In 40 years, Jews will be a massive REPUBLICAN voting bloc

These clowns in Washington will spend every dime and borrow and spend trillions more. Maybe with an iron clad debt limit, short of that no tax revenue approach is going to matter.

I think it would. If people found out that their tax was going to go from 5 cents on the dollar to 8 cents on the dollar because of climate change garbage, you'd see how fast people would be writing to their Democrat Congress people how the climate is just fine and they better not vote on that bill.
You’re one of the manipulated. Trump was a far superior president than Biden.
That's a damned low bar (Biden) and you know it... hell... Stormy Daniels would have made a better President than Sleepy Old Uncle Joe.

But Old Joe was anointed to do two jobs... (a) get Trump out of office then (b) hold the fort until somebody better came along.

As to Trump being a 'far superior President', well...

Mussolini made the trains run on time...

Hitler ended unemployment and grew the economy and tore-up crippling treaties and restored national pride...

But at what price to representative democracy and constitutionality and peaceful power transfers in those (then) unhappy lands?

Performance alone is not sufficient to sustain a person in power... true leaders also need trustworthiness and character and honor and courage...

Your boy comes-up short indeed in each of those categories, and, frankly...

January 6, 2021 has rendered your boy un-electable.

That's not being "brainwashed".

That's Reality.

You have a narrow window of opportunity to change your Standard Bearer while you still can.

You need an ability to advance the Trump Agenda without the Trump Baggage...

You need someone much younger... with governing experience... with vision, and courage, and an ability to get things done... not just to talk about himself...

Fail to change Standard Bearers and you will lose the November 2024 general election.


Stop wasting time comparing Trump to Biden... you need to be working on your bullpen to bring-up a pitcher who can actually WIN against the Machine in 2024.

The nation cannot stand another four years of these idiot Democrats and their idiotic policies and their corruption.

Please do not condemn us to that by putting that ignorant, arrogant, unthinking, power-mad villain of January 6, 2021, on the ballot again.

Stop looking in the rearview mirror... you're wasting time... and you don't have much of that left... get crackin'...
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Young people are inexperienced in life and vote for what sounds good. That’s why as people mature, they become more Republican:
In the real world, the exact opposite happens. People tend to get more liberal as they mature. That only makes sense. I mean, just look at the maturity level of the Republicans on this board.

That means conservatives are really screwed, and it's why they're trying so hard to implement a permanent one-party fascist state.

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That's a damned low bar (Biden) and you know it... hell... Stormy Daniels would have made a better President than Sleepy Old Uncle Joe.

But Old Joe was anointed to do two jobs... (a) get Trump out of office then (b) hold the fort until somebody better came along.

As to Trump being a 'far superior President', well...

Mussolini made the trains run on time...

Hitler ended unemployment and grew the economy and tore-up crippling treaties and restored national pride...

But at what price to representative democracy and constitutionality and peaceful power transfers in those (then) unhappy lands?

Performance alone is not sufficient to sustain a person in power... true leaders also need trustworthiness and character and honor and courage...

Your boy comes-up short indeed in each of those categories, and, frankly...

January 6, 2021 has rendered your boy un-electable.

That's not being "brainwashed".

That's Reality.

You have a narrow window of opportunity to change your Standard Bearer while you still can.

You need an ability to advance the Trump Agenda without the Trump Baggage...

You need someone much younger... with governing experience... with vision, and courage, and an ability to get things done... not just to talk about himself...

Fail to change Standard Bearers and you will lose the November 2024 general election.


Stop wasting time comparing Trump to Biden... you need to be working on your bullpen to bring-up a pitcher who can actually WIN against the Machine in 2024.

The nation cannot stand another four years of these idiot Democrats and their idiotic policies and their corruption.

Please do not condemn us to that by putting that ignorant, arrogant, unthinking, power-mad villain of January 6, 2021, on the ballot again.

Stop looking in the rearview mirror... you're wasting time... and you don't have much of that left... get crackin'...
If Deplorable voters pick a RINO they will lose. And the elites position candidates to knock out other candidates who think close to the same to get their choice RINO. Trump was chosen as the standard bearer because he talked and acted like a Progressive Socialist. And Progs saw that as threatening. The incivility was not him. He responded to the incivility. The swamp people he had to take in screwed him over. He was not going to have much success without that. And he had success and could have had more. His own screwed him over. This time around, it needs to be different.
If Deplorable voters pick a RINO they will lose. And the elites position candidates to knock out other candidates who think close to the same to get their choice RINO. Trump was chosen as the standard bearer because he talked and acted like a Progressive Socialist. And Progs saw that as threatening. The incivility was not him. He responded to the incivility. The swamp people he had to take in screwed him over. He was not going to have much success without that. And he had success and could have had more. His own screwed him over. This time around, it needs to be different.
He will not get that chance.

There will be no "next time".

January 6, 2021 has branded and tarnished him forevermore.

He is now damned in the eyes of much of the electorate as a modern-day Benedict Arnold.

America will not forgive his attempted coup.

He is now un-electable.


Just stating fact.
Desperate and wishful thinking from the party where they are dying off of old age.
DeSantis is right, conservatives need to grab control of the liberal colleges and universities. There's been too much brainwashing already.
In 40 years I can only pray people calling themselves Americans will embrace what it truly means to be American. The greatest generation embraced this simple concept which defined and guided them through life. The succeeding generation made unprecedented gains in achieving the true meaning of inclusivity was all about and now being American has become all about religious affiliation and race pathetic. Sad!
That's a damned low bar (Biden) and you know it... hell... Stormy Daniels would have made a better President than Sleepy Old Uncle Joe.

But Old Joe was anointed to do two jobs... (a) get Trump out of office then (b) hold the fort until somebody better came along.

As to Trump being a 'far superior President', well...

Mussolini made the trains run on time...

Hitler ended unemployment and grew the economy and tore-up crippling treaties and restored national pride...

But at what price to representative democracy and constitutionality and peaceful power transfers in those (then) unhappy lands?

Performance alone is not sufficient to sustain a person in power... true leaders also need trustworthiness and character and honor and courage...

Your boy comes-up short indeed in each of those categories, and, frankly...

January 6, 2021 has rendered your boy un-electable.

That's not being "brainwashed".

That's Reality.

You have a narrow window of opportunity to change your Standard Bearer while you still can.

You need an ability to advance the Trump Agenda without the Trump Baggage...

You need someone much younger... with governing experience... with vision, and courage, and an ability to get things done... not just to talk about himself...

Fail to change Standard Bearers and you will lose the November 2024 general election.


Stop wasting time comparing Trump to Biden... you need to be working on your bullpen to bring-up a pitcher who can actually WIN against the Machine in 2024.

The nation cannot stand another four years of these idiot Democrats and their idiotic policies and their corruption.

Please do not condemn us to that by putting that ignorant, arrogant, unthinking, power-mad villain of January 6, 2021, on the ballot again.

Stop looking in the rearview mirror... you're wasting time... and you don't have much of that left... get crackin'...
President Trump will win in 2024. And he will win big. I'm sorry to see someone as bright as you falling for deep state propaganda. Soros funded the left's Alinsky fixation to push deep atate for its infirmities. Let not your heart be troubled. I'm praying for God's mercy to be restored. Good evening, everyone. It's time for my nightly vespers and some sound sleep. Don't let the bedbugs bite!
President Trump will win in 2024. And he will win big. I'm sorry to see someone as bright as you falling for deep state propaganda. Soros funded the left's Alinsky fixation to push deep atate for its infirmities. Let not your heart be troubled. I'm praying for God's mercy to be restored. Good evening, everyone. It's time for my nightly vespers and some sound sleep. Don't let the bedbugs bite!


Sadly rejected as well-meaning but unrealistic delusion.
He will not get that chance.

There will be no "next time".

January 6, 2021 has branded and tarnished him forevermore.

He is now damned in the eyes of much of the electorate as a modern-day Benedict Arnold.

America will not forgive his attempted coup.

He is now un-electable.


Just stating fact.
The attempted coup did not exist with Trump. It was manufactured by the prog politicians, the elites, the media and the entertainers. The election was stolen by deceit using the system against itself. Many of the Prog voters are living poorer today than January of 2021. And from watching local elections, the Prog voters want more of it. Just like 2nd and 3rd world nations. The same that has sent all of these immigrants here. I understand the agendas to a point. It's just I believe that we are being destroyed and there will be loathing of the transformation we end up with.
In 40 years I can only pray people calling themselves Americans will embrace what it truly means to be American. The greatest generation embraced this simple concept which defined and guided them through life. The succeeding generation made unprecedented gains in achieving the true meaning of inclusivity was all about and now being American has become all about religious affiliation and race pathetic. Sad!

Jesus Christ these Bingos don't know history. The greatest generation fought in a segregated army you ignorant twat.
So by that logic, WHEN the Arab world gets its act together and drives the Jews into the Sea, that will be okay by you, right?
OK? No. Accepted as a part of the human condition since time immemorial? Yes. The Jews ultimately stand or fall on their own. As do we all.

Indians (Native Americans) fell because their "race" remained in the Neolithic hunter-gatherer-nomadic stage 10,000 years behind more advanced ethnicities

It's what happens when advanced ( from both a societal and technological perspective ) civilization meets Stone Age residue... natural selection at work.

It's what happened to American Indians... it's what happened to Tribal Africa... it's what happened to Pacific Aborigines... natural selection on the macro level.

Uncomfortable, perhaps, but undeniable.
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The attempted coup did not exist with Trump. It was manufactured by the prog politicians, the elites, the media and the entertainers. The election was stolen by deceit using the system against itself. Many of the Prog voters are living poorer today than January of 2021. And from watching local elections, the Prog voters want more of it. Just like 2nd and 3rd world nations. The same that has sent all of these immigrants here. I understand the agendas to a point. It's just I believe that we are being destroyed and there will be loathing of the transformation we end up with.
You can serve-up one juicy rationalization after another but (outside of your own base) nobody is listening. Trump's "Big Lie" put a cap in your credibility.

You are swinging after the bell and it is an absolutely useless exercise. Trump has been charged, tried and convicted in the court of non-GOP public opinion.

Nobody is listening anymore.

If you run Trump in 2024 you are going to lose the White House again.


And he may drag the narrow House majority down the drain with him.


Stop looking in the rear view mirror.

Take heart... muster-up your courage... set aside the failed Standard Bearer of the past.

You lack the numbers to win without pulling a lot of other people into your tent on Election Day.

Field a candidate that can attract Independents and Reagan Democrats and start winning again and put the sordid past behind you.

But do it soon... you're running out of time.
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Just run the math. There are about 6 million Jews in America, and around 15% of them are Orthodox, or close to 1 million. And the Orthodox vote overwhelmingly Republican.

They also have a lot of kids - averaging 8 per family. In a generation, that means 4 million Orthodox. When those 4 million have kids, beginning in 20 years, it becomes 16 million. (Multiplying by 4 and not 8 since it takes two Orthodox Jews to produce those kids.)

Those new Orthodox Jews represent about 5% of voters, the majority of whom will vote Republican. Enough to tip the scales in every swing state.

In 40 years there isn’t going to be a Republican voting bloc.
In 40 years there isn’t going to be a Republican voting bloc.
I know that’s the goal of the leftists - to wipe out all who dissent from liberalism. The majority of the country is appalled at the nonsense you fools are spreading - the latest being the president signing some bill to protect biological males from being banned from girls’ sports - and we will fight back harder and harder.

So keep taking our kids to drag shows, and cutting off their genitals without parental knowledge. Keep refusing to condemn mobs of black teenage savages attacking an innocent white lady. Keep punishing success by hiding from bright, achieving students that they won Merit Scholarships in order to “even them out” with less intelligent kids. Keep throwing the border open to uneducated, unskilled foreigners flooding in here with bogus asylum claims. Keep up with policies that increase gas and grocery prices. Keep rewarding irresponsibility.

You people are nuts, and you will be beaten.

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