quite high at 109. But Americans of English, Welsh, Scottish, Swedish, and Catholic Irish ancestry also have fairly high mean IQs of 104 or above, and their combined populations outnumber Jews by almost 15-to-1, implying that they would totally dominate the upper reaches of the white American ability distribution, even if we excluded the remaining two-thirds of all American whites, many of whose IQs are also fairly high. Furthermore, all these groups are far less highly urbanized or affluent than Jews,67 probably indicating that their scores are still artificially depressed to some extent. We should also remember that Jewish intellectual performance tends to be quite skewed, being exceptionally strong in the verbal subcomponent, much lower in math, and completely mediocre in visuospatial ability; thus, a completely verbal-oriented test such as Wordsum would actually tend to exaggerate Jewish IQ.
Finally, in the case of Jews, these assimilation- or environment-related declines in relative academic performance may have been reinforced by powerful demographic trends. For the last generation or two, typical Jewish women from successful or even ordinary families have married very late and averaged little more than a single child, while the small fraction of Jewish women who are ultra-Orthodox often marry in their teens and then produce seven or eight children.69As a consequence, this extremely religious subpopulation has been doubling in size every twenty years, and now easily exceeds 10 percent of the total, including a far higher percentage of younger Jews. But ultra-Orthodox Jews have generally been academically mediocre, often with enormously high rates of poverty and government dependency.70 Therefore, the combination of these two radically different trends of Jewish reproduction has acted to stabilize the total number of Jewish youngsters, while probably producing a sharp drop in their average academic achievement.

The Myth of American Meritocracy The American Conservative

The author comes to the conclusion, that Jews dominate western societies not due to their intelligence, but because they are very racist, and if they get control of a university, they will favour their own tribe and discriminate against non-Jews.

Thais is precisely what happened to the Ivy League!
There is much truth in what you said. These Jews eat Arabic-style foods, listen to that style music, and speak Arabic or Farsi. Nevertheless, they don't refer to themselves as Arab Jews but rather as Mizrahi (Eastern) or Sephardic Jews. We (Ashkenazi Jews) also share the same holidays, religion and traditions with them, for the most part. I don't believe that Jews are a race, but rather a People that share the same faith.

Sephardic are Jews expelled from the Iberian peninsula. Arab Jews indeed called themselves Arab Jews. You might find this interesting.

"I am an Arab Jew. Or, more specifically, an Iraqi Israeli woman living, writing and teaching in the U.S. Most members of my family were born and raised in Baghdad, and now live in Iraq, Israel, the U.S., England, and Holland. When my grandmother first encountered Israeli society in the '50s, she was convinced that the people who looked, spoke and ate so differently--the European Jews--were actually European Christians. Jewishness for her generation was inextricably associated with Middle Easterness. My grandmother, who still lives in Israel and still communicates largely in Arabic, had to be taught to speak of "us" as Jews and "them" as Arabs. For Middle Easterners, the operating distinction had always been "Muslim," "Jew," and "Christian," not Arab versus Jew. The assumption was that "Arabness" referred to a common shared culture and language, albeit with religious differences. "

Reflections By An Arab Jew - Ella Shohat

More bullshit from the ignorant fool:

Historical Profiles of Jews from Arab Countries - JIMENA


The first Jews arrived in Iraq in the 6th century BCE after being exiled to Babylonia by Nebuchadnezzar. By 220 CE Iraq had become the center of Jewish scholarship and development and remained that way for the next 500 years. When the Arabs conquered the region in 638, Islam became the official religion and Arabic the official language. In 720, Jews experienced persecution forbidding them to build synagogues, which caused some to flee.

During the period from 1058-1900, Iraq was conquered, in succession, by the Turkish, the Mongols, the Turkish and then the Persians. During this period Jews were often treated as “dhimmis” and were subjected to poll taxes and other discriminatory laws. At this time the Jewish population ranged between 40,000-80,000.

The British Mandate of Iraq began in 1918 and the Jews played a central role by helping to develop the judicial system and postal service. In addition, Jews held positions in Parliament, which led to some resentment by non-Jewish Iraqi citizens.

However, the situation changed drastically when Iraq gained its independence from the British and Rasheed Ali became Prime Minister. In 1932, Ali welcomed Nazi propagandists into Iraq which led to hatred against Iraqi Jews. Jews faced discrimination, harsh laws and quotas for employment which were set to exclude Jews from government positions. On June 1-2, 1941 the Farhood, “violent dispossession,” broke out killing nearly 300 Jews, injuring more than 2,000 and leaving $3 million in damaged property. During the next 10 years, Jews endured random outbreaks of rioting and violence. More than 15,000 Jews fled Iraq from 1941-1951.

In 1948, Iraq participated in a war against Israel. With 130,000 Jews living in Iraq at the time, Zionism was added to the Iraqi criminal code, punishable by death. As a result, 1,500 Jews were imprisoned, tortured and stripped of their property. Between the years 1949-1951, Jews were given permission to leave Iraq under the condition that they renounced their citizenship. 104,000 Jews were evacuated in Operation Ezra and Nechemia. Another 20,000 Jews were smuggled out through Iran.

Emigration was banned in 1952 with 6,000 Jews remaining in Iraq. Jews continued to experience severe persecution, arbitrary arrests, and economic isolation. In 1969, 9 Jewish men were publicly hanged in Baghdad and Basra after the government discovered an alleged “spy ring.” Following these events, Jews no longer felt safe in Iraq and in the 1970’s Jews were allowed to quietly leave the country.

Today less than 10 Jews remain in Iraq.

If the site provides "advocacy kits on application", it's nothing but another Zionist Hasbara site.

So? It's a website set up by Middle Eastern Jews to preserve their history, you asshole. Is that all you managed to come up with after reviewing it?

You're showing your desperation now.

Nothing there to review, just the standard Zionist Hasbara, seen it all before and it has nothing to do with your OP.

So deluded pro Palestinians are not able to refute something (which happens more than not), they come out with their usual "It's Zionist Hasbara!!"

*Yawn* . Don't you have something new?? It's getting quite old. Just admit that 're too allergic to the truth to accept it. There's nothing wrong with admitting that, as all pro Palestinian share the same allergy so you're not alone.
Just as the existence of the Khazars has never been proven before the novel that mentioned them for the first time.

Do you really believe that any serous scientist denies the existence of Khazaria and the Khazars that converted to Judaism?


This is an accepted scientific fact. The only disagreement that exists between scientists is the number of converts and their influence on the Ashkenazi communities.

Some scientists still believe that they did not have a big influence, though all scientist agree that the first Ashkenazi communities in Poland were created by Khazars.

Polish historians (including Jews) agree that their communities were created by Khazars, though some of them believe that the German Jews eventually outnumbered the Khazars, which contradicts the demographic statistics.

There were only about a couple of thousand Jews that migrated from Germany to Poland, and these few German Jews could not have an unnaturally high birth rate. The most plausible explanation is that there were a lot of Khazars in Poland, and these Khazars mixed with the few German Jews.

- Elkan Nathan Adler, in Jewish Travellers (London: George Routledge & Sons, 1930), page xiii.

"At about the same time that the Mohammedans had conquered Spain, the king of a people, called Khazars, had become dissatisfied with worshipping idols, and had become a Jew. A great many of his lords, generals, and soldiers had done likewise. Rabbis were then invited to come and teach Jewish laws and customs to the Jewish Khazars. During the two hundred years of the existence of this Jewish kingdom, most of the Khazars had learned the Jewish religion and were living in accordance with its laws. Hasdai rejoiced greatly to learn of the kingdom of the Khazars. Unfortunately, the Russians destroyed it a few years later. You are probably wondering: ''What happened to the Jewish Khazars?'' Some of them mingled with the other Jews of Russia, and the others || gradually forgot their Judaism and became Christians."

- Mordechai I. Soloff, in How the Jewish People Grew Up (Cincinnati, OH: The Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1936), pages 219, 221.
"Dr. [Itzhak] Schipper believes that diffusion of Jewish Khazarian elements into the Polish kingdom appeared only after the Khazarian kingdom fell. A lot of documents and different town-names attest to the early Jewish immigration to Poland.... At the same time there was another Jewish immigration and colonization from the west, from Germany. Lots of antagonism existed between the eastern and western Jewish immigrants because there were different types of city-buildings.... Polish land was covered mostly with forests, especially in the North and West with wetlands and quagmire, so there was little population. The Khazar people, usually peasants, used primitive tools and were people with less culture. There was antagonism with the more advanced German Jews."

- Emmanuel Ringelblum, in Żydzi w Polsce Odrodzonej, edited by Aryeh Hafftka, Itzhak Schipper, and Aleksander Tartakower (Warsaw, 1936), page 38.

Are Russian Jews Descended from theKhazars Analyzing the Khazar Theory
Last edited:
Sephardic are Jews expelled from the Iberian peninsula. Arab Jews indeed called themselves Arab Jews. You might find this interesting.

"I am an Arab Jew. Or, more specifically, an Iraqi Israeli woman living, writing and teaching in the U.S. Most members of my family were born and raised in Baghdad, and now live in Iraq, Israel, the U.S., England, and Holland. When my grandmother first encountered Israeli society in the '50s, she was convinced that the people who looked, spoke and ate so differently--the European Jews--were actually European Christians. Jewishness for her generation was inextricably associated with Middle Easterness. My grandmother, who still lives in Israel and still communicates largely in Arabic, had to be taught to speak of "us" as Jews and "them" as Arabs. For Middle Easterners, the operating distinction had always been "Muslim," "Jew," and "Christian," not Arab versus Jew. The assumption was that "Arabness" referred to a common shared culture and language, albeit with religious differences. "

Reflections By An Arab Jew - Ella Shohat

More bullshit from the ignorant fool:

Historical Profiles of Jews from Arab Countries - JIMENA


The first Jews arrived in Iraq in the 6th century BCE after being exiled to Babylonia by Nebuchadnezzar. By 220 CE Iraq had become the center of Jewish scholarship and development and remained that way for the next 500 years. When the Arabs conquered the region in 638, Islam became the official religion and Arabic the official language. In 720, Jews experienced persecution forbidding them to build synagogues, which caused some to flee.

During the period from 1058-1900, Iraq was conquered, in succession, by the Turkish, the Mongols, the Turkish and then the Persians. During this period Jews were often treated as “dhimmis” and were subjected to poll taxes and other discriminatory laws. At this time the Jewish population ranged between 40,000-80,000.

The British Mandate of Iraq began in 1918 and the Jews played a central role by helping to develop the judicial system and postal service. In addition, Jews held positions in Parliament, which led to some resentment by non-Jewish Iraqi citizens.

However, the situation changed drastically when Iraq gained its independence from the British and Rasheed Ali became Prime Minister. In 1932, Ali welcomed Nazi propagandists into Iraq which led to hatred against Iraqi Jews. Jews faced discrimination, harsh laws and quotas for employment which were set to exclude Jews from government positions. On June 1-2, 1941 the Farhood, “violent dispossession,” broke out killing nearly 300 Jews, injuring more than 2,000 and leaving $3 million in damaged property. During the next 10 years, Jews endured random outbreaks of rioting and violence. More than 15,000 Jews fled Iraq from 1941-1951.

In 1948, Iraq participated in a war against Israel. With 130,000 Jews living in Iraq at the time, Zionism was added to the Iraqi criminal code, punishable by death. As a result, 1,500 Jews were imprisoned, tortured and stripped of their property. Between the years 1949-1951, Jews were given permission to leave Iraq under the condition that they renounced their citizenship. 104,000 Jews were evacuated in Operation Ezra and Nechemia. Another 20,000 Jews were smuggled out through Iran.

Emigration was banned in 1952 with 6,000 Jews remaining in Iraq. Jews continued to experience severe persecution, arbitrary arrests, and economic isolation. In 1969, 9 Jewish men were publicly hanged in Baghdad and Basra after the government discovered an alleged “spy ring.” Following these events, Jews no longer felt safe in Iraq and in the 1970’s Jews were allowed to quietly leave the country.

Today less than 10 Jews remain in Iraq.

If the site provides "advocacy kits on application", it's nothing but another Zionist Hasbara site.

So? It's a website set up by Middle Eastern Jews to preserve their history, you asshole. Is that all you managed to come up with after reviewing it?

You're showing your desperation now.

Nothing there to review, just the standard Zionist Hasbara, seen it all before and it has nothing to do with your OP.

So deluded pro Palestinians are not able to refute something (which happens more than not), they come out with their usual "It's Zionist Hasbara!!"

*Yawn* . Don't you have something new?? It's getting quite old. Just admit that 're too allergic to the truth to accept it. There's nothing wrong with admitting that, as all pro Palestinian share the same allergy so you're not alone.

Toast, all my claims supported by the source documentation I research in the archives, has been made into a documentary called "1913 Seeds of Conflict". It was aired by PBS for the first time last night. All of your ridiculous Zionist propaganda is exposed and everything I have posted here is now available to a greater audience. Watch it and weep.
Just as the existence of the Khazars has never been proven before the novel that mentioned them for the first time.

Do you really believe that any serous scientist denies the existence of Khazaria and the Khazars that converted to Judaism?


This is an accepted scientific fact. The only disagreement that exists between scientists is the number of converts and their influence on the Ashkenazi communities.

Some scientists still believe that they did not have a big influence, though all scientist agree that the first Ashkenazi communities in Poland were created by Khazars.

Polish historians (including Jews) agree that their communities were created by Khazars, though some of them believe that the German Jews eventually outnumbered the Khazars, which contradicts the demographic statistics.

There were only about a couple of thousand Jews that migrated from Germany to Poland, and these few German Jews could not have an unnaturally high birth rate. The most plausible explanation is that there were a lot of Khazars in Poland, and these Khazars mixed with the few German Jews.

- Elkan Nathan Adler, in Jewish Travellers (London: George Routledge & Sons, 1930), page xiii.

"At about the same time that the Mohammedans had conquered Spain, the king of a people, called Khazars, had become dissatisfied with worshipping idols, and had become a Jew. A great many of his lords, generals, and soldiers had done likewise. Rabbis were then invited to come and teach Jewish laws and customs to the Jewish Khazars. During the two hundred years of the existence of this Jewish kingdom, most of the Khazars had learned the Jewish religion and were living in accordance with its laws. Hasdai rejoiced greatly to learn of the kingdom of the Khazars. Unfortunately, the Russians destroyed it a few years later. You are probably wondering: ''What happened to the Jewish Khazars?'' Some of them mingled with the other Jews of Russia, and the others || gradually forgot their Judaism and became Christians."

- Mordechai I. Soloff, in How the Jewish People Grew Up (Cincinnati, OH: The Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1936), pages 219, 221.
"Dr. [Itzhak] Schipper believes that diffusion of Jewish Khazarian elements into the Polish kingdom appeared only after the Khazarian kingdom fell. A lot of documents and different town-names attest to the early Jewish immigration to Poland.... At the same time there was another Jewish immigration and colonization from the west, from Germany. Lots of antagonism existed between the eastern and western Jewish immigrants because there were different types of city-buildings.... Polish land was covered mostly with forests, especially in the North and West with wetlands and quagmire, so there was little population. The Khazar people, usually peasants, used primitive tools and were people with less culture. There was antagonism with the more advanced German Jews."

- Emmanuel Ringelblum, in Żydzi w Polsce Odrodzonej, edited by Aryeh Hafftka, Itzhak Schipper, and Aleksander Tartakower (Warsaw, 1936), page 38.

Are Russian Jews Descended from theKhazars Analyzing the Khazar Theory

"though all scientist agree that the first Ashkenazi communities in Poland were created by Khazars."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :cuckoo:

You're too brainwashed to understand that the Khazar theory is yet another method used by Jew haters to de legitimize the Jewish people.
It's only a matter of time before some new theory comes out, and deluded Jew haters like you will eat it up right away.
More bullshit from the ignorant fool:

Historical Profiles of Jews from Arab Countries - JIMENA


The first Jews arrived in Iraq in the 6th century BCE after being exiled to Babylonia by Nebuchadnezzar. By 220 CE Iraq had become the center of Jewish scholarship and development and remained that way for the next 500 years. When the Arabs conquered the region in 638, Islam became the official religion and Arabic the official language. In 720, Jews experienced persecution forbidding them to build synagogues, which caused some to flee.

During the period from 1058-1900, Iraq was conquered, in succession, by the Turkish, the Mongols, the Turkish and then the Persians. During this period Jews were often treated as “dhimmis” and were subjected to poll taxes and other discriminatory laws. At this time the Jewish population ranged between 40,000-80,000.

The British Mandate of Iraq began in 1918 and the Jews played a central role by helping to develop the judicial system and postal service. In addition, Jews held positions in Parliament, which led to some resentment by non-Jewish Iraqi citizens.

However, the situation changed drastically when Iraq gained its independence from the British and Rasheed Ali became Prime Minister. In 1932, Ali welcomed Nazi propagandists into Iraq which led to hatred against Iraqi Jews. Jews faced discrimination, harsh laws and quotas for employment which were set to exclude Jews from government positions. On June 1-2, 1941 the Farhood, “violent dispossession,” broke out killing nearly 300 Jews, injuring more than 2,000 and leaving $3 million in damaged property. During the next 10 years, Jews endured random outbreaks of rioting and violence. More than 15,000 Jews fled Iraq from 1941-1951.

In 1948, Iraq participated in a war against Israel. With 130,000 Jews living in Iraq at the time, Zionism was added to the Iraqi criminal code, punishable by death. As a result, 1,500 Jews were imprisoned, tortured and stripped of their property. Between the years 1949-1951, Jews were given permission to leave Iraq under the condition that they renounced their citizenship. 104,000 Jews were evacuated in Operation Ezra and Nechemia. Another 20,000 Jews were smuggled out through Iran.

Emigration was banned in 1952 with 6,000 Jews remaining in Iraq. Jews continued to experience severe persecution, arbitrary arrests, and economic isolation. In 1969, 9 Jewish men were publicly hanged in Baghdad and Basra after the government discovered an alleged “spy ring.” Following these events, Jews no longer felt safe in Iraq and in the 1970’s Jews were allowed to quietly leave the country.

Today less than 10 Jews remain in Iraq.

If the site provides "advocacy kits on application", it's nothing but another Zionist Hasbara site.

So? It's a website set up by Middle Eastern Jews to preserve their history, you asshole. Is that all you managed to come up with after reviewing it?

You're showing your desperation now.

Nothing there to review, just the standard Zionist Hasbara, seen it all before and it has nothing to do with your OP.

So deluded pro Palestinians are not able to refute something (which happens more than not), they come out with their usual "It's Zionist Hasbara!!"

*Yawn* . Don't you have something new?? It's getting quite old. Just admit that 're too allergic to the truth to accept it. There's nothing wrong with admitting that, as all pro Palestinian share the same allergy so you're not alone.

Toast, all my claims supported by the source documentation I research in the archives, has been made into a documentary called "1913 Seeds of Conflict". It was aired by PBS for the first time last night. All of your ridiculous Zionist propaganda is exposed and everything I have posted here is now available to a greater audience. Watch it and weep.

There you go again, copying what I said. Just because some of the stuff you post is factual, it does not mean that your immense propaganda and lies don't exist.

You don't even know what propaganda is (which is ironic considering how much of it you post on a daily basis). Any time a pro Israeli poster posts something you don't like, you call it 'Zionist propaganda'. That's because you are not smart enough to refute anything.

You and your pro Pali buddies might think that you can post Palestinian propaganda on a daily basis without getting noticed, but there is simply too much proof in your posts to deny it.
If the site provides "advocacy kits on application", it's nothing but another Zionist Hasbara site.

So? It's a website set up by Middle Eastern Jews to preserve their history, you asshole. Is that all you managed to come up with after reviewing it?

You're showing your desperation now.

Nothing there to review, just the standard Zionist Hasbara, seen it all before and it has nothing to do with your OP.

So deluded pro Palestinians are not able to refute something (which happens more than not), they come out with their usual "It's Zionist Hasbara!!"

*Yawn* . Don't you have something new?? It's getting quite old. Just admit that 're too allergic to the truth to accept it. There's nothing wrong with admitting that, as all pro Palestinian share the same allergy so you're not alone.

Toast, all my claims supported by the source documentation I research in the archives, has been made into a documentary called "1913 Seeds of Conflict". It was aired by PBS for the first time last night. All of your ridiculous Zionist propaganda is exposed and everything I have posted here is now available to a greater audience. Watch it and weep.

There you go again, copying what I said. Just because some of the stuff you post is factual, it does not mean that your immense propaganda and lies don't exist.

You don't even know what propaganda is (which is ironic considering how much of it you post on a daily basis). Any time a pro Israeli poster posts something you don't like, you call it 'Zionist propaganda'. That's because you are not smart enough to refute anything.

You and your pro Pali buddies might think that you can post Palestinian propaganda on a daily basis without getting noticed, but there is simply too much proof in your posts to deny it.

Facts are not propaganda. Watch "1913 Seeds of Conflict" watch it and weep. Everything, I mean everything I have stated about pre-Mandate Palestine is confirmed in this fine PBS documentary.
At this point, I take sanctuary in my remaining hypothesis, uniquely parsimonious and happily irrefutable. The Jews are God’s chosen people.

The idiotic conclusion of a religious fanatic.

Neither Ethiopian Jews, nor the Arab Jews or other oriental Semitic Jews have a high IQ. Their IQ is similar to the IQ of other Semites, be they Muslims or Christians.
But in Israel even the white Jews have an IQ which is below the IQ of Europeans.

The IQ of white non-Semitic Jews in the West was a bit higher than the IQ of average Europeans, because Jews did not do farming. They lived in big cities and had the opportunity to get an education. You cannot compare the IQ of the Jewish elite with the IQ of a Christian farmer, that would be comparing apples with oranges.

But this was precisely what the researchers did in the past!

In other words, the high IQ of the white assimilated Jewish elite (who were not Jews any more, because they abandoned Jewish traditions) was due to their privileged position in European countries, they lived in cities, they did not have to do farming, they had more students, because they were wealthy and could afford that, etc.

But today the IQ of Jews in the USA and other western countries is rapidly deteriorating, because the Orthodox Jews (speak the real Jews) have a higher fertility, and these Jews do not care about education.

On the other hand, white Christians who do not live in cities today have a better opportunity to get a good education.

So the IQ of white Christians is rising, and the IQ of Jews is falling.

You can read more about it in this article:

In a previous article “Race, IQ & Wealth,” I had suggested that the IQs of ethnic groups appear to be far more malleable than many people would acknowledge, and may be particularly influenced by factors of urbanization, education, and affluence.66 Given that Jews have always been America’s most heavily urbanized population and became the most affluent during the decades in question, these factors may account for a substantial portion of their huge IQ rise during most of the twentieth century. But with modern electronic technology recently narrowing the gaps in social environment and educational opportunities between America’s rural and urban worlds, we might expect a portion of this difference to gradually dissipate. American Jews are certainly a high-ability population, but the innate advantage they have over other high-ability white populations is probably far smaller than is widely believed.

This conclusion is supported by the General Social Survey (GSS), an online dataset of tens of thousands of American survey responses from the last forty years which includes the Wordsum vocabulary test, a very useful IQ proxy correlating at 0.71. Converted into the corresponding IQ scores, the Wordsum-IQ of Jews is indeed quite high at 109. But Americans of English, Welsh, Scottish, Swedish, and Catholic Irish ancestry also have fairly high mean IQs of 104 or above, and their combined populations outnumber Jews by almost 15-to-1, implying that they would totally dominate the upper reaches of the white American ability distribution, even if we excluded the remaining two-thirds of all American whites, many of whose IQs are also fairly high. Furthermore, all these groups are far less highly urbanized or affluent than Jews,67 probably indicating that their scores are still artificially depressed to some extent. We should also remember that Jewish intellectual performance tends to be quite skewed, being exceptionally strong in the verbal subcomponent, much lower in math, and completely mediocre in visuospatial ability; thus, a completely verbal-oriented test such as Wordsum would actually tend to exaggerate Jewish IQ.
Finally, in the case of Jews, these assimilation- or environment-related declines in relative academic performance may have been reinforced by powerful demographic trends. For the last generation or two, typical Jewish women from successful or even ordinary families have married very late and averaged little more than a single child, while the small fraction of Jewish women who are ultra-Orthodox often marry in their teens and then produce seven or eight children.69As a consequence, this extremely religious subpopulation has been doubling in size every twenty years, and now easily exceeds 10 percent of the total, including a far higher percentage of younger Jews. But ultra-Orthodox Jews have generally been academically mediocre, often with enormously high rates of poverty and government dependency.70 Therefore, the combination of these two radically different trends of Jewish reproduction has acted to stabilize the total number of Jewish youngsters, while probably producing a sharp drop in their average academic achievement.

The Myth of American Meritocracy The American Conservative

The author comes to the conclusion, that Jews dominate western societies not due to their intelligence, but because they are very racist, and if they get control of a university, they will favour their own tribe and discriminate against non-Jews.

Thais is precisely what happened to the Ivy League!

Nah, we're not going to take your bait. You're just a fulla shit Jew hating bigot. Jewish accomplishments and achievements have more to do with their culture, faith, perseverance through adversity, and upbringing, rather than generalizing an IQ level to a people. There are very smart and dumb people in all races and colors.

Funny part about you Jew hating pigs is, you keep telling us that "Jews aren't a race!", yet, go out of your way to explain why this JEWISH RACE or ethnicity isn't as smart as advertised. But yet again, isn't this "Jews aren't as smart as advertised" yet another much discussed theme by Hilter and his Nazi henchmen? Yes it is.

Now to get back on topic, Arabs forced the Palestinians out of the way, prior to the 1948 attack on Israel. What say you, Nazi retard?
Just as the existence of the Khazars has never been proven before the novel that mentioned them for the first time.

Do you really believe that any serous scientist denies the existence of Khazaria and the Khazars that converted to Judaism?


This is an accepted scientific fact. The only disagreement that exists between scientists is the number of converts and their influence on the Ashkenazi communities.

Some scientists still believe that they did not have a big influence, though all scientist agree that the first Ashkenazi communities in Poland were created by Khazars.

Polish historians (including Jews) agree that their communities were created by Khazars, though some of them believe that the German Jews eventually outnumbered the Khazars, which contradicts the demographic statistics.

There were only about a couple of thousand Jews that migrated from Germany to Poland, and these few German Jews could not have an unnaturally high birth rate. The most plausible explanation is that there were a lot of Khazars in Poland, and these Khazars mixed with the few German Jews.

- Elkan Nathan Adler, in Jewish Travellers (London: George Routledge & Sons, 1930), page xiii.

"At about the same time that the Mohammedans had conquered Spain, the king of a people, called Khazars, had become dissatisfied with worshipping idols, and had become a Jew. A great many of his lords, generals, and soldiers had done likewise. Rabbis were then invited to come and teach Jewish laws and customs to the Jewish Khazars. During the two hundred years of the existence of this Jewish kingdom, most of the Khazars had learned the Jewish religion and were living in accordance with its laws. Hasdai rejoiced greatly to learn of the kingdom of the Khazars. Unfortunately, the Russians destroyed it a few years later. You are probably wondering: ''What happened to the Jewish Khazars?'' Some of them mingled with the other Jews of Russia, and the others || gradually forgot their Judaism and became Christians."

- Mordechai I. Soloff, in How the Jewish People Grew Up (Cincinnati, OH: The Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1936), pages 219, 221.
"Dr. [Itzhak] Schipper believes that diffusion of Jewish Khazarian elements into the Polish kingdom appeared only after the Khazarian kingdom fell. A lot of documents and different town-names attest to the early Jewish immigration to Poland.... At the same time there was another Jewish immigration and colonization from the west, from Germany. Lots of antagonism existed between the eastern and western Jewish immigrants because there were different types of city-buildings.... Polish land was covered mostly with forests, especially in the North and West with wetlands and quagmire, so there was little population. The Khazar people, usually peasants, used primitive tools and were people with less culture. There was antagonism with the more advanced German Jews."

- Emmanuel Ringelblum, in Żydzi w Polsce Odrodzonej, edited by Aryeh Hafftka, Itzhak Schipper, and Aleksander Tartakower (Warsaw, 1936), page 38.

Are Russian Jews Descended from theKhazars Analyzing the Khazar Theory

Khazar theory has been debunked, and it is not the topic of this thread, Fart_All_Nazi.
So? It's a website set up by Middle Eastern Jews to preserve their history, you asshole. Is that all you managed to come up with after reviewing it?

You're showing your desperation now.

Nothing there to review, just the standard Zionist Hasbara, seen it all before and it has nothing to do with your OP.

So deluded pro Palestinians are not able to refute something (which happens more than not), they come out with their usual "It's Zionist Hasbara!!"

*Yawn* . Don't you have something new?? It's getting quite old. Just admit that 're too allergic to the truth to accept it. There's nothing wrong with admitting that, as all pro Palestinian share the same allergy so you're not alone.

Toast, all my claims supported by the source documentation I research in the archives, has been made into a documentary called "1913 Seeds of Conflict". It was aired by PBS for the first time last night. All of your ridiculous Zionist propaganda is exposed and everything I have posted here is now available to a greater audience. Watch it and weep.

There you go again, copying what I said. Just because some of the stuff you post is factual, it does not mean that your immense propaganda and lies don't exist.

You don't even know what propaganda is (which is ironic considering how much of it you post on a daily basis). Any time a pro Israeli poster posts something you don't like, you call it 'Zionist propaganda'. That's because you are not smart enough to refute anything.

You and your pro Pali buddies might think that you can post Palestinian propaganda on a daily basis without getting noticed, but there is simply too much proof in your posts to deny it.

Facts are not propaganda. Watch "1913 Seeds of Conflict" watch it and weep. Everything, I mean everything I have stated about pre-Mandate Palestine is confirmed in this fine PBS documentary.

Nobody's going to watch your propaganda video, troll. Roll it up and shove it up Uranus.
At this point, I take sanctuary in my remaining hypothesis, uniquely parsimonious and happily irrefutable. The Jews are God’s chosen people.

The idiotic conclusion of a religious fanatic.

Neither Ethiopian Jews, nor the Arab Jews or other oriental Semitic Jews have a high IQ. Their IQ is similar to the IQ of other Semites, be they Muslims or Christians.
But in Israel even the white Jews have an IQ which is below the IQ of Europeans.

The IQ of white non-Semitic Jews in the West was a bit higher than the IQ of average Europeans, because Jews did not do farming. They lived in big cities and had the opportunity to get an education. You cannot compare the IQ of the Jewish elite with the IQ of a Christian farmer, that would be comparing apples with oranges.

But this was precisely what the researchers did in the past!

In other words, the high IQ of the white assimilated Jewish elite (who were not Jews any more, because they abandoned Jewish traditions) was due to their privileged position in European countries, they lived in cities, they did not have to do farming, they had more students, because they were wealthy and could afford that, etc.

But today the IQ of Jews in the USA and other western countries is rapidly deteriorating, because the Orthodox Jews (speak the real Jews) have a higher fertility, and these Jews do not care about education.

On the other hand, white Christians who do not live in cities today have a better opportunity to get a good education. A savant can recite poetry he has heard once or do complex equation but not understand a road map or figure out a menu.

In the US the math and science for high school students is much lower than in the french or japanese school systems. US keep dummying down their standards to get the most graduates instead of stressing the highest standards and test scores.

So the IQ of white Christians is rising, and the IQ of Jews is falling.

You can read more about it in this article:

In a previous article “Race, IQ & Wealth,” I had suggested that the IQs of ethnic groups appear to be far more malleable than many people would acknowledge, and may be particularly influenced by factors of urbanization, education, and affluence.66 Given that Jews have always been America’s most heavily urbanized population and became the most affluent during the decades in question, these factors may account for a substantial portion of their huge IQ rise during most of the twentieth century. But with modern electronic technology recently narrowing the gaps in social environment and educational opportunities between America’s rural and urban worlds, we might expect a portion of this difference to gradually dissipate. American Jews are certainly a high-ability population, but the innate advantage they have over other high-ability white populations is probably far smaller than is widely believed.

This conclusion is supported by the General Social Survey (GSS), an online dataset of tens of thousands of American survey responses from the last forty years which includes the Wordsum vocabulary test, a very useful IQ proxy correlating at 0.71. Converted into the corresponding IQ scores, the Wordsum-IQ of Jews is indeed quite high at 109. But Americans of English, Welsh, Scottish, Swedish, and Catholic Irish ancestry also have fairly high mean IQs of 104 or above, and their combined populations outnumber Jews by almost 15-to-1, implying that they would totally dominate the upper reaches of the white American ability distribution, even if we excluded the remaining two-thirds of all American whites, many of whose IQs are also fairly high. Furthermore, all these groups are far less highly urbanized or affluent than Jews,67 probably indicating that their scores are still artificially depressed to some extent. We should also remember that Jewish intellectual performance tends to be quite skewed, being exceptionally strong in the verbal subcomponent, much lower in math, and completely mediocre in visuospatial ability; thus, a completely verbal-oriented test such as Wordsum would actually tend to exaggerate Jewish IQ.
Finally, in the case of Jews, these assimilation- or environment-related declines in relative academic performance may have been reinforced by powerful demographic trends. For the last generation or two, typical Jewish women from successful or even ordinary families have married very late and averaged little more than a single child, while the small fraction of Jewish women who are ultra-Orthodox often marry in their teens and then produce seven or eight children.69As a consequence, this extremely religious subpopulation has been doubling in size every twenty years, and now easily exceeds 10 percent of the total, including a far higher percentage of younger Jews. But ultra-Orthodox Jews have generally been academically mediocre, often with enormously high rates of poverty and government dependency.70 Therefore, the combination of these two radically different trends of Jewish reproduction has acted to stabilize the total number of Jewish youngsters, while probably producing a sharp drop in their average academic achievement.

The Myth of American Meritocracy The American Conservative

The author comes to the conclusion, that Jews dominate western societies not due to their intelligence, but because they are very racist, and if they get control of a university, they will favour their own tribe and discriminate against non-Jews.

Thais is precisely what happened to the Ivy League!

IQ is not knowledge, it is the ability to process and analysis information. You can have a child with a high IQ that can't do math, yet. It is not what they know but their ability to think and learn. A savant can recite poetry or do complex e

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