In a nation founded and built on conservatism, individualism and capitalism….why would a responsible 30+ adult lean left and vote Democrat?

We all know why the young and unwise lean left and vote Dem….but those who have personal responsibilities and who have studied our history know the greatest nation on the globe was built in a very short time on the foundation of conservatism, individualism and capitalism….What would drive seemingly wise people to go so against the grain….why would they want to stop doing what we’ve always done?
What drives you to lean left and vote Democrat?
Education system, corporations, and state media all reinforce it.
The military industrial complex is an INVESTMENT that productive taxpaying Americans (the nations shot-callers) believe in for the most part while taxpayer dependent beggars would rather see more investment in ShaQuita, Guadalupe and their baby factories….Further, NOBODY really wants to invest in foreign kids getting liberal arts degrees…..Sorry but us positive contributors like to see a ROi.

We all know why the young and unwise lean left and vote Dem….but those who have personal responsibilities and who have studied our history know the greatest nation on the globe was built in a very short time on the foundation of conservatism, individualism and capitalism….What would drive seemingly wise people to go so against the grain….why would they want to stop doing what we’ve always done?
What drives you to lean left and vote Democrat?

Technology made us lazy. The lazier people get the more they lean left.

When you have to work and earn things and take responsibility the more right people lean. It's why young people tend to mostly lean left but lean right as they get older and have to actually be an adult. But these days it's easier and easier to be lazy and live off uncle sucker so the left try and appeal to those people.

Now the left heavily pushes towards those people by telling them everyone deserves to make lots of money even for menial jobs, that everyone deserves to be treated special, that nothing is their fault it's always someone else's fault, and perpetuates young people ideals, and that everyone deserves everything just for showing up. It's all about not letting people mature and strong, it's about keeping them emotionally charged idiot kids for life.

There is a reason America is the youngest country among all the super power countries and why were at the top of the food chain. Because America was founded by determined, conservative, strong willed, proud, ambitious people. We skyrocketed to the top very quickly because of those reasons. Now we're falling behind because we aren't those things anymore. We're getting weaker by diversifying our nation and by letting weak willed people be in charge that are only interested in their own personal financial and political gain.

We need the American dream back, we need American pride again, we need American ambition, and so on.

I'm not saying we need to go back to 1890, but we need our society from a few decades ago back at least.
We all know why the young and unwise lean left and vote Dem….but those who have personal responsibilities and who have studied our history know the greatest nation on the globe was built in a very short time on the foundation of conservatism, individualism and capitalism….What would drive seemingly wise people to go so against the grain….why would they want to stop doing what we’ve always done?
What drives you to lean left and vote Democrat?

"We all know" doesn't quite apply, because generally speaking leftists are non-thinking beings. More than that they're intellectually dishonest.
Who the FUK said anything about financially equal?

We are talking equality in the eyes of the law

Something the FEDERAL Government forced the States to do
"Equality" ? Every once in a while, I like to quote my favorite poet, Bob Dylan >>

Technology made us lazy. The lazier people get the more they lean left.

When you have to work and earn things and take responsibility the more right people lean. It's why young people tend to mostly lean left but lean right as they get older and have to actually be an adult. But these days it's easier and easier to be lazy and live off uncle sucker so the left try and appeal to those people.

Now the left heavily pushes towards those people by telling them everyone deserves to make lots of money even for menial jobs, that everyone deserves to be treated special, that nothing is their fault it's always someone else's fault, and perpetuates young people ideals, and that everyone deserves everything just for showing up. It's all about not letting people mature and strong, it's about keeping them emotionally charged idiot kids for life.

There is a reason America is the youngest country among all the super power countries and why were at the top of the food chain. Because America was founded by determined, conservative, strong willed, proud, ambitious people. We skyrocketed to the top very quickly because of those reasons. Now we're falling behind because we aren't those things anymore. We're getting weaker by diversifying our nation and by letting weak willed people be in charge that are only interested in their own personal financial and political gain.

We need the American dream back, we need American pride again, we need American ambition, and so on.

I'm not saying we need to go back to 1890, but we need our society from a few decades ago back at least.

that nothing is their fault it's always someone else's fault, and perpetuates young people ideals, and that everyone deserves everything just for showing up.

Interesting... so whose fault is it that Trump lost the 2020 election...?
that nothing is their fault it's always someone else's fault, and perpetuates young people ideals, and that everyone deserves everything just for showing up.

Interesting... so whose fault is it that Trump lost the 2020 election...?
Yours! HA HA HAHA :biggrin:
We all know why the young and unwise lean left and vote Dem….but those who have personal responsibilities and who have studied our history know the greatest nation on the globe was built in a very short time on the foundation of conservatism, individualism and capitalism….What would drive seemingly wise people to go so against the grain….why would they want to stop doing what we’ve always done?
What drives you to lean left and vote Democrat?
There are literally millions of people in the US who feel entitled to sit on their asses while someone else takes care of them and they have taught their children for decades to be lazy ass bums and blame the rich for their lot in life. If you think about it, to these people, socialism is welcome.
What a private business does is none of my business. Belichick (in the past, not now) has done what his employer wanted him to do. Republicans do not do that for me.
‘Republicans’ don’t work for YOU…they work for the collective, We The People.
You think politicians should work for YOU and you alone?
‘Republicans’ don’t work for YOU…they work for the collective, We The People.
You think politicians should work for YOU and you alone?

What a stupid statement that is. Are YOU not part of "We the People"? "Of the people, by the people and for the people" is currently, "of the people, by the 'elites', for the wealthy". Trump is the most dishonest, corrupt, and openly criminal president in American history and YOU worship this loser, because he's just as much as a racist asshole as YOU are.

You're disdainful of anyone running for office who isn't wealthy. You only consume the billionaire owned right wing media which exists for the sole purpose of keeping working people from voting for Democrats, by demonizing "others", and saying they're destroying America.

Trump didn't build the "Greatest Economy in American History", nor did you give you "energy independence". Obama and Biden did BOTH of these things. Trump merely took credit for them, and YOU believed him.

No Democrats has ever crashed the economy throwing millions of Americans out of work, and enriching the wealthy. But Republicans do it every time they have the White House, because it enriches guys like Rupert Murdoch, and the Waltons, and the Sinclairs, and the Mercers. You get screwed every time, but you still vote for Republicans.
What a stupid statement that is. Are YOU not part of "We the People"? "Of the people, by the people and for the people" is currently, "of the people, by the 'elites', for the wealthy". Trump is the most dishonest, corrupt, and openly criminal president in American history and YOU worship this loser, because he's just as much as a racist asshole as YOU are.

You're disdainful of anyone running for office who isn't wealthy. You only consume the billionaire owned right wing media which exists for the sole purpose of keeping working people from voting for Democrats, by demonizing "others", and saying they're destroying America.

Trump didn't build the "Greatest Economy in American History", nor did you give you "energy independence". Obama and Biden did BOTH of these things. Trump merely took credit for them, and YOU believed him.

No Democrats has ever crashed the economy throwing millions of Americans out of work, and enriching the wealthy. But Republicans do it every time they have the White House, because it enriches guys like Rupert Murdoch, and the Waltons, and the Sinclairs, and the Mercers. You get screwed every time, but you still vote for Republicans.
hahaha…meanwhile outside of the LefTarded Twilight Zone reality happens and literally ALL “wealthy elites” vote Democrat….Hmmm, why might that be?
All of Hollywood
All of Silicon Valley
Bill Gates
Warren Buffett
The Google faggots
Mark Zuckerberg
Jeff Bezos
Sam Bankman-Fried
Jack Dorsey
hahaha…meanwhile outside of the LefTarded Twilight Zone reality happens and literally ALL “wealthy elites” vote Democrat….Hmmm, why might that be?
All of Hollywood
All of Silicon Valley
Bill Gates
Warren Buffett
The Google faggots
Mark Zuckerberg
Jeff Bezos
Sam Bankman-Fried
Jack Dorsey
Literally all wealthy elites?
What about:
The Koch brothers
Ken Griffin

The list goes on. You’re an idiot if you don’t think both sides have wealthy elites. It’s the same game
Literally all wealthy elites?
What about:
The Koch brothers
Ken Griffin

The list goes on. You’re an idiot if you don’t think both sides have wealthy elites. It’s the same game
Yes, there are a few who vote against their own personal interests with the hopes of improving America for the whole.
What do you think the ratio is…..10:1…..100:1?
Most elites are globalist as fuck….The Democrat Party is globalist as fuck….why is that?
Yes, there are a few who vote against their own personal interests with the hopes of improving America for the whole.
What do you think the ratio is…..10:1…..100:1?
Most elites are globalist as fuck….The Democrat Party is globalist as fuck….why is that?
There are plenty on both sides moron. Most elites are globalists because they are also capitalists and a global market it most often beneficial to business. You couldn’t put that together?!
People become more conservative as they get older, but many never recover from the brainwashing they experienced as children. My older brother is a perfect example. He's the only one in my family who votes Democrat - and he's a major slimeball.
You call your own brother a slimeball Because he doesn't vote the way you want him to?
There are plenty on both sides moron. Most elites are globalists because they are also capitalists and a global market it most often beneficial to business. You couldn’t put that together?!
That’s not true you ignorant fool.
The Democrat Party is globalist because they can’t win without a citizenry full of foreigners whom are desperate, taxpayer dependent, ignorant of our Constitution, our founding principles, values and moral order.

Elites are globalist because the U.S. government is their best customer by way of welfare through desperate, taxpayer dependent dark people.

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