Zone1 In 2022, nothing should be about race. But Democrats and their followers have made everything about race.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
America and Americans would be in such a better place if we could just drop the Racism premise that permeates every aspect of our country. But the Democrats, their media and their minions continue to beat the drums of racism and victim hood. Just imagine if we could actually focus on the critical problems we face such as illegal immigration, crime, our economy, our education system, etc. But instead every issue gets bent toward Racism and the victim hood of "People of Color". If America such a horribly Racist country then why are 200,000 "People of Color" risking their lives and spending every dollar they have to come here every month? Systemic Racism is a manufactured lie designed to divide the people and it's working perfectly for the Democrats. We need leaders that have the courage to stand on the real issues and stop playing the race card every minute of every day. A country divided cannot stand, and we are wobbling.
Life is a lot easier when you discount the lame social construct of "racism" out of hand.
The political divide in America used to be defined by racism, but the momentum has turned to promoting racism nearly equally across political party lines.

That is a prerequisite of fascism!

The members of this board register very little dissent against racism.

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