In 40 years, Jews will be a massive REPUBLICAN voting bloc

I know that’s the goal of the leftists - to wipe out all who dissent from liberalism. The majority of the country is appalled at the nonsense you fools are spreading - the latest being the president signing some bill to protect biological males from being banned from girls’ sports - and we will fight back harder and harder.

So keep taking our kids to drag shows, and cutting off their genitals without parental knowledge. Keep refusing to condemn mobs of black teenage savages attacking an innocent white lady. Keep punishing success by hiding from bright, achieving students that they won Merit Scholarships in order to “even them out” with less intelligent kids. Keep throwing the border open to uneducated, unskilled foreigners flooding in here with bogus asylum claims. Keep up with policies that increase gas and grocery prices. Keep rewarding irresponsibility.

You people are nuts, and you will be beaten.
Lisa didn't graduate college so she doesn't understand the implications of the popular vote since 2004.
And here I thought this was going to be about Democrat Jews finally coming to their senses.
President Trump will win in 2024. And he will win big. I'm sorry to see someone as bright as you falling for deep state propaganda. Soros funded the left's Alinsky fixation to push deep atate for its infirmities. Let not your heart be troubled. I'm praying for God's mercy to be restored. Good evening, everyone. It's time for my nightly vespers and some sound sleep. Don't let the bedbugs bite!

Sadly it's just one of many examples of how the media controls the minds of some people. It's why our country is in such bad shape today and much more dangerous to boot.
And here I thought this was going to be about Democrat Jews finally coming to their senses.
It would be nice, but I don’t think so. Our best bet is the Orthodox, who are having large families.

But remember….one in three Democrat Jews HAVE come to their senses. Virtually all Republican Jews were Dems at one point.
The Hasidim tend to be stupid, insular, and low income, and they tend to stay in NYC.

They are also racist bigots, which is why Lisa is getting wet over the idea. Here is one of their great leaders, who passed away recently.

"Goyim (gentiles, non-Jews) were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel," he said, according to the Jerusalem Post. "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created." An "effendi" is a lord, or a master, in Arabic.

Yosef also favored the large number of ultra-Orthodox men who eschew modern education, focus only on Torah study, and are exempted from military service in Israel while largely subsisting on government handouts.


"Women should make (stew) and not deal with matters of the Torah." He said that any disagreement with him was the fault of "a few stupid women. A woman's knowledge is only in sewing."

Obviously Lisa need to focus on her knitting.

To be sure, it's not just in Israel where Yosef was popular. Bill de Blasio, the democrat who's the current front-runner to be mayor of New York, had this to say about the departed rabbi today:

Millions of people around the world lost a leader today in Rabbi Chacham Ovadia Yosef. His wisdom, charity and sensitivity were legendary.
— Bill de Blasio (@BilldeBlasio) October 7, 2013

Be careful what you wish for. All Jews are not alike, something you Evangelical types need to learn instead of blindly supporting something just because some Jews says you should. Most Orthodox and Hasidim aren't the Jews of the Old Testament.
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The Hasidim tend to be stupid, insular, and low income, and they tend to stay in NYC.

They are also racist bigots, which is why Lisa is getting wet over the idea. Here is one of their great leaders, who passed away recently.

"Goyim (gentiles, non-Jews) were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel," he said, according to the Jerusalem Post. "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created." An "effendi" is a lord, or a master, in Arabic.

Yosef also favored the large number of ultra-Orthodox men who eschew modern education, focus only on Torah study, and are exempted from military service in Israel while largely subsisting on government handouts.


"Women should make (stew) and not deal with matters of the Torah." He said that any disagreement with him was the fault of "a few stupid women. A woman's knowledge is only in sewing."

Obviously Lisa need to focus on her knitting.

To be sure, it's not just in Israel where Yosef was popular. Bill de Blasio, the democrat who's the current front-runner to be mayor of New York, had this to say about the departed rabbi today:
And Antisemitic Dudley needs to find himself another Jew to mock and insult.
I know that’s the goal of the leftists - to wipe out all who dissent from liberalism. The majority of the country is appalled at the nonsense you fools are spreading - the latest being the president signing some bill to protect biological males from being banned from girls’ sports - and we will fight back harder and harder.

So keep taking our kids to drag shows, and cutting off their genitals without parental knowledge. Keep refusing to condemn mobs of black teenage savages attacking an innocent white lady. Keep punishing success by hiding from bright, achieving students that they won Merit Scholarships in order to “even them out” with less intelligent kids. Keep throwing the border open to uneducated, unskilled foreigners flooding in here with bogus asylum claims. Keep up with policies that increase gas and grocery prices. Keep rewarding irresponsibility.

You people are nuts, and you will be beaten.

Here’s a newsflash for you. Humans have a shelf life.

When you’re dead. You don’t get to make anymore decisions.
Here’s a newsflash for you. Humans have a shelf life.

When you’re dead. You don’t get to make anymore decisions.
What does that have to do with the havoc you leftists are creating, and the examples I gave?
OK? No. Accepted as a part of the human condition since time immemorial? Yes. The Jews ultimately stand or fall on their own. As do we all.

Indians (Native Americans) fell because their "race" remained in the Neolithic hunter-gatherer-nomadic stage 10,000 years behind more advanced ethnicities

It's what happens when advanced ( from both a societal and technological perspective ) civilization meets Stone Age residue... natural selection at work.

It's what happened to American Indians... it's what happened to Tribal Africa... it's what happened to Pacific Aborigines... natural selection on the macro level.

Uncomfortable, perhaps, but undeniable.

Hey, man, I think they are playing your song.

Jews? At this rate in less than forty years the ballots will be printed in Spanish.
Sigh, but then there's the Hispanic "math" that has yet to be fully determined.

I don't really worry about the black vote anymore as they will be at 11% given the way they abort and kill each other off in wholesale lots.
Hispanic Catholics are going to vote Republican. What's the alternative?

Vote for abortion and trannies ruling the world?

Yeah, I do not see them voting for that.
The more people who vote for Mr. Trump or even Ron DeSantis over Biden the better. Here’s the thing my friend 30 years from now 40 years from now we might just have better Democrats… unless of course we have a nuclear Armageddon because of this nonsense we’re getting involved in , in Ukraine.

I respect all people whether they are Jews Christians or atheists you name it.

One thing I will say is that when it comes to very religious Jews or very religious Muslims some of them are opposed to interfaith marriage. This is an issue it’s unacceptable. We cannot have any parents in this country raising their children and telling them “hey if you don’t marry someone of the same religion we will disown you” this is an issue among some of the very religious Jews and very religious Muslims and maybe some Christians in the Middle East but not many.

You know in Syria there was a Christian man in Damascus who married a Muslim woman and that’s allowed there. It’s also allowed in Türkiye. And I’m not talking about a Muslim man and a Christian woman no, I’m talking about a Christian man and a Muslim woman.

Here in America something like 50% of Jews are involved in interfaith marriages this is a beautiful thing. I’m a Catholic OK I’m a man, if I see a Jewish man Marry a Catholic women I say god bless them…

all of us civilized people demand every single parent in America support interfaith marriage or else they should not be allowed to be in this country.

We should have a questionnaire for potential immigrants to America and if they don’t support interfaith marriage they should not be allowed in the country.

It’s about love loving everybody and it’s about respecting our world, you know God created all of us to live together in peace.
Ya know, the tribe tries to keep their bloodline pure. I learned about that a long time ago, and that's fine by me.

Except my 1st love was a princess. Well, that didn't work out. I am teh goyim.. I love bacon!

I loved her so much I probably would have given up bacon; And that's serious.
there are cases of Catholics marrying Muslims throughout history. So I should’ve wrote that better you see it can be a Catholic and a Muslim or a Catholic and a Jew or a Catholic and a Hindu person.

If there is a Jewish person married to a Catholic person. And have children the children can decide what religion they want when they grow up. And then their children maybe they’ll be Jewish maybe they’ll be Christian maybe they will become Hindu. This is part of freedom if you don’t have freedom we have nothing. You see in all of the great books of Islam, Christianity and Judaism there are talks of different tribes of different religions. So you see my friend our Lord recognizes different tribes and different religions.
Islamists are goatfuckers. SCUM.

Goat rapists, even. They believe if it's at night or out at sea, Allah doesn't see it and they can do whatever they want.

Well, the Judeo-Christian way of Western life does NOT see it the way they do.

Crimes committed in the middle of the night are still crimes. That's pretty much FACT.
Lisa didn't graduate college so she doesn't understand the implications of the popular vote since 2004.

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

3a. Play dumb and keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age.

6. Employ misdirection.

6a. smear people.

6b. attack religion.

6c. attack your rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions.

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card.

9. Play gay/lesbia6c. attack your rationality.n card.

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card.

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly.

13. Reword and repeat.

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia.

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity/OAN.

18. You can’t read.

19. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump.

20. What about...

Fuck you, boy.
Hispanic Catholics are going to vote Republican. What's the alternative?

Vote for abortion and trannies ruling the world?

Yeah, I do not see them voting for that.

Most young people want access to abortions.
Here's the reality. Catholics are actually... pretty liberal. Just look at Pope Francis, the guy's practically a communist.
Just run the math. There are about 6 million Jews in America, and around 15% of them are Orthodox, or close to 1 million. And the Orthodox vote overwhelmingly Republican.

They also have a lot of kids - averaging 8 per family. In a generation, that means 4 million Orthodox. When those 4 million have kids, beginning in 20 years, it becomes 16 million. (Multiplying by 4 and not 8 since it takes two Orthodox Jews to produce those kids.)

Those new Orthodox Jews represent about 5% of voters, the majority of whom will vote Republican. Enough to tip the scales in every swing state.

And you think 100% of them are going to be Republicans?
Hey, man, I think they are playing your song.

Oh, my, my, my, my, my... another history denier.. did all that offend your delicate sensibilities? Tough $hit.

Africans and American Indians and Pacific Aborigines all belonged to societies who never progressed beyond the Neolithic Era and therefore they fell in the end.

Your foolhardy and juvenile attempts to hold otherwise because the facts don't jive with your modern-day agenda are both sadly pathetic and highly amusing.
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Just run the math. There are about 6 million Jews in America, and around 15% of them are Orthodox, or close to 1 million. And the Orthodox vote overwhelmingly Republican.

They also have a lot of kids - averaging 8 per family. In a generation, that means 4 million Orthodox. When those 4 million have kids, beginning in 20 years, it becomes 16 million. (Multiplying by 4 and not 8 since it takes two Orthodox Jews to produce those kids.)

Those new Orthodox Jews represent about 5% of voters, the majority of whom will vote Republican. Enough to tip the scales in every swing state.

At this rate, in 40 years the USA will be no longer.

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