In 40 years, Jews will be a massive REPUBLICAN voting bloc

The Jewish vote has shifted to almost 38 % GOP several times in last 5 Election Cycles
Yes, and part of that is because younger Jews are becoming more Orthodox.

And to those who are saying that the increase in Orthodox Jews won’t make a difference, it definitely will in Broward and Dade counties, and put FL in the R column. And then what about NY? Lee Zeldin almost pulled out a win against the pro-criminal D for Governor, and more NYC Orthodox Jews can flip the state.
It will be quite easy after the USA goes bankrupt, destroyed by its debt. People think inflation has been bad the past couple of years, when the collapse happens the US dollar will become nearly worthless. We are north of $30 trillion now and borrowing trillions more exponentially each year. We got from $20 trillion to $30+ trillion fast. When it hits $100 trillion it's going to get ugly.

My idea would solve that problem: a national consumption tax earmarked for deficit spending.

Let's say the new national consumption tax was five cents on the dollar. When Democrats use our money to buy votes and it turns into a deficit, up goes the consumption tax.

A lot of people don't pay attention to debt because it doesn't affect them, and they don't think about their grandchildren. But if we had to start thinking of paying for these deficits when they happen, you'd see how many people would start paying attention to this pork spending and vote buying. At the same time, we would have a balanced budget every year with no deficit or debt.
That’s bad news for Jews. And the rising antisemitism in the Democrat Party is related to their siding with Muslims.
There is far more antisemitism in your own GOP than there is in the Dem party.

In fact I can’t understand how ANY Jews vote Republican
There is far more antisemitism in your own GOP than there is in the Dem party.

In fact I can’t understand how ANY Jews vote Republican
Total BS ( Far Left & Left have MAJOR ISSUES with Israel and Support Arabs / Palestinians at every opportunity ( Especially at Colleges like Cal , UC Irvine and William & Mary ... where Practicing Jews and supporters of Israel are attacked and driven off campus by violent Protests
What's the birthrate now, 1.2 kids per couple?

I don't see any population growth in any demographic group except maybe Hispanics.

You must not spend much time in the black community.

I went to the convenient store a few days ago. In it were two black women each with three children. It was in the middle of the work day so apparently they didn't have jobs.

The CDC estimates that to raise a middle-class child today, the cost is $233,000. That means each of these ghetto type women would have to come up with nearly three-quarter of a million dollars to raise those kids on their own in the next 20 some years. Do you think this is possible? Of course not. Taxpayers will be footing much of the bill to raise those kids thus they have as many as they desire.
WOrks on the assumption that all the Orthodox kids will remain Orthodox or even religious.

Not only do the children of Orthodox Jewish families tend to remain Orthodox but, Orthodox Jews represent the fastest growing segment of Judaism as young people from Conservative or even Reformed families become more observant.

I do believe that Lisa is on to something here.

Additionally, I wouldn't put too much faith in the traditional idea that most Reformed and Conservative Jews are socially liberal. In those congregations, Conservative ideas are often not discussed openly to avoid confrontation.
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I can’t understand why Jews would vote for Pro Arab / Pro Palestinian Israel hating Democommies

I asked my dentist about that one time. He claims a lot of American Jews could really care less about what's going on in Israel. They only care about what's going on in this country unless they still have family over there.
My idea would solve that problem: a national consumption tax earmarked for deficit spending.

Let's say the new national consumption tax was five cents on the dollar. When Democrats use our money to buy votes and it turns into a deficit, up goes the consumption tax.

A lot of people don't pay attention to debt because it doesn't affect them, and they don't think about their grandchildren. But if we had to start thinking of paying for these deficits when they happen, you'd see how many people would start paying attention to this pork spending and vote buying. At the same time, we would have a balanced budget every year with no deficit or debt.
And the people on food stamps should have to pitch in with that 5 cents also, taken out of their food allotment. A big part of the problem is that half the country isn’t pitching in to the federal government.
I asked my dentist about that one time. He claims a lot of American Jews could really care less about what's going on in Israel. They only care about what's going on in this country unless they still have family over there.
And they don’t understand the connection between rallying against Israel and the anti-Jewish sentiment it engenders.
Not only do the children of Orthodox Jewish families tend to remain Orthodox but, Orthodox Jews represent the fastest growing segment of Judaism as young people from Conservative or even Reformed families become more observant.

I do believe that Lisa is on to something here.

Additionally, I wouldn't put too much faith in the traditional idea that most Reformed and Conservative Jews are socially liberal. In those congregations, open Conservative ideas are often not discussed openly to avoid confrontation.
I asked my dentist about that one time. He claims a lot of American Jews could really care less about what's going on in Israel. They only care about what's going on in this country unless they still have family over there.
Non practicing Marxist Ethnic only Jews yes , they support the poor people of Color over the oppressors ( Israel)
And they don’t understand the connection between rallying against Israel and the anti-Jewish sentiment it engenders.

Sadly I think even he votes Democrat. I was just there today and asked him how the kids were. He has two girls. After college they both moved out to Commiefornia. The older one has been out there a few years already but he said the younger one complains about the cost of living all the time.
Then give me an alternative to Trump so that I can rejoin you at the polls. Trump's policies are good for the country. Trump is not.

Then give me an alternative to Trump so that I can rejoin you at the polls. Trump's policies are good for the country. Trump is not.
President Trump didn't allow anyone to be left behind by controlling the most murderous beings on the planet, ISIS. Not bad for a first-time elected President. His business skills taught him the values of being a humanitarian President.
If the Jewish community is voting heavily for the GOP when I'm 107, I doubt that I'll be concerned.
If the Jewish community is voting heavily for the GOP when I'm 107, I doubt that I'll be concerned.
If the Jewish Community votes 46 % for GOP in one of the Next two Election Cycles then Democommies will cry foul

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