In a Perfect World...

I think a better game - or at least an equally good game is: what will be different if we pull out two years from now or today?

Will sunnis and shiites not want to kill each other anymore?

Will sunni and shiite members of the Iraqi armed forces stay together as cohesive units or will they support their sect?
If in 2 years the Iraq Government is strong enough to control their borders and strong enough to provide internal security the answer will be we have done our job.

Now answer the question.... If we left tomorrow what would happen?
I think a better game - or at least an equally good game is: what will be different if we pull out two years from now or today?

Will sunnis and shiites not want to kill each other anymore?

Will sunni and shiite members of the Iraqi armed forces stay together as cohesive units or will they support their sect

why should I answer YOUR question when you didn't answer mine?
but I will, anyway...

I think that sunnis and shiites will continue to kill one another.

I think that we could very well use some strong diplomacy to limit the involvement of Syria and Saudi Arabia in supporting the sunnis and similarly, Iran in supporting the shiites. We could continue to provide support for the Iraqi politicians to assist them in reaching a political solution.... but no doubt, there would be a bloodbath.... and there will, in my estimation, be a bloodbath whenever we leave.... and the sunnis and shiites will kill each other until they have a belly full of it... and then they will finally drag their bloody sects to the bargaining table and figure out how to divide Iraq into three semi-autonomous states.... and even then, sectarian violence will continue at some lesser degree on into the distant distant future.

I think that EXACTLY that will happen whenever we leave Iraq....

the only difference will be OUR body count.
Well... In an Almost Perfect World...

Wouldn't it be great if the EU and all of their countries, the UN whole heartedly, and the surrounding middle east countries around Iraq would decide that for their own personal benefit, it would be in their very best interest, to send peace keepers, and forces, and humanitarians, and electritians, and plumbers, and teachers, and doctors and nurses in to Iraq so that it could stand as a country in peace?

I know it is a dream, but man oh man, we really could use some help with our "mess ups"....

Why isn't groveling permitted? Is it a "male hormone" thing or what? I would have been on my knees already if I were President, begging for forgiveness in flubbing it and asking for help from our allies....groveling, so to say, for the help! :D


In a real perfect world............


  • $laurelandhardy.gif
    6.7 KB · Views: 58
but I will, anyway...

I think that sunnis and shiites will continue to kill one another.

I think that we could very well use some strong diplomacy to limit the involvement of Syria and Saudi Arabia in supporting the sunnis and similarly, Iran in supporting the shiites. We could continue to provide support for the Iraqi politicians to assist them in reaching a political solution.... but no doubt, there would be a bloodbath.... and there will, in my estimation, be a bloodbath whenever we leave.... and the sunnis and shiites will kill each other until they have a belly full of it... and then they will finally drag their bloody sects to the bargaining table and figure out how to divide Iraq into three semi-autonomous states.... and even then, sectarian violence will continue at some lesser degree on into the distant distant future.

I think that EXACTLY that will happen whenever we leave Iraq....

the only difference will be OUR body count.

The way to deal with this problem.......


  • $laurelandhardy.gif
    12.8 KB · Views: 72
but I will, anyway...

I think that sunnis and shiites will continue to kill one another.

I think that we could very well use some strong diplomacy to limit the involvement of Syria and Saudi Arabia in supporting the sunnis and similarly, Iran in supporting the shiites. We could continue to provide support for the Iraqi politicians to assist them in reaching a political solution.... but no doubt, there would be a bloodbath.... and there will, in my estimation, be a bloodbath whenever we leave.... and the sunnis and shiites will kill each other until they have a belly full of it... and then they will finally drag their bloody sects to the bargaining table and figure out how to divide Iraq into three semi-autonomous states.... and even then, sectarian violence will continue at some lesser degree on into the distant distant future.

I think that EXACTLY that will happen whenever we leave Iraq....

the only difference will be OUR body count.

Which of course ignores the history of this Country ( you remember the one just drawn up in London). Except Coups please provide historical reference to all the Civil War fighting that has gone on in the entire history of Iraq. Some data please, to back up your claim.
Provide us with examples of this supposed event when we leave. You know , examples of army units attacking one another, of Police attacking one another.

Provide us with actual facts and figures to support the erroneous claim that Iraq is in the throes of a Civil War now. Shouldn't be hard at all you and the press keep saying it is so.
Provide us with examples of this supposed event when we leave. You know , examples of army units attacking one another, of Police attacking one another.

Provide us with actual facts and figures to support the erroneous claim that Iraq is in the throes of a Civil War now. Shouldn't be hard at all you and the press keep saying it is so.

There is no civil war going on in Iraq much to the disamy of the anti war - pro surrender left
Which of course ignores the history of this Country ( you remember the one just drawn up in London). Except Coups please provide historical reference to all the Civil War fighting that has gone on in the entire history of Iraq. Some data please, to back up your claim.

I have no intention of providing you with a series of links that would create an historical primer about the split off of followers of Ali, Muhammed's son -in-law in the 750s.... I have no intention of detailing the long and contentious relationship between sunnis and shiites in the region....I have no intention of explaining the sunni dominance of the majority shiite population that came as a natural follow-on to Ottoman (sunni) rule over the area. I have no desire to go into any detail about the problems of sunni-shiite violence that plagued the Brit's from 1919-32 when they finally gave up on Iraq.....

but, by all means, feel free to study the area and the interaction of sects and geopgraphy and politics. Take a course or two. I have.
I have no intention of providing you with a series of links that would create an historical primer about the split off of followers of Ali, Muhammed's son -in-law in the 750s.... I have no intention of detailing the long and contentious relationship between sunnis and shiites in the region....I have no intention of explaining the sunni dominance of the majority shiite population that came as a natural follow-on to Ottoman (sunni) rule over the area. I have no desire to go into any detail about the problems of sunni-shiite violence that plagued the Brit's from 1919-32 when they finally gave up on Iraq.....

but, by all means, feel free to study the area and the interaction of sects and geopgraphy and politics. Take a course or two. I have.

How can MM provide proof when he has none?

Normally he just makes up his facts as he goes along
If in 2 years the Iraq Government is strong enough to control their borders and strong enough to provide internal security the answer will be we have done our job.

Now answer the question.... If we left tomorrow what would happen?

If we left tomorrow, the whole place would explode into a huge burning fireball of human death.

And the US would look like a dick.

Or it would explode into piece and happiness. and the Iraqi people would some how, by the grace of their god, sort out their differences and live in harmony.

But most likely the Shiite would gain control through a majority government, and become best buds with Iran, and then start building and army and massing weapons, then attack Israel. Where the largest US military base in the region is located.

It would appear that anything short of piece is ah not soo goudah.
If we left tomorrow, the whole place would explode into a huge burning fireball of human death.

And the US would look like a dick.

Or it would explode into piece and happiness. and the Iraqi people would some how, by the grace of their god, sort out their differences and live in harmony.

But most likely the Shiite would gain control through a majority government, and become best buds with Iran, and then start building and army and massing weapons, then attack Israel. Where the largest US military base in the region is located.

It would appear that anything short of piece is ah not soo goudah.

You may want to get new talking points - The Dems are about to cave on their surrender plan

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