In 40 years, Jews will be a massive REPUBLICAN voting bloc

The only solution is to split up the USA and live apart from the Dem trash. We have nothing in common with Dem trash anyway. Look at their mobs of 100's roaming the streets last week attacking citizens and tourists that's their version of the USA. Lawless mobs run amok. Nobody gets arrested well because they defunded the police and installed DA's who simply ignore the law and let people off scott free.

actually, there were numerous arrests in that incident, which frankly, just wasn't that big of a deal.
Did you factor in the 13,000,000 migrants that the Biden admin just let in with their "Open Border" policy?
That’s a major problem, I agree. We have to make sure that Republicans ALWAYS hold at least one chamber to block the Democrats from making them citizens.
Like in Miami, huh? The democrat policies, like having the FBI spy on Catholics won't play well with Hispanics.

Miami are the Cuban Refuse we took in after Castro took power. They've been on the government teet ever since. If we treated Mexicans like we treat Cubans immigration wouldn't be an issue.

They’ll know which party will give them free handouts.

Here's the thing, Lisa. We spend FAR MORE MONEY on white Middle class entitlements like Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance and benefits than we spend on "Handouts" for poor people of color.

And why shouldn’t their parents be scared? They violated our laws in getting here and are here illegally.

Boo hoo... I always find it amusing when white people whine about immigrants coming here for the same reason their ancestors did.

The problem is our laws are stupid. Stupid laws deserve to be broken.

If you guys really wanted to end illegal immigration, you do it by going after the rich white people who hire them.

But we don't, because our economy depends on illegal labor. But instead of doing the common sense thing like setting up a Guest Worker program (where they could come here for seasonal work, make money and go home) we crack down on border security.

Which means the guy who used to come to America every season to work now has to put down roots here.
That’s bad news for Jews. And the rising antisemitism in the Democrat Party is related to their siding with Muslims.

The rising anti-semitism is coming from the radical right wingers. The terrorist who attacked the Tree of Life was MAGA cult maniac who was attacking Jews for helping immigrants and "Soros backed caravans".

It takes a special kind of stupid to vote for the party that promotes hatred against non-Christians, but you're just that gullible.
And this is the thing. Young people know that Republicans aren't good for them in the long run. They don't get upset about the same things Gen X and Boomers get upset about.
"Young people don't know"? You don't either, because you lack introspection of those who ensnared you with lying propaganda, and it must be a lie a minute to satisfy the worshippers of their communist propagandists. Bye.
The rising anti-semitism is coming from the radical right wingers. The terrorist who attacked the Tree of Life was MAGA cult maniac who was attacking Jews for helping immigrants and "Soros backed caravans".

It takes a special kind of stupid to vote for the party that promotes hatred against non-Christians, but you're just that gullible.
That’s the propaganda coming from the left. The rise is from the indoctrination at liberal colleges, where antisemitism is rampant, due to their BDS and anti-Israel crap.

Trump tried to ratchet it back with his EO withholding funds from antisemitic campuses that allowed Jew-hate to fester. He was pushing to make it permanent legislation, and the Republicans were behind it, but the DEMOCRATS blocked it because they were concerned it would offend Muslims.

And here in my own state of Virginia, it took a Reoublican gov to create an Antisemitism Commission. The members of the Commission came up with proposals to ratchet down the Jew-hate, and all Republicans were for them. It was the DEMOCRATS that we had to fight to accept them, after initially voting it down, because again - they were afraid it would get the Muslims mad.

It takes a special kind of arrogance for a Christian Democrat to tell a Jew where the worst antisemitism lies.
Then give me an alternative to Trump so that I can rejoin you at the polls. Trump's policies are good for the country. Trump is not.
That's up to THE PEOPLE during the election process. I'm fine with President Trump. I'm fine with DeSantis. I'm NOT fine with ANY Democrat out there.
And this is the thing. Young people know that Republicans aren't good for them in the long run. They don't get upset about the same things Gen X and Boomers get upset about.
Young people are inexperienced in life and vote for what sounds good. That’s why as people mature, they become more Republican:

”If you’re under 30 and not a liberal, you have no heart; if you’re over 30 and still a liberal, you have no brains.”
That's up to THE PEOPLE during the election process. I'm fine with President Trump. I'm fine with DeSantis. I'm NOT fine with ANY Democrat out there.
It IS, indeed, up to "the people"; or, at least that sizable majority of Republicans who want Trump back regardless of his sins - real and imagined.

The point here being that nominating Trump again will prove to be a recipe for defeat in the subsequent November 2024 general election.

The Republicans no longer have the numbers to win on their own.

They must convince large numbers of Independents and DINOs (Regan Democrats) to come over to their side during any given cycle.

Republicans will NOT be successful in attracting enough Indies and DINOs if they run Trump again.


America will be vastly worse if the Dems are allowed to hold power again after the 2024 elections.

And they will if Trump is the candidate.

Please - Republicans - snap out of it - wake up - before you condemn us to another four years of idiotic Democratic policies and failed leadership.
It IS, indeed, up to "the people"; or, at least that sizable majority of Republicans who want Trump back regardless of his sins - real and imagined.

The point here being that nominating Trump again will prove to be a recipe for defeat in the subsequent November 2024 general election.

The Republicans no longer have the numbers to win on their own.

They must convince large numbers of Independents and DINOs (Regan Democrats) to come over to their side during any given cycle.

Republicans will NOT be successful in attracting enough Indies and DINOs if they run Trump again.


America will be vastly worse if the Dems are allowed to hold power again after the 2024 elections.

And they will if Trump is the candidate.

Please - Republicans - snap out of it - wake up - before you condemn us to another four years of idiotic Democratic policies and failed leadership.
Even if Biden is the opponent? Are there that many manipulated voters who, after experiencing the damage of a Biden Administration, now seeing how corrupt he is, and seeing how demented he is, would vote for him again?
Even if Biden is the opponent?
Yes. I do believe so. Why? American democracy can survive a declining old coot. It cannot survive someone so power-mad as to cause January 6, 2021.
Are there that many manipulated voters who, after experiencing the damage of a Biden Administration, now seeing how corrupt he is, and seeing how demented he is, would vote for him again?
The above rationale is all that is needed for the Dems to win again if the Republicans make the mistake of nominating Trump again. Guaranteed.

And all the juicy rationalizations and explanations in the world will not help you-and-yours when Indies and DINOs pull that voting boot curtain closed.

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