In a nation founded and built on conservatism, individualism and capitalism….why would a responsible 30+ adult lean left and vote Democrat?

Maybe the 30 year old:
*Is sick of paying more taxes than Donald Trump.
*Is sick of the race baiting in the MAGA party.
*Cares more about other issues than groomers and CRT and doesn't see the MAGA party offering anything.
*Sees Boebart, Gozar, Greene, and all the election antics and thinks...nope!
We all know why the young and unwise lean left and vote Dem….but those who have personal responsibilities and who have studied our history know the greatest nation on the globe was built in a very short time on the foundation of conservatism, individualism and capitalism….What would drive seemingly wise people to go so against the grain….why would they want to stop doing what we’ve always done?
What drives you to lean left and vote Democrat?

Because this country was originally based on the open frontier and cottage industries, which both no longer exist.
We saw what the result was around 1890 or so, with company towns, which was essentially slave labor, through economic extortion.
Anyone who does not admit by now that pure unbridled capitalism is economic slavery, has got to be an idiot.
So clearly we need protections like unions, anti-trust regulations, OSHA safety, medical access, widows, orphans, ADC, etc.
But those social programs is not the big drain.
The Military Industrial Complex is.
And once you count in military programs hidden under social labels, like VA and GIBill, and include all the military costs in the national debt, it is obvious that about 75% of our taxes is well welfare for the Military Industrial Complex.
Maybe the 30 year old:
*Is sick of paying more taxes than Donald Trump.
Like most billionaires, Trump has no earnings to pay taxes on.
Is that 30 year old sick of his tax dollars going to the cost of illegal beaners?
*Is sick of the race baiting in the MAGA party.
HUH? WTF….isn’t the Mexicrat Party the party of identity politics?
*Cares more about other issues than groomers and CRT and doesn't see the MAGA party offering anything.
“Issues”? You mean like fuel costs, inflation, interest rates and foreign affairs?
The Mexicrat Party is hardly a political party anymore…they are all about social construct.
*Sees Boebart, Gozar, Greene, and all the election antics and thinks...nope!
Yet says YEP to brain dead tools like Fetterman, racist old half vegetables like Biden, socialists like AOC and America haters like Ilhan Omar?
So what does that have to do with what I wrote? Again, all men are created equal, not a federal government make people equal.

Those who control existing capital, determine what portion of your own labor they will allow you to be given.
Those who control existing capital determine who gets elected, whether or not you will be allowed to work, buy a home, get medical access, etc.
The system is totally rigged and has nothing to do with merit or how hard you work.

I know because I work the system to my advantage.
I do not put out nearly the effort my tenants are forced to put out.
I had to work hard originally, but the way real estate had appreciated in value has totally eclipsed any sense of reality.
For example, the value of real estate in OR doubled in less than 6 years.
Clearly that is not fair, real, or at all equitable, and made millionaires out of people who did nothing at all to deserve it.
The wages have only gone up by less then 10% in the last decade, but housing has doubled in cost, medical costs doubled, consumer goods like food doubled, etc.
That means massive poverty.
And poverty means crime.
With the murder rate tripling in Portland.

That is not what any rational or fair person wants.
Because this country was originally based on the open frontier and cottage industries, which both no longer exist.
You thought America would need more people forever?
You thought people would run home-based businesses forever?

We saw what the result was around 1890 or so, with company towns, which was essentially slave labor, through economic extortion.
The “result” of what? America advancing?
Anyone who does not admit by now that pure unbridled capitalism is economic slavery, has got to be an idiot.
So clearly we need protections like unions, anti-trust regulations, OSHA safety, medical access, widows, orphans, ADC, etc.
How does pure economic freedom morph into economic slavery in your mind?
But those social programs is not the big drain.
The Military Industrial Complex is.
And once you count in military programs hidden under social labels, like VA and GIBill, and include all the military costs in the national debt, it is obvious that about 75% of our taxes is well welfare for the Military Industrial Complex.
The military industrial complex is an INVESTMENT that productive taxpaying Americans (the nations shot-callers) believe in for the most part while taxpayer dependent beggars would rather see more investment in ShaQuita, Guadalupe and their baby factories….Sadly for you, us positive contributors like to see a ROi.
Those who control existing capital, determine what portion of your own labor they will allow you to be given.
Those who control existing capital determine who gets elected, whether or not you will be allowed to work, buy a home, get medical access, etc.
The system is totally rigged and has nothing to do with merit or how hard you work.

I know because I work the system to my advantage.
I do not put out nearly the effort my tenants are forced to put out.
I had to work hard originally, but the way real estate had appreciated in value has totally eclipsed any sense of reality.
For example, the value of real estate in OR doubled in less than 6 years.
Clearly that is not fair, real, or at all equitable, and made millionaires out of people who did nothing at all to deserve it.
The wages have only gone up by less then 10% in the last decade, but housing has doubled in cost, medical costs doubled, consumer goods like food doubled, etc.
That means massive poverty.
And poverty means crime.
With the murder rate tripling in Portland.

That is not what any rational or fair person wants.

But all the things you listed, people voted for.

Dementia promised he would end fossil fuel, and everything cost wise is related to fossil fuel. Democrats are renown for creating more government dependents which led to the labor and supply chain shortage. He promised to stop the border wall construction because everybody knows they are for open borders, and that means the price of housing and rents will rise with millions of new people pouring in because land and housing is like anything else, supply and demand. The less supply and higher demand, the higher the prices go.

People determine what they are worth, not any capitalist. A capitalist will only pay enough to get a worker to do the job they offer. It's no different than what you or I do when we need a major car repair, a remodeling job on our house, a lawn care company. We pay the least price possible for the work we need done. Everybody does the same thing.
Maybe the 30 year old:
*Is sick of paying more taxes than Donald Trump.
*Is sick of the race baiting in the MAGA party.
*Cares more about other issues than groomers and CRT and doesn't see the MAGA party offering anything.
*Sees Boebart, Gozar, Greene, and all the election antics and thinks...nope!

Most 30 year olds don't come close to what Trump pays in taxes. It's the Communists who are race baiters, not the Republicans.
Those are rights vs making everybody financially equal, equal in intelligence, equal in talent, equal in education.
Who the FUK said anything about financially equal?

We are talking equality in the eyes of the law

Something the FEDERAL Government forced the States to do
Who the FUK said anything about financially equal?

We are talking equality in the eyes of the law

Something the FEDERAL Government forced the States to do

Because the entire conversation started when you made the claim that it was liberalism that made our country. Liberalism is about trying to make everybody financially equal. That's why you people are constantly crying about taking more money from the wealthy, and giving it to people who created nothing. Leftists constantly cry when a company is making record profits and don't share that with all their employees. It's leftists that destroy neighborhoods by putting their lowlifes into the suburbs where people worked up to live in a nice area. The Communists are constantly trying to make people equal on a financial level.
Maybe the 30 year old:
*Is sick of paying more taxes than Donald Trump.
*Is sick of the race baiting in the MAGA party.
*Cares more about other issues than groomers and CRT and doesn't see the MAGA party offering anything.
*Sees Boebart, Gozar, Greene, and all the election antics and thinks...nope!
Trump already pays far more in taxes than Trump

Democrats are the source of al the race baiting, douchebag.

Does he care about securing our border? Reducing the deficit? Honest elections? Are you admitting that you don't care about CRT and groomers in your schools?

The list of Democrat kooks is a long one.
Because the entire conversation started when you made the claim that it was liberalism that made our country. Liberalism is about trying to make everybody financially equal. That's why you people are constantly crying about taking more money from the wealthy, and giving it to people who created nothing. Leftists constantly cry when a company is making record profits and don't share that with all their employees. It's leftists that destroy neighborhoods by putting their lowlifes into the suburbs where people worked up to live in a nice area. The Communists are constantly trying to make people equal on a financial level.

No liberalism is not about making everyone equal. That is just RW Fear Mongering and Misinformation

However, Liberals have fought to make sure our laws treat everyone equal.
Nobody proposes taking from the rich and giving to the poor.
We do propose not helping the rich when they don’t need it and requiring the rich to contribute more to the society they prosper from
No liberalism is not about making everyone equal. That is just RW Fear Mongering and Misinformation

However, Liberals have fought to make sure our laws treat everyone equal.
Nobody proposes taking from the rich and giving to the poor.
We do propose not helping the rich when they don’t need it and requiring the rich to contribute more to the society they prosper from

Yeah, right. Liberals are for treating everybody equal. You mean like hate crime laws that treat everybody equal? Or affirmative action? How about giving extra credit on college exams for people of color while taking points away from Asian Americans? Some flake puts on a dress and now he competes in female sports in school robbing real girls of their trophies and possible college scholarships. Is that what you call equality?

So tell me, who do you think is paying to put lowlifes in the suburbs? Who is paying for free or discounted internet for the so-called poor? Who do you think pays for all those food stamps? The homeless?
Every major advancement in this country came from liberals

Constitution, abolition of slavery, women’s suffrage, worker rights, environmental protection, gay rights

Thank a liberal
We all know why the young and unwise lean left and vote Dem….but those who have personal responsibilities and who have studied our history know the greatest nation on the globe was built in a very short time on the foundation of conservatism, individualism and capitalism….What would drive seemingly wise people to go so against the grain….why would they want to stop doing what we’ve always done?
What drives you to lean left and vote Democrat?

Because your nation was not founded on the principles of "conservatism, individualism, and capitalism".

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

These are the principles your nation was founded on. There isn't one word there about "individuality, conservatism, or capitalism". In fact, this is about collectism, "We the people, in order to form a more perfect union".

General welfare was a founding principle, not "individualism". Establishing a Just nation was a founding principle. Creating a peaceful nation, was a founding principle. Equality as well. These are all liberal ideas, and in a world where nations were ruled by kings and queens, by Divine Right bestowed by the Catholic Church, the idea that the people would govern themselves, was as wild and crazy liberal as it gets.

Your nation was founded by flaming liberals on principles of justice and freedom. Things that the Republican Party abandoned after the Civil War to appease the South.

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