In a nation founded and built on conservatism, individualism and capitalism….why would a responsible 30+ adult lean left and vote Democrat?

These "gosh, why doesn't everyone see the world exactly like I do?" threads just don't stop.

If you're really curious, if you really want to know what people from the other end of the spectrum think, take a few of them out to lunch, ask questions, and actually listen to their responses without planning your next tactical partisan attack. Just listen. Like a normal, intelligent adult. Human empathy is not weakness, regardless of what you have been told.

In this day and age, the only reason to not have a fair and accurate understanding of the perspectives of others is that you're avoiding it out of fear.
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Maybe because the US wasn't built on 'conservatism'? On the contrary, it was built on what can be called 'anti-conservatism' at those times. Monarchy and state-imposed religion fall in this category, as an example.
Our country was founded by people that wanted separation from a federal government. There was nothing liberal about their philosophies. They understood that dependency on the federal government was a surrender of our liberties. The more you depend on the federal government, the more control they have over the people.

They believed all men were created equal, not that government should make everybody equal.
So they formed a federal government?

Our Country was founded on not wanting a monarchy, not wanting an upper class

That country was founded on local governments, state governments and federal government. Each having a role
People become more conservative as they get older, but many never recover from the brainwashing they experienced as children. My older brother is a perfect example. He's the only one in my family who votes Democrat - and he's a major slimeball.
When a good gop candidate is put forth let me know. Hasn't happened in many a moon. Even worse for Democrats.
Because Repubs have once again proven themselves to be too incompetent, disorganized, and disinterested to govern.
And this is the wrong narrative. The media, on both sides, will display for public consumption, the extremes of both sides which is what you espouse.

However, the mass of conservatives, whether full right, right-middle, or even middle-right, are not like that at all. They are the majority of the party that is silent. Why are they silent, because they take advantage of what this great country offers. Personal freedoms, education, the ability to work, earn, prosper, abide by the laws, etc., These people live their lives, day to day, raise families, teach the same morals and values and peacefully leave this world hopefully leaving a legacy. I'm not saying that all Dems aren't this, but again, the narrative, is the extremes on both sides. There are plenty of Dems that do the same, but the one controlling the media and the narrative want you to believe that the right are a bunch of orangeman loving right wing extremists. The right media wants you the believe that the left is a bunch of communists wanting to take away everything and have complete gov't control.

However, IN THE MIDDLE, is where the truth and the real issues and answer exist. The problem is that the majority can't even comprehend the middle ground and even a majority third party can exist.
The problem is political biased ignorance, and the politicians and media know it, thrive on it. And as long as most of America (represented in the microcosm of a forum) consume what the media and politicians want you to feed on, we are screwed.
These "gosh, why doesn't everyone see the world exactly like I do?" threads just don't stop.

If you're really curious, if you really want to know what people from the other end of the spectrum think, take a few of them out to lunch, ask questions, and actually listen to their responses without planning your next tactical partisan attack. Just listen. Like a normal, intelligent adult. Human empathy is not weakness, regardless of what you have been told.

In this day and age, the only reason to not have a fair and accurate understanding of the perspectives of others is that you're avoiding it out of fear.

It has been my experience that this cannot be done with a Democrat. I would love to have a discussion on the issues, but when presented with any information that threatens their ideology, they quickly become very defensive and all hope is lost. This is when the racist, homophobic, etc. comments start to fly. In fairness, I do understand that response to some extent in that when someone questions my religion(Christianity) it hits a nerve, though that is a much different subject in that faith comes into play. As demographics suggest, Democrats tend to be quite a bit less religious than Republicans and I think many of those Democrats put their faith in the Democratic platform vs any religion. That explains their sensitivity, but it makes it very difficult to actually discuss issues, much less change their minds.
So they formed a federal government?

Our Country was founded on not wanting a monarchy, not wanting an upper class

That country was founded on local governments, state governments and federal government. Each having a role
Low taxation...just saying. We are all used to the high taxes now and the pieces of shit that costs a lot rule the roost now. We all must be pieces of shit and slow down.


John Adams 2nd president of the USA.
These "gosh, why doesn't everyone see the world exactly like I do?" threads just don't stop.

If you're really curious, if you really want to know what people from the other end of the spectrum think, take a few of them out to lunch, ask questions, and actually listen to their responses without planning your next tactical partisan attack. Just listen. Like a normal, intelligent adult. Human empathy is not weakness, regardless of what you have been told.

In this day and age, the only reason to not have a fair and accurate understanding of the perspectives of others is that you're avoiding it out of fear.
I already know what they think. Hence, the cause of my ridicule.
So they formed a federal government?

Our Country was founded on not wanting a monarchy, not wanting an upper class

That country was founded on local governments, state governments and federal government. Each having a role

Our country was not founded on wanting an upper class? Wrong. They founded the country so that government stayed out of what class you put yourself in. It was none of the federal governments business. If you had some luck, worked hard and prospered, you should have the fruits of your labor. It was never their idea that a federal government come along, take what you created, and give it to other people as today's liberalism dictates.
Our country was not founded on wanting an upper class? Wrong. They founded the country so that government stayed out of what class you put yourself in. It was none of the federal governments business. If you had some luck, worked hard and prospered, you should have the fruits of your labor. It was never their idea that a federal government come along, take what you created, and give it to other people as today's liberalism dictates.

Sorry Skippy….

We hold these truths to be self evident……All men are created equal
So what does that have to do with what I wrote? Again, all men are created equal, not a federal government make people equal.

It took THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to make people equal.

The States were not willing to do it. The States went to war to keep people from being equal
It took THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to make people equal.

The States were not willing to do it. The States went to war to keep people from being equal

No, the federal government doesn't have the ability or power to make people equal. And it's against the belief of our founders. All men are created equal and what they do with their lives is none of the federal governments business. Our war between the states was to ensure rights extend to everybody within the country.


John Adams 2nd president of the USA.
That quote gets attributed to so many people
All incorrect
No, the federal government doesn't have the ability or power to make people equal. And it's against the belief of our founders. All men are created equal and what they do with their lives is none of the federal governments business. Our war between the states was to ensure rights extend to everybody within the country.

Afraid they do

Ask blacks, women, gays
It boils down the the mainstream media. The entire media attacks republicans while acting as cover for democrats. Combine it with elderly people who vote democrat because daddy supported FDR and a generation of young people who are victims of a poor government sponsored education system and you have a formula for democrats winning elections.

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