In 40 years, Jews will be a massive REPUBLICAN voting bloc

Yes, and part of that is because younger Jews are becoming more Orthodox.

And to those who are saying that the increase in Orthodox Jews won’t make a difference, it definitely will in Broward and Dade counties, and put FL in the R column. And then what about NY? Lee Zeldin almost pulled out a win against the pro-criminal D for Governor, and more NYC Orthodox Jews can flip the state.

I’m Catholic and I proudly voted for Lee Zeldin for governor of New York this last election cycle. It was very upsetting to see him lose.
Just run the math. There are about 6 million Jews in America, and around 15% of them are Orthodox, or close to 1 million. And the Orthodox vote overwhelmingly Republican.

They also have a lot of kids - averaging 8 per family. In a generation, that means 4 million Orthodox. When those 4 million have kids, beginning in 20 years, it becomes 16 million. (Multiplying by 4 and not 8 since it takes two Orthodox Jews to produce those kids.)

Those new Orthodox Jews represent about 5% of voters, the majority of whom will vote Republican. Enough to tip the scales in every swing state.

I agree with much of your opinions, but I can't agree with this one. Socialism is a Jewish brainchild. Karl Marx was the son of a Rabbi. George Soros is hellbent on destroying America. The Bolsheviks who killed the Russian Czar, his ministers, and his family were primarily Jews. Though they do enjoy a certain amount of Capitalism ... they're generally left-leaning in their political outlook. That's not to say that all Jews are members of the DummyCrat Party because not all are ... but I don't think they'll be sharing the vision of America's Founding Fathers any time soon.
I can’t understand why Jews would vote for Pro Arab / Pro Palestinian Israel hating Democommies
And some people like the squad only support Palestine name to try and attempt to get votes from the left. They actually don’t give a damn about Palestine because for example AOC and Talib and Omar all have voted in favor to fund the Israeli missile defense iron dome system. That’s what you get from Democrats.

By the way israeli people are very strong they don’t need Americans support they have a top 20 military …and they’re actually getting along with the Arab countries thanks to Donald Trump bringing together the GCC countries and Israel. It’s always a great thing to see peace. Lots of people from Israel have now traveled to the United Arab Emirates to enjoy themselves.

Donald Trump should’ve gotten a Nobel peace prize …. for the Abraham accords for bringing together Israel and a number of Muslim majority countries. Any way anyone looks at that diplomacy and peace is beautiful. But Trump gets lambasted by the left-wing corrupt media instead
Just run the math. There are about 6 million Jews in America, and around 15% of them are Orthodox, or close to 1 million. And the Orthodox vote overwhelmingly Republican.

They also have a lot of kids - averaging 8 per family. In a generation, that means 4 million Orthodox. When those 4 million have kids, beginning in 20 years, it becomes 16 million. (Multiplying by 4 and not 8 since it takes two Orthodox Jews to produce those kids.)

Those new Orthodox Jews represent about 5% of voters, the majority of whom will vote Republican. Enough to tip the scales in every swing state.

The right has been trying to enlist the Jews for more than 40 years, but then someone defaces a synogogue or shoots up a service and they’re back to square one. :dunno:
The right has been trying to enlist the Jews for more than 40 years, but then someone defaces a synogogue or shoots up a service and they’re back to square one. :dunno:
Then They are run off of dozens of Colleges grounds by mobs of Arab Flag waving haters of Israel
"Young people don't know"? You don't either, because you lack introspection of those who ensnared you with lying propaganda, and it must be a lie a minute to satisfy the worshippers of their communist propagandists. Bye.

I used to vote Republican, until I realized a guy who works for a living voting GOP makes about as much sense as a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

Even if Biden is the opponent? Are there that many manipulated voters who, after experiencing the damage of a Biden Administration, now seeing how corrupt he is, and seeing how demented he is, would vote for him again?

I haven't talked to one Biden voter yet who has told me that he wants Trump back. Not one. They might be willing to consider DeSatan, but not after they find out how crazy he is.
The browning of the world. The reality is White people are in decline, people of color are on the ascent. We had our moment in the sun, might as well get used to sharing.

Or maybe realize those brown people have all the same problems you have.
So let’s let them come to America en masse ?
My idea would solve that problem: a national consumption tax earmarked for deficit spending.

Let's say the new national consumption tax was five cents on the dollar. When Democrats use our money to buy votes and it turns into a deficit, up goes the consumption tax.

A lot of people don't pay attention to debt because it doesn't affect them, and they don't think about their grandchildren. But if we had to start thinking of paying for these deficits when they happen, you'd see how many people would start paying attention to this pork spending and vote buying. At the same time, we would have a balanced budget every year with no deficit or debt.
These clowns in Washington will spend every dime and borrow and spend trillions more. Maybe with an iron clad debt limit, short of that no tax revenue approach is going to matter.

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