In 40 years, Jews will be a massive REPUBLICAN voting bloc

Yes. I do believe so. Why? American democracy can survive a declining old coot. It cannot survive someone so power-mad as to cause January 6, 2021.

The above rationale is all that is needed for the Dems to win again if the Republicans make the mistake of nominating Trump again. Guaranteed.

And all the juicy rationalizations and explanations in the world will not help you-and-yours when Indies and DINOs pull that voting boot curtain closed.
You’re one of the manipulated. Trump was a far superior president than Biden.
Did you factor in the 13,000,000 migrants that the Biden admin just let in with their "Open Border" policy?

The USA has had an "open border policy" since its' inception. I notice all of your airports, and seaports are still receiving visitors and goods from nations all over the world. Even under Donald Trump, your borders were open. Tourism is a multi-billion dollar business.

Trump selectively barred certain people from coming into the USA - BROWN people can't cross the Southern Border. MUSLIM people from certain countries. But your borders have never been closed.
Even if Biden is the opponent? Are there that many manipulated voters who, after experiencing the damage of a Biden Administration, now seeing how corrupt he is, and seeing how demented he is, would vote for him again?

The ONLY people who see Biden as "demented", "corrupt" or his Administration as "damaging" are the MAGA crowd.

The rest of the world sees a competent manager of the public resources, who is restoring economic and social stablity to a country that been in the hands of a madman for the past 4 years.

The damge was done by Donald Trump and it will take generations to recover.
The ONLY people who see Biden as "demented", "corrupt" or his Administration as "damaging" are the MAGA crowd.

The rest of the world sees a competent manager of the public resources, who is restoring economic and social stablity to a country that been in the hands of a madman for the past 4 years.

The damge was done by Donald Trump and it will take generations to recover.

If what Trump did was damage, let's hope for more of it.

Under Biden since Trump:

Inflation hit a 40 year high.
Gasoline hit a new record high in the US.
Utility costs doubled.
Groceries up 30%.
Increased food stamps to it's highest percentage since the program began.
Labor shortage of 10 million because of Dementia's expanded welfare handouts.
Border in the worst shape it's been in decades according to the Border Patrol.
First time the US has received a threat from another nuclear armed country since the 1960s.
Interest rates the highest they've been in 16 years and predicted to go higher.

Yeah, like anybody in their right mind would want more of this.
Even if Biden is the opponent? Are there that many manipulated voters who, after experiencing the damage of a Biden Administration, now seeing how corrupt he is, and seeing how demented he is, would vote for him again?

Unfortunately there are people out there that use their hate to vote with instead of what's best for the country.
Unfortunately there are people out there that use their hate to vote with instead of what's best for the country.
….although they don’t see it that way. They honestly have convinced themselves that Trump would be a threat to democracy, all the while they vote in Democrats who are destroying our nation on many levels.
Depends how you define practicing.
Had Bar / Bat Mitzvah , Visit from a Moyle , not a Jr . Or same name as a parent or grandparent , wears a mask at every Purim , goes to temple more often than not ...

In 40 years, Jews will be a massive REPUBLICAN voting bloc​

Everywhere I look, I see young people embracing conservatism. Meanwhile, look at where the left is going: the streets of Chicago is where progressivism is going. Things march in cycles and while the left celebrate, the earth is eroding away from under their feet day by day. I wonder what they will think in a few years when the tables are turned on them and they are victim to everything set forth now? It won't be good.
Had Bar / Bat Mitzvah , Visit from a Moyle , not a Jr . Or same name as a parent or grandparent , wears a mask at every Purim , goes to temple more often than not ...
There's your problem. Thomas Jefferson foresaw it. Religious belief is intimate to voting for State agents.
Had Bar / Bat Mitzvah , Visit from a Moyle , not a Jr . Or same name as a parent or grandparent , wears a mask at every Purim , goes to temple more often than not ...
Yeah, maybe a third then. But among very observant, most are conservatives.
….although they don’t see it that way. They honestly have convinced themselves that Trump would be a threat to democracy, all the while they vote in Democrats who are destroying our nation on many levels.

And yet they have no evidence that Trump tried to destroy anything. A rally doesn't destroy democracy and the riot was not his doing.
That’s a major problem, I agree. We have to make sure that Republicans ALWAYS hold at least one chamber to block the Democrats from making them citizens.

There is a secondary problem with that: These illegals run to Democrat ran sanctuary cities and states. The Democrats shower them with gifts and even give them drivers licenses. So even if the Democrats can't make them citizens, they still count as citizens by the US Census that's not allowed to ask them their status. Those figures go into deciding how many House seats each district gets and since they are in Democrat districts anyway, they get an unfair amount of representation in Congress.
And yet they have no evidence that Trump tried to destroy anything. A rally doesn't destroy democracy and the riot was not his doing.
He did so much good! He got the border pretty much under control, we had an energy surplus, he didn’t start any new wars, he had lower wage people getting a real increase for the first time in eons, there was a record low unemployment rate for blacks, businesses were thriving and hiring and increasing wages (hence the previous two accomplishments), he made great progress in the Middle East, our enemies feared us, and the stock market was roaring.
There is a secondary problem with that: These illegals run to Democrat ran sanctuary cities and states. The Democrats shower them with gifts and even give them drivers licenses. So even if the Democrats can't make them citizens, they still count as citizens by the US Census that's not allowed to ask them their status. Those figures go into deciding how many House seats each district gets and since they are in Democrat districts anyway, they get an unfair amount of representation in Congress.
Yes, it’s a shame that we can’t account for our own citizens as part of the Census - and has dire consequences, as you note.

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