In a nation founded and built on conservatism, individualism and capitalism….why would a responsible 30+ adult lean left and vote Democrat?

Hahaha…we’ve all debated you a time or two…you don’t allow “points” to matter…no leftist ever does.
You’d have to actually make a point for me to consider it or not. None of you wusses even try to make or defend your points. That’s the comedy here and why y’all look so foolish

In a nation founded and built on conservatism, individualism and capitalism….why would a responsible 30+ adult lean left and vote Democrat?​

Because Democrats actually give a shit about you

Republicans want you as a low waged worker with no benefits. Republicans won’t do shit about wages, healthcare, safety, worker protections.

Democrats will fight for the working man
Because Democrats actually give a shit about you
Is that why they want me to take home more of my own money? (Pay less taxes)
Is that why they improve my quality of life by improving public safety?
Republicans want you as a low waged worker with no benefits.
By recruiting Mexico’s people by the millions?
Republicans won’t do shit about wages, healthcare, safety, worker protections.
Do they improve my wages, my healthcare, my safety and worker protections by loading Mexico’s people into our institutions?
Democrats will fight for the working man
By begging Mexico’s people to destroy ALL blue-collar trades?
We all know why the young and unwise lean left and vote Dem….but those who have personal responsibilities and who have studied our history know the greatest nation on the globe was built in a very short time on the foundation of conservatism, individualism and capitalism….What would drive seemingly wise people to go so against the grain….why would they want to stop doing what we’ve always done?
What drives you to lean left and vote Democrat?

confucius dem base.jpg
Why is that so weird? What don’t you understand?
We don’t understand how/why fools ignore statistics, demographics and behavior traits.
It’s weird that you still believe a darker America is a better America.
We don’t understand how/why fools ignore statistics, demographics and behavior traits.
It’s weird that you still believe a darker America is a better America.
Numbers and stats obviously will benefit the demographic that is richer more educated and more powerful within any society.

A primary value for those on the left is compassion for those at the bottom and efforts to lift them up by providing opportunity.

You don’t have to agree but do you really not understand that?
What a stupid statement that is. Are YOU not part of "We the People"? "Of the people, by the people and for the people" is currently, "of the people, by the 'elites', for the wealthy". Trump is the most dishonest, corrupt, and openly criminal president in American history and YOU worship this loser, because he's just as much as a racist asshole as YOU are.

You're disdainful of anyone running for office who isn't wealthy. You only consume the billionaire owned right wing media which exists for the sole purpose of keeping working people from voting for Democrats, by demonizing "others", and saying they're destroying America.

Trump didn't build the "Greatest Economy in American History", nor did you give you "energy independence". Obama and Biden did BOTH of these things. Trump merely took credit for them, and YOU believed him.

No Democrats has ever crashed the economy throwing millions of Americans out of work, and enriching the wealthy. But Republicans do it every time they have the White House, because it enriches guys like Rupert Murdoch, and the Waltons, and the Sinclairs, and the Mercers. You get screwed every time, but you still vote for Republicans.
It’s not yours, go play with Trudeau
Numbers and stats obviously will benefit the demographic that is richer more educated and more powerful within any society.

A primary value for those on the left is compassion for those at the bottom and efforts to lift them up by providing opportunity.

You don’t have to agree but do you really not understand that?

That's false.
Numbers and stats obviously will benefit the demographic that is richer more educated and more powerful within any society.
Hmmm…wouldn’t it make sense to encourage “richer more educated and more powerful” people to breed? If we’re going to incentivize fertility shouldn’t we invest in our own? Why beg Mexico to break in and make babies for us to fund?
A primary value for those on the left is compassion for those at the bottom and efforts to lift them up by providing opportunity.
Is that why you beg Mexico to invade and fuck blacks out or their neighborhoods and out of their jobs?
You don’t have to agree but do you really not understand that?
I understand it’s all bullshit….Fuck what you say, I watch what you do.
We all know why the young and unwise lean left and vote Dem….but those who have personal responsibilities and who have studied our history know the greatest nation on the globe was built in a very short time on the foundation of conservatism, individualism and capitalism….What would drive seemingly wise people to go so against the grain….why would they want to stop doing what we’ve always done?
What drives you to lean left and vote Democrat?

America was built on none of those things.

You're an idiot.

Which explains your confusion.

America was founded upon the principles of Liberalism, tolerance, and the collective well being of all people.
America was built on none of those things.

You're an idiot.

Which explains your confusion.

America was founded upon the principles of Liberalism, tolerance, and the collective well being of all people.
The Founding Fathers set up sensible election laws where the dumb people were not allowed to vote.
The Constitution, our founding documents, our currency, our institutions are all rooted in biblical principle.
Maybe you missed the fact that our Constitution has that “Shall make no law…” thing or the fact that a lot of the Founders were Deists

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