In a nation founded and built on conservatism, individualism and capitalism….why would a responsible 30+ adult lean left and vote Democrat?

Every major advancement in this country came from liberals
What you call a conservative today believes exactly what people who called themselves liberals in the 18th century believed.
Constitution, abolition of slavery, women’s suffrage, worker rights, environmental protection, gay rights

Thank a liberal
You can thank conservatives (18th Century liberals) for the Constitution and the abolition of slavery as well as women's suffrage.
Every major advancement in this country came from liberals
Hahaha…what you Libs call advancement is actually regression and degradation to all sane folks.
Constitution, abolition of slavery, women’s suffrage, worker rights, environmental protection, gay rights
The Constitution was authored by freedom seeking, decent, moral, heterosexual white christian males…none of whom were Liberal.
The abolition of slavery turned blacks loose on white America…have you ever been to a black neighborhood?
Women voting has fucked America like nothing else has
”Worker rights” WTF….you have begged wetbacks to destroy worker rights and all blue collar work
”Environmental protection” WTF… in Flint, MI?
Thank a liberal
Lock away Liberals in Auschwitz style concentration camps And save America.
What you call a conservative today believes exactly what people who called themselves liberals in the 18th century believed.

You can thank conservatives (18th Century liberals) for the Constitution and the abolition of slavery as well as women's suffrage.
Yeah, right. Liberals are for treating everybody equal. You mean like hate crime laws that treat everybody equal? Or affirmative action? How about giving extra credit on college exams for people of color while taking points away from Asian Americans? Some flake puts on a dress and now he competes in female sports in school robbing real girls of their trophies and possible college scholarships. Is that what you call equality?

So tell me, who do you think is paying to put lowlifes in the suburbs? Who is paying for free or discounted internet for the so-called poor? Who do you think pays for all those food stamps? The homeless?

Hate crime laws do treat everyone as equal. That's why you can't stand them. You believe that people should be allowed to hate on minorities and to keep them out of your neighbourhood.
What you call a conservative today believes exactly what people who called themselves liberals in the 18th century believed.

You can thank conservatives (18th Century liberals) for the Constitution and the abolition of slavery as well as women's suffrage.

Today's conservatives would have sided with King George and the divine right of Kings.

Today's conservatives have taken "freedom of religion" to mean that there are no restrictions on any religion in their practices vis a vis other people. If they don't like "other people" on religious grounds, it's an infringement of their "freedom of religion" to be forced to do business with these people. That's not what the Founders meant about "freedom of religion" at all.

Today's conservatives have perverted everything the Founders stood for in pursuit of a white nationalist apartheid nation. The Founders created public schools, libraries and the Post Office, and today's conservatives want all of them done away with.
Hate crime laws do treat everyone as equal. That's why you can't stand them. You believe that people should be allowed to hate on minorities and to keep them out of your neighbourhood.

Stay in Commida because you have no idea WTF is going on here. Hate Crimes are crimes committed against likely Democrat voters (gays, minorities, freaks and weirdos) and gives the offenders additional penalties for committing crimes against these people. That's not equality and is a direct violation of our Equal Protection Under The Law clause of our Constitution, the document you commies hate so much.
Today's conservatives would have sided with King George and the divine right of Kings.

Today's conservatives have taken "freedom of religion" to mean that there are no restrictions on any religion in their practices vis a vis other people. If they don't like "other people" on religious grounds, it's an infringement of their "freedom of religion" to be forced to do business with these people. That's not what the Founders meant about "freedom of religion" at all.

Today's conservatives have perverted everything the Founders stood for in pursuit of a white nationalist apartheid nation. The Founders created public schools, libraries and the Post Office, and today's conservatives want all of them done away with.
Pure horseshit.
Maybe the 30 year old:
*Is sick of paying more taxes than Donald Trump.
*Is sick of the race baiting in the MAGA party.
*Cares more about other issues than groomers and CRT and doesn't see the MAGA party offering anything.
*Sees Boebart, Gozar, Greene, and all the election antics and thinks...nope!
Or maybe he's just some dumb demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie idiot with terminal TDS.

Stay in Commida because you have no idea WTF is going on here. Hate Crimes are crimes committed against likely Democrat voters (gays, minorities, freaks and weirdos) and gives the offenders additional penalties for committing crimes against these people. That's not equality and is a direct violation of our Equal Protection Under The Law clause of our Constitution, the document you commies hate so much.

Once again the ONLY argument you have against my post is that I'm a Canadian. Your assumption that I don't know what is going on in the USA, is based on YOUR ignorance, not mine, and since YOUR ignorance is based on your racism, homophobia, basic unhappiness with life, it's unlikely to change.

Since the day I joined this board, I've read your posts, hating one everyone and everything. You're the MOST unhappy person I've ever encountered. You've posted some of the most hateful rhetoric on this board.

You don't seek to uplift anyone, other than yourself. You've even stated that you never married or had a family because you wouldn't have had much retirement money if you had.

.I don't see a problem with hate crime charges. Do you see yourself as vulnerable to such charges???? Do you want to be free to hate with impunity?
Once again the ONLY argument you have against my post is that I'm a Canadian. Your assumption that I don't know what is going on in the USA, is based on YOUR ignorance, not mine, and since YOUR ignorance is based on your racism, homophobia, basic unhappiness with life, it's unlikely to change.

Since the day I joined this board, I've read your posts, hating one everyone and everything. You're the MOST unhappy person I've ever encountered. You've posted some of the most hateful rhetoric on this board.

You don't seek to uplift anyone, other than yourself. You've even stated that you never married or had a family because you wouldn't have had much retirement money if you had.

.I don't see a problem with hate crime charges. Do you see yourself as vulnerable to such charges???? Do you want to be free to hate with impunity?

It's not based on where you live that makes your ignorance of our country obvious, it's what you post that does. Our laws are not supposed to apply to people based on sexuality or race, our laws as our founders seen it was supposed to apply to everybody equally. When you talk about additional penalties for offending certain people hand picked by the Communists, that's not equality in the least. What does it matter why somebody murdered another human being? Murder is murder, and the family of the victim has to live with that for the rest of their lives. This is the mentality of the left "Bob got killed, but it makes me feel better he wasn't murdered because he was gay!" You leftists are sickos.

I'm not here to uplift anyone, I'm here to discuss US issues and politics. I hate very few people, but when I see our country in moral decay thanks to the left, I'm going to speak out about it whether anybody thinks that's hateful or not.
It's not based on where you live that makes your ignorance of our country obvious, it's what you post that does. Our laws are not supposed to apply to people based on sexuality or race, our laws as our founders seen it was supposed to apply to everybody equally. When you talk about additional penalties for offending certain people hand picked by the Communists, that's not equality in the least. What does it matter why somebody murdered another human being? Murder is murder, and the family of the victim has to live with that for the rest of their lives. This is the mentality of the left "Bob got killed, but it makes me feel better he wasn't murdered because he was gay!" You leftists are sickos.

I'm not here to uplift anyone, I'm here to discuss US issues and politics. I hate very few people, but when I see our country in moral decay thanks to the left, I'm going to speak out about it whether anybody thinks that's hateful or not.
It's not surprising that she doesn't understand America. She lives in the people's republic of Canada where they don't believe in freedom of speech or the right to protest. Canada is quickly sliding down the chut to the totalitarian abattoir. It won't be long now until they have Gulags and firing squads.
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Show where the Founders were conservatives. Show where the Constitution talks about "individualism" or "capitalism".
"nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
Hahaha…what you Libs call advancement is actually regression and degradation to all sane folks.

The Constitution was authored by freedom seeking, decent, moral, heterosexual white christian males…none of whom were Liberal.
The abolition of slavery turned blacks loose on white America…have you ever been to a black neighborhood?
Women voting has fucked America like nothing else has
”Worker rights” WTF….you have begged wetbacks to destroy worker rights and all blue collar work
”Environmental protection” WTF… in Flint, MI?

Lock away Liberals in Auschwitz style concentration camps And save America.

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